badewanne höhe behindertengerecht

badewanne höhe behindertengerecht

barrier-free inside the building furnishingincludes for example display cases, signs, fire extinguishersseating furniture or exhibits. furnishing generally should bebarrier-free usable. elements for seating are important furnishingcomponents of the interior and exterior space. for people with impaired physical conditionregular rest areas are necessary. therefore on longer outdoordistances should be rest areas in manageable distances. also inside the building enoughseating options have to be planed.

furthermore, in areas, in whicha longer resting time is expected, has to be established asufficient amount of seats. these inlcudes areas in front ofexhibits, which require a longer observation or serve for media impartation. in buildings with an increasednumber of older visitors, areas for parking rollatorsnext to seating objects may be considered. for seating elements the seat heightshould be between 45 and 47 centimeters. sits for arm and back shall be providedat least in some of the seating elements.

for a backrest inclination of 105 â°to the seat surface is advantageous. the seat surface should be horizontal, but by no means inclined towards the back, in order to facilitate those withmobility disabilities to get up. armrests are located ideally at a heightof 65 to 70 centimeters above the ground. the rounding of the front seatedge enables comfortable sitting. to promote communication arest area for wheelchair users should be provided nextto the seating elements. this should be at least90 times 130 centimeters great

and barrier-free.

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