dinge im wohnzimmer 94

bedtime story episode 88the bill one evening, mom was preparing supper in the living room. she was laying plates and cutleryand making delicious sandwiches. in came her 11-year-old son, who was being very fascinated with maths, he was holding a sheet of paper and a penand started to read out what he'd written it was written there: 'taking out the trash: 10 pln, looking after my younger sister: 20 pln
tiding up my room: 10 pln, providing fresh water for our cat: 10 pln, taking the dog for a walk: 5 pln, together it's 55 pln to pay.' mom stared at her son with tenderness, took his sheet of paper and pen, turned the paper to the other sideand began writing: '9 months of bearing you in my womb: 0 pln , giving birth to you in pain: 0 pln all your tears i have wiped away: 0 pln
the sandwiches i make for you everydaywhen you go to school: 0 pln putting you to sleepand kissing for goodnight: 0 pln the love i offer and will be offering you till the end of my life: 0 pln amount due: 0 pln.' she passed this card to her son, he glanced at it and at once two big teardrops drained out of his eyes. he turned the sheet at his side, he crossed out the sum to pay and wrote: "paid" instead. then he hugged his mum and kissed her.
one of the companies handling credit cards is right: there are such things in life for which we can't pay by credit card. but let's go one step further: only these things have any meaning. do you know what such things areand refrain from payment for them? good night