inspiration zimmer einrichten

inspiration zimmer einrichten

hi my name is claire jordan, i'm the leadnurse for patient engagement and education in primary care at aneurin bevan. i'm really excited today to be part of thisdec my zimmer campaign which has come about through the shimmer my zimmer to decorate allthese fabulous zimmer frames. not just for the fun aspect for christmas butbecause the importance of trying to reduce falls. grey zimmer frames are very hard for peoplewith dementia to see, so we know that if we colour them and decorate them, they are somuch more noticable, people are much more likely to use them, and much less likely tofall as a result.

my name is james gough and i'm project leadfor the falls response service, which is a partnership between the ambulance serviceand the health board. we're here today with a decorated zimmer forwast, all with a blue light as well. we're here to put a serious message acrossthat by making the zimmers colourful it can reduce the risk of falls and hopefully we'llhave a really fun day at the same time. there are many challenges facing our publicservices but perhaps the biggest challenge of all is how we put life, love and laughterback into public service. nowhere more important than people livingin our care homes across wales. the work being led by aneurin bevan and it'spartners is outstanding, it's public service

leadership at it's best. because of this there will be people livingin their care homes who have days that they wake up to and look forward to. there will be people who will make new friends,people who are not lonely, people who have the very best possible quality of life. we've had some of the children from st joseph'sschool in tredegar who've taken part in the dec my zimmer campaign and helped us to dothe decorating. so this zimmer was made by the nursery inour school and we've represented it. it was really fun because it was really coolto see the nursery children do such an amazing

thing and i'm really proud of it i am. dec my zimmer!!!

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