grau braun wohnzimmer

grau braun wohnzimmer

hi boo, in this video i’ll take you on aspecial journey throughout the universe. we are going to explore the mysterious black holes..aka anal sex .. aka star sex, that's the way i like to call it attention. your spaceship will reach the nextblack hole in 5 million light years. thank you zere.. luke.. did you hear that.. we will soon reach a black what it is with you and your black holes?! ahhh you don’t know anything … legendsays that they hold magical powers.. and there must be a reason the galactic forces havenever allowed anyone to enter one.. come here luke.. check this out.. okay before we dive right into my star sexsecrets let me share with you some stuff about

your booty you might have never heard of before. your anal area is super rich in blood vesselsand nerve endings which makes the tissues of the anus super sensitive to touch.. for some it can be one of the most erogenouszones.. the thing is just that star sex has a pretty bad reputation. that’s why manydon’t even dare to explore it. .. but the bad reputation comes mostly fromthe western world. in ancient eastern traditions for exampleanal stimulation was a super sacred thing because the ancients believed that by stimulatingthis area qi.. or life force energy rises up the spine and illuminates the brain.. whichwould lead to spiritual awakening.

they called this the kundalini gland and believedit rests as an oval shaped gland between the rectal wall and the tailbone. yeah.. maybe you think this is bs but thegland itself definitely exists and western medicine is still pretty puzzled by its function. but even if you don’t believe it.. the factremains that star sex can be super pleasurable. the great thing for woman for example is thatthe sensitive root nerves have a direct connections to the g-spot, the clitoral legs and the cervixand for men to the prostate. but and here comes the big but..and not that kinda but... anal sexcan also be the most destructive form of sex.. therefor let me share with you my secretsto make your next star sex experience wonderful

and empowering. we are now approaching the black hole. spaceshipon hold for your orders. luke… luke.. we reached the black hole.. damn it we need to be better prepared.. you are not allowed to enter the black hole.i will call in the entire galaxy to fight you. no one is allowed to enter a black hole. we will enter no matter what.. you won’tstop us.. lea ask zere for further instructions howto enter the black hole. initializing sequence: how to enter a blackhole

yep.. the thing most people are scared ofis the cleanliness of their booty. but with a few tricks you won’t have to worry aboutthis anymore. the best way to a clean booty is a good enough vegetables and less fatty foods. the fibers will take care of a clean booty. don’t eat for a few hours before makingstar sex. eating stimulates the bowel clean the outer rim of the anal area witha soft and wet wash cloth. avoid anal sex when you have diarrhea, constipationor intestinal disorders strengthen your anal area with kegel exercises.the more muscle control you have in this area the more pleasure you will feel

yep.. star sex needs a lot of comfort, trustand time… and a relaxing space. so turn the ringer off your phone, lightencandles and add some essential oils. and make sure no one disturbs you.. many sex therapists today believe that theanal area is a storehouse of tension associated with fear, death and shame. and i personally believe that it is superimportant to approach this area slowly and with lots of love, respect and communication.the best way is to give your partner a sensual full body massage. this will help to removeany tension around the sphincter muscles. you can do this by massaging first the entirebody and then getting closer and massaging

the inner thighs, the booty, the inner bootyand perineum. okay boo now you got to listen closely.. becausethis part is gonna be important. only enter your partner or only allow yourpartner to enter you if you are both coming from a place of pure love, high arousal andconsens because seriously the slightest bit of tightness in this area can cause majoremotional and mental trauma. here s how you can do it: if you are the receiving partner keep in mindto consciously relax. the more attention you pay to your sphincter muscles, the easierit will be to relax them. no matter what object you use.. have it enteras gently as possible. you really want to

avoid any tearing of the soft skin in thisarea. not just does tearing hurt but it is also the reason that anal sex is consideredquite risky for the transmission of sti’s. another thing that will help avoid tearingis lube. looooots of lube. try to use organic and non-chemical lube .. i have my personalfavorites but will talk about it in another video video. another way to test the water is to only insert one finger up to the first neckle then let the muscles relax and only continuewhen the muscles around it have released tension. and boo.. it may be that you are too tenseand that you don’t feel you are ready for more.. that’s okay… don’t go any can take many months of practice before

you feel real pleasure in this area and feelcomfortable to engage into full star sex. if you feel ready for the full version ofstar sex then here are some more secrets for you: maybe that’s weird for you but during starsex keep a sense of peace, presence and stillness. when you are penetrating keep a slow and steadypace... try not to make contact with the yoni afterstar sex. the star sex area contains some bacteria that do not mix well with bacteriaof other areas. the ancients believed that everything thatgoes in should just be the tip. the most sensitive nerve endings are in the lower part of thebooty. but hey.. try whatever feels best to you.

and here is the most important thing.. keepcommunication open and clear. tell your partner when it hurts or tell your partner when itfeels good omg.. i think we are inside i can’t believe it.. we did it.. we reallydid it and it's so beautiful y’all crazy boo .. i hope you enjoyed my little star sexguide.. and don’t forget .. there is no such thingas a taboo topic. everything that feels good is good. period. just be open about your desiresand your feelings and make sure that the person

you are sharing your body and soul with lovesand appreciates you. if you liked this video give it a thumbs upand maybe even share with the world. and thank you for watching this.. it meansso much to me. the world really needs more brave and open minded souls just like you. much love. peace. i am outta here.

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