geile wohnzimmer ideen

good morning, guys - it's mary last night, i had a nightmare about furniture... ... therefore: best of premises to go about today! cause today we're going to a swedish home market of my choice to buy furniture for my new apartment! welcome to: today: the saga's first part featuring iconic moments like these:
"fuck you" "my god, that's nice!" and many more! in many ways, today is quite a big... and probably quite an expensive day for me and my family. i'll only move out next month, but we already have to get the furniture now. my bank account's gonna suffer. we'll see.
pre-decorated ikea-rooms are goals. everybody knows it. of course, every good household needs two clocks. or this picture - fine art or how about: "hã¤llviken" and "lillviken"? everyone's favourite: "ã–sternã¤s" "you're like, so tall, you know?"
- "fuck you" "shit..." strong aesthetics (tm) ... with meeri "you always screw shit up!" we're doooone! and now come on, go! let's gooooo! run away. run away. r u n
did it! we're back from dresden and a couple hundred euros poorer no joke, furniture and decoration stuff are so expensive. ... incredible. anyway, i kind of only realise it now: in about a month, i'll move out of this place that's a quite drastic thought. i'm leaving the place i spent the last 16 years of my life at.
and that's quite a sharp change. but we don't have the time to get emotional now. let's have a look at the things that cost my money today: a bed, a wardrobe, a dresser, a side table... all kinds of "stuff" you need for a new apartment. for example: all kinds of plates - dinner plates, soup plates, bowls and shit 2 cups... holy shit, i have my own cups
but what's way creepier: i have my own cutlery now... i'm growing up, friends! the only thing worse than the cutlery is the fact i have my own beaker 2 glasses, 2 cereal bowls... ... light bulbs...? by my mom's special order: a gratin dish therfore, there'll only ever by gratin from now on in my flat i mean, i can hardly cook anything except spaghetti
here we have a beautiful chopping board and underneath, a lamp with the very poetic name "ã„ngland" a new pillow and a pillow case a beautiful rug some... bathroom rug... thing table pad?? or something some incredibly necessary clothes hangers because we never have any... and i do neither 2 potholders
plastic boxes more plastic boxes no idea, "storage-things"?? that fit into these sqaure shelves from ikea no idea what that's called :d and with that, both me and my hair are definitely done with this day and i'll see you as soon as there are news about my move! thanks for watching - for more of my video, you can subscribe if you want ^^
(also sorry for any possible translation mistakes - i was watching namjoon's vlive while translating and three languages are a bit much all at once xd)