leseecke wohnzimmer gestalten

(knocking) - oh, hey girl, come on in, welcome to my crib! so i just got my apartmentcompletely redone by my girls mary and leah from a fab life. they hooked a brotherup with so much stuff from my favorite stores, and flea markets, and apt2b.com, and iwas like, "oh my gosh, "i love this place."
i did an apartment tour in san francisco, y'all loved that, so i was like, "you know what, i need todo a new apartment tour, "now that i'm living in lawith this amazing place." so, let's get down to business. oh, hey, welcome to my room. this is where all themagic happens (laughs) i have no excuse for this. so as you can see, i'm kind of obsessed
with british boys, ijust love a nice accent, and a beautiful man attached. but, there's one exception to the rule, and that is the one manwho made it onto the wall, among all the british boys, my one (mumbles). okay, so this littleshelf is a whole bunch of trinkets and things thati've collected over the years, fortune cookies that i've collected,
a postcard that the (mumbles) project sent me the first time i ever made a video about them, they sent me. every time i go to disneyland, i gotta wear a hat, and those are my hats. okay, so now, let's gocheck out my closet. i have hoodies, and my sweaters, and my vision board, and my jeans, and all my short-sleeve button downs,
a whole bunch of t-shirts and everything. everything that you've ever seen me wear is from this room. let's go on over to my study. this is where i edit, andyou may recognize that, it was the background in my old videos. sometimes i film inhere, sometimes i don't. but this is where all the editing happens. here is my living room,and it is, like i said,
completely done by maryand leah from a fab life, they knew exactly what i wanted. i told them i wantedit to be grandma chic, and a whole bunch of trinkets and stuff, and mismatched and floral, and something that my grandmaand my grandpa could have in their apartment ifthey were cool and hip, so that was the goal, and ithink we really accomplished it, and let's dive in a little deeper.
first and foremost, i was really nervous to get a couch because iwas like, "i don't know "how i'm going to frame the room." but we got this couch from apt2b.com, and i absolutely am in love with it. i want something thatpeople can just come over and lounge in, and feelcomfortable to just hang out, and i want an apartmentthat is just super chill, and super fun and casual.
so we got this, i love it, we got all these different pillows from a whole bunch of different places. so when we were trying to figure out how we were going todecorate this little couch, we got all those pillows, and i was like, "we needa throw of some sort." and the girls over ata fab life were like, "this is going to be amazing."
i didn't know what their game plan was, but now that i have it on my couch, i don't know how i would live without it. i'm obsessed with it,i think it's from ikea. and like i said, i really like floral. but it's not just floralthat i'm obsessed with. i'm also obsessed with antlers. and finally, i am alsoobsessed with globes. so i got this record player on fab.com,
i fell in love with it, and i had never had any vinyl before but once i got my record player, i was like, "okay, i need tostart finding more vinyl." so, every time i go to the flea market, i go and get more vinyl, and ihave a little mini collection going on here of just awhole bunch of albums, that i love now, albumsthat i've loved in my past, and i just put it on,and i love my ambience.
and finally, i have a little reading nook to round off the room. okay, now that you've seen the rest of my apartment, let'sgo check out the kitchen. we have, a pretty basic kitchen, which you may recall from when i did a my drunk kitchen with hannah hart. it's got cookbooks, and my radio, and my coffee maker,and then a whole bunch
of pictures that i'vecollected over the years from youtube stuff, my bestfriends from san francisco, a whole bunch of darren criss magnets, you can change the outfit,it's kind of fabulous. and then my mom, if you can see that, she's the best, i love her, and then a magnet thatmy mom got, it says, "waiting for the right guy, "meanwhile, having a greattime with the wrong ones."
and then, i got on my fridge, a whole bunch of picturesthat i have accumulated over the years on instagram. i found a little websitewhere you can make magnets out of all of your instagram pictures, so these are some of my favorite people, favorite memories, and a whole bunch of people that you might recognize. i don't know, a whole bunchof youtubers on there.
and then every time that i've ever drank a bottle of wine, i've kept the cork. so you have all of those. i drink a lot, and i'm not even sorry. okay, so that is my new apartment tour, and if you liked my newapartment as much as i do, be sure to push the likebutton and subscribe, because i have an amazing,amazing video coming next week, and if you want to see how the apartment
was all put together, be sure to check out a fab life on youtube, they did a behind the scenes of while they wereputting it all together. mary and leah did an amazing job, so be sure to check out their video, like, subscribe, tellthem that i sent you. go give a big shout out to sawyer for helping me filmthis, thank you, sawyer,
you're the best, and if you want to get some of the stuffthat you see in my apartment, a lot of it is on apt2b.com, and you can get it on a discount if you use the coupon code tyler. so i think that's all ihave for you guys today. thank you, guys, so much for tuning in, and i will see you guys next week. okay, bye!