design my living room

design my living room

- carson is the dog, and i amthe cat in our relationship. he's like, love me, loveme, love me, love me, and i'm like, oh, i'll think about it. - not quite yet. we ended up settling upon this place, and we walked in and immediately,we saw the tall ceilings. it had an actual placewe can park outside, and i was like, oh my,take my money please. but we have, as you cansee, a lot of space to fill.

- i'm a little bit bohemian when it comes to my personal style. i know that carson's not asbohemian as i am (laughs). - if we have a huge room,we're gonna need a big tv. - how big a tv do you want? - um, is there really asize that's big enough? (upbeat drum music) search for the couch first, obviously. - yep, modern couch.

- modern couch. - look at that one, wow! you could seat like 10 people on that. - that looks really nice. - let's make a bid. - let's chat with nicholas y. - nicholas, why don't youwant your couch anymore? it's beautiful. i think he's going to love that message.

- standing desk, how about this one? - that is cool, i don'teven care where she lives. i want it. - maybe like a floor lamp? - [miranda] oh, that's cool. - i got a bunch of messages. - wilson the cat. - we can put an emoji. how about the droolingpuppy that says how much?

- okay, perfect. i think that's everything. - we like gotta start topick some of this stuff up. we're gonna start allthe way up in studio city to get your standing desk, and then we're just gonna make a big loop around going to west hollywood, koreatown, mid-wilshire, miraclemile, and then finally back to hollywood, and then to our house.

so, it's a long day, butwe do have one of the vans following us, so we canput all the big things in there, make it really easy. - and you're driving,so my job's really easy. - it is, you could just sithere and do nothing, i guess. - no, i'll probably keep shopping. - no, we have so much.- just a couple more things. - we are so close tobeing over our budget. - i'm gonna look for like one more lamp.

let's look at throw pillows. i'm just gonna look for plants (laughs). (screams happily) it's so cool! (upbeat music) (uptempo drum music) - all right, off to get the couch. - yeah, and then we're close to home. - but we may need to runone little more stop. - oh, the tv.

- it's awesome. - it looks just like the real chair. let's see, oh! - do you have ten? - oh, he comes and asks for change. let's see, you're lucky. - hey! (laughs) all right, man. - you buy a couch. - hello, couch.

- we get the rug, andthat leaves literally just enough to get your tv. - it does? - just enough. oh my gosh, you're sohappy right now (laughs). - what are all the letters? - four k, hd, two 40 hz - led, yes!

(upbeat bongo music) - [couple] we did it! - i'm honestly surprisedthat we got it done. looking around at this room,it has so much character. our previous furniture hasall been from big box stores, and it is not nearly this charming. - everyone we interactedwith today was so nice. - yeah. - and like, take their lightly-used stuff,

and now it's a part ofour home, and that's just kind of awesome. - and i'm shocked thatcarson hasn't mentioned this. he got his tv. - i got the tv! (upbeat electric guitar music)

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