wohnzimmer deckenbeleuchtung beispiele

usd two eighty now mining steeply inwith me is to maja ski and uh... this week rupert murdoch the uh... the man who makes the news addict whotells the news his danielle kind of heavy handed uh... as busy allen chairman of of atthe news corporation he was in front of the britishparliament trying to not under oath mind you
uh... at least also his testimonyyesterday and basically the gist of it was he had no idea this stuff was going onhe was betrayed by the people who he trusted and uh... it was the complete oppositeof everything that we've ever known or heard about rupert murdoch uh... radionews has already has always been that really hands-on but he knows nothing soit's very convenient hot and then so it but he's been verycontrite uh... italy's in britain the he's beeninsane how sorry he is that this is
happening anybody who was hurt uh... and she's he said that it was themost humble man his life uh... which is really uh... reared uh... australians right but she just oppose this because nothingadded there's no i'm he is a heavy influence with his mediaempire the wall street journal who's that his publisher and ceo adolescent in hasjust resigned in the wake of the scandal
uh... the on monday released this weekticketless very inflammatory bomb-throwing editorial i mean when i read it i waslike you what is this leases reminded duffy um... it was notthe best public relations yeah one of the court said that uh... we also trustour readers can see through the commercial an ideological motives of ourcompetitor critics shots in foreign tax benefit yes eyes sothick that you can't cut it with a chainsaw especially uh... ritalin andlectures about journalistic standards
from publications like the juliana songsand wiki leaks for moral important notes for canadaresentments it is the only days i have no evidence but the tabloid access isone of the publications somehow tarnished thousands of other news corpjournalists across the world i'll translate were not by a lack of the people whohate us they're biased they just like to see a stopper because their bias what's ahead for but also then says thelast time that the liberal press luv demanded an i_b_m_ prosecutor it was toprobe delay conservative columnist
robert novak in pursuit of white houseaide scooter libby but that person golf the reporter of for the new york timeswhich i led the posse to hang novak in his sources for our media really want invitecongressman prosecutors to regulate how journalists rather than means i don'tthink that's a very good example of life and i hadn't thought it's like a justdon't even go there don't you bring up uh... outing a c_i_a_ agent on valerieplame and that's the backstory with without robert novak and me he had his source cuter libby within the bushadministration
well repressed so adverb all the old joewilson her husband has said that there wasn't this a yellow cake or uraniuminet and in new york times editorial saidthey'd been in the that uh... there wasn't yellow cake uranium that bush wastalking about and so and they use bob novak tech out his wife like they were after his wife this is not a good example of how toshow contrition for uh... the phone hacking scandals that has that
has really blown up in britain and it looks like it's comingoverseas that for me this is not just shot and fried i thought i just really has been therefor the peace also cut it sounded like to see why a kind of like a we want to make sure that we put thisall prior to getting any allegations against us thoughtful kind of what i gotfrom it as well were rubber
you're going to yeah deals with his own quick right pocketsit was they have a reasonable bid the thing for me and in video in thisentire skin on the first thing that i thought of was media consolidation and with us on the phone right now isdavid sadhana has been on the show before from free press and you guys havebeen tires fleet working advocates for uh... kept making the media smaller is thatright
all that's one way of putting it uh... we are uh... we are advocates for maintaining and much diversity andthe media is possible diverse ownership diverse voices uh... it's just the way the uh... thefounders envisioned it with the whole marketplace have ideas of uh...competing competing uh... idea competing i_d_ ideologies uh... and uh... what we have today i'msure your viewers and listeners will agree
israelis small handful handful of uh...corporations that own way too much maybe a bitdominate the conversation and regardless of whether they'reideologically right left or or uh... dangerously uh... in the middle uh... you know i think too few voices necessarily need you're not getting afull range of the debate uh... so that is that through the coral what repressed thatwe're all
more and more media more diverse mediamore people getting involved in the media smarter uh... mediocre silver ship all of the name of thebetter democracy so i think that we just a business anyone kill jobs not alter fact we are very pro-business uh... and and particularly pro probe uh... competition uh... what we're looking at in the case
newscorp in in particular and mediacompanies in general uh... you know uh... newscorp you eighty and keep thecomcast they're not interested in in free market competition they'reinterested in getting government assistance thatuh... kildare competition uh... you know weakened weakened fightchapter and verse too many things newscorp is done all over the years to come
holiday power in to game ever with uh... with politicians and thenthat doesn't really fit them apart from any other core corporation in in thestands based i mean eighty in kiev spent has been tens of millions if nothundreds of millions of dollars trying to get that key mobile of merger forced down our throats comcast spent over a hundred milliongetting the uh... merger with n_b_c_ so are archaic youth through this
you know what happening it newscorp nowis the disease immediate toleration and andthe packaging for that and he's been the money that these corporations are able tothrow at policymakers legislators uh... regulators and what have you right and you use to be a journalist andof course and and journalist and so they've i was reading to get better andhahahahahahahaha cut that was for a while hahahaha
but i was very three have brains dotthere is that if a column in the near it under his piece in the new york times inand he was talking about the reason the main reason it that it's really bad at six johnniecompanies uh... as the only ones who on any mediais that these companies don't like the navel gazingdon't report on themselves and you're seeing that with pat the dnewscorp where fox news has been you know if they'vetried to deflect um... they've done a portable job butthey also just have had a media blackout
and just not talked about it and do you any of that is for me thebiggest argument uh... against mediaconsolidation is that you know if you have only have a couple of people whoare a couple of companies that are reporting the news they're not gonnareport on themselves uh... very very big problem i mean whatit was a really good doing it that come out of this dental the demonstrations that if you have avibrant competitive media like they do
in the u_k_ right you can't you can actually see how thatplayed out tidying your cnr well out she was arguing youlegalize criminal activities brightwell allegedly of which is wishes it's like that what you know what you regarding that ahypothetical dave i mean i wasn't unity uh... but you know if you look at ourown on this side of the atlantic you know uh... did the wall street journal has
but not really hit very hard on own thiscandle i've accepted defender of murdoch andnews corp fox news on barely mentioned it in factif you get you go to uh... if you go to uh... newscorp watchdog coordinatorbranch of of media matters um... database like uh... excite i c_n_n_ report that uh... fox news had barely budged the story andthat
on on news media criticism program are park is forty uh... the they are permanently said yeah we're notgoing to cut and i think that a public that when they thought they were incommercial but it but you know there there are affirmatively takensteps not to deal with this issue save one last question do you think thisis going away their existing baker
arnold arnold see how it can go away uh... there there's too much at they care are we've got we've got our quadrennial ownershiprules review uh... they're several partition apart on stations that are facing f_e_c_license renewal and the rules require that that the owners of those likely tobe all good character certainly if there's any any uh...
any truth to the matter of uh... formerpop official dan cooper saying that uh... that fox news haseight hundred bunker over intelligence-gathering where theymay or may not be the spying on americans and and tracking their youknow controlled what have you discussed rule i don't know that is but if it is that would be a very big deal certainly if we find outthat they've been asking the phone of nine eleven victims
families that's going to be a huge storm uh...the other allegations their investigation going on if if any of that truth is the thestories just when you get bigger and bigger and even there you know none of the things turn out tobe true what we've had here fortunately is it an indication to the americanpeople a lot of qual lot of corporate power
over what you do you read and hear uh... is a very very dangerous things and open you know hopefully people willtake that message start and and think twice before that beforethey uh... before they back more of these murders do sometimes from three passed thank youfor joining us not a problem or can it would appearwe'll see you soon
are at the bunker story doesn't turn outin finding the soul of sat that that's just hyperbole in his activities in abunker where they really think and a warm room intensity corporately and his card stud headquarters that'sgoing to be really be crappy not speaking out of uh... one st hyperbole and uh... fox news john casick
he is now the governor removal of thegreat state of ohio he was aamer dot completely from ninety thousand one twothousand seven he had uh... his own show on fox news and then to fox contributor and now he is a governor of the state confusion but uh... this guy but he was on he was on this week and it's going to watch this because itis so
this is set up my next point weekly played avideo of casick we have a great uh... choice in education we killed the deathtax matter approval rating what the length of the parents well look notice hard this is part of the problemis happening while simpson is welcoming ticket approval ratingsdepends on who takes a poland with the police bottom line is my state wasbehind together can stop by a policeman who was an idiot
have this year for the overall threefifty listen to this story he says to me he says uh... you pass this emergency vehicle on theside of the road and you didn't feel i'm even see the where the headlines the last thing i would ever do would beto pass emergency are you kidding me says well i understand it give me alicense goes back to the car comes back disney effective says you must do it a report the court if you don't reportthe court reporting a warrant out for
your ass usage what do you like what is he like fifteeninterrupted here that you're the governor and the carpenter so celery who had been told about it formatters the poll who took it before who actually answer the or i will now it says that his there'shis approval rating is basically thirty five percent thirty five percent ofvoters people who voted for him we're not talking about a couple yearsago i mean the guys in office for three
seconds he's been in office for now sixmonths is a thirty five percent approval rating i mean you could play it antonio thirty five percent is his wife at senator joe mccarthy the month before he what he it was uh...sanctioned sobra nga he can help make this is but this is not larry maher butnow i mean you put like a pretty german shepherd in in an and uh... uh... uh...student i mean you say that he's in for
the american family he gets athirty-percent approval rating without anybody baddy not and i this guy has a thirty five percentapproval rating relatively healthy you ask her promoted him right now you'reasking around herrnstein ok uh... but here's the thing that is cracking upabout this guy beside the fact that he's chloe really a puppet of fox news uh... including healing right uh... you know just a minute like youwant it weighs asked about any kind of
late on on this week he was asked aboutthis and then i and he weighed he parlayed aquestion about rupert murdoch tat their studies on football fields really wierd mahlet so here's the thingtheir the voters in ohio as saying things like they want lower taxes andsmaller government in all the staff and with all that promise that you hear from therepublicans that right so he's done that they just don't like him for until he does it they don't take itpersonally last request for another half
hour to me that i told you exactly thewrong people are answering their phones of the senate and that poster at peterbrown said this to the toledo blade is dead uh... by state by fifty eight thirty twopercent others say that that the budget is unfair to people like them whenvoters think a politician is treating them unfairly that's not good for thepoliticians health but again they're staying ino we we want these things wewant lower taxes that we want that but then when he he's but clearly done thathe's been you know pr scheme promise completely boilerplate when it comes toyou
his uh... ad anything that thing that he's done imean he's he's busting unions in in trying to makeabortion legal illegal in all the stuff that you know every other a small brand newgovernor and has tried crowd but he's a where's murdoch but but but but where is it conde has a because block you know i a mthere's probably a german shepherd out
there that all republicans are really good girl it notanswering the questions that the last winter in interviews it's like you don't go on interview or get out thequestion then go and talk about what you think there's a third party value-added although they like that themedia training that all politicians get you know it's like they're they're askedabout jobs that are either asked about the economy in and they're like you butwhat we really mean it was the martian but they can can i mean that's what youdo it's kind of
and then it's really the only things onthe media you know illnesses having on diet on pop by now journalist ask follow-up questions yeah and i think that's fair when we we're talking about republicansa spot a farce follow-up questions because if you watch president obama at his press conferences daylight i mean he takes follow-upquestions sometimes two or three
follow-up questions where you had said kaelin where if youknow uh... hey what do you guys doing now or video over and right but like atwenty billion westlake when she started going off about paul revere and thatturn into be a got a question cell i think that you know when they don't answer them answer holding them to account is up tojournalist because they've been train i mean absolutely trained to as you said not answer any live going onthe talk about what they tend to think
about it for exactly out let me tell youknow let me tell you about uh... what we rent naidu in the senate foo foo foo foo so if they have the government stream story uh... not very century sad by uh... i would say doctor because on ahandicap allergies and might and that when i when i wasthere the nurse said that i need that was due for avaccination reaganite and i was like
nine billion dollars sets in there thank wednesday in delivery charge to doso go to your pediatrician cracker but apparently the c_d_c_ is declaredthere isn't academic in california of whooping cough right yet don't do that well and now onin the armenian epsom myself out unedited solid but so the ad so there's been over fifteen hundred
reported cases just in the state of california ofwhooping cough and this is something that was this to be a routing cated do the vaccinations yours i mean noone's been having whooping cough issues is a sort of a mexicansresponsible for just like the swine flu fear to get your direct exactly if there's right now and there's there'sactually a better explanation for that all uh... right so there's been sixintensive far that have died in california and so nowthe c_d_c_ is saying that
or they're they're mandating that allfreshmen uh... they're going into the californiahigh schools the immunized but this is but california has a statehas not uh... fourteen others in a mandatebecause others to scare about vaccinations and we have this video babies get as many as six is sometimes sevenvaccines altogether and the c_d_c_'s admitting that they don't know isresearch them that way and one prime example is the flu vaccine we'veresearched the flu vaccine in in great
detail antecedents a furnace given alonebut the c_d_c_ is never research the flu vaccine when you give its in conjunctionwith all the other infant shots i'm not north obvi info frank thomas hampson insubstantialmustaches pulled back into the priest who's often today they're and six shotsdemands to many it's soon american parents would make avery different inside decisions that are coming back some of the children werethey given the proper information one of the reasons
them on in europe is the parks system of vaccinations asthey have been used for such a long pond in this country is not in the best interest of yourchildren you're going to be trading some innocenttypes of diseases that we now know how to handle better anything types of diseases like measlesuh... and will be in kop which apparently is fetal-tissue babies uh... that there's this has been for thelast ten years
uh... about a decade ago there was astudy that that showed some kind of a link between autism and vaccinations so what happened it was not bunch of people who are not doctors into many shots is ridiculous and it's like you know that there'sthere's too many tales that you take take insecurities
ridiculous at uh... it's the whole idea is to jenny mccarthy gets on board and some other celebritiesanytime it turns into this hysteria let's college whether anybody has to do with you knowprotecting children in whatever and celebrations uh... a and i'm gonna stay at theiryuppies and i'm not saying that i'm not sayingthis is to be mean but i'm saying this
because in marin county you have the fiesta method which is therichest county in california uh... marin county has uh... the fewestamount of kids being vaccinated now and the most fatalities due to awhopping cough so they ardyss is a yuppie movement ifyou don't ride that helicopter parents trying to save their kids fromeverything and so instead of vaccinating them theyend up
you know dying a man of the disease that has been a radicallyfrom this content for fifty years bird i mean they're just and there's really no you no hard evidence that sir as right this time there was billed asone of those guys there was there was one report that was uh... dupont and get bombed ended bond and thebonds and their other studies and they foundabsolutely no evidence and instead of
going okayed that one study was clearlywrong 'cause that's what happens in science there are things that their iwhen you make a mistake you amend that and you couldn't you find the nextconclusion it's not just deciding that you areright and then excluding all evidence they can prove you to be wrong art butit turns into a conspiracy theory when you have this like hyper competence so there's this evil overlord that'scoming in and they're trying to kill all the yuppie babies but when it leaves me about this is that
there's a greater vaccinating about thevexing do not touch the sky and i'm in pain year ended up doing about my doctoractually had whooping cough and shes like well you know if you can take ashot you want to die still does have a bad cough for three tofour months and i was like aluminum i'm i don't do it myself i don't care justgive me the yeah canister filter and office syria like that and you know isn't it but i i was actually in themeantime
didn't have measles or any of that stuffi mean i wasn't in it because i'm not at that age where catherine vaccinating their children uh... one it reminds me i've is thatisn't any panic in the eighties where everybody was afraid at the senators this enemy becamepretty mainstream as he was on twenty-twenty roldo where and everybody was afraid of these cygnus right right
the scene is that we're going to breakyour children while everyone was looking for seeingthis reaping your children you had catholic priests who were rapingchildren so it just it's kind of this weirdly worded in the lord's them so butis that this hysteria is not constructive yeah uh... and we're talking we have to havea rational decision third irrational conversation about children's health and just say that there's too many shotsbecause
you are on some showing the in in t_v_ on m_t_v_ and your character than you think that imentioned a lot of our rights to all other evidence this excluded because you know that you're right it'sits fall hyperbole in roemer in like well we'rejust saying that we're going to work or not his m
treating vaccination in texas city andit's like no no no no no that's incorrect that is sedate they don't have evidence theyhave they have that fear you know and these are these accuser inother legitimately i just think that they do have just made up what lookslike a theory that if you go to any shots and uncertain about planning avery there was one there was one once there was one and
report that said this and he was a quack doctorwho s absolutely no credibility and other people have to bump that and we have to move on and and just getkids vaccinated and you know what this is california isthe eight it goes its own country it'd be the eight largest economy in the world and there's an academic of the disease
from nl administrator and under kids are dyingright know where that is not getting back liberty in yuppies that's proofthat's not theory now israeli happy i mean it's you-know-what its uh... it's is indirect evidence butthat's that's evidence uh... so yet that's that finds to be very scary scary conspiracies
jump up but the fact that consultantsnot tell us what you're going to lift she's been in depth the congress foronly couple of sessions and things like to mission barely been that she's has been there for a very long ashes anaccomplished lawmaker shouldn't have any memorable piece of or any real piece of legislate legislation with hername on it that's not what the lord is called theroot of what
that still doesn't get any money forless than a fat so her former aides and i think that someone who's been incongress for enough three seconds has all these former aides which is a formeraides who basically are hard to get her and to dish anything that they can and so they go to the dayton dailycollar which is tucker carlson known for hisjournalistic integrity and they print an anonymous source story about how she gets migraines andtheir debilitating just take all these
drugs and violence hospitalized for beenhospitalized a couple of times and that therefore she has had she should is not credible or not credible that she had he specialdisqualify her from uh... being president because she's thestress-induced panics social oliver disability overdo it but no one has gotten really great veryquickly here's the thing there are so manyreasons she shouldn't be president yeah
this is like a way that i mean this is alegitimate if she was flawless in every other way you know if you look at our went well she's mark competition speaks forme i think you know she can work with thecongress i really think this woman she's going away i want to support her in thenear like world migraines are now could be a deal killer this is not michele bachmann r i thought about footage guarding thiscommittee i thought they were going to
use those of the way to make a real adouble the people you know it interestingly uh... migraines as welli'm going for human pile of the old document like this don't let me put isthat they're together this this video left foot left foot here's some reasons why she should notbe present has nothing to do it with their police ache in her head the president doesn't want to have to beconfronted with priorities descending because he has a lot of just stoppeddecide john discount elias yes tennessee
is that i have seen it he said that thefounding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery if you look at one of ourfounding fathers john quincy adams that's absolutely true and that's whatwe did in our country reaching statement online translator that's agood thing since then in wages one of those regulations youtake a look at you try to eliminate it well what i'm saying is that i thinkthat we need to look at all regulations carbon dioxide is perhaps three percent of the total atmosphere that's amir'shuman activity contributes
perhaps three eight percent three percent in other words humanactivity is maybe three percent contributing to that request sent uh... carbon dioxide that senatorsatmosphere there is a point when you say and not present aftergovernment intrusion says the federal government really need to know iphone numbers today we really need to knowlike you said the dayton plan that
really mental stability you know the onequestion that's not on the survey plan are you a u_s_ citizen made use the u_s_census information surrounding out the japanese and put them in the internmentcamps in the u_s_ interest but you know if the u_s_ u_s_ insistence mentioned the constitution for factor yeah so i think there's any other detailas you can see that she's clearly like she's totally pros the medic in thiskind of creepy over-the-top turn away but she has never like talk to a jewwhere she knows that it's what stuff but dr
perfectly often troubled by the realityof no misinterpret this is not a deal breakerbut i know i think any of the house like the del car visit leads the audience involved here suffer after my own figures are seventyfour point further said that uh... initiative for for my grandfather wasthat that she was just a carrier about ourself uh... or is it a quick break ifwe're gonna come back and i we have a very special in studio gets first iwould say there
began to see them uh... estella stickaround we'll be right back and we're back you're watching accuracynow in and during the break patli living in my body here usually nest and uh... nearly made fun of me sayingthat i didn't say could spell right how much consternation know it has beenchecked back right uh... nineteen abouhalima satisfaction at theirprofession let someone chopped up all right living
comedienne my friend of we found that said they are already infinance meeting by the city of this is an gawker uh... i think think privacy affairs ofbob we want to join you talk about thereaction to a joke and and wet laughter actually means don't let's watch thisvideo but the first up here appears to haveone identified by letting repeated again which is that an open mind reading andif you don't get the didgeridoo antifreeze andy double entendre with theword fashion and hilarity infinity
dot com but this effect is that that that wasthe guy who wrote the marriage of our internet site because that you noted square it is the married stacks them youknow deny and michelle bachman defense unanimousaction somehow privileges slavery i exactly that pete that is actuallybetter for a few things that it was better for tougher black children under slavery nicely if they had toparents exact overhead lighting raising them in a in you know that i only halfoff
what any of these men and i acontrivance to roll out right now is much better returns an indictment byprivate school absolutely alot homeschooling even had a cough eventheir one-on-one yes so but well at one of the israel government laid outthat i don't think there's nothing worse than then going to end up liking someonewho's never gotten a laugh i see before ever ever ever travel friendly theylaugh in the number of paul now i'm just gonna tell that joke mightnow for the next five minutes to ten
o'clock extending it by ear and i think that thehis repeated again but in fact so what do you tell me which as aprofessional comic when someone last is something you say what does that mean windy laugh at war there there's acouple of last evening at the laughter there laughing at you uh... that they're laughing makes you time and then they ran on entirely ithink it's something that you did and that is and i think you're laughingand joking with independent the system
had you know it's selling out there has been aroundfor so long and it's so obvious and and when's the last time you for anyone usewere found in reference to cigarette now deal and i have you have a majority in the middleschools i like say the word file twice with a friend of having drugs help orbut also i mean it to me attended insight into this guy's psyche becausehe's they've been trying at least as they did their problem areas in there there's approach traditional values theyhave so much love for like
in their in their christian hearts four uh... for humanity that they don't wantit to be depleted by those homosexuals you know letting each other legallyuh... you know having legal rights that like to have to see a video of of adialect lafayette offensive weenies like clearly in his fortiesfeelings it activist trying to deny a minority of people their rights uh... my friend that's a different its
it's a kind of a window into what hereally believes which is he just doesn't like gay people here cambodia consistent you know and i thinkpierce found that he does i mean this is a guy who clearly a skinny people so idon't i'm not surprised when he uses the majority i'm surethat's not the worst thing you haven't heard he's got burned from pollsmoderately have all kinds of stuff they use you know that's part of the team issaying that he said or that he's laughed at exactly whatthat's like the other like all of us on the third floor
but i i just love that gave moredepending on how i just can't keep on the internet with that gay porn processfor two more people on just the one that i think we have tomake their like that this is such a good time with that but this this estatebaywatch is the most form and in the country joining guests hands often utah yes how energy per centalistair adele yes by fifty percent more men that i didn'tdate at your side it is like is the most is as far as church and state that has amiddle east a fine line let's say
uh... nonexistent blurring of church andstate and anna and if you look at on in theinternet statistics of approve of foot complex date watches the most part on their feet utah more pastel right so we do know weare very blessed by a what we're most attracted to i would think the men withtwo hundred enough from autumn awful lot of if m_f_n_ is very important that wetalked about that i think i'll tell him a happy man hello its head
had talked about the settling withsecular up later made her and other than the last because everybody's assumptionis that your dispute everyone's having sex all over this incident was an orgyevery tentative just like talking online about your feelingshahahahahaha company that has a lot of women are not the intended keep or likea lot of men going really you know a perfect commodity that's all you gotgoing on uh... friends i have a minute dot dot dot dot confidence right alignment ignoring you anything you knowthat a man is like that sounds to me to
help them and dot so you've been watching the debt ceilingdebate limited manager threatening some of theway that one of the debt ceiling what are we talking a little let's talkabout it what is the debt ceiling eight agreed to pay our bills yet that's the whole thing and i have amore and i had given the style hammering committed so that we can continue to talk abouthow we have a business wealth businesses and governments remained above thethirty to pay their bills
for marathon and then i think beans aretender down like a charity amina business doesn't go and take care of himand reminding one hundred people paid by other people trying to run that doesn't cynthia union let me know that that wasthat was which caused our customers asap actually you know it's like asignificant if they're i'd like to keep the package sarcastic laugh appendages contract now that they had atentative that big surprise to know if there were no we have as an instancelike nineteen sixty-two the congress has
passed the debt ceiling sixty nine timesit's windy the policed controversial bill you know i just sohappens all the time is everybody's done it is you know it could be debt ceilingson everyone's hands specially john dinner specially cancer uh... a you know and and and so bad now the republicans are star are likable movie got a good one we could melt theor now are using something and makepolitical hay against her and write his
own out next week is going to be in thatthey don't pass anything in the next couple days there's going to be that the countdown armageddon and you knowhow far less than a tentative and uh... you know there's like a great we'regonna meltdown and who's to blame unproven edwin politically in and all the time the next here lady i think she is so this is this is the thing that cracks me up the solution of the republicans havecome up with
is to amend the constitution it which is the most unrealistic thing toever do you ever it's like it's a state okay we can go to the moon until gannett and then the element button or turn in the constitution andit it literally takes years when you have to eat the congress withtwo-thirds majority is super majority in both houses
has to has to make the proposal and then he goes to the states three quarters of the states have toratify it and you were talking about here is that people yelling at eachother in debate in whatever in like tiny little you know like new hampshire apolice dept up because they would use it against whatever itsyears a but that's their only solution is something that no one's been able toaccomplish anytime in newton recent memory
as the only thing that they think willreally sick last so i guess i could lead to right three days before everythingbooked up yet and that was not a series of tenknowledge if you think it's going to pass third inherently of this afternoon andthe prosecution and defense and in my neighborhood so anywhere advantages version of our music and i think it is the is submitted thatthe word constitution so it's down the road
patriotic tackling banal and for themand they write back cutting staff and west indian and there's like you knowallen's dot love spot but i want my commissioner dick at cutting down ithink that would be awesome you know i hate to break this to you know actuallyi would like a beggar audio relations with valerie vase who came up with herblueprint oka sardars on time we have added to an end next week and over ihave one last thing i've forgot to mention uh... michael husky and i think it's probably the sea but that resonates
pete huh the fact that i thought it had taken aninterest in road dot blots light dot com and that you know we're always on facebook you use all suite