careful of the neck! careful of the neck! i'm just trying to make my arm look as muscular hey what's up you guys, i'm travis and i'm jack. today we're going to be doing the shock ball challenge showcase it jack attack ouch. wait, what hurts when i do that? i'm not flexible and it just like breaks. you cannot lift up any morethan you're doing

first of all your hitting my balls now so let's get right into that challenge hops here for 1 to 100 players.pass the shocking ball amongst you and your friends. the shocking ball gives randomelectric shocks to unsuspecting victims. you drop the ball you're out. lastperson in wins. it glows when a shock is being admitted ok since we did a terrible job ofexplaining, the professional youtubers that we are. the rules aresimple pick a category example dogs say a dog no repeating and pass the ball

somebody gets shocked. get shocked three timesand you lose. bye. see you later so you guys, whoever loses their three lives first loses obviously and you guys were just so mascfor masc with our screwdrivers we're pulling this thing open. puttingbatteries in. daddy's in the neighborhood alrigh, we're just going right into it then. what's the category? what's the category? category is video games any type of video game. ready? ok. paper mario.....crash bandicoot.... marioparty....parasite eve....super kids

banana tuile...ah, fuck!! call of duty. banjo-kazooie fuck!!! did you get you? yes!! what is that?? does it hurt? it's very...oh that's so strange wait, so i won the first round? i don't like that. ok, that makes me more nervous. is it on?is it still on?

did it vibrate when it did it to you? is it on? i don't know. i think you have to turn it on every time that's probably it! it's on. it's on?? it's doing it again? it's doing it again? it's doing it again? what's happening jack? i don't know! what's is happening? we need to throw it out the window? you can't run away though. you can't run away. you have to hold still and take it because we lose our color. i can't help it. i must flee. thismakes me really nervous though now.

the next category colors oh my god jack! okay. look i need abreak oh jeez! this is even worse for me because i know what it feels like i'm so fucking nervous'm so bad fuck!!! why does this happen? did it get you again? ready? jesus! i'm gonna shit when i get shocked.

you're gonna see me shit all over this bed. this is the worst thing i'veever done. can we do this round asmr? noo! we're not going to jump into asmr how about cartoons? no, i don't know very many cartoons. well aren't you not in luck you're thinking of them allright now. i'm just gonna name a category and i'm gonna jump right into it. ready? oh no, cartoon is fine. types of pie is this one??

apple!...cherrie...peach...blackberry...blueberry... rhubarb...raspberry....peach...coconut pie! you can't do that!! i don't care. you cannot do that! i fucking can't do it okay, so you know what i'll do? you have to hold it until it shocks you now. so the punishment i'm going to hold the ball two shocks me put it in your hands oh my gosh, i have to do now? i just have to hold it. you have to hold it. is it doing it? is it doing it? no! it's not on yet. jack! jack!

you have to hold this. it's so hard for me to hold this. it's so hard for me to hold it...jack! jack! it's not even on!!! i'm sweating ready? oh my gosh. jack i know it's going to come now. i know it's going to come you are going to do it!! it did it. it did not! i swear it did it. it did not! don't throw it at me when it's going off. i did it. it shocked me. i'm going to make you rub it against your balls. aah! jack it keeps getting me

every time i grab it. i like watching you squat next to it. like a little kid like squashing ants. you're like trying to poke the hole. i'm down one. jack, jack you only have to lose one more time before this game's over with. ok okay, it's one. types of soda coke...pepsi... diet coke...mountain dew...root beer... ahh grape soda.... soda...cherry pop ahh code red.... fanta...fanta did it shock you? no, it didn't. yes it. i threw it again. i can't hold the ball.

okay, hold it fuck oh my god jack. we need to find the thing. jack is it done? it should have shocked you ahh, jesus christ!! oh, what??? oh my god that's the worst feeling. like pinches your hand. it like makes your muscles in your hands like flex. our last round ok but, before we end

though who do you guys think is gonna win thislast round? let us know in the comment section below obviously me. no fruits. ok grape...pear mango..... fuck!!! no!!!! did it get you? did it get you?

yes!! i'm the winner you won the pie face challenge so this is only fair that i come back for my redemption in this oneand i make a come back so now we're even yeah we are. but you know just as long as i have you i'm always a winner. oh my god i'm not gonna say that that's the cheesestshit i ever said in my life! this shock ball right here we're not using it everagain so leave a comment below with your instagram handle next to it and say "iwant the ball"... that can be taken out of

context, but you guys know what we mean and then we'll send the ball to you we'll send a personalized message how about that? yeah. from us to you. it has our dna on it. so i guess let's go back to travis andjack in the living room to wrap this thing up back up back up are we out of focus? ok go for this!! ok. do it say it! so that's it for this challenge you guys. wait, this is terrible. thank you guys so much for watching i can't see your face. thank you so much for watching! subscribe. we're even if we're not boyfriends we're on track

or whatever the saying is. i'm not i'm jack and your travis. let me say it. say it then!! this this can't last forever! uhm that's itthank you guys for watching this video please be sure to give it a like. subscribe and remember i'm travis and i'm jack and boyfriends or not we got your back bye guys

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