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hey my friends, what's up and warmwelcome to this info video like all has already noticed youtube timeshis again a few days ago changed and, among other thingsfall several thousand german youtube channel exactly in this schema speakthe whole youtube channel will be entpartners and may under circumstancesreally cause that some features can no longer use nowlet's say all honestly fact is yes most of our youtube are the little onesare soli i actually deserve absolutely nothing with her youtubechannel so who less than 10,000 views created in the month earns soi have not seen anything myself

just something between 5 and 10us dollar a month what just easy very ridiculous i have mineadvertising revenue also really only actually activated when i saw thatyoutube one way or another turns off and on then stop earning everything insteadthat i can do something, so i have at some point, the advertising revenue simplyso activated as silent protest so after the motto fucks you why should it todaybut not at all that totally uninteresting mostyoutube-channel have always been talked about to tap off the clickbaitand get out some news hey hey it anything newno, i'm talking about something today

there are other things in the title here, yesalready read you can also do this whole thing easilyi have a lot of work around now people on my twitter account iepisode they may have 600,700 subscribersand much less than the required minimum time now you ask yourself ahf * ck how do i do that best then man i do not want to cheatso i have to honestly say that a thousand subscribers quickly fullunfortunately, there is no cheating no other possibilities than a fewto buy follower on youtube the whole thing is easy on ebaymake you go on ebay writes

just put youtube in the search bar andgets 1000 offers and there you can just go directly for a few eurosno joke is costing three euros or so this one thousand follower you can getyes 1000 followers buy zack is of course somehow handicapped because onethen has 1000 bots on his account that does not really want to be onebut also so to speak however, i forced him to advise against iti do not recommend you to do that it is really much easier in the real worldto ask a known circle hey want we maybe a little bit uspush each other so people the same big are on the same levelworks together that's what

youtube also makes it easy andi always did not know why you are so anxious to always beonly cooperate with larger ones sure hey exidus we want to do something together i seeover 1,000 subscribers more than me if the people then a bit biggeras i want them then but no longer work with methat is only symbolically spoken though i think we all know what i meannow we come to the views that is already a bit harder you haveyes in watchtime and that must be full so how do you get that possibility 1 would bejust open here on the the horn also has to go to the communitydone

greetings go out former owner ofballz.de he is very public with it i went around and told peoplehad to get this watchtime done i still want youtube as a hobbybut i do not want to do that renounce premium features and that cani really understand very well possibility two and that's itagain, this nasty way you can actually yes, you can not even buy that as views but watchtime when buying viewsone can assume that this offered only a maximum of 30 seconds on youraccount were so on this video and which is then clicked away againsay you have only a small what

time increase so you only have onecertain watchtime increase in the constant click number so it's totallyuninteresting for you number three and that is one possibilityi do not think so too bad so the possibilities with thecommunity to talk and the views easy to buy so the watchtime would be the buypossibility number three either one has either you have a vserver or a computer at homestand around or a laptop and do just do it yourself yes you are rightheard you can easily without problems with a branding account or withmake another e-mail account just go to your channel andload the playlist simply after the

otheri would go through your videos but in any case advise thedisable advertising when google behind it all arehappy with if of one and the same ip address constantly constantly thevideos are viewed and the advertising then it still runs off thei do not like to see and i can also like that can easilyi understand my advertising partners pay for it and you get moneyfor that too money even if only it it is still low anywaychances number four is actually a very interesting optionwhich is also completely allowed you are looking for

just on youtube to ccmaterial like that we all know what that isvideos you can download and upload to the channel againand if then such videos are there how cute cat you deserve itno cent but you get it by watch time on your channel for me tooin any case the best variant it is legal and it is legalcreator of the video is happy about this spreadyou have the positive side aspect that she just gets her that watchtimethat still needs me for everyone the funniest so bestpossibility the funniest way

and also the most meaningful you get your watchtime full and have the possibility maybe still know peopleto learn alone just because you're over these creative commons cause new peoplejust get to know me again together you still needfollowers then get involved in the partnershipone does something with another youtuber together and does not look upor range just looks like we say times the same about the same size shitno matter how big you are you are about by the same amount you canhelp each other a bit that's no stress you can dotwitter openly and honestly handle it

and say people i need one morecouple follows it would be totally nice of you if you just follow me because you leaveyou can then take it away again main thing i keep my partner like thateverything cool and to the whatchtime variant how i said again summarizedrecommend the cc variant short form so you get material that youlegal recharge may please no advertising on it that is cc materialyou can not do that that does not monetize that eitherand purpose of the thing you want to get the watchtime is there now you've done thisreached a thousand subscribers and the watchtime can you also this whole ccmaterial removed from your channel

do not just delete it on privateput if you delete it is the watchtime gone would stupid makes the stuff also private andalready the channel belongs to you again say you found now at zeroit's a bit more difficult, of course but i would join a channel nownull starts only cc material upload and thereby goes from wholealone the watchtime up and that getsalso a thousand subscribers easy and easy with cc material it could be fulltake a bit but it goes on everyone fall in the direction writes on everyonefall in the comments if i ask you could help and how useful ornonsense her youtube policy change

i find out about it andsay goodbye to the next video thank you for watching

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