moderne wohnzimmer tv

[laughs] i have no idea what i'm doing. [typing] [soft jazz music] greetings and welcome to "lgr oddware" where we're taking a lookat hardware and software that is odd, forgotten and obsolete, like crt displays, although you might argue thatthey're not so obsolete because there's a lot of people that still use them,especially retro gamers
for, you know, the lack of lag and the really deep color depth and even the real sharp clarity that you getwith rgb and things like that. well, what if i told you that you couldget rid of all that good stuff and play your moderngames on a half-inch crt? so you might be thinking to yourself, "why?! what's the point?" well, there is no point!
and that's the point. it's because you can! and yes, the astute among you may berealizing by now that this is actually a viewfinder from an old camcorder. vhs camcorders would come withthese viewfinders back in the day. they had *little* tiny crts in there,anywhere from a half-inch to, like, two inches or so. some of 'em were in color.this one is in black and white. unlike most of the thingsi cover on oddware, this is
not a commercial product.this was never exactly sold anywhere, in this form, at least. this is a project put togetherby a viewer of mine who sent this to me,named brad sparks. he has a youtube channel called xeroxcape. go check it out if you'd like. he's got some interestingprojects going on there as well. but yes, thank you very much, sir. i was hugely thankful to get thisthing because i actually saw
an article on instructablesabout how to do this myself, but i was lamenting on twitter that i--i don't have the, you know, time to do it, but brad was like, "hey, here you go!" for all intents and purposes,this is just your normal ntsc black and white crt, and this has been modified toinclude a composite signal input which means that you canplug in pretty much anything as long as it doesn't go past480p or a 480i kind of signal. there's some variance therethat you can mess with but
anything beyond that typicallydoesn't really work very well. of course, if we're gonna beusing a playstation 4 with this, that's not gonna work becausea ps4 outputs with hdmi, so i went to radio shack and, yes,there's still a radio shack near me. i got one of these cheap little adapters. this lets you convert hdmiover to a composite signal, as long as the hdmi signal is, again, like 480p, and you have to put your playstation 4into safe mode, but it does work.
as you might have noticed earlier,this does have a usb cable, which is for powering the crt. so, you just plug it into anything with usb power. i'm using one of these littleself-contained power bank battery deals. and once it's powered on, it will showwhatever's plugged into the composite signal. and in this case, it is the playstation 4 through thathdmi adapter, and look! you can-- uh... almost see what's going on...
actually, no, you can' can't read a thing. not all is lost because thankfully i have some macro lenssolutions and whatnot with my dslr, and thishow i ended up [laughs] playing games on this. and, of course, i'm going to beshowing it off just a little bit more. and, yeah, i know it sort of negates the whole purpose of having areally tiny display, but trust me, after about five seconds, youget eye strain. so, screw it!
let's just take a look at some rocket league here. and as you might expect,i am doing absolutely terribly, because, you know, i can't see anything. [laughs] even looking through the cameraviewfinder and zoomed in and everything, it's just too tiny and there's a lot of overscan going on with this and that's just to be expected.this is the tiniest little crt i've ever seen. so... [laughs] it doesn't matter.
this is purely because i think this is fun. my apologies to my teammates,whoever i was playing with. um... i was effectively useless, just dicking around. i am probably the only person to have playedrocket league this way, so that's something. checking out the youtube app on ps4 and "lgr thrifts" here, the most recentepisode showing. [laughs] i just wanted to this because there'sme inside of a hot wheels monitor inside of this video on this app through a one-half inch crtzoomed in with my camera.
it-- it's just the mostcomplicated way i can imagine to, to watch any youtube video ever, and that's why i did it. with the hdmi input, you can, of course, plug in your modern pc,which i went ahead and did here. navigated on over to twitter and tweeted out a tweet saying that i was tweeting on a half-inch crt. and people were like, "what? why?"
since i got the pc plugged in and ready,i tried out some fallout 4. and you know what? this makesa whole lot of sense to me in my mind. to be playing something like this retro, futuristic, post-apocalypsething on this tiny, little, crappy black and white tube. it just makes sense. even though, once again, there'ssome weird display problems. over to the right, it wasshowing part of my background. i did have my computerset up to be in 640x480,
and it worked for some things.didn't work for fallout 4. hee hee, whatever. that's kind of to be expected. you're never supposed to do this. and i died. and, uh, that makes perfect sense because,again, couldn't see what i was doing. [duke voice]"but now, it's time to play dos games on a half-inch crt and chew bubble gum. and i'm all outta gum."
with duke nukem 3d playing through the half-inch crt. and look, you know what? th-- this actually was themost playable thing that i did. probably because that ihave played this so much that i can do it just about by sound[chuckles] at this point, and there's a little bit of a lag, i guess introduced maybe from the adapter? uh, that's a little... little disappointing.
i didn't notice any lag at all when itwas plugged in directly through the composite signal itself, but that's fine. that's all for this episode ofoddware on the half-inch crt i would love to try out a largerone sometime, perhaps in color. there were, uh, you know color versionsof these in much later camcorders and such. but you know what? this, this'll do for now. i love playing around with this thing because it's so useless! [laughs]there's no practical reason to have this
whatsoever, except that it'sa fun little novelty, and uh... you know, it's sort of conversationpiece, too. i'll just be like, "hey, look! you can play your games on this thing!" and, and everybody's like, "who cares?" but i know a few of you guys enjoyed this, right? but, no, seriously. if you *did* enjoy this,then perhaps you'd like to see some of my others. here are some oddwareepisodes of the past linked too. and of course, there's a whole lot more on my channelwith more coming every monday and friday. so subscribe if you'd like, or not. that's cool.
and as always, thank you very much for watching.