dekoration im bad

cramps normally appear after intense physicalactivity, when your body isn't able to absorb the oxygen necessary, in order to producethe glucose oxidation, and there is an excessive accumulation of lactic acid. the lack of minerals such as magnesium andpotassium is another cause: excessive sweating depletes these minerals and electrolytes,causing cramps. other common causes are: - diabetes;- exposure to low temperatures; - circulation problems;- hypothyroidism; - bad posture;- anemia;
- stress. in order to avoid cramps, you need to followsome simple tips. first of all, you should drink lots of water,both before and after physical activity. if your cramps are caused by a lack of electrolytes,you should eat foods that are rich in magnesium, sodium, calcium and potassium; fruits andvegetables such as celery, cress, carrots, banana, tomato, and citrus fruits, which containvitamin c and improve circulation. stretching exercises can also help, due tothe fact that they improve the communication between your sensory and brain receptors. here are 3 easy juice recipes that help preventcramps:
recipe 1 wash three celery stalks and blend them witha little water. mix well. next, squeeze an orange and mix it with thecelery juice. drink one cup a day. recipe 2 wash, peel, and juice a tomato. next, pour the juice in an ice tray and putit in the freezer. finally, wash, juice, and peel one cucumberand two celery stalks.
strain the juice and add the tomato juicecubes. try decorating your drink with a sprig ofparsley. drink one cup every morning, recipe 3 boil two spoonfuls of ginger in a cup of waterfor ten minutes. let it cool and drink a cup before going tobed. do you suffer from cramps? have you tried any of these recipes? tell us what you think!