wohnzimmer weiß braun grau

wohnzimmer weiß braun grau

hi. welcome to the series swedish afols. a series by lego lovers, for lego lovers about lego lovers. where we'll meet lots of lego enthusiasts of all kinds. we will also offer good construction hints, look at sets, mocs, collections and visit events. we're gonna enjoy lego for all that it is worth. well, my name is hansson and my focus with lego is to use it to stop-motion movies. hence, i built this mediocre batman cave. i have a girlfriend, two daughters, three cats and two tortoises. yes, so that means that you can put up 8500 on lego.

are you going to go now hansson? hey, the budget board is not even finished. one moment. hmmm. in everyday life i work as a tv cameraman. and here to help me is ... thomas krzeminski aka lordflintstone. i came out of my dark age of about 8 years ago by collecting lego star wars to my son. 2 years ago i started doing mocs and it became mostly star wars and fantasy.

in the future, i hope to build some neo classic space because classic space was my first lego. and now let's move quickly over to tã¤by to meet andreas lenander. hello, my name is andreas lenander. i live in a house in tã¤by together with my wife and three children. they are 5, and soon 7, and soon 9. works as a doctor at the health center that is located about 5 minutes away. i have a very understanding wife who allows... ... lego being up here and there.

and also quite understanding children, so they have become very good at not tear dads lego. but it is also very rewarding to have children ... ... partly because they're fun to build with, but also as a small alibi ... ... so when that interesting set is released... ... it becomes easier to justify the purchase... ... when you have a 5 or 7 or 9-year-old who thinks yeah, but dad that's a very good idea. -we should have that. as a kid, i loved to build with lego. as most others.

my favorit set was probably thoose big castles that people had. i remember that i had a very big gray castle that i played a lot with. and happily rebuilt it in various ways. as most other adult lego enthusiasts i went through a dark period. where i kind of forgot about lego. then i resumed the interest when my children were big enough that i could buy lego boxes to them. what i think is most fun to build and what i started building when i ... ... started doing my own sruff, especially steampunk. and love to cross that with star wars so that it became steam wars.

i think it has a very nice aesthetics. this golden, brown, lots of hoses. these kinds of things. gears, chains, think it is a pretty cool look. and something that may not typically be what people associate with lego. when you're used to those little square blocks. fun to use these kinds of elements. star wars, and i think it is a fun franchise, it's awesome movies. fun to watch. and above all, just that it have lots of very iconic ships.

almost everyone, even if you have a relationship with star wars or not ... ... do recognize many of the ships. most people know what a tie fighter or an x-wing is. and they have a very special shape. which is very suitable, i think anyway, when to make your own versions in lego. especially if you are going to use something else, or make them into a different theme. for example steampunk variants. people will recongize it, 'oh yes, that is what a tie fighter looks like. so that was acctually what i started with. my slave one, which was one of the first mocs that i made actually.

and did it in steampunk style to see... ... if i could manage, i managed to rattle pieces together and make it ... ... with that style and still achive that iconic shape. so it was one of the first and one of the most fun builds of my own. and then it spun more and more. there's a number of iconic vehicles and ships, and these kinds of things that one would like to try ... ... create in this theme. so it has become one of my favorite things to get involved with. so i have some left. we'll see if this ...

millenium falcon will remain as it is in the official release. or if i will start to tear it apart and make my own twist on it. but as i said, much of this is the steampunk. some classic space who is also an old favorite theme... ...that i had. think it was in the 90's as it was the most popular, if i remember correctly. but then you can also do some new variations on it. replacing the heads so that they will have a slightly different look. and then just go at it, find all sorts of scifi variants. which is also quite fun for when you don't make any huge building.

one can, of course, if you want. but it is perfectly possible to make something like this little thing. to make a small rover. so you can build up, even a small base, or to build up just some little environment. and it will probably look kind of fun. i think, anyways. so it is a move that i am also quite fond of. another mixvariant like this, which was actually a contest. so it got into the blocks magazine, which was pretty fun. it got chosen. but just that thing that one would mix two different themes ...

...so i thought, friends is pretty fun. lots of beautiful colors and things like that. and star wars seemed quite natural. and the tie fighter because it is one of the most iconic ships in my opinion in the star wars universe. and specially the shape, both on the ship itself but especially legos variant ... ... which, actually, stands up there. the official version. i think this is one of those best-looking and best sets that has been made. so then it became quite natural to mix these themes together to get some fun contrasts. i like to try all sorts of different things.

but i have a tendency to come back to steampunk and star wars. no matter what you do for excursions in between. "klossfestivalen" is the largest lego event in sweden. during the series, you will learn more about alot of the builds that were displayed there. here you get a brief insight into the year 2017s event. this is my part of a steampunk district. and the idea is that this will grow into a proper community build. so far we are three people that have started to build ... ... on this particular steampunk district.

and i have built these 2 modules ... ... plus another two that belongs to a ruin section that will also be included in this cb. i also made a road module to this and a number of vehicles. among other things, this mech. which by the way is on the brixtar app, with instructions. so you can actually build this if you feel like it. even made a different mech standing over here. and as i said, these vehicles that are underneath here. what i think is quite fun, and also the others who are involved in this...

... relatively new cb, is mainly the minifigures. just because steampunk-minifigures are quite fun to do. it is very victorian, sherlock holmes style on everything. so lots of capes and quite interesting torsos. so one have to look in the lego caches to make the good figures. but it's a pretty fun look once you finally make it. the reason i started this, in addition to that we were a few who had talked loosely about making ... ... a cb like this, was something called mã¤sterbyggartã¤vlingen on swebrick. it runs every year, with different themes.

now this year it was that you should make a neighborhood more or less that fit this moduverse standard. 32 x 32 that is. and that you should make at least 4 parts. so it became like its own neighborhood. or at least two parts, it was. but i chose to do 4. so it was that that made me actually start building ... ... do it for real. so i started with this house. because i had alot of tan pieces. so that got to be the starting point.

and then i knew that this will have to develop, so then i made this house. when i had made those two houses, i felt that this was, after all, quite fun. because i had never done any house before. never even built up any of lego's own official set. so i really had no idea how to build houses at all. but then i tested my way arround, and then i built this... ... that is the even bigger house. what you might consider when you are building is that... ...you have to be prepared to redo alot of things.

it is not always that everything is perfect from the start. this little house i have remade at least once. 2 times actually if i think about it. and also this has been renovated. this, then i had learned a little bit, when i built this... ... i was well prepared to be forced to redo it ... ... a few times before i got the look that i thought was the best fit basicly. so here i put bit more thought into it before i started to build up the entire facade. atleast i had an idea.

then it becomes alot of testing to see what looks good. one can have an idea in their head. then you try it. and it will looke nothing like you had imagined. so around these windows, and even with this little figure. sitting like a little statue on the facade. was something that had to emerge gradually. something else that is fun ... ... with this, in that i like the steampunk theme, is to do alot of vehicles. both of them these vehicles that you see below ... ... are built with some special wheels.

and the reason for that is that ... ... it showed up some interesting and fun pieces on the pab wall in the "mall of scandinavia". i felt that these i can do something fun with. had absolutely no thought that i would build wheels with them. this is just regular mixel joints. thus bendable pieces. and these gray, sitting on the top of thoose rotating ... ... small discs or what to say. a common turntable.

that becomes pretty interesting, so that if you put them here... the joints in-and-out or the back-to-front or what to say... ...you can attach the turntables. which creates a rather interesting pattern, i think. and also this is also built with a little different twist on the wheels. that one has put the hinge plates together illegaly. and then you put a bunch of them togheter to get this rounded shape. which becomes a wheel. is perhaps not the most child-friendly wheel variants. but i think it is a quite fun, pretty interesting look anyway.

instead of just the usual official tire or wheel from lego. so you can make your own variants. a fun little bonus history, when it comes to this building ... ... since it was a competition. this mã¤sterbyggartã¤vlingen. there was also a secondary price for the rookie of the year. that is a member who had been... ... a member of max 1 â½ years or something like that. and then i managed to win it, which was a very nice surprise. so then i got this little plaque. so that is a small highlight in my lego career.

since the fact that there are people who are doing this alot... ...others lego acquaintances and friends who are judging it. so that was a very fun little surprise. something that you can think about, or what i learned i should probably say actually... .. when i was doing this build since i had never built a house before... ...is the difficulty with facades and to make them interesting. it easily becomes that the proportions, between floors, windows, that these kinds of things looks pretty weird. or it simply becomes too monotonous.

that nothing happens and you have a smooth wall with a bunch of windows. and as i said it could be great fun if you are going to build apartments ... ... or something that actually has a very smooth facade. just when it comes steampunk-building, and i think many modular houses... ...in general, you want for it to happen a bit more. so that was probably why i put in these parts with other colors just so it would happen something extraordinary. i think it envisioned that -yes, ok, this is a floor map. or where something happens inside the house while it may not have to. so you get that impression anyway.

then in terms of inspiration and things like that. one can get inspiration from anything really. many people probably walk around, and i know that i do, you see some beautiful building in town or on the way to work or whatever it may be. on vacation and think that this would be interesting to try to recreate in lego. i myself, when i was building this... ...watched a lot of what others had done. looked arround alot on flickr. now there are relatively few steampunk house unfortunately, so there was not a lot to start with...

...in terms of what people had built in lego earlier. but on the other hand, it can be an advantage. just to have quite a lot of freedom, it is not so much ready-made frames and templates on what to create. therer is a builder named castor troy. that's very good at doing just steampunk-districts and houses. so his buildings were a main part of where i got my inspiration from. but otherwise, it was a lot to testing, see what kind of image i had in my head. see if i can try to recreate it. and it is very possible that this will be renovated a number of times before i feel that it is complete.

now a regular feature in the series where we will take a look at a cool moc... ... that you can build using building instructions on brixtar. here comes martin from brixtar to briefly explain what brixtar is. brixtar is a brand new app for anyone who loves to build with lego. large and small, beginners and advanced builders. on brixtar you including the ability to re-use the lego you already have at home. in a simple way, you can record those pieces that you already own ... ... and see alternative builds that you can create by some of sweden's foremost lego builders. additionally, you can get inspiration from them, you can follow them.

you can post your own creations. a community in the shape of an app for everyone who loves to build. let's start with the steampunk mech that andreas lenander told us about. so this is a steampunk mech that is a robot, more or less. where you can put a little minifigure inside which then controls this. the reason i built this was well as many other things that i had seen a picture on flickr of mech. and it looked like a pretty fun thing to try to build. so i thought that this is something that i must try.

and since i'm very fond of steampunk ... ...i thought, let's see if i can make a steampunk mech. for i had not seen that many of them. so i thought that it should be possible to make a pretty fun type. what i wanted to accomplish first and foremost when it came to building a mech... ...was that one might pose it and move it so that it is not completely static. so it has quite a lot of mobility. partly in the arms. and this can spin.

these things can be bent back and forth. and here one can, for example, grab a block. attaching it like this. some varieties. and also this arm is fully movable. even here in the wrist, you can move it. likewise, the legs can also move so that you can put it in different poses. if one would get the idea that it would stand on one leg. then it can do so.

so that was really the main idea to make sure it still is a little play-friendly. or what to say, although it's mainly used in my world to pose on shows and exibitions. so it will still be a bit of fun. this bit can, as i said raise and insert optional minifigure. so there is quite a lot of details that i have added. partly slightly different chimneys. a lot of gold details. even a little like this, what's it called, turn variant to be able to wind it up. i like the wheels at the sides. just because they give a slightly different form rather than for it to be stiff so it's pretty much rounded shapes.

using only these wheels. and you can also spin them arround. which makes it a little more play-friendly basicly. when building this there are a lot of differently pieces. which ont he other hand is becoming more common now, especially ninjago sets are becoming more steampunk-inspired, the color scheme anyways. so these pieces are becoming more and more common. i do not think it's something really unusual. maybe these gold halves or what to say. that belongs to the more unusual pieces. otherwise, these chariot wheels are fairly easy to obtain.

likewise, these arms or what to call them, that you can bend with, is also becoming more common in this color. but as i said, some gold chains, gold details. so that may be the pieces that are a little more unusual. hoses you can do however you like with. if you want to be without hoses, you can do it so. but i felt it added something extra so i chose to use it anyway. as this is the first episode, we'll also get to meet nathaniã«l who've put up a lot on brixtar. and he builds entirely according the rules the lego company has. hi. my name is nathanaã«l.

i think it's really fun to build with lego and, above all, to inspire others. i have here some models of alternative models of other boxes. here we have a lego city helicopter that i have built into an aircraft. or here we have some kind of submarine which i have built into a robot. i think it's very important to inspire children and show what opportunities are available. if you have enough pieces you can build things like this, that is not an alternative construction. just built for fun. maybe some of you recognize the character. this, i built myself.

maybe it can be good to know that i have previously worked for lego. lego technic above all. and i still think it's fun to build my own stuff. so i built this sports car. having all the features of a regular car. gearbox, suspension, steering. can you also have. and almost everything else on a regular car. it can open doors. but here is important to have a good design. good strength. that everything functions correctly and safely.

and i hope you like it. thought i would talk quickly about some builds that have been noticed. which has received a little more attention. which of course is always fun. the first, which was featured on the brothers brick, which is the world's largest lego blog. where this ship, i meant to say airplane. which is made in the steampunk style. i did it for over 1 year ago. and me myself thought it was very nice and good.

i was very happy with it. but it did not get very much attention then. so i thought -ok, i have to take some fun picture of it so that it really shows off the build properly. and this was before i had learned anything in photoshop. learnt to edit images in some sensible way. so i connected the computer to the tv. put up a picture of a sky that i thought was nice. put this build on the table in the living room, huddled together and managed to get a picture that i thought worked well. and that was actually the picture they picked up the build on. on the blog. which was kind of funny.

so therefore i have kept this building. because it is a bit special for me. built in old-fashioned steampunk style. lots of gold and hoses and things like that that i am somewhat fond of. then we have some other builds. speaking of the brothers brick they had a contest that was to make an advent calendar. on any theme. the limitation was that it would use a maximum of 20 parts per build, i think. so it was like an official lego calendar. at that time i was into classic space, so i thought it's a theme that i for one hold extra dear.

and i think many others with me. so i thought that i should try to build something like that. so then, among other things, this kind of minifigure was in it. and then i had done, i think it was about 10 ... ... lesser builds in classic space style with that color scheme. and it actually came in 3rd place. so thereof, i got these beautiful stickers sent home as part of the price. so that was a little extra fun. another build which also has been featured on the blog, that i was extra proud of...

...because it was during shiptember. as a lego challenge / contest going every year for the past few years. it is to build a spacecraft of any design. the only restriction or guidelines is that it should be at least 100 studs long. that is more than 80cm. and that it should be done in one month. during the month of september. so it was also featured there. which was extra fun because it's still a pretty big deal in the lego community. just the challenge.

and this ship, i made in 4 or 5 days in total. so it went pretty quickly. i had a fairly good idea of how i wanted it to look like. in terms of form and color scheme. but then it got to grow based on what looked best during the construction time. i knew i wanted to have them here greebled sections on the side. did not have a plan for on top so i juggled ideas with other builders on swebrick. amongst others one who is very good at specially spaceships. and got tips on doing the greebling thing at the top also.

and i think it became very nice in the end. so that was fun. and some other builds that are a little different, i think... ...just because it is very much about the photo. about the angle you take the photo. rather than the actual build itself. this vacuum cleaner, for example, became surprisingly popular. i had even built up a small room. i had done the floors and walls, and even put in frames, where everything was in lego. and built this little vacuum cleaner, which is relatively simple in its design.

but with quite fitting part selection. so it looked just like a regular vacuum cleaner standing in a room. another build... ...is this melting 2x2 piece. or is it supposed to be, anyway. the reason i built it was... ...i had had the idea for a while that it would try to do something which simulated a melted lego brick. i had not quite got the hang of what colors, what pieces would fit best, and such things. then swebrick one month had a competition where it was about to use a specific piece.

and try to make something interesting out of it. and then i realized that it would actually fit well in on this dripping effect. so it was this here, this flick-missile-piece. then i finally got this build to work that i had been thinking about for quite some time. in a way that i was very pleased with. and it's also very much about what angle to shoot in to get to this melting effect best. and it won the contest that month. which was an added bonus. it has also been featured on bricknerd, which is another lego blog.

finally, another build, which has not been published yet. it will come up eventually. but the wheel technology is probably what i will be talking about. because i used it on another build before that was chosen as the 'moc of the month' last fall on swebrick. and what is special about this build, and when this build was elected the moc of the month last fall... ...is the wheels. or the way that they are built in is that i bought me a bunch those 1x2 plates with hinges. those in which one can click in a corresponding piece. as they had on this pab wall in the lego store in the 'mall of scandinavia'.

so i bought me a bunch of those. and so i sat and played with them one evening and thought that one must be able to do something more fun with these. and i realized that if you put them together, somewhat illegally, so that they do not really stick together entirely... ...but there is a small angle if you put together a bunch of these it actually became a round shape. which then resembled a wheel. and i thought it had a rather interesting shape. so i built it and it was elected the moc of the month. i think it was in october. so this is kind of the same variant.

thus the same type of wheel. now i have added some extra around there. but i think it forms quite fun shapes when you put them together somewhat illegaly... ...and especially if you repeat this pattern over and over again... ...so you can make som pretty exciting shapes. i've also done another build, or 2 builds i should say, relatively recently for another contest... ...called summer joust. where i have used the same technology, though a different kind of piece. an average 1x2 plate where you can get achive cool arched shapes... ...which works well on bridges, and i use it also on a temple.

so it is possible to all kinds of fun, even if you do not use the pieces as they are meant to them to be used in the first place. that my friends was the first episode of swedish afols. i hope you liked it because there will be more episodes. lots of them i hope. and the next episode will be the first of many in the theme... ... star wars. bye.

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