how to make a working bathtub today i'll make a bathtub you can fill and empty by the press of a button! first, i'll make a bit of a demo room for it.. the bathtub will fit in nicely in any bathroom with any style. i'm going for a simplistic look. now for the bathtub itself! i like using chiseled quartz for the bottom since it kind of looks like the patterns used to prevent you from slipping. the tripwire hook is purely decorative, it's supposed to look like a bath foucet.
nice and easy! if you want to make a working hot tub instead, you can use the link to my tutorial for that in the description! adding a towel nearby and possibly a rug for the your feet makes it fit in perfectly! if you're unsure how to make the rest of your bathroom, visit my channel and i'll help you out!
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