bilder im badezimmer aufhängen

hey guys double peace you can see i am sweating a little bit and that's because i installed something which will revolutionize the german air conditioner sector or perhaps, even destroy because i got a cheap tip for you you know i am fat so i am sweating a lot and my flat here ahm..
it's because i'm afraid of spiders i always keep my windows closed and never open them my room got like 35â°c and i'm living in the upper floor which is another problem and now i'm gonna show you 'cause we all know that air condition devices require a lot of power and i wanted to compete with that and will now show you what i -in cooperation with my intelligent brain- have created get ready!
i'm going to open the door now *sick beatbox* alright i'm turning you around again to explain you the whole setup a bit further for all of you who haven't been paying attention in school that's air. that's a wet towel.i should turn it upside-down doesn't matter, it's just to demonstrate i kept the door shut in order to feel the effect and i can feel it already
it really is a bummer that you cannot see it through the camera but this his how it is: those thingies here are blowing air towards this thingie here. it's wet. and air causes drought and drought causes.. or rather humidity is combined with drought and that causes low temperature -exactly. because this evaporates
cold is caused and you won't believe it the room approximately has 15â°c believe it or not these leds serve a certain purpose i'm gonna switch this here, to show see the lightning conditions are weak but this lamp this lamp up here has 40 degrees ehm, 40w.
now i already said it beforehand and causes extreme heat that's why i got these the ceiling lamp is just switched on because of the video to enable you to get what i'm talking about down here i've done the exact same thing, i got a bigger fan here you can choose the size of your fan by your own favor i've done the same thing here as well with that towel theoreratically you could also
i've got those kitchen towels you just throw them in the tub like this and put them up like this put it nicely up here to let it dry and that causes low temperatures and you won't believe how pleasant it is in here and if you wait a little if my three screens would be turned off for example
and the pc it really gets colder in here but i keep the door shut now, a moment ago i had my chair in here to sit in the bath and check whatsapp and do stuff on my phone it's so pleasant, you would'nt believe it believe it or not it works just fine all you need is a tiny bathroom if your bathroom is like 50mâ² this won't work but you see what my bathroom looks like
that's like 2mâ² -no problem. all you need is a plug socket to begin with additionally, an extension cable depending on how long your cables are these are all usb-powered fans that was my first one and those are the ones i'm still using time to wet that again
it's dripping a bit on the floor, but that's okay for now i simply use the shirt to dry it oh, my toilet paper is not supposed to get wet then you need a usb-hub -three inputs where enough in my case- and a phone charger, such a usb thingie, very important and this here -to be able to adjust the colours as you want in my case i'm choosing it does not work
hello? ah yes, now it does as if white isn't functioning doesn't matter anyway as i said that's just for the lightning because they don't produce as much heat as the ceiling lamp which got two light bulbs in it.. no only one but it emits much more heat than this which we do not want.
yeah, that's what i wanted to show you i finally accomplished to defeat the summer heat. i told you all you gotta need. the only thing you cannot just buy is a tiny bathroom. depending on your bath's and your tub's size or how many ways you have to make things wet ( í¡â° íœê– í¡â°) or how many fans you have, you may be able to do it yourselves even with bigger bathrooms but this is the optimal solution
no kidding, i'm almost freezing, it's so insane and it just works perfectly very important: i put two plates under the fan which is a bit wet now anyway, but okay the fan is electrically powered guys it's electrically powered, that's why i put it up on plates to keep it from any water contact that's important, keep that in mind. if you liked that tip and if you are convinced of its functionality.. i tell you
it's a.. oh my god such a big difference, in here it's digustingly warm now i'm going back to the bathroom and switch off the lights shut the door and now i can chill out with my phone in here all day long that's such a nice feeling and i'm gonna make the best out of it gonna make that wet again
just try it yourselves if i could help you i'd appreciate if you'd leave a like or subscribe i believe there are even more useful tips i could give you which are being developed by my imagination send me pictures of whatsapp.. errrrm i don't even have a community whatsapp group anymore also stop texting me via the old number just send me pictures via snapchat to show if it worked for you give the whole thing some.. you don't just set it up and it's 15â°c instantly
give the whole thing half an hour definitely close the door and trust me -this works, this works perfectly all i wanted to say -i'm sweating a bit now because i'm walking around while i'm talking which is extremely exhausting if you liked it well i already said what happens i'm totally excited because i finally could give you a useful tip yeah, this has been all been (he says it that way)
take one more look at this and that had been all been