kann baby born in die badewanne

what's that? ! giant egg! it's moving i wonder what's inside? i'm going to make it spin and crack it open oooh it's spinning, that's so cool hmmm, the egg didn't crack i'll try to magic it open hmmm, that didn't work, i'm going to punch it open this time who's that?
it's me, barbie, i have lots of toys for you elsa thanks barbie barbie, what is the first toy you have for me? ooh, a zoo doctor there's a monkey and a little lion cub oh that's so cute what's the next one? wow, this is so cool barbie video game hero
let's see the light up skates ooh, that is so cool ooh, that's so cool it's a magical dreamboat there's a little puppy there barbie, do you have any more toys for me yes i do, but i need your magic powers to help me get it out ok, i've got my magic wand oh wow, so cool
it's an equestrian barbie set there are horses there are three girls, and look at that there's stables it's so cool barbie, do you want to get out and help me open all the toys i'll help you, get on my back there you go barbie let's open this one last
elsa, can you magic it open sure it's open cool, let's play with it hmmm, you girls need to have milk now, okay i'll just put you up here so you can have some milk there, good girls monkey, you have to put your milk down first i need to measure the weight
oh that's good, now you can go back to having some more milk lion, it's your turn good girl now you can have some milk i need to type something on my computer beep beep beep beep beep yes i'll do that here, i'll just drill your tooth a little that's good, ok
good, now you can have some more milk you can't sit there, you have to sit up here, ok barbie, which one do you want to open next? this one ooh, that looks cool use your magical powers to open it elsa okay she's got a pink helmet and a pretty skirt
and she's got orange and yellow wheels and she's got long pony tails, that's so cool let's try to spin her oh that's so cool, that's so cool i'm going to try to drive her now oh that's cool she's going to jump and spin that was so amazing that was so cool
barbie, which toy do you want to open next? ooh, that is so pretty ooh, that''s pretty when you push it around, the wings flap the the balloon turns there's a mermaid rabbit up the front who's sleeping inside? it's chelsea oh she's cool puppy, why are you up there, get down
get down puppy woof woof good boy going to drive the ship that's so cool, we're flying puppy, you're going to fall, get down going for a landing good puppy do you want to go to sleep now?
i'm just going to go and drive the ship while you're sleeping yay woohee this is so much fun we're turning we're turning i'm coming in for a landing now i'm going to sleep it's been a busy day today elsa, help me open this one, it's so big wow, look at that barbie
look at all the horses let's play with them open up the stables let's wash them first i'm going to get off my horse i'm off my horse here have some carrots good girl chelsea i'm just going to go to the corner
get my horse in there take the hose out start washing good now i need to scrub her have some hay little pony good pony i'll feed you carrots then i need to dry you there you go
crunch crunch crunch brush her mane dry dry i'm going to eat some hay there you go, some nice fresh hay nay! chelsea, your horse wants to jump over the gate oh, you could have got hurt i love you too
you can go have some hay with the others thank you barbie for bringing me all those lovely toys you're welcome bye, see you next time please subscribe to our channel please watch some more of our videos