wohnzimmer couch test

wohnzimmer couch test

alright guys i think we may have found thecoolest airbnb to date. and i feel like we've been saying that a lotlately because we've been staying in some pretty amazing places but this one sam andi were both yeah wow. this one we get to stay here? haha. this one is a little extra special. yeah. it is so nice i have to say that i almostfeel like we you know we don't want to be here for just a week.

we kind of want to be moving in. yeah, yesterday after we checked in sam waslike well maybe we should stay a few extra days just so we could enjoy the apartment. yep. or a month or two. so anyways we're going to get started withthe tour now. and the apartment is instantly cool with anowl mat to welcome us. so sam is standing in front of the main entranceright now so this is the view you get as soon as you come in.

the kitchen but before we go in there we dohave like a little small bathroom under the stairs. our first of two. under the stairs. look at that. you can actually see the stairs right here. but anyways the bathroom is not even interesting. no. you need to follow me out to the kitchen.

dadadaaah. yeah, the kitchen is what really first impressed. look at this. like the exposed wooden beams. and we're in an attic. we're on the fifth floor. so like look at this. yeah, it is so cozy. let's do from from wall to wall.

like i don't even know where to look thereis so much cool stuff going on. like isn't this like the coolest way to hangutensils, cups, wine glasses. whatever. i like that everything spices. like your glasses and everything you needfor cooking it is all right there. you can see it so you're not like rummagingthrough cupboards. and look. how many different cheese graters do theyhave? is that like three?

they must like cheese. yeah, this family really likes cheese. this is someone's home. yeah, this isn't just like an airbnb to rentout to throughout the year. this is actually someone's home. mmmhmmm. so yeah. you gotta love someone who likes cheese thatmuch. yeah, and there is cool artwork everywhereand yeah this is the kitchen.

i really like the kitchen. when we come downstairs for breakfast i'mlike yeah let's make something. and it is not just on that first wall we showedyou. it is also over here. more spices. they have spices and my gosh just about itis such a cool kitchen. oh even down there. look. dolls.

and it is just very um very tastefully decoratedthis home i have to say. i like it. uh but anyways that is we've got on this level. next up we need to go upstairs to see therest of the apartment. so follow me. and try not to. i'll try not to hit my head on the beam. although i'm pretty good at doing that. that seems to be one of my great talents inlife.

bumping my head. sam's many talents. that is my greatest talent in life. so once we get to the second floor we've gotthis cool living area. it is massive. so a couch over here. a couch over there. we've also got a cool computer desk. i've already claimed it as my own.

you claimed it first but i kicked you outthis morning. and then this is our another little tablefor us. we've used it for work. we've also used it for breakfast so far. but i just love this sitting area. this is so cozy. uh this is where we had our glass of winelast night. and the views are so cool. we can see the river off in the distance.

and if one living room wasn't enough hereis the second one. and the cool thing about this one. well there is a really big tv if you turnaround. what? we haven't turned it on yet. we've been too busy with online work. and then they have some uh it is just likeart. like more bookshelves. lots of books.

art everywhere. it is like this is amazing. it feels like this is kind of a life goal. can we make our future apartment look as coolas this. probably not. at least not for a while. so then from the second living space we'vegot this little tunnel to the bedroom. so come along. and we have more big windows.

yeah, let's check out the views from here. woah. i love these arched windows. they just let in so much natural light. and like every wall seems to have a window. no shortage of natural light in this apartment. that is so true. so yeah this is the apartment. and look at the massive storage space.

cupboard space. not a cupboard. closet space. closet. that is the word we're looking for. yeah and like a big bed. more art. yeah, let's check out this bed. it is big.

super cool. okay, i guess the last thing while there maybe some more things to show but let's go check out the bathroom now. the bathroom. and we have a shower. and a tub. in case we wanted to have a bath. but look at the shower in here. it is small but functional.

very typically european. sometimes i do miss my north american showersi have to admit. and then more windows in the bathroom. and you can just see like rooftops and chimneys. wasn't this your like mary poppins in polandmoment. yes. are we going to see a chimney sweep crawlout from the maybe. from the rooftop here. so that concludes the apartment tour.

i think we're really going to enjoy our weekhere. i'd say so. mmhmm. and i mean like this place is maybe not onlyone of the coolest airbnbs but also one of the best value airbnb we've ever had. can you guess the price? what would think maybe like seventy or eightbucks? thirty. thirty buckaroos.

thirty dollars a night for this place. i know. and the location is great too. we're just like right by the river. we're within walking distance to a lot ofthe attractions. we're nearby a grocery store. we're nearby some restaurants. so this place offers phenomenal value andi think like when you're staying in a place that you really like you actually it influencesyour opinion of the city.

yeah, you just have a better experience. you have a better experience and you justwant to be like you feel more like a local. you feel more like you're actually livingsomewhere as opposed to just being crammed in to some tiny space. so this is like super comfortable. very relaxing and i think we're going to havean awesome time here. yeah, so we hope you guys are enjoying ourapartment tours around europe. let us know if you want to continue seeingmore. yeah, exactly.

and now i think we're off for food. so tata. tata. time for food. bye.

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