master bedroom designs

hi, i'm ann myrick, and today i'm going toshow you how to decorate a master bedroom. do you have the furniture or do we need tobuy the furniture? we need to think about are we going to, do we have pieces we're goingto use. if not, are we going to buy a, a total new room of furniture? or what pieces arewe going to use? what you want to do, with pen and paper, you want to come in to yourbedroom and i would always take my measurement with me. so write down the measurement ofthe room, look at the room, look at, think about the spacing of the room where you wantthe bed. do you need a side table, do you want two side tables? do you want a comfortablechair? do you need an armoire? do you need a chest? do you need a tall chest or a chestto put a television on? just think through
what all is going to go in to this room. nowi like buy, i like the process of buying. i don't like to go any buy everything becausei don't like sets of furniture. sets of furniture is a little dated, so i like going to differentsources and buying different textures and different materials. first thing, if you'regoing to buy, first thing i would say is we need to deal with the bed. what kind of beddo we want, do we have the bed that we're going to use or do we, are we going to buya new bed? so, let's think about the bed, decide what style you like. do you like classic?do you like traditional? think about the bed, buy the bed, put in the room. once, sometimesthe bed will just take over the room, so you really need to do the process of buying thebed, decide if it's a queen, decide if it's
a king, put the bed in. and then do you wanta side table, or do you want a side table and something else or a chair? in this room,the bed is in the middle of the floor. i don't like a lot of furniture in a master bedroom.and so, but you will see that instead of having everything a like, this is very eclectic,and nearly everything is different, or everything is different. i have pine mixed with a darkerwood, mixed with glass and metal, and just, it's just a whole eclectic look. so, lookat what you need, don't over buy, and don't over pack your room, and just have fun withit. and move things around until it really gets to the place that you, it really worksfor you. this is ann myrick, and that is how to decorate a master bedroom.