badewanne stahl betteone

badewanne stahl betteone

p: hello, danandphilgamesd: hi! expensive toilets. d: *laughs* yeah p: *laughing* welcome back to the sims!(d: wow) d: *groans* there is nothing better(p: yep) that you could've been called there.p: i know. if you don't know why i'm calling you expensive toilets you might want to check out the last sims video d: yes!something quite crazy happened,

dil invented a ray gun. a ray gun with the power to transform things. p: the sim ray. d: *with much sarcasm* this hasn't at all broken everything. as you all remember,we had drago, the giant green dragon, that was, like, blinking, so(p: yes! it was looking at things!) *existential crisis activate*d: that was probably like a guy that was alive inside a suit spying on the family which was like the creepiest thing ever- but then we turned him into a toilet, sold him,

now we've got this blue one! (p: drago 2!)d: you see here! oh yeah! that's hopefully- not gonna blink! p: he looks a lot... less sinister. p: *laughing*d: now, we said you, and i'm obviously not accepting the blame for this at all (p: yeah)do not get to ruin the game by just transforming everything into fancy furniture, cause p: wuh- wuh-wuh-wa- wa -wa- woah wait! wait!

d: if you just walk around zapping things- what? p: i have an idea.(we see your cheeky eyeroll daniel) (d: oh, god.*laughs* )at the start of each episode of the sims, we can transform one thing in the house. d: oohhh, the daily allowance, okay!(p: yeah) p: so lets do it! lets do it! lets do it now! d: alright, wellp: before they start the day d: lets wait for them to get up.p: okay. d: okay.(smh is this the fault in our stars you dweebs)

p: okay, he needs to do it, right. d: *sings* helloooo~ right! so,(p: i'm so excited about this) what do we want to transform? p: uhhhoooo..d: the cock? no, we like the cock p: no, we li- we like the cock lets transform that stupid ice bucket that's probably gone off. (d: we like the cock, everyone) d: *inhales* uhhm, *high pitched voice* that was a r- a romanticp: but it's just- on the floor! d: it w- it was a memory of our t-

the shitty scented candles. (p: yeah.) fuck these scented candles. p: okay- (d: they're rubbish.) p: wait, i wanna do a thing, i wanna do a thing! today's transformation is.... d: you can't just take the "draw phil naked" voice! p: i miss doing the intonation of it! both: today's transformation is..... d: these scented candles that we got- wow (p: right.)d: that was so crap, honestly.

p: dilly! come change it up! get us a.. (d: *laughs*) 4k tv! *laughs* wake up you lazy oaf!d: hello, dilly! okay, here we- *laughs*p: he looks suspicious! d: he's like: "i'm about to cause some trouble!" p: he's gonna cause some mischief!d: *suspicious humming* d: right! said to- *laughs*p: *laughing* i'm so excited! *miscellaneous muted yelling noises from philly* d: *inhales deeply* ohgod this's totally ruined every-

p: oh! oh! but! the- thing this, we can't sell it. we've just got to keep it. d: but- no, we can sell it, sh- p: no, no, no! that's the point of this, we're not ruining the game! d: *spitting noises* okay here we go, you ready?p: it's just a new thing in the house d: okay, zappity dap! the scented candles turn intooo.... p: *laughing* what is that? *honking noise*

p: that looks rubbish!d: what the hell i- d: a book??!?p: awh, it's a book d: a book!!!!!p: of everything in the game! d: we bought those scented ca- alright, how much can you sell the book for?p: no, we're not selling them! d: hundred and fifty.p: it's gotta stay. we can transform the book next time.d: oh for god's sake!p: *laughs* which book is it at least?d: it is both: writing volume 2p: the importance of punctuation

d: wow, sounds like i need that on twitter p: you definitely need that on twitter. written by billy shakes! d: "longer is always better in the literary world"*mouth clicking noise* ( d: um ) p: but do you know what a semicolon is? d: i have- literally, i know a lot about english language, but i don't know how to use semicolons. p: i am the king of semcolonsd: just don't get 'em. my school just didn't teach me how to use semicolons, (p: it's important!) so i'm like, no

that's why there's- there's none in tabinof. p: semicolons are important, semicolon, (d: everyone, phil, with his english language degree) p: they help with your sentence structure! eyyyyyyy!d: see what you did there, you nerd. (p: yeah!) d: wow! so, i wonder what that book will get turned to in the next episode! maybe a rocket! p: it's just gonna sit there waiting! d: it's kind of a shame because i feel like it could really wreak some epic havoc (p: yes)

with this simray but we can't screw up the life that we'vep: oh, oh, oh! d: built here.p: idea! idea! can you see the cogs whirring behind my brain? d: i'm scared, and disturbed,(p: right w-) d: i don't wanna know anything to do with you.p: we cant transform anything in this house, cause it would ruin the game, (d: yes.) p: what if we went over to someone else's house and had a little fun? d: whose house are you thinking?

p: bob and eliza's! d: *distressed noises*p: *laughs* p: it'd be so much fun! d: you want to go to the pancake's house- p: yes! d: and just start zapping things with a ray gun?! p: yes! i mean, we might improve their lives! what if they get a- *laughs*d: what has eliza done other than stalk us, and a bunch of other stuff?

p: this is the ultimate repayment! i mean, she could get like a crystal bath and we'll be super jealous. d: oh, yeah, totally. p: yeah. so i think that should be the plan. d: okay, well, le-lets have some breakfast and then go destroy bob and eliza's domestic paradise. *laughing*p: *evil laughter* d: so, we wanna send them off to work for a day, before we go destroy the pancake's house,

p: yeah, d: but, we have never seen dab by himself. (p: yeah) d: now, we sent him to daycare, but, there is an option in the sims (buh, buh, buh, buh) to hire a nanny! p: oh my god we have to hire a nanny! d: so, it's ten per hour, so this might cost, like, a hundred and fifty simoleons or somethingp: we've got two thousand!

d: yeah, so (p: it's alright.) d: i mean, who wants to see dab, and a nanny? (p: me! i wanna see this!) what could- *laughs* go wrong there? okay! p: or it could be a manny. d: it could indeed- well i didn't say a- well, nanny, its not like a womanny p: i know, but i'm just thinking of that friends episode where they get a manny d: *yells* wo-oh my god she's in the housep: oh! hello! d: h- that is the most

epic sweater-(p: oh my god) p: i want to take her sweater off p: in a.. friendly way. d: she is ex- phil. jesus christ, don't flirt with the nanny!p: *laughing* it's so good! p: i want a rug out of it. (d: dab's like-) i just wanna- d: woah fam where'd you go p: who is this?d: who dis crazy lady? help! help! help! lady! get away from me!p: she's got

worse posture than me, and that's saying something. d: her name is evelyn ortega! p: she sounds like she's from the future, i'm just putting that out there d: and she dresses like she's someone from the past. (p: yeah!) d: she's got, like, a weird vibe going on, converse, and the crazy cat lady thing p: i don't fully trust her, but i think it's fine.

d: no, we have to be here- p: hey!d: do you want hordes of riches? *laughter* p: *laughs* she's smaug! d: dab's like, "lady, let me get on with-" wow.p: is he just gonna poop on the floor, what's happening? d: he's got some- he's doing the squats right now. (p: yeah) d: dab is gonna have buns of steel p: *singing* investor update *dun dundundun~*

p: *still doing the dun dun dun thing*d: tabitha's first investors are nearly as enthusiastic (p: dun dun dundun dundundun)as she is, which would be great if they weren't always asking for status updates*phil's hands smack the desk* but now- oh my god it's this again p: ohhh.d: right. last time, we lied, and they were like; "everything's fine"p: yeah. d: when this happened with dil, one time we lied, one time we told the truth,

both time it was wrong, so i say, today we come clean. p: yeah, come clean, i think it's time. d: *mouth noise* investors appreci- i told you! p: d- they are sneaky weasels!d: they appreciate honestly and they get delayed all the time, she gets on with it as planned p: eyyyy. maybe she'll get a promotion.d: this game- is so tricksty! p: i know! so what can dab do with the nanny? d: i mean, he doesn't really wanna do anything-

oh no! he's sad!(p: aww,) d: because of the boogie downer if the dancing doesn't- what?!p: what? d: if the dancing doesn't soon cease, the tears might soon release? he doesn't want to keep dancing?p: *laughing* p: it's like the rhythm is too strong! he just has to keep dancing! d: *distressed voice* just stop dancing, you weirdo! what the hell? uh oh, she's onto the llamas,

get away from my branding! p: here we go!d: bananas, that's phil. 2017. (p: yeah.) d: all about bananas.p: banana phil. i did have a banana today and it was very, very tasty d: thanks for sharing "i like trains!" says dab p: so how can dab interact with the crazy cat lady? d: let's see p: "bubbles"!

d: what the- what the hell is "up"? p: i- i don't know what up is (d: *laughs) but i'm excited about bubbles. d: for god's sake, okay, i really wanted to click- i hope "up" is there, cause that makes no sense (p:*laughs* yeah) p:that means she just straps loads of balloons to the house (d: bubbles!) and they sail up to a jungle. d: oh my god, "up" happens!p: yeah d: then dil gets back from work like "hello ch-" *gasp*

"what the hell?" (p: *laughing*)d: and then everyone cries, cause "up" is the scariest story in the entire world- look at how she gleefully smiles, okay. *laughs* p: oh, i think it's gonna be a bubble bath d: dab is still sad. i like that the instructions for that was just: "bubble!" p: i thought he was gonna blow bubbles d: no, i mean look at that, that is the pure

expression of joy (p: yeah) right there p: i was like a cat, apparently i hated the bath i was like (d: *hisses*) "don't put me in there!" p: *growl/hissing noise* d: she's like, "this is a gucci jumper, you little twerp, do not splash me." she should be paying us for the blessing of getting to wash dab's incredible hair, (p: yeah) to be honest now he's happy, okay

he's playfulp: bubble fun! d: from bubble fun*both laugh* i can relate to that, dunno 'bout you oh my god, dab outfit two. king. p: nice. d: right, now, what the hell is "up"? p: she's gonna strap balloons to the house!d: *laughing* p: this is a dangerous game! d: if it's not that, i'm gonna be disappointed.

here we go!p: i think it just means "pick me up" d: can dab even make it into the bathroom? p: up! ...woman, up!d: *laughing* "lady, i love you! give me attention!" "hmmm, yes, i love making money!"p: yes! p: *laughing* here we go!d: swoop! wha- oh my god he just went through her! p: he went through her body!d: *slurping noises*

*doom* d: she's a ghost, this makes no sense p: *sinister laughing* d: she's like, "uh, little boy, you got your hand on my tit" "stop- stop grabbing the boob"p: *laughs* p: i had a babysitter once, and she just played loads of computer game golf with me d: golf games?p: that was the only game she'd play, golf d: did you play golf with friends? with your- *laughs*p: it was not golf w- *laughs*

no, it was the old version of golf with friends. d: and did you touch her boob?p: no. d: okay, well there we go. i love that there's a "mean" section. (p: yeah.) we can, tell her to go away, or hit. p: set her on fire! d: *laughs* p: hit her! both: *laughing* p: what?d: are you ready for this, okay, here we go (p: oh my god, oh my god)

d: lady, you gave me the worst bath ever! here we go, are you ready? p: ohhh!!d: bam! d: oh, shoot she's like-d: "you're a naughty beb" p: she's looking at us, like, "what did you do that for?" d: i love that dab is still playful, okay p: i wanna know what the her- f- what the-

d: go away!p: *laughs* d: lets see, lady, (p: you're a monster!) you look like you have one eye, sort it out, you stink! p: get out of my house! d: *laughing* great j-p: oh, she's go- *both gasp* d:oh my god, she's like p:oh my god, she's leaving! d: "screw this job, i'm gonna go sit for the land grabs!" p: this is intense!d: oh my god, and he's pottying by himself *singing* dab, champion of toilets!

p: yes! d: *singing* he's level two! i love that dab did not feel like angry or sad he was like "i will hit you and tell you to go away!" (p: yeah) "and i'll still feel rested from the bubbles!" uh oh! hangry dab has risen! p: he's so hangry! d: oh my god look at that face of rage

*i don't even know how to describe this noise* p: *laughing* he's gonna eat the babysitter d: food meeeee d: *laughing* i loved that in fast motion p: *noises that sound vaguely like jurassic park* what is that?d: get me my chicken tendies p: oh yeah!d: wheeeeee!! (p: *laughs*) p: that was a big waste of those nugs d: *laughing*

p: *laughs*d: so many words we need to not say *laughs* i love that evelyn's angry like (p:*laughs*) "you're a little shit and i'm not getting paid nearly enough as i need for this" p: you've got slight cersei lannister vibes, i'm a bit scared (d: totes) p: *singing* tabby's home, tabby's home d: *laughs*p: *singing* what's she got today? d: six hundred eighty- who the hell are you?

p: hello! she's our friendd: uhh, lady serenity houchin p: she's thinking about a briefcase, does she want to move in? d: um. p: i don't want her hered: ask to leave p: get out! d: *sings* hey, hey, you're a hoe get off my lawn (p: *laughs*) she's like *mouth buzzing noises* (p: get out! *laughs*)

slam! *laughs* p: denied!d: absolutely no time dab, dab, how're you doing? p: why's the babysitter still here? can tabitha slap her as well?d: i don't know! sh'we sfee? shuh-wee- ss-feed: shweh fee! fire! ask about day? give a tip?

p: dismiss. d: dismiss. p: dismissed! d: there we go! thank you for coming, you can leave now, bye p: bye~ (d: *laughs*) she's never coming back d: "guess i'm done here then, (p: *laughs*) my fee will be a hundred'n'twenty seven p: wow.

d: wow. um, can the babysitter, like kidnap the baby? (p: i don't know.) if we're mean, or something p: right, dil's home! it's time! d: dil is embarrassed! p: what happened? d: *mumbling* sometimes a person cant help but make a fool of themselves in front of their co-workers p: very true. d: dil! he wants to share his insecurities with somebody, *both aww*

we need some domestic interaction. (p: yeah.) both: "self deprecating joke" d: *laughs* saaame! (p: *laughs*) i'm constantly very embarrassed. p: yes. so, i felt so embarrassed at work i put a lampshade on my head and no one laughed! d: what'd you think? dab's literally rofl-ing "dad, you're a fail lol"

p: me irl d: awwwww look at the family, having a little catch-up p: my dragon looks at me in the night! d: *jaws theme* p: *yells* ohhh!!! d: *smacking desk repeatedly* d: *still smacking* p: it's also sentient! maybe its sentience transferred into the toilet

and then(d: *laughs*) through to the new dragon? *laughing* d: *inhale* who's selling these toys??? p: he's just like "the things ive been through" d: what the fuck, seriously, okay dil, you're the only person what's- that's the- that's the only two options, honestly p: yeah

d: hug, talk, play,p: it's just gonna stay as part of the family now d: okay, i'm gonna get dab to "what's that" p: okay. d: dab, you need to solve this mystery because your dad can't, and your mum is just in too deep. (p: yup.) p: ooh! complete one hundred whims across all sims!

d: ahhh p: *sings* what's this? what's this? are you alive? d: *sings* what's this? what's this? furries watching me sleep p: he looks very disturbed by it. (d: hello there~) d: wow! that's so much creepier than i wanted it to be p: yeah *laughs*

d: oookay, er, hit it, yeah smack that p: beat it up knock the ghost out of it (d: bam!) p: *quiet exploding noise* d: i feel like dab's hitting could use a lot of accuracy work. p: yeah, that's like, me trying to throw a ball. *both laugh*

p: right! can we do the plan? (d: yes!) p: time to do the plan! action stations, everyone! d: dil's on critical fun so i feel like he needs to have a little twerk. p: alright. d: *beatboxing noises* furious dancing! furious dancing!

get up the fun bar fun bar, fun bar *growling* funfunfunfunfun now gooo so this is the pancake residence, it appears that bob- p: where's bob?d: isn't home, ooooo p: is he dead? did she kill him? d: just dil by himself? yeah. p: yeah? (d: yeah.) p: yeah. d: dil wa- woah woah woah where is dil going?

p: come back!d: he's jogging across the- is he just going home? like- p: i think he's like- i need to go homed: no-o-ope! bye! p: *laughs*d: he is apparently grill hamburger p: i think he's going into someone else's garden to d: n- dil! no!p: grill a hamburger d: right! knock on door!p: it's time to wreak some havoc! d: you mean politely be nice

p: transform! *laughs* d: no no no no no, we'll get in first we need to say hi to eliza before wep: okay, okay d: start destroying the house p: this is filling (phil-ling) me with so much glee, i can't even explain. d: *sings* knock knock, it's your favourite g- the door said come on in. (p: oh!) it's beauty and the beast, guysp: that's creepy

d: hello, monseur p: is it the cartoon, or is it emma watson? d: they have the- expensive furniture d: seriously, what do bob and eliza do?p: what is this? what is their job? d: this is an amazing house p: yeah! i feel like we should find out

a two seater sofa, and two chairs. p: what the heck d: they- they've just got the dream life going on p: is she here? oh, there she is d: she is- oh, no, bob is in (p: oh!) hey, bob, he's always just working at the computer p: browsing some suspicious websites

d: and eliza is.. p: trolling the forums. they are so fancy! d'you know you can ask what people's jobs are? it might be worth- (d: really?) just doing that, yeah d: i feel like we need to do that. (p: okay.) okay, uhm, p: ask about career. you can ask her for a dna sample? d: but they don't like that, do they? (p: no)

d: dildildildil dildildildil i love that he's still wearing his lab coat, that seems so appropriate right now.p: i know! i'm so excited d: what the hell do they do? p: i don't know, let's find out d: *sings* why do you have so much money? p: wha's your job, yo? d: ohhhh, that's whyp: oohhhhhh okay

d: well that's finep: what's- what's bob's job? d: in between things, it's all good, *sings* bob, what do you do? p: he plays the sims. d: where people seem to be locked in cages p: what're you doing, bob? d: you know that you're doing your kink sims role play in front of your wife?

d: jesus.. p: ask career! ass career! d: "so bob! please tell me why you have so much money." oh, okay (p: what's your-) d: we're going into the bathroom.p: uh, taking me into the bathroom? d: okay.. p: oh, for a little three-way chat

d: he's a chef! p: ohh!d: bloody hell! and that pays for- s-marble busts of things? d: jesus!p: bob must be, like, the jamie oliver of the sims d: well, i see you two are having a fun time staring at the mirror how's about we transform it? (p: woo-hoo!)

p: yes!d: look what i do at work, guys p: ohmygodohmygodd: zippity zippity zoo oh! bob doesn't like it! *both laughing* p: it made it worse!d: this is inappropriate we just straight up p: *laughing*d: downgraded the mirror

p: more things, more things! (d: okay.) p: do their bed, do their bed!d: we pissed off bob! p: good. d: i'm just gonna have a brisk shower, cause dil's stinky-p: you're having a shower in their house! d: it's fine, we know each other bob is shook, he's like, "why" p: "why did i have to see the dil butt"d: why- why- why did they move next door? (p: yeah.) i did not ask to see the butt

(p: *laughs*) my mirror is ruined *whispers* why? p: bob mirror butt- transform the bed! d: yes! well- *laughs*p: with eliza in it! is she gonna go into the realm of the beyond now? d: oh god phil why are you doing th- (p: i'm just-) what if they actually start to dislike us? p: i'm just very excited.d: i don't know, okay, here we go-

no, bob's thinking ab- no do-do-do-dont come in, don't come in,p: ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod come on (d: uhm,,,) p: dil! dil! (d: oh, sweet shit) it might be something good! d: here we go- d: *sings* zippity zapp: *high pitched noise* d: your bed is now a- *laughs*

treadmill! (p: it's a treadmill!) *both laugh* p: that's awesome! d: and dil is happy from a nicely decorated place! p: see, i mean, bob likes working out, that's just an extra thing for him to seed: get exercise as you sleep, exactly d: oh my god.p: can you not? d: i love that eliza just doesn't care, look, see, marble bust, this was weird, right, we need to just transform this

"i'm gonna have to ask you to leave now." p: oh no! d: uhm, bob, bob, no,p: we don't want to go! d: it's okay, lets just cancel the leaving.p: no. no, we're staying! can we stay?d: can we cancel the leaving or does he have to leave? p: does he have to leave? d: dil,(p: oh my god!) dil no! don't go oh, wait, he's at the front doorp: dil! dil. yes. d: fuck this! oh my god.p: *laughing* d: dil's on a rampage.p: he's on a mission.

d: he's going in!p: it's happening, it's happening! d: "screw you, bob!" (p: *laughing*) d: raaaahhh! p: what's it gonna be? d: a t-p: an old school tv d: mate, we are doing so well dil's just like, "i'm hungry" p: no, this is more important, dil d: bob has just gone to sleep in the spare

room now, he's likep: do the other bed! do the other bed! d: "i do not understand these neighbours, why does eliza like them so much?" "our marriage has just collapsed" (p: yeah) oh! he's actually like "the sweet release of death" i think we have to leave.p: no, do the bed with him in it! come on! (d: no-) d: look! now they don't like each other! phi- how far are you going to take this? we just- we destroyed their bed,p: we can- we can fi-

d: we destroyed their mirror, their favourite marble bustp: we can fix- we can fix the relationship! we can fix the relationship.d: he asked us to leave and we came back! p: we just need to do the other bed and we can go. d: phil, you're bad. you're a terrible influence.p: we just need to do it, we just need to do- *laughs* please!d: i- but what if eliza- see, we're like, "eliza's stalking us, annoying, annoying, annoying"p: she's gonna stop coming over! d: but may- look, we'll miss her, are you sure, phil?p: yes, one more! one more! d: but then they won't have a bed

like, in the actual video game of the sims p: right, fine.d: what happens to them? p: they might die without a bed. d: no, we're doing it. p: oh no.d: phil, you made your bed, now sit in it oh my god, now eliza's asked him to leave p: just do the bed and then- d: look at eliza, okay cancel!

cancel, lets see how far dil gets the thing of shame.p: he's hanging his head in shame d: this is revenge! for every time eliza has said, "come. hang out." "let me into your house." p: *laughs*d: look at dil he's turning to the dark side.

p: this is it.d: they- no, oh my god, they were both in bed together oh my god, we're actually gonna have to p: this is it, this is it d: we are gonna have to get the frick out after this, are you ready? *laughs* are you saying get out? she wants to go to bed! and their be-p: what, no! oh my god! d: oh! oh my god bob just go- what do we do?p: *muffled speaking into his hands* d: dil, what is dil doing? p: i don't want him to die! holy crap, oh my godd: he's following the route to safety

p: call the fire brigade! on the phone! quick! d: *laughing* dil's just like-p: call the fire brigade! they might die! d: "bye!" d: oh my god- wait-p: it's out d: *laughs*p: i feel so bad d: *loudly laughing* p: is this what happens when you have that much power? you set fire to someone's bed? d: *still laughing* look at bob

p: oh my god, i didn't know that could hap d: we... can never go backp: now i'm scared of the simray! d: what happens if we do our daily transform and it sets fire to some- i think it's still worth it (p: oh my god, oh my god)d: in the name of science well, um, i think we just learned what happens when you push things too far! p: so do they have a place to sleep? are they gonna have to sleep on the sofa? d: i think they will just sleep outside now

p: i feel terrible! d: um, can we interact with the bed? no, that's- that's not an object anymore that is just- p: that's just the-d: a charcoal bed p: i mean, you could still kind of sleep on it d: i like that eliza still likes us. *both laugh* p: just a bit.d: she has issues. okay, well, i don't know about you, but i think we need to get the fuck out- what're you thinking?p: yeah, let's leave

he wants to- make spaghet- no- dil! no- they don't want you to make sp-p: no! dil! get out! d: eliza's cry-p: she's crying! d: oh my god, leave, leave, leave, dil go home! go, go, go, don't make spaghetti! for god's sake! p: i feel like that was a mistake, and the power got to my brain and i'm not going to-

do that again and we should be nice to eliza in the future. d: you're a bad influence, phil.p: i know, what happened to me? d: and, there we go!p: that was an adventure. i feel like we should go into their game and buy them a bed because they won't have anywhere to- (d: no.) they won't have anywhere to sleep! d: phil, they've got so much expensive stuff, they've been intermittently good friends, i think,

from all of the stalking, all of the uninvited things, the texts, the calls, (p: yes,) we reduced the value of their property, nearly killing them, and refused to leave twice now we're even.p: now we're even! okay! i didn't know we would set fire to things! d: that's okay. we might've killed the pancakes,

but everything's fine. dil is like, "forget this day!" *both laugh* look at dil. p: he's like, "what've i done?"d: "ooohhhhh, why am i like this?" p:" why did i feel compelled to do that?" d: tabitha, i'm just putting it out there, you haven't really been carrying your weight, so how's about you put down the purple-nator, and help your child?

p: yeah, mop the pee! i know that our audience is emotionally attached to this apartment, (p: yeah,) but i feel an urge to transform stuff and set a fire to the people outside, constructing right now!p: *laughs* we should go- get their cement mixer and turn it into a toilet.d: it's worth the risk oh my god, if we had a ray gun p: *mysterious zappy noises*d: shut up! *zapping noise* phil. what've you done.

you're encouraging me to actually warp people's lives.p: i don't know, i don't know d: you think you know him? you think he's an angel? no. phil will tempt you. (p: i will.) *sings* dab is gonna go night night (p: go~) *both aww* that's so cute and really distressing honestly, it's just so disturbing.p: it knows everything! d: okay tabitha, fix your child i mean-p: those were crocodile tears, he was not sad d: did you see that?!

look- she bloody scooped him through her ass! that was- what is happening? it's cause of the ray gun, we've broken physics in this dimension. (p: yeah.) and now little dabby is going to sleep d: *sings* go to sleep, little dab stop being so dramatic~ *sighs exaggeratedly*p: aww, she feels loved d: well, the nanny might've been traumatizing, dil might've nearly lost his best friends,

but tabitha is feeling the love of family. p: awwww! does that make up for the horrors we've been through in this episode? d: not. at all. p: and there we go! a very varied episode of the sims, i didn't know where it was going when we started, (d: okay-) d: firstly, the nanny was amazing icon, queen of style

i need that sweater, dab is an absolute nightmare and phil, lets just talk about your strange addiction to meddling with physics p: i just got so excited by the simray i just went a little too far.d: okay- i feel like we made it in the last episode, we've had our fun, do you want to keep doing this transforming? p: yeah, the transformation of the day can stay- d: and we'll just risk fire, sure, it's fine

p: -but we won't ruin anyone else's lives. d: okay. so what next? p: i want to invent some more stuff cause there's like, loads of things you can invent d: if we made this, and it's this crazy, what the hell else can you make? cause we're only at, like, the second bit of the career, (p: yeah!) alright, then, i guess we're seeing what is even more extreme than a simray! oh, god!

p: so, give us a thumbs up if you think we should buy bob and eliza a new bed, d: eyyyy! ooh, leave us in the comments if you think we're even or we're fine now, (p: yeah!) because i don't know,(p: what are the morals?) you can click subscribe down there d: watch our last video over there,p: our last video is over there! d: check out our channels, and just contemplate on how we sh- you need to respect the laws of the universe. p: yeah, don't set fire to bed- d: -and other stuff.p: goodbye!

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