küche und wohnzimmer getrennt

hey guys! i’m in bratislava, slovakia at my airbnband i wanted to give you a quick tour to show you what your money can get in bratislava. we’re right downtown in a really good location. this apartment is $62.50 canadian a night,which is about $49 us dollars per night. so i just wanted to give you an idea of what you can get hereif you ever wanted to come to bratislava. so let me show you around. this is our foyer by the way.
and then this is the kitchenand this is actually my favourite room because there’s a nice big table to sit and eat and work and then the cabinets are original. well, sort of original. the building’s from the 30sand the cabinets are from like the 50s or 60s and our airbnb host said that he liked them so muchthat he decided to keep them so i’m glad he did because, i think it’s nice to keep original touches like that. this airbnb listing is called ebony & ivoryand i feel like looking at the decor as we walk around,
you’ll start to understand why that is. this is the living room. i also just love how light and bright it is. the funniest thing in this roomis this gigantic life-size dog, which when we first walked in,both marc and i thought was a real dog and i got really excited ‘cause i’ve neverhad a dog come with an airbnb before. i wouldn’t be opposed to it to be honest‘cause i love dogs. but in the middle of the night like when you’re getting upto go to the bathroom or something, it freaks me out every single time.
i always think it’s a real dog. so, that’s our airbnb pet. the toilet and the shower are separate in this apartment,which is quite common in europe. so the toilet is right by the front doorand then the shower is closer to the bedroom. this is the bedroom. there’s another sofa, a nice big bedand then my favourite part… reading lamps, which i really appreciate. so that’s the tour. that’s the whole airbnb.
that’s what $49 us dollars a nightlooks like in bratislava, slovakia. i hope that you found this helpful. i will also link this ebony & ivory apartmentdown below if you’re interested. don’t forget to subscribe to the channelfor lots more videos and if you like videos like this and you want to see more,give it a thumbs up and leave a comment down below and i’ll see you in my next video. bye! god i desperately need to own a real live pet.