wohnzimmer kamin einrichten
proxies company matters of pocket watchone of the complete line of famous for the full of boxes that sarah perry isridiculously craft bring to the great go to sleep every week this time for us butdont wait some more music like a lot so late well therefore that the other is live injust a moment during the holidays of the grading moneyalso i'm friends with witnesses real way to show your hospitality as a sort ofthe folks that live so spread that chairman your guests by aserving fresh bread rolls and moslems with delicious parquet marjorie vestedfreshers spread for america's rather
favored in millions of american homes as a fresh delicate flavor that short ofsatisfied parquet margarine is a spread you want to serve your family everydayon the year because parking is so high and pulledout a g value so dependable provide what i a in fact craft guarantees every part ofparquet to contain nine thousand units ofvitamin that so tomorrow by this nourishing spreadthat sold unless isn't satisfied ask for park a periodic a statewidearcade margarine
craft makes this the first to spread foramerica's brett yes craft makes bhargava codify and a great deal to sleep withthis merry christmas side well not so mary all the rest of summerfield as giddywith a good feeling and how they cheer over the guild asleep household hangs upall trouble also super breach of promised by lady he onceadmired prosecuted by a friend he trusted
all the implement warm in theingratitude of mother so have a later they weigh upon in thathe's been unable to give a single thought the christmas which is only twodays off this seems to be a matter of someconcern the lead role condone times just skip christmas this year it would be plan on you get recklesslygrowing not markers that we haven't ruled out free here i think he's inviting a lot ofstuff on the slide trying to please
ninety arlyne places once christmas anyway it will be in kids must not leap for us well if you ever worried about anybodybesides yourself you be worried to farrell castle castle in you write your country are alice i'll see if we can't julian bonddon't like anyone or have me wrong
does right presence now but i'm going to go restless good morning everybody going on here yesterday but would you like director carpet yes well-positioned autocrat
cat do not and also about the other doesn't matterbrittany thing means maybe in there like that yes removes the internal things are sitting too well with methese days for it form that these people uh... demands little money do you do
that the dear all much two days is that all of his cap my christmas shopping done so lately getting late here christmas to disabilities i was doingsomething about it was someone like you seem to get up ininfuses
odorless father about christmas thisyear and what we know how you feel the you're very sweet go my dear and veryunderstanding needs help reading specialist yet cannot be okay kathleen helping slumdog impact who sit on it might not homework
yes the internet it insurance broker how can we have a nerdto come over here now my dear is judge acting start sending you emailalready i might as well faced well children i guess this is it at least when this is over with theworst diligent in my study pretty yesterday in a way to it deciding who to invite a run up stairsout of the way taking up my degree look
likely that judge across on exactly whati think at me and i'll handle the judge my dear into their own upstairs usually right is maybe a little unpleasant not judged guilty i suppose you think it's a littlestrange at me coming over here like this nothing you could do would surprise meanymore jibes in of all you do what i want to say this you got me into all is fine
who came over here and asked me to helpyou propose that girl that i know you gave me a lot of talk about our friendsto help a friend out john rowland help miles standishwith priscilla until i know let me ask you this priscilla tomlinson john alden and did stanley's albert i'm afraid the sad fact is you know thati'll ever friend or is it not for sale and your normal i'll standards well that is so good that brought thepapers higher the witnesses by the jury i don'tcare
she had a meeting on the inadvertently this whole episode has been mostdistasteful to make sure sure there's very few more than a dozen eight baloney you've so your own grandmother role you know they are in your friendand remember we play golf together never mind thecrocodile tears i mean it why i'd cut off my right arm yourleft-handed
had cut off both times before i'veaccepted case against my old friend osha say that again jess you didn't take the case you turned itdown again she has no pay now alone ok someone's got okay too this is nutritious this is the booby-trapped organic howcan you say you sure she's got no cases they got itfigured out yet padhna
or is your friend i want to take this opportunity ofwishing you a very merry christmas and merry christmas to you mister idea budget is a very good sense america's already has the skillet merrychristmas everybody happy new year that this was my boy what do you mean ans hold my goodness i have anotherthing about it we're all in a bad
bring the really india the than anything else and the it makes you regular train will there be anything else let me seewe got the magic said with writing says in the bomb site and they careful with that pop guns sunny theydid
that now animee paycheck today but i don't know for marjorie that might lose my knees say i'd like toshow you something up water try to get your opinion do you mind and not at all there's a major role in your mind data distilling this young lady here when ibought the marjorie this said sweater alexander around the pink
step back and member of the brother of the fact thatit's a sheared i'll be right back with your part at elevated how it's master sheng yenshock mach and she was ddl and and i'm back in circulation to give you and by george lee and i've never seenyou looking better yes uh... christmas is the color in yourcheeks or something
and sparkle in your eyes high-levelplacements ellen teen educators damien bynoe saying about coming over my housetomorrow night christmas season celebrate just a family you know popcorn candiedapples and stuff and getting a hold some mistletoe last martin four or five five join if there's any other idea i'dshow you what parts apostles salvation is
definitely going to be insensitivecoughing up tomorrow night we'll accommodate we'll have more fun it moredown this also david hale greenslade greetings of the season wellabide by the president's high commissioner karan advocates they flytime in the midst of my christmas shopping yeah well i even got a round of mine equipment off you know i mean nobody take care of at the white anywaywell christmas comes was he replied i think we ought to while at the timecomplaining understand she's ok ruby is
just got a little ways that's all and you take like last year i was sortof us have enough to get one so i was not to get enough in well so the day before christmas in thesalvation army band have to set up in front of the shop here in play hymns allafternoon on the way home at night i laid outeleven bucks for an electrical and because the next day i could kick myselfinto trouble with me and soft hearted floyd really troubled user human iwouldn't you think of it by the way they're not doing anything tomind i'd like to have you drop over to
my house you know say merry christmas just a family thanks commission and liketo do that that the other way now i don't get too i flight if something that you know with othersentimental about christmas that this antenna seminal myself like this morningnow she got up before i didn't put me innice big breakfast ticket but herrings you know on the way down the shop andhave a notion is that since i was invited by the courtroom
might do it yet i think she like that played hamlet evenby one of them section a living at the procurement of bath powder in it and i go again justice after for capers population is something light paling christmas eve this machine went music review nine unit has beenconfirmed he can get in
one of the family custom well i a lot ofsaturday family customers the just thought you were doing anything when we come managing the leadership in thisinterview me making a decision of the engines weusually go to our has been trying to get in a lot of friends who've been kindenough to remember that people we haven't seen through them missus union mentioned me most senate
gang good net about how we do not bereturning range and number and an inconvenientinfringement when the media is still hang up their stockingsand give a boost sales of division who do you think there was no speeded up until the unity but that wasin the night when his name happen man with the man committedp_b_g_c_ manage the downstairs and finished talking with them
yet have the full and we can winbenjamin the clinton game of manhattan but judgepbl that you have more fun than anybody menu fret about us you can be viewed legacy thank you i think you are having a bad vault head i think you know i got home anywaynoticable yeah i think it sure looks
like this of a sudden quite pretty and with thechildren here as my came around the kitchen door yeshamilton i think i got everything so i didn't it's just too bad sure looks likeit's not going to go twenty minutes all my goodness why did i remember allthings like that to forget that with though that spoils everything about thisbusiness about thirty it has to get the authority i think they've got a verythat was the last thing i said to myself get a turkey done it reacting and if you're free
say that you did nothing we can do greatassorted closer to select candidates dot blot in the icebox bernie problems even laying there will had instead of our approval had said he was using three that's notfair to you have to be for the night and when you get that bombay stuffedwith just addressing hello brother merry christmas killed a few seconds
success in the south is made of hisdeath in your family but that you're probably thinking right selflesslysalameh slightly comic in several different places and there is a tinysuggestions sly economical park a march of this unless the stresses that thesleepless nights spark areas of top-notch energy food oneof our address forces fortified by scraps with what analysts nine thousandunits everytime spark as a flavor that's truly two lists labeled as fresh saladsis satisfied soften economical spread the smalldelicious partnerships wire-service park a theory our case a wise parquetmargarines plays like that
remember the last fall distrustful ofhis friends said that sparked a i was just like to direct the obviouslysince christmas eve at last in summer field and it couldn't be a prettierwants is a beautiful clean blanket of snow covering the streets and sidewalksjars moves the feels like silver things up withwhat and the deal this leaves how's the family has just finished decorating thechristmas tree in the congress talking for the fireplace anita black socksuntil the sleeve they'll rayon stocking for marjorie interviews longer but itwas off starting with leroy more of the occasion last christmas eve dishonestlythree alice nelson who leads to staff
uh... similar level i know that therearen't any gains less a breakfast this morning setting in now we have no decorationswestside point businesses this if you are rules you know it's nota a side to it is the first few oh christmastree you can view this is how i felt like shewas just something that seems like the best suited as is the city stockings are hung by the chimney withcare
ritual since the sixties off stock that's right but the legacy ofinterest was the system will still be able to fix it houses scheme i thought more conflict has justwonderful platforms sixty miles from specimens ninety it is stable will see more pictures
delaware united that shows all this book is so that we arrive alive j decide that time to read this beforesouth falsettos police your own it with uh... of alaska was the nicest for christmas
at all to the house decreases the stress not even a month's slash hasn't what is it my policy paramount lights up about ten o'clock uh... make another industries the stockings were hung by the chimneywith care
in hopes that saint nicholas soon wouldbe dead the children were nestled all snug intheir bids as you might really rough while visions of sugarplums danced inthe day children hmong interpretive synonymous and fast enough had just settled our brains for a longwinter's nap not on the lawn there arose such aclatter
three what is it really after that the f_b_i_ pregnant womenseats all nobody just the family yes and that the other thing so that so i think of that i asked mrs read someof us will register for yes let i may have said something to do it for this and that the justice department well they're right after i get that youjust uh... dismissed comes but once he agrees as the world's elitists
are on the lawn there arose such aclatter as training for my business he was amess the moon on the breast of the new fallensnow gave the luster of midday to objectsbelow what someone wondering eyes shouldappear but a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer cities but there was this review policy for the little old driver so lively andquick
and you would have almost it must besaint nick that's an excellent service i had more rapid than eagles his coursesthey came and he whistled and shouted and called the mighty now dasher now dancer now prancer andvixen on comet on cupid all of the group list the tops on adjustable
eating right talking contest mining let's see the top of the points for the top of thewall catherine and then in a twinkling i heard on theroof of the president's going to be true love uh... season last year
okay vaccination and one half hour and wheelchair nephew decided to stop the seventy five as the next day this stuff but despite the downsideindices and this look at it so it wasn't likethe real yet full face
little round belly that shook when heleft likable politically delightful uh... you big celebrate more than anybody else's thank you he spoke not a word let's wait was worth and filled all thestockings interact with egypt and laying his finger aside of his nose in giving anod up the chimney he wrote today secretary he sprang to his sleighto his team gave a whistle highway outlasted the
it's raining and even though the style happy christmas to love antonov friday night uh... but uh... as as a grateful memberisle of but he is a leroy can set it up for months years let's see carpets although my boy united we stand tomorrow night is happening phyllis havefun one is a good leroy one nine o'clock whichever is earlier
but asap expected but at least every mathematicscamouflage happiness allan park albert accurately half of the delivery in here for those is the email still shaky really rolling on for money in the land madness happinessto you monday thank you endlessly challenging onthat's what i think and that no one else
do you start my allegedly leftimmediately faqs and interviews relief painstaking but these packages of thechildren having children something okay heliodoro without old strap you've got any different lives unisa do
reliability everywhere killed hotpot gerald but well they are showing only ride it ass had a similarly just for the study thatlast visited a friend of mine and said oh candidate the stress of schoolhangouts pianists have occurred and one of the accident on my own all ofus united we stand firm on the left i'm
right over the last email addressesaltogether ready needs that need to be plotted the banking as yet female his name discounted amenities last season plans room that this was remembered for your familyand community secure yesterday that's
fine dvd the digital photos no surprise the school and then you would think on it the role you amaze me it was beingninety percent stomach post-doc and alert not uh... end in terms and as you know and he's indata the debate is pretty cagey
lead openly like that only onepeacefully and say okay gps and even mentioned president good began having you here delay you ought to be she is the itselfreason which is the management man in hand that came into this and have unit has isthat the calvin him and i do think that he didn't wantto see businesses
hollywood has united we stand to be thejust let me give you altogether when i walk the dogs they argue that everybody money lensesrun-of-the-mill missus lenses do you have a nice to see if this doesn'thappen he he he wasn't there here deny cannot pick up the coming upour everybody who has some foothold in the community and i intend to do and iknow bibi but he did b c three one look at it into the i think that i didn't
not much not much if not really stopped rose he sees a but contact martin this guy the others that this is a system that doesn't evenno wanted a time kangaroo and and ideal indictment in theunited nations might be kinda nice to be used only forseven hours as i have in a lot of skills it is nice young rishi removed music from thephysicians dividers will there be
victims and he always loved the they were satisfied boy these throughout put uh... three bankers without a warren one and five infected rafi have a friend that livesin the lisa and i think i think what little the
on a yellow greatness hotel for theperson or over there in the corner and that you've had enough mistletoe hedoes not address last fall the definitive i think that you can see mygrown-up lloyd okay which one is usd several when i get a case of the i would not play the piano for the nexthour hotline will either be prime minis acute business that was there sheep eat some recently madness that's here dot data is in a valuablelesson one calpers which would be great i kind of thing out iraq that pakistaniopted not to add a little boys
uh... he got it yet on friday as you know that's two forty five youknow i did nothing like this hello over the uh... is uh... the in halo redhead rule and manages a and andand make this a and aaaand and alien and right now and theni got an idea wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone inthe world is joining the thing with this
lift off in a month national until wecan really do it uh... tonight anyway but if you look and see i'll have torealize here singing together you think of all the people who can'tget together this christmas the only excuse for the kind ofsomething's going on all the world is if we can make sure it never happensagain front lines in use let's all sing anyway you people massachusetts
article california and everywhere an army camps not shipsat sea listen we we used to when we were home together muscles of the force over the phone all the peoples of the world will be able to join in with no
there and um... nightly news and merry christmas and godbless this is the national broadcastingcompany yet crafters and cigarette the other slaverydvd the have a mechanism market lives anothercomplete line-up for this for the full of products but that's out there is agreat deal this week
that strength of a great deal this leaveevery week at this time with mcdonnell even so more worthy of the quite costly well there for that go to sleep in justa moment now more than ever america needs astrong even tougher jobs light-headed nineteen forty-five so stop to lie to mygood family nutrition your special new year's resolution and out the hard working family replacesome of the final energy they use up lately while the fast food you can servicedelicious parquet marchers
festive tricia spread for america'sbread is a top notch energy food and craft makes parquet an even morevaluable food by adding nine thousand units of vitamina in every single part and restore the other way parkymargarine aids good family nutrition our case fresh delicate flavor makes other wholesome foods taste bettermakes you want to we didn't joy your post gerald bread rolls and cook budgetbattles somatic parquet a regular part of yourfamily's daily dot by delicious nourishing parquet
b_i_r_r_ ko anyone r_k_ margarine made by craft all right ballots joined our friend the greatgilda sleeve is he winds up the air nineteen forty four as the bible for newyear's in somerville and gilder sleeve after considerablepressure from leroy and with considerable reluctance on his own partfinds himself at last on skates ntsc stands nervously on his old rockersof the edge of police pond aliya right marjorie cup fancy figuresof the new christmas two weeks
shaikh all of you guys leave and you're all alone by the uniteddot somewhat skating in the dark hiring had electroless in his pocket well i don't know extract apha declined i believe i can help meunderstand what leroy keep away from about a trial of risk tonight that i thought wanted
a statewide standard my younger days hadn't been invented idyllic this is hot spotlight reality that the other part you've got a lot who's got manual and lives does catching myself how are you
all no level right tragic geez deadly studies of bhaskar you could have it by the way televise something not nice insolventsetup almost finished flow it freenet commissioner
digital my backs a little sore hurts when i move it's still in search lights it's still too long well won't be long now is the monkeysand women still have gotten a lot more you know i make a little will be tonightcommissioner no so what do you know that hooker took meinto an evening of the lawyers club just imagine if that will be goes ontheir abg admitted second eleven anyway last i heard the judge is going tohandle that suit against you for that
simulated well he said she had no case infected so friendly about it but iuh... well i thought i was there new years eve with it or one of them things had you should schoolwork we got tospend the evening with the white folks repetitive that makes me feel better and pretty strict father in a bad guy probably like tosneak out with me to get a chance but
her mother listen i was there use that money claims she did anyway did i tell it shewas practically an heiress and the old men come along and maggie when she wasin la conchita yesterday he's the one was in a weapon yes says she's helps somehow than if you plan to sharpen yourscissors floyd only says as every day mushrooms with health care all my hairs are difficult
just watch it watchers but as i was saying the old lady claimsshe has that money so she always acts like everybody else was some kind of abomb from across the tracks but she was an erisa rome and most ofthe number i go to the table manners never come from park avenue uses a knife and fork like a bulldozer aren't you almost through floyd i guessso went away and another customer type jetcare line
without getting a case after theesteemed just ahead that the new year with a clean slate i near you and mister gill is leave itgoing on its head to make a generalized meticulously has to be my guest hiresfor that we have an annual entertainment it'spretty wild though women crime outcries and all that not take it easy for having nothing likethat on the evening is again that agenda is there going to be an agenda
highways dehumanized the enemy apakah program of its is principally aboutannual not track trial and was a prisoner your nineteenforty four of the on fabric slide i played a part of father timeanti-trust enters the prosecutor last year he gave a summation ofnineteen forty three was about as good enough reason history he ever you enjoyed daily some of the sky remarks are veryconfused of well it sounds great judge but i never forget last year whenwatervliet counsel for the defendant
all the part that nineteen forty threewould put them in history as the year out something of a madam penicillin hostettler jet on the grounds that statement wasdragged was much funnier if you're gonna seemasters face when he said if it look or has this all sounds like a lot of goodfun but i don't know whether i'm going to be able to make it tonight can't make it like you know we havearranged for you to be on the jury so wonderful r_s_i_ appreciated too butthat
over fifty years i don't feel very good copy-cat never soi don't think that i know i mean a judge i'm afraid maybe i've got a little touchof sacral iliac separately and i know just what to dofor at all my life i've got a special prescription feedingexcept for over this is different are scattered around come on now pediatric asthma is willing to get in onall the fundamental family dot i don't push me judge your flight
happy new year taxa have a good time tonight acts a_b_ o_ commitment renin here judge whether brings me to be you claimed you got a magic remedy forsacrilege etc mhm in june you know game the aesthetic in the actand having extended carnival
commission mediated and adam hochberg in what was your accident definablejudge and latin america with a sonia rykiel goals and everything and make his information from for me andi think that some years ago general attachment and return happenedincident you'd regular rub it on the place to
religion much immediately and delete honesty andi fell on the ice from their area you need them and yourmom nao cdrw dvd and access utah over this is no hamare have a sick man and you just grabbed his arm andbackground for example i think that's
like why i say it's a very thingactually gets u_s_ and i had to like why have you had youever got killed i'm not taking any chances yet justkinda categorical asap why or ask how can you think that all right you don'twant a crime bill but by itself sorry at this time around to deceive ourselves that he is even twolawyers but are you going to die peavey she was there really anything that cancomplement it was his latest effort
where are we going to be and uh... but you know if that's a sensibleway to do it all idea of setting up lol ours is sillyregenerative european beginning in two no previous just silly sensible way is to get a new had a goodnight's sleep and get a flying start a new year jump in a nineteen forty five with bothfeet and start putting which conditionally meaning well sale does buyers at bay
from rule admitted into the early there happy new year exchanges farrakhan hacking alienista_b_c_ continue it was to be added just talking aboutnew year's eve leela uh... that you're going out on some wildquite low hours article and i was found not not decided i wasn't acecomm outlook but it's not the samepain o'cleary
well and some of the of the men don'tfrance now on any of the old traditions like they have not been all that make itsaid sundown you audition rightly cash flow and you'll be can around thelunch in south mumbai this but decided to go to bed early and get a flyingstart in nineteen forty-five mats hands off the sensible container and put in violent and he did you learn to readthem and united nation of you would be the handshake newly bygeorge maybe right the love of god
let's have some fun to see a from miketyson makes a big night heartened but that's just the how nineteen forty high-tech with nineteen forty-fivethat's next year the disabled there was a gallon just a fewseconds it on sunday night pancake ur wafflefeast is a welcome change from elaborate menus you may have been serving throughthe holiday season amici are pancakes waffles releasing upwith appetite appeal spread on some delicious parquet margin for thecrowning touch of flavor
their family and guests are shorter onesour park is fine flavor is so fresh so delicate cancel satisfying in fact parquet margin has enjoyed alien millions of homes is one of america's favorite spreads forbreath the hot poston roles and it's wonderfully nourishing to park is high in full energy value agraph guarantees every single problem sparky margarine to contain ninethousand units of important part of a solver good nourishment real flavorenjoyment why answer parquet p_r_k_ a live parquet margarine made my craft
graphics parquet not of the great gil garcetti's was aterm of the show is southern neighbor that the how their hospitality ofsummerfield can be quite as gracious and festivals out of the old south but marjorie going out for the eveningwith friends and leroy spending the night of big easy figures they shouldhave a free hand well we'll see poetry comes down the stairs of all dressed up thanks asslam
his hale's levi how much like a wonderful innovativeidea how i met him tales it's at the same way said it would begreat pictures of my dear regular basis isn t lira dot k expressed that newly-arrived i think you got my hair and very prettyi've never that
uh... that we're going out with my dearappended frankly his name is key you're going to mean to you that in like i suppose all right go to get home earlyonto it by eleven o'clock seven o'clock huh hideouts in dallas dear coming well twelve o'clock on without poweralan keyes new year's arrive twelve thirty then placard to provide a lot of work
without a bit later i was not lost anybody named t and uh... you leroy have a good time be a good boy it beganbut i have a good time oh athlete down on a capital campaign it like a great actually worked it's the last week
welly case is not a reason bernie it's a little formal and then we're going to move it laid out in the living room thisdeadlock would love to show um... ed waitress out just before i camedownstairs burt ely lost half of our and let out so that i've got a very excitingforty-four akbar underweight uh... i get when you see the men die subtractrescinded ransom cocktail technology
these issues and fruit salad prep space vehicle over mygoodness worries that your idea of an intimate little suffered packages that matures the direction ofthe new hurt than me lashes out eleven thirty that's women whether that's it
hasn't makes the evening analyst excell hands and they need mainframe elevator no elected allegedly values that layer of your clothes your hair you've done something to it aland innuendo uh... pretty he left
haven't mentioned my brain those almost afraid to how do you how did that you get your space its cos aparecida we know what it's all thingsyou believe it almost done phones have been on the east now i thinki shouldn't be until today analyzed on our side house rotblatnicest in london
having cheaper but the other side hotmail com none of the old fashionedlamb drive you need something there but arab vote all this is going to be setit'll happen the children are pretty soft we got the whole place to ourselves bernie that's a little suck on haro mad let me say we need right now i have twohundred eighty dollars
scantron but i'm sorry went easy on the other side the atlanta but we have to do is warming up but not before midnight shock not thatmuch i thought if i can we do in these living room ladies first uh... you've still got century bombshelter
with children they've let it go complex economic he lives in humanhealth means mydomain when he comes from more line college life i makes me feel i can see on t_v_ beefy yes yes yes mhm mhm munching
house and hand in hand cellular you know i thought you'd never get haleylet eleven thirty just sitting here my dresses uh... that was my whole checkbook homer i'm sorry but kept awake and stop martinthat i thought you'd want me to be pretty arlington yes sir if you had a lot to do
sad hand-held things never handicapsdone it before midnight means to me testing yet though at this time i'llchange your mind and two years ago your ideas himself and three years ago three years ago i didn't mean anything will confirm disputes uh... which i'll show show leland guinea and your husband turnedout
bob ballard on 'em process shock at the believe anyway yetalthough he men that have been go the way he did i knew uh... kind o how have you know what it was a greatshot kids common are you going life colin happened happened on strong mama
i don't know either we just drifted apart i guess you wouldin the morning i've buried myself in my work u_n_ chase in acting eat good morning valley where there wasnever anything like that i like the even i admired her i still do but we would have a right preacher we found that out
years ago for immediately you mean i was crazy an auto then downplay about this nationdowngrade lower inches long boat noting that either never works no that was strictlyjudgment state my handbag wholesale long-term every get a lot of science let's just talk about you allen's
let's talk about the things you if it not toward me tonight how abouteighteen now yes in fact the odds are ads yet on friday since twelve o'clock arrive twelveo'clock that we do it usually man doesn't have to be told whatto do one ewy shubho climbing out of service that i'd like to set an e-book
has its own hands a lot you know that's where we started we gotta getanywhere standing came back and putting it on my chin uh... remember that this time around leaking a black uh... kind we had another i think that that there are manyinteresting cell and singing in hamburg ny a plan
mind and area one and the next day he came back that lightning remained well would you come back to something because i was over the old that was the first time and houston would you do i think one martin wouldyou think bombing against escalating housing if you use the uniquely abkhazia
you know you're any unintended energyand sometimes dot mom why do you know that's the way in whichlittle national renewal lonely the new removed in you're reels removal still well it's not fair
politics donated betsy but happiness almost a half a million hydrologist nineteen forty five and ilike it all right our have gotten it makes sense that he really liked feeding the
hahaha live out of the right to leftover from last year outpaced really looked at a middle east it should be you know i might just takeit one more another egg nog no i'm not where interns and will be interesting on if it's not like that in that sensebut didn't moneygram it's a lot deadline on you on evidence out the youngstown
well you did not meet although you mustknow that my pension tapa hathaway cannot stop babbling now it's just everybrand of cousins a predominant argued that money gram from market-stylegain i thought you would have banquet intimes of mystery sandra hodge makeup has changed here that sounds great hallam nasty understand so nobody canprove anything that out of allied air idaho or it wasat a mass dot cabinet revenge italy then i'll give youa big kiss me
sriram minor planets ilka piedmont i'm listening go ahead theywear masks opened the monies adoptable com moment saying anish advantage of your mama hot added cataract neodymium mariah diedin somerville data nods and sundown and jared martin everybody'severybody's doing someone the running about that strangeon the street and i don't want any and have spent an odd one
determination in this brands that bring in the in house no listen we can be deadly for theinhospitable right here some repeals any place in the south all the people notnecessarily slowly let difficult on whether or not give us thedouble without before entering bells laps in miami-dade that people daily lives which everybody happy new year
we see any strangers vitamin vertigo we run into any girls admitted withoutthe indeed mardi gras the spirit of carnivalexp speak loudly let you get this all of itand i think it's all the girls loop after all right back out into the car i thought i would love to you all soon happy new year everybody go ahead
what sab depriving meredith outsole inside whenever there's somebody coming up the block after the life spirit what's new who cares they'll threatened which carried withinreasonable portals exchange the meetings of the season
and pretend for a bit of a candidate not money summer yet maybe you could help me that the brothergladly step read it welcomed the liberty of all tomorrow ortoday antonia since nine o'clock this morningand i've still got one more in the liver rather consider u_s_ delivery may fiveout upon or as the season of peace the inputcheery game adelaide
rob banks it'll get bored too i don't know who you are protected byname i'm and rather we cannot rewire or wish to trade your welcome here all right thanks uh... i didn't get the name and the kingof the tunnel this is my attended middle fairly low because the group's leaders honeydew
at you much managed to get the c_d_ test you know it's ny need invented say wait a minute ulysses yeah that's right rock morton dean of the very same well well here's a pic for you unless this notice of civil action inthe case of the lawrenceville radar system at work here listening all major promise of strike
pinoy rock u hit me back at a couple other listen everybody your army needs nurses nurses and theyneed them badly thousands of wounded men are beingreturned to this country every day and ought to take care of them the imean each ten thousand registered nurses at once if any of you listening happen to benurses or if you know any pass the word along
the army nurses the heroine of our armedforces i want to fighting them up to her forhelp the best doctors in the country alreadyin the army the army nurses working with them arehandling new drugs applying new treatments and gaining experience yearsahead of their civilian opportunities nurses go into the army a secondlieutenants with the equivalent of two hundred and twenty six dollars a month also eligible for veterans' benefits and a nurse can now get reclassified formilitary service
for information you made a contact yourlocal red cross or send the wire collect the surgeon general united states armywashington d_c_ if you've been thinking about this but putting it off do it now please because knowledge when the army need you would not everybody having a package of businesses goldenpaths that seafood in the refrigerator easily solve the problem of how toentertain in a hurry
crabs that jersey is the chief foodabout hundred different you've been it spreads melt slices also opposed toperfection so there's really no end of the many grand ways you can surpass that posted finger sandwiches or crackersspread with fans that make attempting addition to a tray of appetizers fruit salad stay calm avid appetiteappeal once served with absent and it goes without saying that thismove luscious cheese sauce made with pads that and poured over macaroni buttto the below two conditions will be a hit that any meeting fell but deliciousnarrating pab step or cheddar cheese
flavored effects don't forget astro dealer or perhapsthat revealed that his golden chief the great gilder sleet a dole special rate broadcast brought yoursoldiers sailors and marines of the united nations listen to another amazing episode in thelife of the great jealously man college joined a great deal this week isalready tried three times to get his old
friend judge walker on the telephone bout time you got up we'll be right away with you i'll tell you what about when you gethere but i'll tell you what's about when youget dolores del ray is suing me to reach apromise action kurachu really comes to you after for children
she realizes that a public trialprobably ruined my career and she using it to shake some money out of a howthey're really women like that's not right you know nothing about it uh... but you remember that if you hear anybody discussing this caseu_-two marjorie okay where we know about this will keep it out of a family understand yasir it out here so i can beloma de jure will cost no i mean the writer letters panel
adults is the the that lisanova take a look at this pointelected in the last night my glasses on here we'll take your time jags just a man's good name and reputation atstake that's all scheme that we hear willfully with intent to deceive on seems in good order delete you know what this means nojetliner you are being sued and
you got a little italy that's right but i do about that's what i want onlyon the first place at patronage look judge you told yourself only one weekago the woman has no case well that was my personal opiniongalvanic nearly gave it to you for what it was very well for what it's worth youcan have it back credit or i was evident when not inpossession of all of the backs of the time it because he retreated well within the
is it true was it says here that you hadthe blanket discussed the question of marriage well and told her she ought to get married toanswer yes or no yes i was proposing she should marry u youknow that maybe i don't think that don't is it true that that following theaforementioned discussion married you purchased the committee none of your business
a gathering your lawyer and i have toknow the religious divide known she was goingto be a plate thank you gift yes sir uh... what a liberal driving around withours kissed me what he could do we gotta be polite dad you proposed related issues shouldmanage someone else and then you see that with the kids it never stand up in court well that'swhat happened
what am i going to horace we'd betterget hold of a royal although backer lolo bikram account of the lawyers fee well they call him weeping waldo that meant for the cure it i caught in the morning you call itright now that the other you get all of that we'll be right over there outside our ad like that in the practicetogether city carelessly there'd been a part of our arguments against leaveexperiment led to the region i wish i could say the same where
if sometimes and i had the pleasure ofopposing u_n_-brokered initiative you lawyers thicker thanbeans last time was in new york ny cases andremembered involved obviously as one of the bestbecause i have read said nothing in there that he was toldto protect their taiwan that pieces i remembered miscarriage of justice andthen we oppose each other again and fred converses some of your life and powerremember manhole cover america getting but one that day two of you regardanother miscarriage juts didn't you ever win the case
look gentlemen i don't like to interrupther attorney reminiscences but we've got a lawsuit he remembered not guilty ofall in good time evil or has been a fascinating angles mister givers leaveat one of the most fascinating to reach a promise that you'll recall the case ofblack bruises gains george there were a kid said i do and hungry japan so above her wherever reported issue bear waswhether aside our jobs from the heat of argument but without intent to maim orkill them constituting appropriate termination ofcontract to marry ras have told me to
remind you that the woman want i might point out however counselor thatthe facts are that the different in this case wired writing radio admitted that shedid because it was interesting no no no this is an open-and-shut caseif i ever saw workdays route that were not prepared to admit in fact the wholething is nothing but a frame-up consular and you not without building are not notcommissioner let's not get excited society understand your feelings you you're a man of some reputation in thiskind of thing like this can be very
embarrassing it might even cost you your career notto mention the cost of defending a long drawn-out supreme court market does need to get to courto'cleary well if they're handled in the proper way these things can be settled out of court uh... much where i have been some of my client but i would imagine that a settlement offive thousand dollars one thousand what
you're getting off cheap that they cannot i consider a gildedlisten you'll gold what i tell you for your support of the mile and that youradvise you to settle the case very sandra you lawyers make me sick always getting together the kind ofsomebody else's money i'd take it that you don't intend to settle settle outquite this case to the fish applied all the way the supreme court mbak up like this case write-up to handle itmyself strikeout has labeled it with us againindustrious items
ballots get back to poor old buildersmake peace but they have no to the public library reading along breach ofpromise and studying the rules of court procedure antilles completely confused on both of thosesubjects of supper of fried oysters baked beans and bill pickles lies goingto probably on his stomach as we pointed out that plea building on the company'sparlor gold andreen pr from then
whitehead way ahead orion here contact about that but but but butthe pentagon freedom and above the law and here's your dot gov that's happenedto our celebrated style by badge kara w_l_ popped out there killed part very apart and go back toyou ladies and gentlemen webpage delray
were ridiculously it but what a lot of already yes yourhonor native calculated happened at the council a that i'm having my own caseyou while cut carol carpal tunnel police typable played provider your honor had very good friend of the jury that as an action and which i promise
inspected at the back of the plane didmister lauria telerate warmly received sitting there but foryou and by the way did anyone ever local out there very lovely hi shut parochial report this trial isover that there's little flower this cannotrely upon worship here event that you about theyears but from up there
and trying monster complex tommorrow update witnessed it gives me greatpleasure to introduce to you at this the little lady asked her dot o_ r_ n_ delray stands on an average or eight lift thatread you'll ka and not make that read
i'd like to have to meet judge hostettler you're currently got me to pump united would be uh... you don't have to go kitni court you are but she is one of my best ramp not say when you're doing after on
objection sustained uh... but hawkers out of our telling me occurred with my pictures and willcontinue with the witness amit already we know how painful allthis must be to you but i'm going to ask you to try torecall for the jury is it not true but this man here that's that care about sleeve like that one time varied it to you but doing that
one planted wide-eyed like a charm grant that request another congress but they were who are because the powering up the world al-mal bottled water but
remaining live reviewed that one werelong white separate the more quiet about it blend of diet order abt or child do you want to come to mind car a hamburger negative o'connor i'm proceeded this red i'm going to actually one question
is it not true that particular sleeve onvarious occasions made to your participation about dietingaffection it is not true but you take you to marryhim you did not sure that he subsequently splat and you would occur where about your youwon't matter burke zero var urogenital are backed by kate helped the lady down from the standthere somebody
pantai guard dot blot powder together for you have you with aplan but certainly have your honor lipitor i said like to introduce first the testimony of a golden trusted servants who's been in my employees for manyyears this burt ely kat
ready this time i doubt that way and i think when you tell these people what kind ofan employer i've been pretty thinking i think about that belgium or you got back n_f_l_ may i ask thewitness regretted also if they go ahead if you ever think that the carelesslybut i think that takes witness delray
that they did act of aggression effectively the clock witness reputed torun to the questions put to her and for the gentleman's question did you ever find them embracing dr waterside equipment rental car dot that the court to talk about thekathleen dr that's all i
acrobats yes yeah my next witness ladies and gentlemen iswell known as some of the this he could win principle of our local grammar school pelham accountable and leave off meticulously has a very high minded man devoted to the public welfare he showed me directly to the communityby most of the catwalk commissioner
and as a member of the school board i've always known to be armies our plant conquered the his divider if at all you want from this witness whocould ask for anything more everyone across parts of the star parker dot twoquestions your honor miss goodwin were you ever engaged to marrymeticulously
yet not one did hear about you no he didn't actual have this was in the same kind of a situationjackson balmoral many more witnesses were to go to sleep yes i'd like to call it old friend andneighbor to say a few words at this time this is a real aransas you'll step up to the witness standplease leela moustache man at the jury
trial mom relented and women lead to me dot on inside mia convention crops takes money time trigger the case head missus ransom along if you know inthe lab permissions from models must be backed happy
i remember because that was the properjanet had a baby at the same a descendant stabbings and stylisticallypatriot you know in the do they have beenhearing today in our lifetime have you ever knowing me to do adishonorable date issue slash id say not bacharach there's a shallow ana that ridiculous all the things that shedid that mean drop what what
i go around kids everybody that the player that plays a preparatorypredicted cuba your witness partner restaurants of why you ever engaged to marry mister gilgarcetti flag salma giddy meri of nowadays but actaully dot world but your honor editing it and i have noway
all he had luong record a breach of problem and conducted you know amanda greenleaf campanha this get up there on the witness standand tell the truth wpc you're a drug tested summerfield are younot premises industry right now the bonds
i commend your store quite frequently doi not ration defendant is leading the witness last night your cap would work on the witness momsto go to sleep just ask him questions of side jackiei'm a little new at this he pleaded well p_d_a_ and i a customer of yours news humor maycommunicate by how often do like a video store is that all right around and i guessthat's alright i wanted to come into your store p_t_
nafta continuation yesterday yes but how often do like to me defeat would you say he comes in once amonth someone you down would you say i come in once a week family hardly ever coming more than once a day tamdan hypothesis
when it comes into your store quitefrequently dot date right now let it go pee dee do you remember my talking to you aboutthis bill rate moon m_d_-ninety movie did you manning yet marrying her in unanimous in your opinion he's nothing but a womanchecks are why not
when he and but you are to be the that as a matter of fact i'm indifferent withthem i dot reveal the world's west with can happenand your witness partner i have anymore witnesses for the defense iguess not john a at this time groups that wrong what you got no case whatsoeverdevilishly but your honor i never thought of marrying this woman
nobody has proved i acted american a-tenyou are not may have a call this delay to the stand go ahead and our our discover a u_s_a_ meticulously crafted a valuableyour teeth meaning you can do you recall thewording which proposed to you connie at and common very well would you mind repeating them please no not that great three as you said that the u_n_ thing
amy him moon still domingo some can actually are on other dependent careof the sleeve all but managed to my client and thecost of the song has to go to sleep that you're saying there's a lot of this billright well yeah i don't know what your pieceof churches that are set proceed mister ride thank you did you know
so and sheet land that made gift they it says baggage ten million looks cool that means except the twenty eight amnot proceed yeats poem likening real please falling in newark barlow i ask you if the defendant saidthat
does his lawyer uh... this is a musical treat the courseof the majority school radio quote be dead mainline darling in deduction on whidbey mom or criteria hiking like we got the courtpleasure but i wish to call to get your attention tothat class hold me my darling and say that you willalways be mine that the whole thing in a nutshell let
lady shea my eyes holding you no more muted mindy fall who live in gold ideal moaning uke lows to me
america list just the uh... to london you can actually vmi online do you look like we know why whyor who what what what attention barack hangman sloan need to learn and you'll miss them
well i don't know how you're probably alot of a majority but that's on top of a flawed haha quite heavy recovered it wait wait route one of the directions that youfiend in human form i well i a sorry about your plan all right gentlemen you may give you avertical oh wall d watchable
with the jacket what catholic political upheaval but they don't wakeup call to you allying its e_u_ case at just glad that they're talking aboutdistribute ninety nine degrees i mean something tells me nevermind we've got asettler tonight to do anything but set that you can settle it now gillis w_ youmake a ten thousand is that applied to l_b_o_ they will do it your way
woody calendar it had that they canscare me e-card carry this case all the way tothe supreme court appetite this thing through education and give it a cadrethank you god well still at less than five thousanddollars the healing i've just had a better idea this waitingcost-shifting elective office why don't you mary decker right now you'd i've got to sleep on it did noteverybody it