wohnzimmer couch kika

wohnzimmer couch kika

how to preparefor the planetary changes hi, good afternoon!good evening or good morning! depending on wherein the world you are. we will talk abouta big topic today: how to be prepared, on alllevels, for the times ahead. we just need to look aroundto see how everything changes. elsewhere in the world, there'rewars, suffering, hunger, injured people,natural disasters... people are starting to panic;i was told the other day

that people in mexico aregetting ready on all levels, there's lots of fear in faceof all the changes lately. somehow, we sense somethingin our souls, something we came here to do, something imminentthat we're not entirely sure of. what attitude must we haveabout what might come? when we understand thathumans undergo a process of continuous evolution. when wego deeper into our souls, we have a clearer ideaof what's to come, if we go there from a placeof calm, love, peace.

we don't fall into psychosis,no matter we have reasons to. a collective psychosis of fear,of panic, so usual in humanity. when we talk about the evolutionof the planet since 2012, the year when the maya calendarfinished, there've been changes easy to perceiveat a scientific level. we've recently seen,on the 1st and 2nd of april, a total absenceof solar activity for 11 consecutive daysas regards explosions or solar storms.images taken were spotless.

not a single solar spotfor 11 days in a row. never seen before, it's crazy. april 1st and 2nd saw fiveintense outbursts that caused blockages in comms. we must pay attentionto what's going on with the sun. i remember that many years ago,20 or 25 years at least, my zen master used to say:"look out, pay attention to what happens with the sun,watch out". it's important, we're dealingwith pure science here.

from october 2016, both the usand europe sent out an alert warning against solar stormsbecause of unusual activity. they talked of great magnitude. if we think, what if somethinghappened, like a solar storm? are we prepared for anaccident of such magnitude, of such impact on the planet? or do we lack completelyany emergency plans? the impact of sun flareswhen there's an outburst of such magnitude ejectedtowards earth that might impact

against the magma, the juiceof earth that's in its core, 70% or which is made of iron... so the impact on the magneticfield, being iron, would be even greater,if seen like this. when there's an irregularmovement of magma it also affectsconnections underground between tectonic plates,the union between volcanoes and seismic movementsin general. it all shifts insideand is reflected in the surface

or beyond planet earth. the impact might have a greaterinfluence on nuclear plants, the electricity grid,satellites... in fact, germany has requestedthat the population store up provisions for a minimumof 20 days. this could be relatedto announcements by the nasa about potential and suspicioussolar storms. climate is affectedto a great extend. the sun affects the magneticfield of earth

and climate in general. simply talking about climate andwater, what happened recently? very intense floods, look atperu or colombia or argentina. one does not need to go furtherthan spain, where there were great floods in malaga, sevilleand -curiously enough- we've had hailstormsin the canary islands. this is almost unbelievableconsidering the temperatures in that area of the country. cyclone debbie in australia.

all the environment is altered. and how are human beingsinfluenced by this? we also have a magnetic field,same as planet earth has. our magnetic field,when it's affected, impacts the nervous system. the earth has its magnetic fieldand it is moving. in 1831, they startedto measure it and later, up to now, it's beendisplaced by 2,000 km. from 1831 until now,that's outrageous.

in fact, aurora borealis can nowbe observed more to the south; even in spain we've seensome northern lights. it's also been noticedthat the speed is changing, it's increasing.the change of poles, the reversal of the poles,the magnetic reversal, has happened 400 timesin 300 millions of years. actually, accordingto scientific calculations this should alreadyhave happened on earth, based on real measurements.

we see how birdsand cetaceans are confused. big holes appearingaround the planet, all associatedto the same phenomenon. the magnetic field has lost15% of its power in the last 150 years. we need the magnetic fieldto protect us from solar radiationand cosmic radiation. due to its debilitation lately,what are we observing? a great increase in skin cancer.

satellites are more vulnerablewhen exposed to radiation due to the lack of magneticfield that could protect them from a greater impact. if satellites break down,what will happen to comms? gps will not work and likewisenavigation systems. they say that airports haveto adjust more and more often the lighting and signingin their runways. why? because it changesso much that they cannot use the old measurements.everything changes.

have a look at the majordisasters that have affected human beings since 2004, forinstance, when 280,000 people died in sumatra in an earthquakeof 9.1 on the ritcher scale. hurricane katrina,which left 1,833 victims. in 2005 in kashmir,a 7.6 on the ritcher scale caused 86,000 dead. a cyclone in burmawhere 150,000 lost their lives. another earthquake in chinain 2008 with 69,000 people dead. haiti in 2010,where 300,000 people were killed

in an earthquake. japan 2011,9 on the ritcher scale, 20,000 people diedand the secondary effects of the disasterare still showing. in fact, talkingabout fukushima, 300 tons of radioactive water,of radioactive pollution, are still being releasedto the ocean. and they need to cool downthe reactors to avoid overheating and further effects. with all this, we can saythat the pacific ocean

is highly contaminated but whotalks of it or informs us? if we take a look at everythingaround us we must think about how we can prepare.what if something happens? what if it is today, tomorrow?are you ready? physically? mentally?spiritually? are you alignedwith these changes? whatever it is,we must be ready just in case. that will grant us peace. for many years now,in the nordic countries...

-i have family in sweden-the usual thing there is to build houses with a placeunderneath fully isolated and protected against potentialradioactive pollution, and to store food, supplies,have baths, chemicals at hand just in case, water, medicines. anything that might come up,radioactive pollution due to a nuclear war or leakage,people are prepared for it and it's quite typical. this is being discussedelsewhere in the world,

people are becoming consciousin america and giving orders so that people are awareof what survival means in case of a nuclear war. people teach us, we look onlineand find how to prepare a backpack for a period of timein case you need to rush out of your house. if we needed it,we could make sure the resources are available if we need to run. especially those who live by thecoast, in case of tsunami alert, should have a backpack readyto go out and run up a mountain

to 200 or 250 metres highto be safe if there's danger. what will you put in thereto be ready just in case? the size should be goodenough for hours of walking so you don't have to leaveit behind cos it's too heavy. have some essentialstorch, water, warm clothes... if it's warm we can alwaystake off layers of clothing, but if it is cold, withtemperatures dropping abruptly, you die sooner of coldthan of extreme heat. you need clothes and footwearboth for cold, for rain,

for ice and, above all, for mud,which is something nobody thinks about. if there's a mixof water and dirt and you need to climb upa mountain with unsuitable shoes you won't get far. this shouldbe taken into account, mud. torches, water, a first-aid kit,toilet paper, tissues, wet wipes and a knife, scissors,a thermal blanket (weightless and a good way to insulate youfrom intense cold). waterproofed apparel and change,especially socks and underwear. high-energy snacks and nuts,as they're easy to carry on,

something to purify water(there are tablets for this). a facial mask, sunglassesor wind glasses to protect us. high-speed windsshould be expected and your skin gets cutif you're exposed or you could be blindedwith the dust and dirt lifted. also bear that in mind. i always advice to carry withyou therapeutic essential oils that you can use as first aid,both to drink or topical use. what mostly comes to mindis essential lemon oil.

if you need protectionfrom drinking potentially non-potable water, lemon oilwill help disinfect it and protect us as an antibiotic;it will help our first line of defense. mint can be used topicallyor be drunk, soothing muscle pain, sprains... lavender is also soothingin case you have skin problems or injuries, burns.i'd bear all these oils in mind when preparing the backpack.

remember your usual treatments,have stocks just in case you run out of them. forinstance, if you take insulin have enough in stock. take your id documents,at least have copies of them, all in plastic; and a rope,batteries, lighters to lit a fire and make sureall the contents of the backpack are covered, insulated, wrappedin airtight plastic. take some money, perhapsto trade if someone tries to steal from you; they mightvalue money more than bread.

take some just in case. this would be the basics to beprepared in the very moment an alert is sent outand you need to run away. that gives you peace, prepare abackpack for each family member and don't forget to includesanitary napkins if you're a woman, or anythingyou need for your period. it would be good to store watersupplies at home, potable bottled waterfor a period of time. we can survive for quite longwithout food

but not without water.keep good storage of water. canned food, precooked, likelentils, chickpeas, meatballs, even things like fermentedcabbage, highly in nutrients while at the same time raw.when we eat dry food for a while that is already cooked,lifeless, a jar of this cabbage or sauerkraut as they callfermented cabbage in germany, is very rich in enzymes. have jars of honey and any foodthat does not need to be cooked. we don't know if we'll havea stove or electricity

so we need provisionsjust in case. i really like dextrinated bread,you find it in bags. basically it's thin toaststhat take long to outdate. at any one pointthey can save your day. store cans of pate, whateverdoes not require a fridge. it's easy. preservesare easy to eat. you should be able to openthem effortlessly. don't have cans if you latercannot find a can opener. easy to open, easy to carryin case you need to rush out.

put all in your car,make sure you can do it quickly. blankets, batteries,if you can have a generator... lots of toilet paper,kitchen paper, blankets, napkins and all the basics,but also think beyond that. when i think about what mighthappen, i always think about refugees in greece, syria,and about the people who help and live with themday and night. so i wonder what they'remissing, what went wrong, what took them by surprise?for example, you don't think

of a lice plague. in case a cityneeded evacuation and masses gather together if one has licethey quickly spread. a good resourceare bottles of vinegar so if you need to kill liceyou put a special cap and a bottle of vinegarin your backpack. it's also helpful for your skin,your hair. they also told me howhygiene products were missed, like toothpaste, toothbrush,facial creams. in case of strong radiationor sun exposure

we'd need sun block.it's advisable. if it wasn't cold, but very hot,we'd need sun block, eye protection,good-quality glasses, a cap... those towels that are verylight, microfiber towels, it's good to have them at hand. spare footwear,and flip-flops for the shower. buy light ones. don't alwaysuse your walking shoes, give your feet some rest. this was all aboutphysical readiness.

there's another side to this. what happens usually when peoplepanic about a situation? if there is an earthquake alert?or a volcanic eruption, a tsunami,an imminent nuclear war? obviously, people panic. the nervous systemruns out of control, minds become cloudy notallowing correct reactions. people become violent, take tothe streets and plunder shops, they don't think of othersbut only of survival.

one can killfor a loaf of bread. what does a situation likethat demand from us? an ability to reactfrom calmness, from peace. we must nurtureour spiritual side. we must have spiritual toolsand resources to simply have the ability to sit down,be calmed, meditate, ask what needs doing. the ability to receive messagesand go out to inform people. if you're at peace and peoplepanic, it's easier for people

to turn to someone withthe potential to be in control and not brimming withemotions or reactions. when we teach the zen courseswe give people tools for them to know how to reactunder any circumstances. the ability to react in contextsthat can be highly unsafe, violent, belligerent. how to be yourself, not panic,not react to that context. i'd recommend to those watchingthis video to look for the chance to takethe zen course, it's free.

you'll fully enjoy the peacethat the tool and resources give you to know how to actin such situations. we've actually had an examplei've talked about before; a student from barcelonawho was in sri lanka during the earthquake, the tsunami. he managed to survive andto help hundreds or thousands of people to survive;he couldn't count them. he used the zen skills,it was very moving to listen to his account and it providedus with a lot of peace, really.

knowing in real time how onefeels in those circumstances. it's nice to talk aboutthe ability and the tool but what when you're in thatsituation, oh my! what do i do now? what does this stage of humanevolution demand of us? it's a call for love,an awakening to love. if we get humanity to wake upon time we won't need to live such critical experiences,so catastrophic. we'll survive with no needto go through such hard lessons.

what happens in the planet,in cosmos, is just a projection of what's happening inside us.a microcosms is here. if this microcosms is notat peace, if there's no harmony, that conflictis projected outside. the call for love,the awakening of consciousness, creating a vibration of peace,joy, humanness... that's what we will convey,collectively, and we could say "game over, finished.we've learned the lesson". we had to reach this pointin the game of life,

of total unconsciousness,lost in the labyrinth of life here on earth,like children in a playground wondering what to doin the midst of such diversity. let's play the game of life. if we can really recapitulateand think whether everything we've done in our life's journeyto get here, to arrive to this critical pointwhere we don't even know if the planet will be ableto sustain us... we don't know if some mad manwill push a button

and start a nuclear war. we don't know if a tsunamior an earthquake will occur or if a nuclear plantmight be impacted and explode and then cause chain explosionsin other nuclear plants nearby. we have no clue what mighthappen, what might trigger it, what would be worse. i mean,where would you like to be if something like this happened. we don't know,so we'd better be ready.

merely beingin a vibration of readiness if it happened tomorrow orthe day after, gives you peace. if you have peace and calmness,your nervous system is calmed and so your magnetic field.if you are vibrating in peace your magnetic field expandsand joins other fields. all together as one,vibrating in unison with peace, will be covering and protectingthe earth's magnetic field. same here below as there above,as is above so is below. when we realize that we're allone, we forget to be "i".

my house, my town, my city,i protect myself... instead we try to protectour family around the world. if we come together in thatconsciousness and think: "there's an earthquake in chileor great floods in argentina, how can we helpfrom this side of the world? how can we relieve thesuffering in those places?" we unite and togetherin that vibration we create a sort of protection domeand thus we'll be protecting this sidewith unconditional love.

we thank our familyto the other end of the planet for somehow having chosenthat suffering to give us the chance to be betterversions of ourselves because thanks to themwe can evolve. nobody is paying any favoursaround out there. we do ourselves a favour. the other day in class there wasthis student of the second zen level in madridwho had a lovely connection. she said she'd met me long agowhile in a state of vigil,

lying in bed, snoozing;suddenly a sort of window or picture or cloud opened upin front of her on the chest. she saw me leaning outand saying "remember me?" she said she couldn't rememberme and asked who i was. "don't you remember me?we were sisters in the pleiades" she wondered if it was true,she was not asleep or dreaming. it was real and i told herto look for me. next day she went onlineand saw me advertising the zen course. but she receiveda message that she didn't wait

and went instead to thecollective reset in ecocentro. she came and we met.she didn't wait and also got the ticket for the zen course.during the course she connected with the founder of ourteachings, who died in 1924, and they had a conversationwhere he conveyed a message. he said that every human beingmust know that right now we must wake up to love,universal love. we must be awareof who we really are. wonderful times are ahead,a new era and we must qualify

and be prepared for thattransition to the new age. i've written all this in my newbook, to be published soon. we'll enter a new era,the golden age. but we need to qualifyto be in this era. it's a new version of humanity,based on unconditional love. it's a new frequency,humans will have high abilities. same as we had in atlantis,with high technology and extrasensory skills. we will livemultidimensional experiences.

but we must qualify.each will cultivate from now on ...like a clean slate from allwe've lived so far, that's cancelled, never existed,like if our sins were forgiven and someone did a reset to us.we'll start from scratch. hereon, qualify to be a newinhabitant of that new version of the world that awaits us. this means you must vibratein love, with all the essence of who you really arein spite of all your past. it's a chance to be likean angel, cos depending on

your credits, what you build upon, you'll plan the plot you'll be assignedin the new world. in this plot you'll build yourhouse in your own design and it will match your vibrationor what you'll nurture. not everyone will be thereor achieve the frequency or vibration necessary to goand be assigned the plot that's under their name.bear this in mind. let's vibrate in that frequency,let's try to be human beings with all the high qualitiesthat befit us.

let's remember and enjoy;leave ego, arrogance, ambition, especially of power all aside.be modest, start anew. practice forgiveness, devotion,service with love... all with modesty, you don't needgrand gestures or sacrifices or to become victims;it's just a restart. what this student conveyedwith lots of love was a very inspiring message. if you think you've done badly,that you drag a heavy load, and need to free yourself fromthat bad conscience and guilt,

well... it's over. forget it.start anew. it's a new chance. that weekend was also the 100thanniversary of the apparition of the virgin in fatima. i was going home afterthe resets that saturday and i saw this extraordinaryimage of a cloud in the sky. very special, i took a picture,was very excited and i published it in instagram(if you want to take a look it's suzannepowell222 in instagram).it was something magical. later that girl told us herexperience and i joined the dots

about fatima's prophecies. if we think about what she toldto those innocent children and everything that's going on,it's actually quite coherent if applied to these times. if we want to understand itfrom consciousness, awakening, living in that version ofhumanity that we really want, then we have a chance to easeor temper all that's being transmitted around us. if we blame the government,for instance, that's wrong.

inside us, each of us isa part of that government. what's projected outsideis inside each one of us. that tsunami or earthquakethat we see as external is also inside us.violence and war, all of it. why don't we change it?it's the only way, it's what our cosmic family are beggingwhen they look out the balcony and see us below and say:"come on, wake up! it's time, wake up humans!the time has come". when i heard the news todayfrom a beloved person

that her 4-year-old grandsonhad said: "time's up, granny, time's up!", like joanna saidthe night before her birthday on january 15th,when i had that experience i've already told in diversetalks and in my new book (titled "despertad humanos,llego la hora"). her message was:"time up, time's up". we live this time as borrowed,it's extra, it's a gift, since the end of the mayacalendar on 21/12/2012. it finished so all we're livingsince then has been gifted.

we've asked for more and moretime, but for what? to prepare more people,more time to be able to give the tools for people to awake,to realise that we're really living in paradise herebut we've forgotten who we are. if we recognise ourselvesas humans living an experience here on earth, but identifyingourselves as spiritual beings acting as humans, and we go backin time to remember atlantis or lemuria, and that we'rethe same across all eras, most of us are, just repeatinghistory to improve the species.

enough is enough,no more beating around the bush, we need to go back home. this means going backto that amazing new world that is awaiting.we must qualify to arrive there. if not, we'll have to keepevolving in other parts of the solar system,universe or multiverse. we have the chance to go home,enjoy that plot, that magic place that remindsme of the film "nosso lar". wonderful film, it's the imagei so often remember

from my visits to that place.the incredible vegetation in the new world; the moststriking memory is to get there and see a tree with giant goldengrapes and wonder how to eat such a big grape, and golden!juicy and immense. when i returned from thatlucid dream i asked my master how it was possible to havesuch grapes in that place with two suns where there'sno night, when one sun sets the other rises; temperaturesare perfect, we were all ageless with no elderly, all around26 or 28 years old.

no illnesses. plenty of sunlight, if you want to eat you do and we choose to communicateverbally or telepathically. all was love, feelings, smiles,music, dance, happiness. even our pets were there,what a surprise to find them! everyone you love in this world,your loved ones. children, happy people...a place of full consciousness. we're still on timefor that transition and change. the earth must make itstransition, undergo its process. we evolve with earth andit must rise up and us with it.

we're here to be partof that process in tandem. the message in my new bookis very positive and loving, but i also explain all thatwe're living together as humans and with our cosmic family, thewhole group, above and below. how we're invited to undergothat process consciously, to be ourselves, to evolve, toenjoy a state of consciousness, to overcome your trials in peaceand turn this world in the place we dream of for everyone. in a few weeks, around mid junein spain and a month later

in latin america the book willbe published for you to enjoy. that's the message. i had a great surprise thisweekend at the being one event. i had the incredible opportunityto sit down and share a stage with one of my idols,the amazing neale donald walsch. he's the author of the trilogy"conversations with god". i had just finished my book andhe said he'd finished one too. his book is titled"awaken the species", and not "conversationswith god".

awaken the species, and i justfinished a book with almost the exact same title!i told him on stage and we both looked at each other,astonished. see the book? i told him it wasfunny how i had just asked my father to buy a new booki had seen recently of the trilogy"conversations with god". i sent him a whatsapp begginghim to post that book; i had read it years agoand it gave me so much. it was my beginningso i wanted to have more.

so many things happenedat the being one event that the universe hada surprise in store for me and in the end my presentwas to sit down on stage with neale donald walsch, to hug him,connect, look him in the eye, felt him like a fatherly figure. there was so much feeling,a wonderful connection, magic. you can watch the interviewin mindalia, our little talk together on stage. that's why i always saythat from a positive standpoint,

looking for magic in everythingcos nothing is accidental, nothing is casual, even if itseems chaotic there's a reason behind, it makes sense. so just tune into human gps modeand prepare to recalculate, recalculate and recalculate. when things are not goingthe way you'd like them or you think they should bedifferent don't get angry, don't complain or criticiseor judge or point fingers, don't be in a negative mood.

say to yourself there'sa reason for that and accept it even if you don't know.let it go. in the end you'll see how itall had to be like that. with this planetary processwe'll soon live, try to nurture your spiritualside from acceptance, serenity, peace. go inside. also take care of your physicalbody, you need to be strong. if you need to walk for hoursyour body must endure this, maybe climbing up a mountain,with a backpack, under rain,

with wind, walking through mud. work out, do exercise, move,live a healthy life. in case of radiation it'sparamount to have your body charged with positive pole. there's a list of foods withpositive pole in the new book. the higher it is the better,cos radiation is 100% negative pole, which meansexpansion, explosion. therefore, we need the oppositein our body, a good charge of positive pole,which means contraction.

negative pole and expansionmeans tumors, cysts, swelling, fluid retention... all thebloating is excess of negative. if your body is robust and toughthen it is positive pole. you must be strong,not only slim. red rice and gomasio diet is agood idea, three days a month. more if you want. also include lots of foodwith positive pole in your diet to make sure you havea good stock of positive pole. if there was contaminationdue to radiation your body

will not suffer the adverseeffects as much as anyone with their bodyin negative pole. i've seen in my dreams peoplein the street with vomit around and very sick, so i askedmy master about these frequent dreams and he said this waspossible... when we dream it's a possibility within theprogramme, just an option. it's possible contaminationby nuclear radiation. prevention is betterthan suffering. we can do so much to be ready,another thing i'm thinking

would be good to put inthe backpack or to have at home in good supply is supra foods.all those foods now in fashion, bagged for athletes,like chlorella or berries, with lotsof vitamins and antioxidants. they can protect usagainst radiation. have aloe vera at hand in caseof burns and apply topically. you can also eat it. i've given you enough info,and hopefully not a headache. it's five to 10pm here in spain,almost an hour, sorry!

i thought it was importantto add all those details. we're open for questionsfrom now on, ok? -the questions are very similar,everybody is concerned about their rest; they saythey feel really tired and cannot sleep at night, some havesleep paralysis or tachycardia, and they wonder if it has to dowith the changes to come. -of course it has. and manyother things they suffer from. the biggest impact we mightbe getting is electromagnetic pollution that also affectsour electromagnetic field.

all the waves, rays, other thanwhat the sun sends over. solar explosions also affectthe human nervous system. there's more tiredness andmany people suffer depression. symptoms like allergies, skinreactions, digestive problems, lack of focus, memory loss... in the zen course we teachhow to breath consciously so that we have the abilityto seal, close and protect our magnetic field.anything external to the field cannot penetrate andtherefore cannot infect us.

no frequency or vibration. it will be our main protectioncos the frequency we use is the one basedon unconditional love, the best protection.i'd advice you to get a reset from our colleaguesto clean the magnetic field, to clean the mental bodyfrom those multidimensional infections that might becausing that heaviness. it would be really good to learnin order to have the tools to be ready.

-sergio, from spain.if the sun with its vibrations is radiating light to the moon,would the reflect we receive at night also affect us? whatchanges it does to the moon? -the impact the sun createson the earth's magnetic field, as it is in continuous rotation,affects the entire field at once and not only the areawhere it's shining. the moon receives the reflectionof the sun in the other side but the impact on the magneticfield is greater because the earth's magnetic fieldis very weakened.

it might reflect on the moonand then impact on us from there but the impact is lowerif we compare it to what comes directly from the sun. about the moon we must consider,if we investigate further, is it actually a star or justa satellite put there? if you're interested lookat the work by david icke. i shared this with him years agoand according to his theory, and that of george kavassilas,the moon was taken out of orbit a long time ago and we don'tsee what's really there

behind the moon; that's whythey see it as a satellite. that's why there's so muchactivity and movement in and out of the claimed "moon"...moon or non-moon, it turns you lunatic,this information. you can do researchif you want to go further. -fabiola, from colombia.what can we do, those of us who have received signslike 11:11 and synchronicities? -these coordinates or symbolsare being received by many, they are frequencies.we go through different stages

in evolutionand we're paying attention. nothing is a coincidence,they're spiritual messages that i call coordinates. we eachcome from a cosmic family from different partsof the universe, so we have our own symbols,whatever resonates with us. to some people it means nothing,to others it's curious to always see even numbers in their mobileor figures like 22:22, 11:11 or palindromes like 12:21or consecutive numbers, 22:33. mobiles, car plates, telephonenumbers, or door numbers

when you walk down the street. i explain all this in my book"atrevete a ser tu maestro", in a chapter about signs. we allknow what resonates with us. when you see a signthat resonates with you, when you perceive that,don't just say that it's another coincidenceand take a picture. it's more a question to findwhat you were thinking or saying or feeling at the verymoment the sign appeared. why that sign at that moment?who's communicating with me?

is it your own self saying:"there! wake up! pay attention, don't you seethe same sign again and again? will you realise i need youto listen, it might be me putting information in yourhead, your own self communicating with youand asking you to get up, pick that book and openit in page 120?" you think it's you and suddenlythe number is in your mobile and you say it's coincidence,giving it no importance. the moment you see a sign, stop!

think, ask yourself why nowand what were you thinking. you'll be surprised.it's a way, our cosmic friends are constantly looking fora way to communicate with us. in case something was boundto happen on planet earth they need awakened humans,connected (not online!), dusting their antennas,connected so they can give them instructions and information. if we're all disconnected,how can they warn us? we have this way to be connectedand receive the information,

orders or instructions,to coordinate and be able to act coherently in caseof catastrophe or need to mobilise lots of peopletowards a certain place to remove them from danger. the more, the better. -dana, from colombia. it's beensaid that for humanity to change completely 40 yearsat least are required. what do you think?is so much time necessary? -there's no time!the four-year-old said it,

and my daughter and many peoplenow are saying the same. even neale donald walsch,"awaken the species", wake humanity up! time's up,there's no time left. we don't have time to spareor be distracted. we have time for ourselves,to nurture our consciousness and our spirituality,to know how to react. it's not the time to be lostand busy or distracted. time up! no more time!that's the message we're sent constantly:time's up.

hence this conversation. we've bought time up to now,hopefully we'll have a bit more to get ready. -elisa asks when are the changescoming, if there's a timeline. -no timeline. we don't knowif tomorrow a mad man will push a buttonand nuclear war will break out. we don't know if a meteorwill fall or if we'll enter the asteroid belt. we don't knowif there'll be an earthquake. we don't know. it can be minorat a general level

or serious, either causedby men or by the universe, even by earth itself,as it transforms. whatever happens we don't knowits extent, might even need a planetary evacuation. if wwiiioutbreaks in the aftermath of someone pushing a button,and someone else pushes another, and then another... what willhappen to planet earth? how can it survive a massivenuclear war? impossible. in that case our cosmic friendswould take action. they're usually at a distance,observing and not intervening.

the can't decide for usor interact with us to change our programmebut would take action in case of far-reaching consequencesor major impact that might cause overall damage to the planet. they interact when there'simminent danger, for instance a nuclear missile.how many times have we heard that a missile has strayedand not hit target. or an asteroid on the wayto earth that vanished or exploded before reachingthe atmosphere.

there have been interventionsbut they cannot decide for us. only if there's no choice otherthan a planetary evacuation. if that was necessarythey'd be here in no time. real fast, in split secondsthe job would be done, they are fully prepared.they are our cosmic siblings, part of our cosmic familyor families. -gina from colombia. when weprepare for potential disasters, aren't we creating thoseat the same time? -when we create a vibrationof readiness it gives us peace.

if something can happenand you're not ready you'll be in constant panic.the mere fact of being occupied as ants, working and preparing,we reach our consciousness and are calmed, at peace,we act instead of being asleep and waiting for itto fall upon us. by generating that peace,by being together, working, prepared for what's to come, asa matter of fact pushes it away whereas if we vibrate in fear ofwhat might come and do nothing then we are attracting itand exposed to being hit by it.

that's the difference, we don'tgenerate a vibration to attract but we're peacefully preparingto be ready in case something happened. -marta, from new york. how do iprepare a 7-year-old with add for all these events?how to prepare him spiritually? -a 7-year-old knows betterthan any unconscious adult, any unprepared adult.why did that other kid say that time was up? time's up!he knew, not the adult. innocent children know howto handle these situations,

in fact, they comfort adults. i've heard so many storiesfrom colleagues who work with refugees, impressedwith how children react, much better than adultsin situations with crowds. in such situations they havethe wisdom, they know why they're here, are closerto the source, more connected. they still believe in theirguardian angel and listen, pay attention and act accordingto what they're told by them. i've heard stories of childrenabout to board a plane

with their parents... i remembera kid travelling with his dad, and right at the gate he startedshouting "no, no, this plane will crash, it will fall!"he had such a tantrum that in the end they didn'tboard that plane, which actually crashed. they have a sixth senseand we must listen to them. they'll give us a lot of info.look at their innocence! look at our pets, if somethingis about to happen they know. days before, even.they're sensitive and read

the frequency, the planet'svibration, they know when an earthquake is coming.what do they do? run away. run up a mountain. in nature,when something's about to happen and you live in the countryside,people in countries used to earthquakes watch animalsand if they see them running up the mountain, they follow them.they know better where to go. where to shelteraway from what is coming. -question from tania.do we know the exact place where the impact will be greater?

-we don't know, same aswe ignore what might happen. i talked aboutmany possibilities in the book around how it'll allbe triggered, but we don't know in which order or the impact. every day we co-create,collectively, that game of humanityhere on planet earth. if we awaken in time,the impact would be less strong. maybe one side of the earthis affected and we all move to the other sidewhile it recovers.

our cosmic familywill intervene in that case to take us to a safe placeif other is affected. there's lots of infoin the book. i've here with me a booki bought a few months ago, titled "i am america",it's an atlas of how the earth will look whenthe golden age arrives. there's even a map with the newcities of the golden age. they have names and all. i was glad to see that there'sa golden city near madrid.

it's a fascinating book. this work is by this author,lore adaile toye, "i am america" (i can write itin the blog or below the video). when my master lived in phoenix,az, i went to visit him, and he handed some books by thisauthor and showed me the map of how the earth would look,as researched by this woman. he intervened in thatmultidimensional information channeling it through her. hehad the map in his living room back then. when he passed away,12 years ago, i investigated

and contacted the authorof this book and told her of what i had experiencedwith my master on that level. she is in phoenix, arizona. she told me she hada new version of the map because there'd been atransition, or a transformation, in human consciousness thatmodified the world accordingly. it was transformedfor the better, obviously. she asked me to wait and not buythe atlas as she was updating it and in the book she shows areaseverywhere in the planet

to show how the earth will look,what will be under water and what emerged. my master told us one day,at least 25 years ago, when we thoughtthis was science fiction, that atlantis would re-emerge. our family from atlantis,ourselves back then. atlantis was sunk and lost. he told us how atlantiswould re-emerge and said that what's below will emergeand what's emerged will sink.

not entirely,but it would re-emerge. in fact, five years agomy daughter told me to move away from the coast. we were livingin barcelona, she told me to move inland.i asked why and she said that atlantis was "lifting"(that was her word) and will cause an enormous wave. we're talking about the bigwave, there's even a documentary recently shown in cinemas herein madrid and other places. it's titled "la gran ola"and is about the possibility

of a big wave. it's not a question of beingalarmed and rushing out. i always say, if the wave was tocome and atlantis to re-emerge it's because wondersare about to happen. the earth is transforming andour family will come forward. if you were in atlantisand you're afraid to drown, you're afraid of water,it's because you were there and died underwater in atlantis. many people are afraid of waterand they don't know why.

a moment will comewhen that will happen. but we don't know when!might be tomorrow or in... we've lived in madridfor almost five years, and all is good. i come and goto barcelona, no fears. when i'm there people ask meabout the wave and i tell them that you never know. i'm not the only one dreamingof waves, there's loads of students who ask me what haswater to do with this teaching. lots of people who dreamwith giant waves, so enormous.

and i put my hand forwardto stop it and see people running up a hill. first level and second levelstudents and even people who haven't taken the course. many people dream with water,with mud, it's all part of a possibility withinour collective programme. one possibilitythat might change. if you dream something,it means that depending on where you're vibrating or humanityis vibrating at that moment

there's a chance that it mighthappen in the programme. if you dream something else,it might also happen. it's all hypothetical. today we are co-creatingwhat might happen tomorrow or the day after or the next. if we do that click today,that change of consciousness, and we awaken to createa critical mass, we get there, game over! we did it! even the bible mentionsthe 144,000 chosen.

what will you do?what will your role be? will you sit and cry?tremble with fear and think of your house, your family,your clothes... say "my things, my money,my bank account"... or will you be readyto help and serve? in case something happensyou're ready to serve. this reminds me of a studentin barcelona years ago who during her meditation-i tell this in the book- she opened her eyesand looks at me in amazement;

when the class was overshe came to tell me that during her meditationi took her out of it to a balcony outside in cosmosoverlooking barcelona. she saw a giant wave breakingover the whole city, only the towers of the sagradafamilia were above water and some of the tallestbuildings. she was with our founder and me,we were talking to her. the founder of the teachingasked her if she understood why she was taking the course.

she then saw lightscoming out of the water, many lights all around the citythat turned into people, who were actually zen students. they were out there helpingpeople in difficulties, drowning, hurting or fainting.she was so fascinated, eyes wide open, seeinghow everything transformed. she understood whyshe was taking the course: to help humanity. the high skills that we useto help unconditionally,

with love, for free... we do to remind humanswhat belongs to them. actually, i always say in thecourses that i teach nothing, i just give the tools to helpremember who we truly are. you use the ability to discern,to connect with yourself, to go inside and remember yourprogramme and that of humanity. the history of humanityis in our hard disk, in the seat of our soul. everything recordedin our fourth chakra,

even the information i'm givingyou now, it's all in there. you can extract than infofrom your dreams, in meditation, in heightened consciousness,moments of greater lucidity, when you suddenly have a flash,struck by shocking ideas. the tools give us all the info. in fact, if something bighas to happen, we'll have a 3-day warning, we'll have timeto warn people. who will believe a mad person,a crazy woman? if you share informationyou must be

a person with lucidity,with the ability or credibility so people take you seriously. however, zen studentsare prepared but don't envisage the impact of their abilityand consciousness. not until something big happens,something striking; then they'll shinewith flying colours. at that moment, if a massivemobilisation was necessary the students who keeptheir ability and consciousness will be lighthouses,people will follow them

for no apparent reason. they will be guided to leadpeople towards areas with more support, safe areas,driving people away from danger. the students don't knowwhat they're facing, cannot imagine everythingthey'll be able to do. all engines will be ignited,the ability will be felt from a place of consciousnessand intention. we're not talking about levels,first and second levels. or talking about 30% capacityor 60% capacity.

we'll talk about consciousnessand intention. at that moment, if you area person with the will to help, you have no fearand are at peace, then you'll fully trustyour ability. you'll be a personwith a free available channel cosmic friends to use you to dowhat you've really come to do. i can tell we'll live amazingevents, wonderful, glorious. we'll see ourselvesfully coloured as human beings, at least thosewho are ready for this shift.

these events are to wishto experience them, it's an incredible timefor humankind. many who are not herewould wish to be so they could live what we will. i invite you to vibrate outsidefear, to be prepared but not in fear mode.get ready on the levels we talked about and be at peace. be at peace, that's it.it's all i can say. we've got nothing to fear.-thank you, suzanne.

that was the last question,we've run out of time. -thanks a lot.

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