möbel preiss wohnzimmer

möbel preiss wohnzimmer

alright guys today is a day trip day. we have left lisbon behind. we got on at the station in rossio to comeall the way out to sintra and this place is known for its castles and its palaces. so yeah, we've been here once before but wespent a little too much time eating and hiking. not enough time visiting the palaces so weare back for round 2. in terms of cost it was 5 euros per personfor a roundtrip ticket. yeah. and it was about 30 minutes.

not very far. just 30 or 40 minutes. not far at all. and we've arrived and we're ready to explore. we're here. let's begin. but you guys know the drill. first things first, we needed to grab a quickbite. we spotted a cafe serving up pastries, paninis,and all sorts of baked goods, and that was

all the convincing we needed. oh that was a nice picture back there. we're having food before we do any activities. we've come to this nice little cafe. it is really cozy. it is called cafe saudade. we've placed orders for paninis and we'realso getting dessert. we're getting a little regional cheesecakeso yeah it should be delicious and that should give us the energy to go explore the mainattractions here.

alright sam introduce us to your meal of theday. well lunch is panini and we've had these afew times now since we've been in lisbon. well, i should say in portugal and they'resuch good value. they're inexpensive and they're big and they'refilling and usually delicious so let's try that. so you went for the classic and the cheese? ham and cheese. oh yeah. that is awesome.

so my panini has also arrived. this one is called the san antonio and itcame with sardines, goat cheese, lettuce, tomato and a balsamic vinaigrette. i've already had a bite out of this one. it was so good. it has got a lot of ingredients i've gottasay. mmmhmm. i can't wait to try it. haha.

really really nice. so sam is going to sample the desserts. first off we are starting with the queijada. we got two little local treats. so this is the queijada. well we ordered the second one when we sawhow small the first one is. yeah, that is true. we needed one more. that is a true story.

it does appear dense though. what do you think? oh wow. that is so different that i would have imagined. it doesn't taste like cheese. like cheesecake. it tastes like super very cinnamon-y. overpoweringly with the cinnamon but it isvery tasty. and then over here we've got the this oneis called the travesseiro.

it is coated in icing sugar. and it is like a flaky pastry and it it stuffedwith an almond paste. mmmm. with our appetites satiated, we continuedour stroll through town, and then decided we should probably hop on a bus, and saveour legs for visiting the attraction that brought us all the way out here: the penapalace. alright guys so let's talk about transportationbecause once you're in sintra you still need to reach the palaces and those are deceptivelyfar away. yeah they are.

you can see them up on the hill but last timewe were here sam and i tried hiking and we only made it to one and we had to call ita day. so this time around public transport was ourchoice. was it 434 the bus number? yes, it is bus number 434. these are the tickets and we paid five eurosand fifty cents per person for a roundtrip ticket. so that brought us up the mountain and we'regoing to take the bus down as well. so you do have the option of hiking, thereis a bus.

tuk-tuks. a local bus. there is tuk-tuks and there is yeah one ofthose city sightseeing buses. so there is a plethora of options to get uphere. but we took the public bus and we're gladwe did. it was the cheapest. once we reached the gates of the pena palacewe purchased our tickets, and began the climb to this colourful, whimsical, and somewhatkitschy construction set atop a hill in the sintra mountains.

though pena palace’s history dates backto the middle ages, what you see today dates from the 19th century, with construction ofthe current castle completed in 1854. you may think that this place looks like amish-mash of different styles, and that’s because pena palace is a romanticist castle,that was influenced by gothic, manueline, moorish and renaissance architecture. the commission for this castle was given toa german amateur architect, and the king’s only request was that “this palace shouldreflect an opera” - whatever that means. alright guys. we are now inside the palace.

we've toured the outside and enjoyed the colors. now we're going to see what the interior isall about. the tour of the interior of the palace followeda carpeted-route that guided us through a chapel, bedrooms, dining rooms, living rooms,and a kitchen - all decorated with historical furniture to reflect how it would have lookedwhen the portuguese royal family lived here before their escape to brazil during the revolution. then we stopped for one more glimpse of thesurrounding hills, and it was time to head back down. well well we just finished touring pena palace.

let's talk about that. yeah, we sure did. so it is deceptively large. so when you see it from a distance like whenyou first arrive in sintra. oh that is a pretty small attraction. but then as you start taking the bus or you'rehiking up there and you actually reach the palace you realize it is big. and it takes quite a while to explore allof it on the exterior and then there is also you get to tour the inside of it as well.

it is quite it is very colorful. you have the bright yellows and reds and thecolorful tiles. colorful tiles. so many different styles. it is almost it is a bit eclectic really. it really is. and you also get amazing views as well. and so it is the kind of attraction wheremaybe before you actually arrive here if you're coming from lisbon you think all yeah i'vegot all of the time in the world to visit

here also go to the moorish castle and alsodo some other things in the city. but unless you arrive early in the day itis pretty rushed. because that takes a couple of hours. you could easily spend anywhere from one andhalf to three hours here so. yeah exactly and initially we were planningon visiting the moorish palace as well. and we've realized there is no way that ishappening. we're tired but we'll put a link right uphere because that was two years ago we did visit it. yeah, and so you can watch that video if youwant.

alright and now let's talk about the price. alright how much did we pay for it? the price was 11.50 euros for adults. my parents got a senior discount at 9 perperson. and so yeah for the four of us it came to41 euros. um it was good value because like it is quitean impressive attraction. and yes, that’s all we did in sintra thatday: ate lunch, rode a bus, and visited one palace. we’re not kidding about maybe coming herefor 2-3 days, because there’s way more to

cover than you can on a day trip!

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