living room colors

you're ready to redecorate your living roombut don't know where to begin. no problem. we'll help you go from drab to fab in stages,adding plenty of color along the way. keep the good and ditch the bad. let the good bethe foundation for what you add in other stages. here, we kept the sofa, chair, and floralcovering since they are both in great condition. fill out your space with additional must-havepieces, like a coffee table or a chic bar cart. then, find a starting point for yourcolor scheme, such as a fun pattern. these botanical drapes are a great foundation fora vibrant color. start small. choose one color from your pattern and sprinkle it in. we introduceda shade of pink, which can be seen in the pillows, rug, throw, and other details. branchout and pick another accent color. they work
well in pairs, not alone. here, we use citronsince it tempers the sweet pink nicely. also, as you work in your new colors, keep eliminatingodd ball items that don't fit in. trade in dinky lamps for ones of a more proportionatescale to better suit the room. make your rooms a reflection of you. incorporate finds fromyour travels, flee market hunts, even your family heirlooms. and a secret to making anyroom sing? touches of nature. try a fiddle-leaf fig tree in the corner or a bouquet of flowerson the coffee table when company is coming. work your way through each stage, and you'llsoon be living in a room full of character and color.