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you must return to your universe.i must have my captain back. i shall operate the transporter.you have 2 minutes and 10 seconds. for that time i have something to say... how long before the halkan predictionof galactic revolt is realized? approximately 240 years. the inevitable outcome? the empire shall beoverthrown, of course. the illogic of waste, mr. spock. a waste of lives, potential,resources, time.
i submit to you thatyour empire is illogical... because it cannot endure. i submit...that you... ...are illogical... to be a willing part of it. you have 1 minuteand 23 seconds. if change is inevitable,predictable, beneficial... doesn't logic demand thatyou be a part of it? one man cannot summon the future.
but one man can change the present.be the captain of this enterprise, mr. spock. find a logical reason for sparingthe halkans and make it stick. push till it gives... you can defend yourself betterthan any man in the fleet. captain! get in the chamber! what about it, spock? a man must also have the power. in my cabin... ...is a device that willmake you invincible.
indeed. what will it be?past or future? tyranny or freedom? it's up to you. it is time. in every revolution thereis one man with a vision. [energizing]captain kirk, i shall consider it. [energizing] [angry rants] kirk:what the devil is goingon, mr. spock?
it is agreeable to seeyou again, captain. it appears you weretemporarily interchanged... ...with counterparts froma parallel universe. most of the crew is unawareof these events. i know what happened, spock.i wanna know why. who's responsible? the ion storm created atransporter irregularity... resulting in a transposition of thelanding party's quantum wave signatures. chief kyle was at the controls.he has been disciplined. [chuckles]he'd better have been.
- mr. scott.- sir? check the transporter relays.make sure this doesn't happen again. i trust the halkans havebeen dealt with? apparently i have to doeverything myself, don't i. kirk to bridge.is the halkan capital city in firing range? coming around againin 4 minutes, sir. good.on my way. marlena:welcome back, captain. see you in my quarters.
captain on the bridge. lieutenant.get the halkans on screen. where's my navigator? captain...?mr. chekov... ensign chekov.return to your station immediately. it is merciful of you to forgive mr. chekovafter his assassination attempt. i agree that the agony booth madea sufficient impression. what's the holdup, lieutenant?do you have them? council-leader tharn standing by.
your time has run out.i'm tired of playing with you. this is no game, captain kirk. oh, no.it's not. you have 30 seconds to relinquishyour dilithium crystals. or this face is thelast one you'll see. that would be most unwise, captain. but we are prepared to die toprotect what we hold dear. have it your way.start the countdown. ready phasers. wait...
load photon torpedo tubes. full spread. spock:captain... the halkans have noplanetary defense grid. a torpedo barrage is unnecessary. the radiation fallout would likelyannihilate the entire population. likely... fitting isn't it? an example toall who defy the empire. captain.if i may...
logic dictates that the survivalof the halkan civilization... ...could prove profitable for theempire for many years to come. you could be the first to setthe precedent of diplomacy... ...that could yield long-term benefits.i would recommend lesser measures. you've given me much tothink about, mr. spock. fire. kirk (vo):space... the final conquest. these are the voyages ofthe starship enterprise.
its continuing mission... to discover and subjugatestrange new worlds. to advance our dominion andvanquish all who stand against us. to conquer the galaxy forthe glory of the empire. spock (vo):first officer's personal log. captain kirk has annihilatedthe halkan people... and i was unable to prevent it. i find myself torn... between loyalty to the empire... and thelogic which predicts its inevitable demise.
status report. all torpedoes impacted, captain.the halkan cities have been destroyed. thank you, jones. the name's smith, sir. mr. spock, would you mindtelling me what just happened? since when do you questionimperial orders? i merely pointed out the obvious advantagesof an alternate course of action. which you elected to ignore. uhura. contact starfleet.let them know that we...
that i have completed the mission. notify them that strip-mining of theplanet's dilithium can proceed. also... make note of mr. spock's objection. aye, sir. ensign chekov reporting for... captain. i wish to thank you forpermitting me to resume my duties. - i trust you've learned your lesson, ensign?- yes sir! - take him back to the agony booth.- but, captain...
- i changed my mind.- but sir, you said...! i changed my mind![chekov screams] lieutenant. have mr. lesliereport to the navigation station. uhura: aye, sir.smith: captain... i'm reading additional detonationsbeneath the planet's crust. what sort of detonations? it looks like our torpedo barrage triggereda reaction in the planet's dilithium strata. the crystal lattices arebeing destroyed. piezoelectric charges, captain.no doubt planted by the halkans.
kirk to transporter room. scotty. beam as many dilithium crystalsas possible directly to the cargo bay. captain. with all those explosionsthere's no way to get a lock. besides, the transporter circuits are... i don't need excuses, mr. scott!i need solutions! are you capable ofproviding them? i'll get right on it, sir. the dilithium was rigged to explode. why didn't you detect that?
captain. i advised againstthis course of action. the logical decision was... you're not paid to lecture mein logic, mr. spock! you're paid to do your job! i believe i am, sir. i'll be in my quarters. - lieutenant.- uh-uh, commander. don't look at me. the captain's enemies aren't aroundlong. and i don't intend to be one of them. commander...
three andorian vessels dropping out ofwarp just outside the system. computer.analysis of approaching ships. computer (vo):working. kumari-class battle cruisers. armaments: 180-degree particle cannons. hull composition: duranium alloy. top of the line. we're receiving a transmissionfrom the andorians... they say they witnessed thedestruction of the halkans....
and they no longer recognize theauthority of the terran empire. it has begun. - what has?- revolution, lieutenant. revolution. what's wrong? i'll tell you what's wrong... what's wrong has pointed earsand a knack for insubordination. spock's been the best firstofficer i could ever hope for. what's he playing at?[intercom whistle]
spock (vo):bridge to captain kirk. speak of the devil. captain here. captain. long range sensors detect andorianrebels on an intercept course. if they make any aggressive moves,destroy them. kirk out. the andorian government will not... once again offering your opinionwhen none is requested! destroy them!
i will not. all right, spock. you're angling for something. what is it you want? what did that imposter offer you? what he offered me, captain... ...is something you cannot give. i was right. the whole galaxy has gone crazy.
what happened while i was gone? the imposter has obviouslybeen in my chair. where else has he been? [coy laughter] spock:the actions taken against thehalkans have been illogical. they shall likely serve as a catalyst... which may jeopardize theempire's very survival. there is, however... ...a path to the future.
but that future may not involveour present command. spock... we had a good run, you and i. [fizzles out] no. - no!- james... what's wrong with it?why isn't it working? - i don't know.- why isn't it working? security detail to my quarters.
belay that order. kirk to farrell. farrell here, sir. send two of my personal guards tomy cabin. on the double. on the double, sir. and keep this channel secure.kirk out. what are you gonna do? put an end to this insanityonce and for all. why?
worried about me? i am the captain's woman. you are.aren't you? always. [door buzzes] come. escort me to the bridge. we're taking commanderspock into custody. sir?
do you have a hearingproblem, mister? no, sir. wait for me. i'll be back in an hour. commander. what the captain'sasking for... it's not possible! mr. scott. i must speak with you. off the record. when you were in theother reality... what did you see?
i... erm... i saw weakness, commander. perhaps what you saw...was peace. is that possible, mr. scott? commander, that kind of talk willonly lead to one place. the agony booth! you speak of weakness... but the true weakness lieswithin the terran empire. it is held together bytenuous bonds of fear.
the destruction of thehalkan civilization... ...will serve as the final strawfor the outer colonies. insurrection wasinescapable. but it has nowbeen accelerated. we cannot survive afull-scale rebellion. but the peace that youwitnessed over there... ...is not impossible in ourreality as well. mr. spock!what you're saying... it's... mutiny.
kirk (vo):captain's log, supplemental. something happened duringmy time away from the enterprise. commander spock has becomeemboldened to seek the captain's chair. but he's questioned myorders for the final time. mr. spock, you'reunder arrest... where's my science officer? i don't know sir, i... where's mr. spock? i believe he's in thetransporter room, captain.
good girl. phasers at the ready. i would not wanna bemr. spock right now. i'm not even sure iwanna be on this ship. - captain...- where's mr. spock? what did you witness, crewman? let's try this again... mr. spock is a traitor. i wanna know where he is.
[electrical charge][screams] take him to sickbay. let mccoy reason with him. all hands, this is the captain. first officer spock has mutiniedand fled the bridge. he is to be incapacitatedon sight and placed under arrest. the crewman who accomplishes thiswill be promoted two steps in grade. kirk out. [phaser fire]
i suggest you put downyour weapon, laddie. [screams in agony] doctor. another dose. i've never used thismuch before. i wonder what'll happen. [screams in pain][heartbeat increases] captain.he's of no value dead. this isn't your day, is it?
dr. mccoy is reallyenjoying this. unless you wanthim to continue... he... he was headed to auxiliary control. with mr. scott. - he's all yours, doctor.- yes, sir. and give that traitorous elf a slapfrom me when you catch him, jim. oh no... [screams] kirk to security chief sulu.
sulu here. take a team to auxiliary control. apprehend mr. spock andlieutenant commander scott. lethal force is authorized. lethal force, captain? there'll likely be casualties...on both sides. then take chekov and put himin front. kirk out. i've gotta go. ohhh. don't be such aparty pooper, hikaru.
i'm serious. it's not often the captain gives anyonea second chance. i intend to take it. besides... with scott andspock outta the way... guess who's next in linefor first officer? of course...and you'll give me that commendation? i told you i would, didn't i? - same time next week?- always. you know you're my favorite. [mckennah sighs]
i've locked out bridge control. transferred navigation, helm, andlong range communications to us. seal off the armory.secure as many decks as possible. thank you,mr. scott. broadcast this recording onall ship channels. their phasers... they're only set to stun! murder is the way of the empire. the way of the captain.
a way that must change. join us, mr. chekov! be a part of the future! not of the past. [red alert klaxon] the andorian vessels haveentered orbit, sir. they're charging weapons. sound general quarters.ready main phaser banks. they're demanding wesurrender, captain.
that was a warning shotacross our bow. - shields are holding.- warning shot? cowards. lock onto their leadship and fire. - captain?- i said "fire"! aye, sir! weapons are locked out! locked out from where? [bosun whistle] spock (vo):attention crew of thei.s.s. enterprise.
this is first officer spock. by now you are aware of the annihilationof the peaceful halkan people. kirk:lieutenant!kill that broadcast! spock (vo):this action has served only to hastenthe fall of the terran empire. a civilization built upon a legacyof violence and terror cannot survive. - kill that broadcast!- i can't, sir! spock (vo):the time has come toembrace a new vision. a vision of equality. of morality.of galactic peace.
a philosophy based uponinfinite diversity... ...infinite combinations. this future is within our reach. but not under ourpresent command. join me. together we shall be thearchitects of our own future. the andorians are seekingvengeance for the halkans. and first officer spock is atraitor to me and the empire. i will not lose the enterprise.
our shields won't holdforever, commander. sir, she said she neededto speak with you. she poses no threat. commander. we need to getto captain kirk's quarters. quickly! lieutenant moreau, it wouldbe extremely unwise to... dammit, mr. spock! i can help.just come with me. please! mr. scott. encode a messageto the andorians.
inform them that we havecontrol of the enterprise... ...and we are prepared tojoin their cause. i shall return momentarily. or you won't return at all. [spock's recording repeats] lieutenant!shut off that damn recording! sir, the andorians are poweringdown their weapons. i'm detecting a transmissionfrom auxiliary control, captain. we're suing for peace.
the hell we are...! where's mr. leslie? mr. leslie didn't reportfor duty, sir. well get someone uphere to cover his shift! i want a navigator!i want one now! so, this is it?! this is what i've got to work with?! i can navigatethe enterprise, sir. whatever you want.
set a course for starbase 34.maximum warp. i'm sorry, captain! the controlsaren't responding! i tried! i can't! you say you can pilot my ship! you can't even get us out of orbit! navigation has been reroutedto auxiliary control. there's nothing i can do. lieutenant.you're relieved of your commission. report to the brig. - sir?- captain, it's not her fault!
i said report to the brig! that's enough! we found him unconsciouson deck 8, sir. chekov and the other men... they've turned. resume your post. am i not merciful? sulu.you've got the conn. i want control of my ship!
or it's the booth for the lot of you! what are you looking at? you heard the captain.get to work. i was hoping you'd comeback during my shift. oh.you happy to see me? the device of which the othercaptain spoke, i presume. i am surprised captain kirkdid not use it on me. oh.he tried. fascinating.
james met an alien scientist... ...at the starfleet penal colonyon tantalus five. he pillaged her laboratoryafter he dispensed with her. then he stole this device. one touch and your problemsare over, mr. spock. this'll change everything. you would see me usethis device on him? i would. but you...
...are the captain's woman. yes. but not this captain. no revolution can succeed using the samemethods which failed in the previous one. please find a way. a way to send me where he went. i cannot. please! it is not within my power.
but you can makea difference here. all clear, sir. wait outside. captain kirk to mr. spock. mr. spock. come in please. spock here. commander. there's no reason we can't talkabout this like civilized men. i've listened to your logicand i find it compelling.
there's merit in whatyou say, spock. i see the potential for change. the opportunity to betterthe empire. i have the bridge. you have auxiliary control. who makes the next move? what do you propose? we meet... somewhere neutral...
half an hour. deck 5.officer's lounge. no weapons.no tricks. just you and i. we've had many successes together, spock. i know we can work this out. very well.half an hour. you don't actuallytrust him, do you? of course not.
it's some kind of set-up!why play his game? if there is any hope forthe empire to change... i must give captain kirk theopportunity to do so as well. captain... no weapons. i've considered our gamewhile you were away. bishop to queen's level two. knight takes bishop. you've left your king vulnerable.
as have you. seems we're at a stalemate. you can't win. what's your next move?kill me? take command of the enterprise? there are a dozen starships outthere. all loyal to the empire. as am i. but the empire as it standstoday is at a crossroads. eventually all kings are vulnerable. he put these thoughts into that vulcanhead of yours, didn't he? that...
that other captain. after all we've been through.all we've accomplished. earned for ourselves! you would trust a strangerfrom another universe? i believe i would. that captain had a vision of animminent future which you fail to see. then you're an even biggerfool than i imagined. your mutiny ends. right here and now.
you didn't really think i'd let youwalk out of here did you? and now it comes to this.checkmate. perhaps not. mr. scott implemented a level 3energy dampening field on this deck. yet another act of treachery...which proves, once again... ...why your command mustcome to an end. report! the tectonic explosions aredestabilizing the planet's orbit! we've run simulations of dilithiumgenerator strata in the chem lab.
i've seen this sortof thing before! the andorian ships have brokenorbit and gone to warp, sir! they've got the right idea, lad! put some distance betweenus and that planet! there's that human side! i always knew you'd kill meto get the captain's chair! you're no better thanthe rest of us...! [kirk gasps for air] captain kirk.
the future is coming. you are the past. i offer this crew an alternative. this crew... this crew? they don't need alternatives.they're pawns. pawns need a king! they serve for my conquests.my victories! you think they're smartenough to follow you?
they're mine!i can use them! break them!send them to their own slaughter! and they'll thank me for it! [kirk's speech echoes shipwide] you double-crossinghalf-breed traitor! james t. kirk.you are hereby relieved of command. let go of me! do you realizewhat you're doing?! i do.
kirk:you're a coward, spock. you don't even have the gutsto execute us like a real leader. this shuttlecraft is atyour disposal. i recommend setting a courseto the nearest habitable system. you have sufficient suppliesto last until then. you think that changes anything? so you've taken control of one ship.so what? what now? peace? freedom?
the empire will hunt you downlike the mangy dog that you are. perhaps... but i must try... you won't get awaywith this, spock. you're just one man. in every revolution there isone man with a vision. who told you that? you did. spock...!!!
[kirk's cry continues to echo] commander.status report. all decks reporting in, captain.the halkan survivors are safely on board. shuttlecraft galileo isleaving sensor range. james t. kirk chose his path. it is time we chose ours. warp two, ensign. heading, sir? forward.
english subtitles by:peter goundrill