hi guys see how to make these ikea shelvesand put them on the wall watch this video and stay tuned so now i'm going to show you how to make this ikea eket littleshelf box so i've chosen your orange cover there's lots of different colorsto choose from and what different depths as well this is the shots depth so darkactually need any tools to put this together but here are the instructions what the four sides the back in the boxof a box of bits oh i'll go for a minute turn the box of minutes like me you gonna put it on the wall you dont need these four pieces i'll show you
the end what what these are forbut i said if you put it on the wall you're not gonna need these but i alwayskeep them in area spares so these eight plastic bits or the back implants ladder we're going to need these two becausewe're gonna put it on the wall so you put your screws through these it justreinforces it and these are nice shiny covers to put over them don't do that ina bit so we can get your four sides you're looking for the one with numberone that's going to be your first piece and your two side it's with nothingeither side sees nothing in it just holes say your first three pieces thisis your fourth piece just got these in
the other side just out for you numberone just pull that down and then do my wish side you start with just puttingthe slots i know you want to do let's push down push down until this is whooshit's important as well to do it on a hard flat surfacedoing a carpet these will twist a little snug these little plastic clips off seeyour third one just make sure the lines line up cuz that's what's gonna pull thebacking on it actually you can't go wrong because he's watching a thing soyou can't get him out of it push down push down so it's flat no iknow it is silver now get it get the backing piece and i was making surethese stickers affair sin up because
this a bit hit the wall and you're notgoing to see these and they'll be the inside so which left side that in allthe way back into this piece same again yeah the little wall sorry the book outwhich for this so i'll be going up there we already get one sided and that's whatyou're going to get this edge and pull it back slightly now if you know it'spush down on this that's it that's your box mate we're going to do now we'regoing to put in the eight black clips so each clip are these two so this will gofirst and this will slide and where these go is in the middle when we formis alpine they'll go in there so you put a thicker one in firstwho wears me on take a run in first then
put a thinner one in in sit-up so i'll go ahead until you walk away anyfurther then just keep going around to doing it stick them on first in thecinema that's it that's ready to go on the wallnow it's like i said you'll get your spirit level you put on the top makesure this level mark the walls and then when you drill through the boxes put thescrews through these the screw through the back and these little silver coverswhich go to the top and hide the screws these things i said i'll show you whatthese are for basically these boxes are going on the floor you can see that yepso you can write in this is at the wall
back in the wall and along the floor alot of people are skirting boards this is just a standard thickness of theskirting board and then i would say that could i still move back so you put thesein these holes and then it's offset against the wall so the thickness ofthat it just stops the box from moving backwell except i'm gonna put it on the wall so i'm not gonna need these that's itoh you like this little tutorial and i'm going to screw these on the wall now andif you're not subscribed already you like to see more videos like this pleasesubscribe and support my channel hit like and yeah let's see i'll see you inmy future videos thanks i'm gonna mount
them boxes to the wall well i've got gotjust somewhat little wall books because they're not really ever i'm not gonnaput more much weight in them so i need a lot of wall plugs and then this drill isabout six six millimeters so it's approximately right and then just to goin there just some little squeeze i've see if you're gonna put a lot of weightin them you need bigger wall plugs and biggest screws have your walls a holeoff - solid c's i saw it well these are like four solid walls we've got hollowwalls you'll need specialist wall bugs you go to the diy shop no wait you knowwhich ones do you need but matt's out roughly well on the bottom corner
because i want any like nice and even inthe middle of the wall in about four pair of hands position position it roughly i need itgive me a spirit level i'm spirit level on the top bunk cornerswhere i need it that's very level on i just need the box and so the bubble isin the middle of the spirit level which i'm just gonna mark it a little up theline it's banging on way after is a bubble tofall in the middle of the two lines right over the line i'm gonna drillthrough the corners you got a hammer action to drill through brick i have alittle hammer symbol a little
screwdriver a bit or a drill bit fordrill and a hammer action to drill through brick to search it to hammermake sure the drill bit is the right size for the wall book make sure it'snot too big hoover as you go because some brick dust like mine will stay inthe carpet so now it's time to screw the box to thewall more boxes what you got going so trey put the screw free you'll screwthat freezer box onto the wall so now i've got a second one up don't we checkout with a spirit level that's nice and straight now i put these two shelves upalready we know they're already straight couldn't put a spirit level on top sothe next shelf is gonna go here so i
have to do is put it aside on and enjoyyours minstrel girls now when we messed me to a bit i'm a bigger drill thenscrew it in have you done now we do for the last one you shouldrepeat the same process oh