badewanne bette one

[humming] sue? - i can't sleep. - well, it's way past your bedtime. would you want me to sleep in your big, strong arms? there's plenty of room under the covers. it's a hot night. you don't need to wear pajamas. - where is my daughter?
- are you mad? i am your daughter! - no you are not! [michael jackson screams while the dad screams in rage] c'mere! what did you do with sue!? - i didn't touch her, i swear! - i don't believe you! - please, for god's sake, she's a girl! - you sick--
[mj music] -*chuckle* [screams like a bitch] - daddy! - how do you like it, huh? having fun?? - ahhh! [death sound] - tom! are you... what in the world!?- shh! look!
- what is that thing?? - i don't know! - maybe cindy was right!