hundekopf im wohnzimmer resident evil

* laughter * * monkey sounds * * giggling * * sci-fi-ish music * hello and welcome to game two - a very specal day today.president trump has been sworn in as new president, officially, ofthe united states of america. - what, therefore, would be morefitting, than a special about horror. the topics.
haha, were you scared? if so, you are perfectly two is going to be spooky today. the entire editorialstaff is already scared. the gates of hell have opened and from them emerged resident evil 7. after the desastrous 6th part, resiwants to prove once more who's boss. not only wanting torevolutionise the franchise, but also delivering a triple-a alternative to half-baked indie shockersfor vr enthusiasts.
which begs the question: what actually is so greatabout being scared shitless? so we put the genre to the test and to do so, we askedthe best horror-experts we could find in our torture-chamber. and what is that? that's not scary at all! gravity rush 2? does it have zombies? vampires? anything?
oh! yeah, well, that's ok too, sure. cute, a cat-outfit. - jesus, ingo!- ok, ok. everyone, strap in, game two is here. - wow!what a bunch of topics! look at all those crazy-ass titles! and this glorious special. i hope, you are excited as well. as always, you canparticipate and discuss along
using the hashtag #gametwo and, because we are so interactive we've got a special partjust for interactiveness. someone whose only job it is to satisfy you, the community. and that is not me, no,it is michael krogmann. - hello. thank you, sophia!welcome to [maximum reality] we wanted to know from you what your most horrifyingvideogame experience was.
and you answered. yes, you did! and we're taking a look at what you wrote. don said: "that scene when you see azombie for the very first time." "when he's kneeling on thefloor, nabbing on a body and" "then slowly turns his head towards you" "that scene really scared me back then.probably also," "because i was much tooyoung for the game" but don, honestly, do you thinkyou're old enough for it now?
* evil laughter * * tense music * don, dude, you're killing me. more of this soon, butthis does it for now. let's go back to the studio, toeddy and sophia, see you soon. * laughter *- boy, that was spooky. - good to have you back,krogmann, i am very happy... - yes, we are staying ontoday's spookiest topic, not the inauguration, we aretalking about president evil 7 now.
out next week, we alreadytested it recently. how good is it, really? ialways wanted to say that. now you'll find out:resident evil 7. * screams * *sigh* , resident evil. after the latest parts were moretrash than horror extravaganza, the developers now want to returnto more thoughtful scaryness. resident evil 7 is putting an endto over-the-shoulder shoot-outs and throws scares and horrorsdirectly in your face
in first person. the story was also revamped. instead of cooking up theumpteenth zombie virus, the murdering hillbilly-familyof the bakers is unleashed on you. they live in this prettyand bedraggled villa and they want to introduce themselves: * happy music * * fly buzzing *
* squeaking * hey, boy, you smell like a pig.what is that? - that is deodorant. my dumbteachers in school always say i smelled of feces and decay. - i'm gonna drill into thison the next parent's evening. - i'll never find a girlfriend,stinking like this. - boy, maybe you should take care of your ex-girlfriend's carcass in your room. what a mess! we are decent people.
- but i love to nibble abit before falling asleep. - will you leave our boy alone, finally. he simply has a bit of a sweet tooth. - i want a real to have children with. - but you already have to children.with me! - but you ate them rightafter birth, you meanie! - boy, how are you talkingto your sister? you cad! he really is a little soft. a soft generation, those millenials.
nice fellows, these bakers. but are they the idealcast for resident evil 7? yes and no. while they are less predictable than the usual shuffeling zombies, they, however, cannot really create a feeling of superiority. the cuckoo basement-family consists of people who fail to invoke in usthe feeling of terror which, for example, their indefinablecolleagues in silent hill do.
but at the least, the redneck-chamberof horrors will spark your curiosity. questions such as how resident evil7 fits in with its predecessors or where the origin of thehillbilly-horror lies are motivating right until the end. considering this, it doesn't really matterthat the actual story is only marginally abovethe original resident evil in terms of quality. - that was too're almost a chilled sandwich. you're right.
far more important aregameplay and the spook-factor and, fuck me sideways, doesresident evil 7 deliver on these! despite the change in perspective and style,the zombie dna of the first two parts can be felt deep within the game's core. the horror-house alonehas lots of parallels with the spencer-mansionin resident evil 1. the similarities continuewith the slow pace, the rare resources andundemanding puzzles. additionally, the level-design is onan extremely high level.
every hallway, every door,every hidden secret is exactly in the right place. that you can step by step unlock further parts of the map is the icing on this tastysurvival-horror cupcake. we don't want to keep it a secret from you that we initiallyhad our problems. the prologueis a little ribald. and sequences in which anoverpowered enemy is after you
are a little tedious. plus, one or two boss-fights werea tad too restive for our taste. uh, and in case you're wondering why you already knowthis footage of the game we are so early with ourimpressions of resident evil 7, that we cannot use any recorded sequences. but hey, as a dashing compensatory, we've at least got the lovely baker family. * happy title music *
mmh... aw, you hot thing... quite stringy, here. * doorbell * - oh, a visitor. it mustbe larry, the postman. - stop it already, you wimp!or you'll receive a leprous box on the ear. oh, man. just you wait, babe. your stallion will be right back. or rather: your stabbion.
what, mum? the baker family. nice seeing you, my favourite family. larry, good seeing you. our little one did bitea bit hard last time. so, how is the leg? did it heal well? - very well. a little amputationand it was fine. that boy's gotsome really nice teeth. - oh yes, the little one is crazy for snacks to nibble on.
- alright, i need to get going.farewell. now, now now, you little cunt! stay here, and read! alright, let's see. "dear bakers. to a greatfuture neighborship. the baeckers next door. ps.: our little pete willcome visit you tomorrow. the kids could surelyplay nicely together." you really like that, don'tyou, you little axe-murderer?
- i already know, what we're gonna play.a little head-hitting. but go into the basement, wherethe other kids play as well. - oh, that is very convenient. everything'sjust freshly decayed down there. i have to get going then. see you tomorrow, larry. now that i am seeing larry, thepostman, limp out of the picture the fights in resident evil,too, feel a little peg-legged. in tradition of the first part, youalso can only move very slowly. if a monster is about togive your hair a new parting
you barely have any real options to evade, making the well-dosedbut frequent battles a little more of a hassle attimes than would be necessary. actually, that isn't all that stupid. this way, we never feellike a super-soldier with the glowing firearm, but still the scared little girl that trips over its own feetwhen it retraces its steps. also contributing is the eerie atmosphere
which, garnished with jump-scares, is the ideal base for the next quasi-nervous breakdown. even though resident evil 7 can't quite tap into your primal fears from the first minute, the horror, nevertheless,intensifies constantly. halfway through, the gameultimately reaches its climax, serving nerve-racking terror. resident evil has notbeen this scary in a long time. generally speaking, compliments arein order for developer capcom.
even if the style is notalways quite as tasteful as we would have hoped it to be, part 7 still manages to drown asin complete and utter stress. while it may serve oneor too cliches too many, the game neverthelessearns the evil in its title we crapped our pants moreoften than we can count. good news also for allowners of playstation vr: not only is the horror more intenseunderneath the big skiing-googles, the entire gameplay experienceis a lot more intuitive as well.
in a magnificently ambiguousway, resident evil 7 therefore is the firstfull-fledged killer application for virtual reality. as you've noticed, we really took a likingto the game - and with good reason. resident evil 7surpasses our expectations and fulfills all our hopes. with all its innovations,the game feels fresh and unspent, eventhough, in its core, it refers back so much to the old parts.
there may be a few dents here and therebut the package as a whole is great. welcome back, resident evil. we missed you. hey, you little rascals. didn't i tell you to go play in the basement? - hello, mrs. baker, nice to meet you. the cookies are delicious.-what? now, now, now. do you know what one doeswith people like you? you put an axe in their back. - why?- why?!
yeah, why? - are you aping me now?- no. - are you saying no to me?- no. ok, fine then. you've beenquite lucky this time. this was a misunderstanding. what, you're saying that i am ugly? wait till i tell your mother, she'll put your ugly mug in thedeep-fryer and then she'll eat you. you pig, you pig!
mama's in puberty. - i brought a ball with me, wanna play? okay. here, throw it here. four touchdownsin one game, boy. you've still got it, dad! - bring me his head,grandma wants to nibble. nice, indeed. from one beautifulfamily to another. resident evil 7.we've got the experts here.
sebastian and colin, who can hardly wait to passtheir judgement. but before the peopleout there ask the question, i want to do that, quickly: this was footage, which, in theoryone has already seen. there's a reason. it wasn't footage captured specificallyfor this. - exactly. with this show, we alwayshave to ask ourselves how up-to-date do we want to be,what are we going to put in?
after release you can do what you want,sometimes you can before release. in this case, we decided to have resident evil in it,which is out next week. but there is also an embargo. you're not allowed to use your ownfootage before the 23rd. which is also why thereare no let's plays yet. everyone has a sort of visual muzzle. we're allowed to talk about it. we beat it. we've got our opinion.
i have talkedto a whole lot of people, both internally and externally,because this is what i really love. but we can not yet show our own footage. we all decided that in this case this is something we can live with. it was ok, i didn't know everything. but you both beat it?-yes. we both have that opinion. this was why we said, evenif we don't show everything,
we wouldn't have chosenscenes that are spoilers. and the gamingexperience we've had isn't that far fromwhat we've seen here. - we focused on thebeginning with the footage, because this is what we were given, but we wouldn't have shown somethingvery different with our own footage. because that would have shown too much. now, about your own experience: the way it was is that inthe beginning of the parts
up to the 4th one, it was very puzzle-heavy the way resident evil was. then it became increasinglyaction-focused, up to part 6. now, of course, thequestion of questions is: how does it feel now? more like the beginningof resident evil? or is it this action-focused mixture,which it became towards the end? i have already said it in the review. it feels astonishinglylike resident evil 1.
so really like theorigin of the series. and that even despite thischange of perspective. everyone asked themselves, whenthe first trailers were released. how can this stillbelong to resident evil? no known charactersin the trailers, there are no classical zombies, no umbrella-corporation. but in the end, if you play far enough,there are firstly certain parallels, but also game-play-wise thisfeels 1:1 like resident evil 1,
only in first person perspective. there really are certainrecurring elements, there's a house, especially in thebeginning, which you have to search, there are doors that are locked, which can only be openedwith certain keys. and step by step youcan unlock more areas. there's a chill-out room. - a chill-out room?- yeah, of course, only i call it that. - this is where sebastiangoes when he's extra scared...
- that's not even a lie.- seriously? - resident evil alwayshad those save-rooms. those are in this one again. there are boxes where youcan put superfluous items. because there's, again,only a limited inventory. - i always hated that.- yes, but it makes sense. because it influences the way you playand in this game it is even better polished to work withall these restrictions than it used to be the case.
one has to plan more,it is not just a walk-through where you just shoot and think "ok,, next mission". instead, you unlock themansion step by step. you have to plan a little "am i going to take morehealth-items or ammo with me" "because there might be enemies, ordo i go another way?" it really is... it feels a lot more like residentevil than all parts after part 2. - but especially this ammo-thing,i always found it to be... it really has tobe well-balanced
or else it can - backfire. - i like your puns.not bad. - especially, i mean, it doesn't affectme, but there's supposedly people who may not havevery good aiming. - about people with bad aiming. i have also played it and ithink it's very well done. - ok, beacuse when, all of a sudden,you can only use the machete because you missed the headsix times, for some reason, it can lead to frustration.
- yes, but that's part of it. in order for the horror to work,there have to be limited resources. you really need to think about what youneed in a situation in order to survive. this is what makesit what it is. - it is very, verywell-balanced. - let's talk also about thedifferences of the separate versions. there's of course ps4, ps4 pro and there's, of course,the vr-experience. - ok, let's start.
we've had the ps4-version, it will also be released on xbox1 and pc. about those we can't sayanything at this point. i think we both playedit mostly on ps4 pro and ultimately, there's hasbetter resolution but there's very good upscaling as compared to the classical ps4-version. but both versions, in 2d, without vr, run smoothly,are looking great,
and the differences arereally in the detail. one can tell that they've workedon resident evil longer than they could consider the ps4-pro. the same holds true for vr. on every system, on everyconfiguration, bless you, very well playable. but it does look a goodtad better on the pro. - exactly, if you playit on the normal ps4 and then plug in the vr-headset, you instantly notice
that there's a certain aliasing and a strange frame thatsort of blurs everything outside of your viewing area andalso reduces detail in a way. there's extreme aliasing on the borders but one gets used to itquite quickly as well. so, i wouldn't call that a k.o. criterium. - excuse me, i'm sorry!- bless you! - the fog is in the studio.- it's the t-virus. - spoiler!-no.
- i only played it on the regular ps4and you played it for comparison and i noticed that, in the regular version, even cobwebs or leaves look really flat. is that better in the pro-version? - i am so sorry. - in the beginning you really notice that,because you're runnning through the forest. and if you look a bitto the sides there are trees that consist of bad,overlapping textures. - or the crows that go like...- but that's not the case later on.
you're a lot inside of rooms and there it is really nicely detailled. - but i would also like totalk about the pussy-factor. - what? - no, i mean fear.- i see. - the yellowbelly- factor. ishould have put it this way. i am a guy, i haven't finished dead space because it was too scary for me. those jump-scare things,they're really killing me.
- then you should definitely play with vr. - yes and i played thekitchen-demo at e3 and it was. you were there as well,it totally killed me. i wonder, on one hand ireally want to play it but it really is something, i don't know, is this doable for everybody or would you issue a warning and say it is a border-line experience? - you say you're scared,i embrace those things.
i approach those thingswith the fan-boy-goggles. but, ultimately, itreally is a game that almost everyone can play. just like in an any goodhorror-game or movie it really is arollercoaster ride. there are jump-scares which,first and foremost in vr that absolute are added value in this game. this is more intensethan anything. i was shouting,reacted physically
because everything isso much more tangible. there are uncompromising jump scares,lots of nasty calm parts, because they mixed in quotes fromall over the horror landscape. from loud and big to quiet and silent. and every one of those aspectsis done extraordinarily well. it is not suitable for everyonebut it is like, you know, after every bang therewill always be a cooldown period. and the light at the end of the tunnel. they know very well that they can'tpull of as cuckoo a horror-trip
as pt was over theduration of 12 hours because you'd gobonkers at some point. but nevertheless, it is the spookiestresident evil i have ever played. and in vr, if may, briefly...- very briefly. - because in the report itdidn't quite catch on... there's not only excellent gameplay,not just the atmosphere intensifies the graphics are worse butthe gameplay is...ideal. especially the aimingvia head-tracking and we all agree onthat, works so spot on,
much much better thanwith an analogue stick in which you, typically, tendto over-steer or something that's great, you spread headshotsin whichever direction you look. - we both noticed, playing it also on a tv, and also at work, at least i did, you take aim andthen your head goes because you are so usedto doing it like that. "why isn't this working?- oh, right i'm not in vr" it really is very intuitive.
- i'm very bad with my handsbut very good at looking. - that's great, i'm certain you canborrow the game to test it out again. we'll probably, certainly,record that as well. we move on with more horror. we wanted to have a lookat horror's origins. what is so fascinating aboutfear, what is behind it and what does a bunch of professionalshave to say about it. - so, here we go!- professionals... that feeling when you've overcome fear.
it can't be described if you haven't experiencedit for yourself. * spooky music * - even as a child, horroralways fascinated me. i was turned on by everythingthat was dark, morbid, sinister. it always resonated withsomething inside me and it still does today. - horror, in fact, is something thatfascinated me beginning in early childhood. there was a movie on tv
which was called ghost story. and there was a scene, right at thestart that was burned into my memory. a man and woman somehow were having sex - it's the opening scene - and he grabs her shoulder,the woman turns around and there's this distorted,splattery, skeleton-visage. and my dad said, that'swhen i jumped and said "that's it! this is whati always want to see!" - and i want too see yourlife seeping out of you.
aaah! - fun with spookinessworks especially if you know that you'renot in any actual danger. - you've got that feeling of alife-threatening situation, including adrenaline, nor adrenaline,you name it, endorphines and so on but without actually dying. so there's no danger, butall the fun of danger. spookiness, shuddering, the fear that there might besomething round the corner
but at the same time, excitement, i really like that. - someone from the psychological field, mister balint, one day coinedthe phrase "angstlust" so, there actually is, especially, when the fear is over, a sort of feeling ofpleasure, which has got to do with that, as with anyemotion, hormones are released. but at the same timethese substances
especially dopamin, create pleasure. dopamine is also released if we eat somnething tasty. it's time for supper. - today's horror-genreas we know it actually stems from themiddle of the 18th century. but haunted stories dateback a lot farther. if you take a look at roman,greek or also nordic mythology all the stories about gods
were very cruel. they are filled withmonstes, blood and horror. there certainly are fearswe'll always be facing. and it probably will stay like that. fear of the unknown is extremelyimportant to this genre. fear of death, of losing a loved one, fear of sickness, disease,and questions such as "what actually makes a human being evil?" and "what actually is absolute evil?"
- no one wants to be alone, noone wants to lose loved ones. we all have to go through these things or already have and for me a good horror-gamealways plays with that there are terrible demons! - my first horror-gamewas resident evil 1 if i'm not entirely mistaken, becauseback then there wasn't anything else. - it's the door-openerfor the entire genre. it's one of the giant milestones
when taling aboutatmosphere in horror-games. - if i think back about what were the best horror-momentsin my gaming-carreer. the classics come to mind resident evil 1, the fucking dogbreaking through the window. probably the jump-scare that shaped an entire generation. - that was the first time ashock-moment was scripted like that. because of the technical abilitiesof the playstation back then.
totally blew me away. - or something like silenthill will always be mentioned. i am, too, a big fan. it plays a lotwith primal fears. there's the loss of a loved one, there's also a motive iam intrigued by a lot that the rules don't apply any longer. whatever you believe to knowabout how the world works how others work, how you interact to
avoid or overcome a situation, if all that doesn't apply anymore,to me, that is very unsettling. - there's a point inside a prison yard. you're in black nothingness. but the audio-ambience is fantastic. and you hear sort of a galoppeering noise. you can't see. and there's no resolution. it's just that. they put you in that situation andyou assume
and are scared that somethingis going to happen. and that's is one exampleof brave developers who just said "we don't needto explain, no resolution" "we're just gonna doit and hope it works" and in silent hill 2 itworked incredibly well. killing a person ain't no big deal. just put the gun to their head... pow! - the worst moment i everhad, was in slender.
- this came veryclose to my idea of a horror-game thatabsolutely takes me in. - there's this slender-man stalking you,as everyone knows, and as soon as you see him,you know he's coming closer and there's this annoyingwhite noise and howling. and you really only wantto get away from him. * noise and beeping * i was so inside that forest. the forest was dark, it was dense.
it felt like a real forest. and then there's this deep, droning. - the picture becomes grainyand the score suggests you need to get away,he's right behind you! - that's when i thought "yes, yes,this is horror, tihs is great!" and then he suddenly was inside the room. aaaah. fuck you, dude, get lost. where are you, you moron.
- watch the floor! where am i supposded to escape? - it really wrecked me mentallythat he's blocking the entrance and i can't reach it, knowing i'm dead, i just haven't triggered it yet. - it may not have had the best graphics. i mean, it was free-ware. but the most important thingin a horror-game is immersion. immersion! immsersion!
atmosphere needs to grow. atmosphere is the alpha andomega in a scary game. you can't usually create thatthrough volume and gore. the way i like it is the slow, the subtle, the crescendo. tightening the screw untilyou can't take it any longer. limited vision is very important. the music as well, the soundtrack. it's also important not to feel too strong.
if you're playing acharachter who is vulnerable and not covered in massive armor it works a lot better. - horror, basically, is always theintrusion of the uncanny and unknown into every day life. and a lot of those situationswe experience sitting on the couch. which is why the couch has increasinglybecome a place connotated with fear. - where can you actually, physicallyand mentally, experience horror? it certainly isin your own home.
on the couch. - we don't need to discuss thateveryone is scared of couches. * scary music * * eerie sound * oh god! * sreams * fuck! - he didn't quite manage to say someting. who does manage to say somethingis alexa and alexander waschkau.
correct, right?- yes. i might find this name morecomplicated than it is. - says the russian. - what are you trying to say? * rus accent*- nothing. *rus accent* - you got a problem? * rus accent*- welcome, guys. - you're chilling on thecouch, is that scary? - i just had another look,it seems to be safe. - i checked agian, but who knows. i don't know too much about horror.
- we actually had no employeethat would have fit in there. no, indeed not. - but what fits in here is the question how come that we experience horror asentertainment these days has it always been like that?when did people think horror is not just scaringpeople but also entertainment. - the horror-genre as we know it and the enterainment is both
connected with the rise of the the novel. which was in the 18th century. i mean, there's always been ghost stories. but with the rise of the novel horror found a good medium. and at the latest, with the 1818release of mary shelley's frankenstein there's a very classicalmonster story that we can still seein many motives today. criticizing science,
the fear of how far isscience allowed to go. we still find that today. and then there's spiritualismin the 19th century. at the beginning of the 20thcentury there's h.p. lovecraft. - who is that? an author? - yes, he's the one responsiblefor the myth of cthulhu. and then of course movies come in. george a. romero's "night of theliving dead" in the 60ies. these are all milestonesof the horror-genre
that still influence us today. -basically, horror required, in order not to betransmitted only orally, a mass media, such as the novel - this was very fitting, yes. people want totell scary stories and movies, novels and games are of course ingenious ways to do so. - so what happens from abiological point of view?
we've heard a few theories,from simon and wolf. especially this descrepancy ofbeing in a safe surrounding, my living room or bungee-jumping, hanging on a rope. but at the same time, something that tells your body that there is danger. what happens inside the body? why do we find this - i've already mentioned the term"angstlust" already in the report.
basically, there aren't that manydifferent hormones in our bodies. and fear, which is a verystrong emotion, a relatively big amountof them is released. and especially dopamineis being released. and interestingly, this is thesame thing that is released if you eat something tasty, like chocolate, does the same thing. and if you basically knowthat nothing can happen, like in a movie or athome on the couch,
if it isn't an evil couch. you get all those hormones,while at the same time knowing you're safe and you getthis emotional rush. and that is what many findto be stimulous, indeed. - it's a kick.- it's a kick, exactly. and there are even, youmentioned bungee-jumping, something likesenstation-seekers, people who are alwayslooking for the kick - adrenaline junkies.
- exactly. and they are definitelymore into horror than others. there are also people like me,i am not a sensation-seeker. i am not at all intohorror, to be honest. - you're not?- no, not at all. - so, you're the fan?- in theory... practically, watchingmovies, i rather not. - so rather scientifically? in fact, i have ascientific question: we are talking about how to create fear now
in a human. but what if i have a phobia and and want to receive treatment? and we've talked somuch about vr today, are there any approaches about treating phobiaswith virtual reality. because of the safe surrounding. - there are severalapproaches for therapies. in behavioural therapy there'ssomething called exposure therapy,
which means you faceyour fear for so long until my body learns that there's no need to beafraid if it isn't real. - like a spider on my hand? - yes. with people who arevery scared of spiders you start by guidingthem into a room and telling them there's a spiderin the room, that's enough. it takes a very long timeuntil they can touch one. in the early 2000s, when thefirst vr-devices appeared,
there were studieswhich investigated if fear of heights is treatable with vr. simulating to people theyare high above the ground. and that works,pretty succesfully. every study youread on this matter, there's been some everyyear up to 2017, 2012 there was a big meta-study, where a look was taken at whole lotof studies, they all said it works. and if vr manages toestablish itself in society,
this will be a lotmore efficient. and we are about to reach thepoint where vr does that. - that's great. - there are universitiesfor psychology which, in fact, alreadyuse it therapeutically. - ok. that's a great argument if the children want vr because it has therapeutical uses. - daddy, i'm afraid ofspiders,
can you buy me vr-goggles? - i need a vive or a ps4. - alexa und alex,thank you for being here. hoaxilla, podcast,we'veoften advertised it before. there one can listen to morefrom you and contact you. and now for somethingcompletely not scary, actually, one could discussthe character-design. two days ago gravity rush2 was released for ps4 it's the sequel togravity rush on vita.
of course, we've alsoput it to the test. and now we let you put itto the test, have fun. there! a golden eagle! what a majestic animal! they learn to fly at the age of 47 days and reach wing spans of up to 2.3 meters. majestic animals. - and what is that there? there!
- woohoo. - this, my dear nature-boysis no bird, this is cat. after the light-footet blondealready fascinated vita-players five years ago, the unique protagonist has now landed directly on playstation 4. there, the second adventureof the fragile heroine starts shortly after the eventsof the first part. thrown into no-man's-landby a gravity storm,
cat, together with her friend sid, must mine gravity-ore toearn her daily bread. and on top of that house-tigerdusty has disappeared, who lets cat influence gravity. outrageous! - i don't get it. - well, if you've missedcat's first adventure, you're gonna have a lot ofquestion-marks in your eyes. flying cities?
goggle-eyed monsters, gravity-storms and magic cats? sounds might confusing at first, but, after the somewhattedious beginning, it starts to come together verywell, even for new-comers. as in the predecessor, the story presents itself inbeautifully animted comic strips. reading, therefore, is a must. in return, the makers reward us withmany caringly detailled stories
about moral dilemmas, friendship and the search for cat's past. and it is funny, too. at least, if you can appreciatethe typically japanese humor. - where a look means more than many words. and that we're already eatingtogether for the second time already. - i know.- hildegard, i want to tell you something today. * screaming * * speaking japanese*
* funky music * - no matter. the center ofgravity rush 2 is, after all not just its story but also the refreshinglyunspent game-mechanics. as gravi-shifteress, cat hasthe ability to decide freely in what direction gravity works. this may initially be confusing, but, in time, becomes a fun way ofdiscovering the world.
in the freely-discoverable cloud cities there's quite a bit to do. alright, not every task is the shit. repetitive errand runs ora second job as a postman don't win a prize for innovation. but they do give anice glimpse into the world and its inhabitants. but, why am i taking pictures ofyoung woman for an old man again? ah, yes, right, it helps againstevil spirits and dieseases, sure.
as in the predecessor, catcannot only smile nicely but also knows how to dish out. beating up monsters, mechsand simple foot-soldiers with everything that isn't nailed down. if we throw desks, stools ortheir colleagues at enemies, or kick them in full flight, we are in for a lot of fun. considering, it isallthemore regrettable that the imprecise lock-onof enemies' weak points
as well as occasional camera-chaos create frustration ever so oftenin the otherwise fun fights. a fresh breeze on the battlefield isbrought by two new fighting styles that cat learns overthe course of the game. while the luna-style makesus as light as a feather the jupiter-style doesthe exact opposite and we become heavy as lead. those two costumesnot only influence the movements of thegravity-cheateress,
but can also be used astactical variants in battle. - bam, in your face. - the ability of upgrading cat's skills, talsiman and costumes, allow you to individualise cat inreasingly and let her dish out even more. but no one shouldexpect too much depth. speaking of missing depth.the missions, to could have used a littlemore care here and there.
in stealth missions, for example,planned-through advancing often is thwarted by enemies who soundthe alarm without obvious reason, or who see us through walls. the solution: just runstraight past them. the vicinity doesn't seem to botherneither friend nor foe all too much. even if cat regularilydrags her fellow citizens into the abyss along with her. - man, where's cat again? shewanted to be here 20 minutes ago. - no idea, she wantedto change or something.
- we'll wait just a little longer.oh wait, isn't hat her? - oooh. sorry, it got a littlelater, you fancy partying? * sounds of lamentation * - yep. cat isn't all that considerate. gravity rush 2, as itspredecessor, thrives on its original game-mechanics and its gloriouslydetailled world.
if cat soars through the air anduses her ability to the max there is a whole lotof fun to be had. but once the first uh-huh-effect is gone the drawbacks as thepartially imprecise controls problems with the camera or shallow andrepetitive missions catch your eye as well. fans of japanese gamescan nevertheless look forward to an entertainingjourny into an interesting world that we can, in the newyear's lack of games, can very warmly entrust you.
- i can do this. - that's radical. - i skilled that. speaking of skills, finishing up we want to switch overto monster-krogi. you got any more for us? - of course, absolutely. guys, we wanted to know, what was your scariestvideo-game experience
and you, you delivered. kai writes let's have a look. kai says: definitely fahrenheit. the scene after the first murder, take a good look at the computer, friends, after the first murder, when you'vejust awoken at home, covered in blood. and then you go into the bath-room toget something from the mirrored cabinet and all of a sudden, the corpse isright behind you in the reflection.
really shocked me as a child, kai says. - we'll have a look. huuh! - what are you doing to us, kai? stefan, stefan also sent us something. stefan says half-life 1 he didn't know it at all. never heard of the game. and when theexperiment in the test chamber failed, it impressed me immensely,i was soaked in sweat.
because at the time, 1998, in my opinion,it had the absolutely best atmosphere. come on, show it to me! * sounds of explosions * this can't have been everything, can it? what else do you have? come on, let's have another look. martin's got one more. martin writes. f.e.a.r. the moment when youswing down that ladder, your character turns around to climb down and bam there'sthis tiny, creepy girl standing there.
my wireless-mouse shatteredon the wall, r.i.p., mouse. and r.i. p., martin! you deserve to die. i need a coffee. back to the studio. thank you. - wow, really impressive. - thank you, michael!- not bad. - i think he is in need of abit of weekend and so are we. - yes, that'd be nice.
- therefore, we're calling it a day.this was game two.goodbye! - keep smashin'!what up? - weekend, at last. - okay.- coffee? home time, malte. - bye, malte. bye, krogi. - you were the shit!- that joke at the end was really good. - hey guys, guys! what're we gonna do with this now?
- dunno, weekend, leave it here. - i think, thaddeus, wantedto shred it on monday. - now, have a nice weekend! - dude, i've so been looking forward to it! - guys? tim? sophia? anyone? hello? fuck.
four touchdowns in one game, boy. untertitel: ãœbersetzt von roland thaler.