einrichtung wohnzimmer app

einrichtung wohnzimmer app

welcome to iclever today i will present theipcam basic viewer app to you there is also a light and paidversion which cost round about 3 € but with the basic app youget also everything done you can do everything with it in the beginning you can see the treecameras which i already connected very easy and direct i can directly touch themand switch between them i am also connected with wlan

you can also connect with hsdpa and lte i think it would notmake fun with 3g like i sad wlan isfunctioning very smooth you got a little delay but this is normal so if you want to add a camera just click the menu button and than tab on manage cameras there you can see the tree cameraswhich i already connected also the tree buttons whichare really easy to understand

you can delete a camera add anew one or simply select one now i just show you how this looks like in this menu youâ´ve gotfour different options but the foscam camerasare usually ip camera which respond thru theinternet to a ip on the web page of foscam you can watch amovie were the internet function is described how to set ports, how to find the ip with the help of the foscam tool where you can see what you have to enter

here you can rename the camera then specify thename and the model after that you have to enter the ip theport and your username and password and then everything should work properly then you can press test what i donâ´tdo because my settings are wrong but if i choose anexisting camera to edit and then press ok then i am getting a test image and know that the connection works

sadly itâ´s a little bit dark on the outsideso the camera switch to the infra-red mode not that you think that we areselling black and white camera this would not be so great if i press backward icome into the global menu here i can switchto a grid overview were i can see up until 9cameras at the same time also you can see the delay but it is enough to checkyour cameras on the phone to see what happens in the garden or inyour parking lot whatever you like to check

if itâ´s not illegal with just a simple double tab you canchoose a camera to go in an edit mode were i get by the little arrowall this different menus there i also can move thecamera if it works properly maybe itâ´s also therecamera which canâ´t be moved i'll try the other again just double tab it and... unfortunately not one camera should work at least

yes exactly not the right way but itâ´s moving you see there is a little delay you can also change the contrast here i'll make it a little bitdarker or brighter this are all just optical settings here i can also save a screenshot and set up some settings but i donâ´t want to loosemyself in to much detail then i'll go back again

what else can i say i think i sad all the important stuff i also can just push in and move the camera then but with the delay itâ´s only working very hard maybe itâ´s just because of my phone which is a little bit slow i am grateful for the attention if there is any interest youcan visit the foscam web page

that's it from my side goodbye

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