schöner wohnen silber metall farbe

schöner wohnen silber metall farbe

quietly, very quietly... ...without talking... ...everyone gather round me here quietly, very quietly,we are here everything is silent no one is coming... ...who could disturb our songs hey, fiorello! here i am, my lord

and our friends? they stand here ready very good, keep silent quietly, very quietly,without talking come over here see, smiling in the heavens... ...the lovely dawn is breaking and you have not yet can you sleep so? arise, my sweet hope!

come, my adored beauty! relieve the pain, cupid... ...of the arrowthat has wounded me what luck! i now see that countenance dear mercy is grantedto this loving soul oh, moment of love! happy moment! oh, sweet contentmentthat has no equal!

- hey, fiorello!- my lord say, did you see her? no, my lord how vain is every hope! my lord, day is breaking what should i think?what shall i do? all is in vain, good people! - my lord- come forward i no longer need more music,more songs

good night, all of you.there's nothing more for you to do - thank you for the honour, my lord- enough, don't talk, don't shout quiet! curses on you!away from here, you rabble! everyone in the neighbourhoodwill be wakened by this din what a devilish uproar!what a rage it puts me in! indiscreet fellows! with their uproar they have almostroused the whole neighbourhood at last they are gone! you can go, fiorello

i will be over therewaiting for your orders who's this trouble-maker now?i'll let him pass hidden under these archesi'll see all i want day is already breakingand there's no shame in love make way for the factotumof the town i must hurry to my shop,for it's dawn already what a good life, what pleasuresthere are for a barber of quality! ah, bravo figaro! most fortunate, indeed!

ready for anything, night and day,always on the go no better fortune for a barber,no life more noble razors, combs, lancets, scissors,all ready at my command then there are perksof the trade... ...with the young ladies,with the young bloods everyone calls for me,everyone wants me ladies, boys,old men, maidens here a wig,there a shave here a leech,there a billet doux

hey, figaro! dear me, what a frenzy,what a crowd! one at a time,for heaven's sake! figaro! here i am hey, figaro! here i am figaro here, figaro there figaro up, figaro down i am as quick as lightning,i'm the factotum of the town fortune will not let you down

what a good life!little rest, much amusement... ...and always i've some money,the profits of my reputation it's like this: without figarono girl in seville can marry the widows come to mefor a husband by wielding the comb by day,by playing the guitar at night... ...i am well ableto please everyone fairly what a life! what a profession! but i must hurry to the shop

it is he, or do i deceive myself? who can this be? it is he, without doubt! - figaro!- at your service - whom do i see? your excellency!- quiet! be careful! i am not known here,nor do i want to be known - i understand, i'll leave you- no - can i help you?- stay here perhaps your arrivalis not inopportune

but, tell me, you rogue,why do i find you here? you're looking fat and round! misery, my lord! - scoundrel!- thanks do you still have discretion? indeed!but what brings you to seville? i'll tell you on the prado i sawa beautiful girl... ...daughter of some senile doctorwho settled here recently

i fell in love with her,left everything and came here and here day and nighti walk around beneath that balcony that balcony? a doctor? heavens!you are very fortunate this fits togetherlike cheese and macaroni! - what?- certainly in there i'm barber, wigmaker,surgeon... ...gardener, apothecary, vet:i handle all their business - what luck!- that's not all

the girl is the doctor's ward,not his daughter! - what a consolation!- so now... - quiet!- what is it? the balcony window is opening perhaps he is not coming my darling! my goddess! my beloved! i can see you at last how can i give him this letter?

well, my girl?the weather is fine what is that paper? nothing, just the words of the ariafrom the “useless precaution” how clever,the “useless precaution” how cunning! what is this “useless precaution” ? it's the title of the new opera an opera? a fine thing! poor me! i dropped it!will you please fetch it?

i'm going - i understand- hurry never fear i'm here. where is it? the wind is blowing it away.look further i do not see it hey, little lady, are you... perhaps she wants to fool me! inside there!

go right away!i command you, hurry! all right, i'm going! i must wall up that balcony get inside, i say! what a way to be living! poor troubled lady!her suffering increases my ardour let's see what she wrote all right read it

“your attentions have arousedmy curiosity “my guardian is going out “when he has gone,try to let me know your name... “...your station in lifeand your intentions “i cannot appear on the balconywithout that tyrant “i assure you that every effortwill be made to break away... “ the unfortunate rosina” yes, she will escape watch! the door is opening

i'll be back the door to no one if don basilio should want me,tell him to wait i had better hastenmy marriage to her yes, i want to settle the affairthis very day he'll marry rosina this very day! ah, the old dotard! but tell me now,who is this don basilio? he's a meddlerin matrimonial affairs... ...a hypocrite, a real scrounger,always without a farthing

he is a music-master:he teaches the girl it's good to know all that now think of satisfyingrosina's desires i shall not tell hermy name or rank i must make sure that she lovesme only and truly... ...not the wealth and titleof count almaviva you must help me no, sir: her feelings are your job in a little songexplain it all to her, my lord

a song? certainly. here's the guitar.let's start but i... oh, give me patience! well then, let's try if you wish to know who i am... ...listen to my namefrom my own lips i am lindorowho truly adores you... ...who wishes to wed you,who calls you by name

i am always talking of you thus... ...from dawn till the end of the day continue, o dear one! what do you think of that? - i'm happy!- courage, continue the enamoured and sincere lindorocannot give you, my dear, a fortune i am not rich,but i give to you a heart... ...a loving spirit... ...that, faithful and constant...

...sighs for you alone thus... the enamoured and sincere rosina... ...with her heart lindo... heaven! someone must have enteredthe room. she has withdrawn i'm going mad already, i'm afire i want at all costs to see her,to speak to her what a frenzy!yes, i'll help you this very day i want you to get meinto that house

how will you do it? let's seesome nimbleness from your wits from my wits!i shall see, but inside a day... i understand. don't have doubts,your efforts will be well rewarded - a consideration in gold, then?- on my word. come now! i'm ready. you don't realisethe prodigious effects... ...the notion of gold produces in mein pleasing my lord lindoro at the thought of that metal,portentous, all-powerful... ...the volcano of my mindpromptly starts to erupt let's see some astounding effectof that metal

let's see some singular prodigyof that volcano, your mind you must disguise yourself... ...for example... a soldier - as a soldier?- yes, my lord as a soldier? and what for? a regiment arrives today - and the colonel is my friend- splendid - and then?- good heavens!

a billeting order... ...will open that door what do you say to that, my lord? don't you think i've found it? what a wonderful idea! softly, softly another idea! see what gold can do you will pretend to be drunk

- drunk?- yes, my lord drunk? but why? why? because the guardian will believemore in one who's a little tipsy - then?- to work let's begin - courage!- i'm going i am forgettingthe most important thing! tell me, where is your shop?

the shop? you can't miss it.look carefully, here it is number fifteen, on the left side four steps, white front five wigs in the window above a placard “fine pomade” display in blue, ã  la mode a lantern serves as a sign you won't fail to find me - i understand- now go quickly

- keep a good look-out- i'll think about the rest - i put my trust in you- i'll await you there - my dear figaro...- i understand - i'll bring with me...- ...a full purse yes, whatever you wish,but the rest... have no doubts,it will be all right what a flame of love i feel! i hear already the clink of money unusual ardour burns my soul

silver and gold are coming the flame of lovedescends on my heart it burns my soulwith unusual ardour it makes of me a greater man long live my master! i've been standing like a posttwo dreary hours waiting then he leaves me and off he goes by jove! it is not pleasantto have to serve such a master he's noble, young and in love

this life of mineis agony indeed! i can stand it no longer! a voice a while backechoes here in my heart already my heart has been piercedand lindoro inflicted the wound yes, lindoro shall be mine i swear it, i will win my guardian will refuse me i shall sharpen all my wits in the end he will be calmedand i shall rest content

i swear it i will win i am docile,i'm respectful i'm obedient,gentle, loving i let myself be ruled i let myself be guided but if they touch meon my weak spot, i'll be a viper and a hundred tricksi'll play before i yield yes, i will win

if i could at least send himthis letter but how?there is no one i can trust my guardian has a hundred eyes in the meantime i'll seal it i saw him conversing with figarofor over an hour figaro is a gallant,a good-hearted young fellow he may be the protectorof our love! - good day, young lady- good day, signor figaro - how are you?- dying of boredom

is it possible?and you a lovely, spirited girl... you make me laugh! what use are spirit and beauty to meif i am shut up by four walls? i seem to be in my own tomb! in a tomb?listen, i wish... there is my guardian,i hear his footsteps we'll meet again soon.i have something to tell you - and i you- excellent. i'm off how pleasant he is!

wretched figaro! - good-for-nothing! curse him!- there he is, always shouting he's made a hospitalof the whole family... ...with opium, blood-letting... ...and hellebore! - have you seen the barber?- why? - i wish to know- he upsets you too? and why not? i'll tell you. yes, i've seen him,talked to him, he pleases me

his joviality appeals to me burst with rage,you hateful old man just look at the little charmer! the more i love her,the more she despises me certainly it is the barberwho has made her malicious what could he have told her? let's find out hey, berta, ambrogio what's the use!they're half-dead. get out!

may the devil take you! barber from hell!some day i'll make you pay don basilio,you've arrived just in time i wish, by force or by love,to marry my rosina by tomorrow you understand me? you are right i have come to warn you, but...'s a secret! count almaviva has arrived

- who? rosina's unknown lover?- precisely oh, the devil!we must remedy this! certainly, but discreetly what do you mean? we must begin the affairby inventing some story... ...that will put himin a bad light publicly... ...that will make him appearan infamous man... ...a lost soul i shall serve you

within four days, believe me,basilio gives you his word... ...we shall have driven himout of town you believe so? certainly! it is my own system,and it does not fail and you'll do it? but... slander? don't you knowwhat slander is like? no, i don't no? then be still and listen to me

slander is a little breeze it is a very gentle zephyr imperceptibly, subtly,lightly, sweetly... begins to whisper softly, softly, at ground level... ...hissing in an undertone... goes spreading,it goes buzzing it penetrates insidiouslythe ears of people it bewilders and inflatesthe mind and the brain

emerging from the mouth,the noise grows in volume it gathers force little by little,flies from place to place it seems like the tempestthat in the heart of the forest... ...goes whistling, rumbling,and freezes you with horror finally it breaks loose,it spreads, it redoubles it produces an explosion... the shot of a cannon... an earthquake, a hurricane... ...a universal tumult,that makes the air resound

and the wretch who's slandered,trampled on, humiliated... ...under the public scourgeexpires, if he's lucky what do you say to that? that may be true, but we arelosing time and need is pressing no, i wish to do it my way let's go into my room i want us now to draw upthe marriage contract when she is my wife... ...i'll see to it that she's kept safefrom these enamoured lady-killers

if there's money about,i'm here to take the change my wily ones! very well indeed! i've heard everything long live the good doctor!poor baboon! your wife? come now!get that out of your head! while they are shut up in therei'll try to speak to the girl here she is well, signor figaro? - great things, miss- is that so?

- we'll celebrate a wedding- what do you mean? your fine guardian has arrangedto be your husband by tomorrow - come now!- i swear it he's locked himself in with basilioto draw up the contract yes? he's made a big mistake! poor fool!he'll have to deal with me but tell me, figaro... were talking a little whileago with a gentleman a cousin of mine,a fine young man

he is brainy and has a good heart he has come to finish his studiesand seek his fortune fortune? he'll find it i doubt it very much.confidentially... - ...he has one great fault- a great fault? ah, great: he is dying of love is that so? you see, i'm most interestedin that young man - don't you believe me?- oh yes!

and, tell me, does his sweetheartlive far away? oh no! that is, here! a step or two away but... - she beautiful?- very beautiful! here is her portrait for youin a word or two: slender, talented dark hair, rosy cheeks eloquent eyes, a hand... be loved and the name? ah, that lovely name again! - she is called...- what? poor little thing! she is called: r - o... ...s - i... ...rosi, n - a rosina!

then i am... you're not deceiving me? ...the fortunate one! i had already guessed it:i knew before you did lovely rosina, you are the objectof lindoro's affections what a cunning little minx,but she'll have to deal with me listen, how do i arrangeto speak to lindoro? hush, lindoro will be heresoon to talk to you to talk to me? splendid!let him come, but prudently

i'm dying of impatience!but what is the delay? he is waiting for some signof your affection send him a note of only two linesand he will come what do you say? i shouldn't come, courage! - i wouldn't know- only two lines - i'm ashamed- but of what? quick, here with the note

a letter? here it is it was already written! see, what a fool i am! and i play the teacher to her? oh, my fortunate affections,i begin to breathe again that woman could delivera lecture on cunning you alone, my love,are the one to bring me consolation women, eternal gods,who can attempt to make you out?

- listen, but lindoro?- he'll be coming any moment he will be hereto talk to you - let him come, but prudently- hush, he'll be here now i feel better that figaro is a fine young fellow briefly, with politeness,may i know from my rosina... ...why that fellow camethis morning? figaro? i know nothing what did he say to you?

he mentioned the fashion in france,the illness of his daughter marcellina is that so? and i bet... why is that finger stained with ink? stained? oh, nothing! i have burned myselfand have treated it with ink the devil! one sheet is missing.there were six that notepaper? it's true

i used one sheet to sendsweetmeats to marcellina very smart! why was the pen sharpened? curse you! the pen? i used it to design a floweron my embroidery frame a flower? saucy girl! - believe me, sir- no more, be silent such excuses, young lady,to a doctor of my station?

i do advise you, my dear,to deceive a little better sweetmeats for the little girl? the embroidery on the frame? you burned yourself? come now! it needs something different,my girl, to be able to hoax me why is that sheet missing?i want to know about that hoax sweet smiles are useless stay there, do not touch me!

do not think, my girl, thati'll let myself be made a fool of come, dear, confess i am disposed to forgive will you not speak?are you going to be obstinate? then i know what i have to do next time i go out i'll hand youover to the servants sweet smiles do not helpnor the look of the innocent not even air will be ableto enter through that door and innocent little rosina,disconsolate, despairing...

...will stay shut up in her roomfor as long as i wish just now in this roomi seemed to hear whispering it must have been the doctor with his ward he doesn't havean hour of peace those girls do not wishto understand someone's knocking open up i'm coming that snuff i've been takingwill be the death of me

hey, you people!good folk! no one answers who is he?what an ugly face! he's drunk!who can it be? hey, you people!cursed fellows! what do you want, soldier? ah, yes - what can he want?- much obliged are you... just a minute...are you dr. baloco?

who is loco? aha, badodo? who's a dodo? go to the devil! dr. bartolo ah, splendid dr. barbaro excellent - nonsense!- that's excellent

there's not much difference i'm already losing patience she is so late! where is she? here prudence will be called for then you are a doctor? i am a doctor, yes, sir excellent, an embrace come here, colleague - get back- come here

i am also a fully fledged doctor i am regimental horse doctor look, here it ison the billeting order if only my beloved would come! i'm already bursting with rage a soldier! my guardian!whatever can they be doing here? - it's rosina, now i'm happy- he's looking at me - he's approaching- i'm lindoro what do i hear!take care!

what are you looking for, miss?quickly, go away - i'm going, don't shout- quickly, out of here hey, girl, i'm coming too - where, my man?- to the quarters - to the quarters?- oh, this is fine! to the quarters? poppycock! - help!- not on your life, sir! you can't be billeted here - how's that?- it's no use arguing

- i have a certificate of exemption- certificate? my good sir, just a momentand i'll show you it if i cannot stay here... ...pray, take he's watching us! i can't find it any more take care! but yes, i will find it i feel a hundred desires within me.i can bear it no longer

“with this documentwe hereby exempt dr. bartolo...” go to the devil!do not bore me any more what are you doing, sir? quiet there, dr. donkey,my quarters have been fixed here - you want to stay?- certainly enough, go quickly, or a good stickwill drive you out of here then you want to do battle? i'll give you a battle! a fine thing is a battle!i'll show it to you here

watch! this is the trench you will be the attention! your handkerchief! and our friends will stand here.attention! stop! what is this? - i want to see that- yes it looks like a prescription!

but it's a letter it is my duty,you must forgive me - thank you- thank you, my foot! bring that paper here,impertinent girl! - here, quickly!- pay attention! that paper you ask for... ...was dropped by me by accident it is the list for the laundry impudent girl! here, quickly!

- what do i see!- the barber i have blundered! - it is the list!- what a lot of people! i'm dumbfounded! the blockhead walked into the trap but what trouble is this here? always the same story always oppressed and ill-treated what a dismal life!i cannot bear it any longer

rosina, poor little thing what have you done to her? i've done nothing rabble-rouser, traitor! restrain yourself, sir i'd like to flatten you! people! help! - assist him!- leave me alone! people! help, for pity's sake!

halt there! what's happening, good sirs? what's this uproar?eternal gods! because of this din half the townhas gathered on the street sir, be careful, for goodness' sake - that's a rascal- that's a rogue - wretch!- curse you! signor soldier, have some respect... ...or i will have to teach youpoliteness right now

ugly ape! low-born rogue! hush, doctor i want to shout stop, sir i want to kill him keep quiet, for goodness' sake no, i want to slay himwithout mercy quiet, someone's knocking

whatever can it be? who is it? the guard open up here the guard! oh, the devil! - now you've done it!- don't fear, let them come in how will this adventure ever end? everyone stop no one move

gentlemen, what is going on? what's the cause of this uproar? this ignoramus of a soldier,has maltreated me, sir i came here, sir,to calm this disturbance he's making an infernal din;he's always talking of killing that knave will notaccept me as a lodger forgive him, it has all beenthe effect of the wine i understand you are under arrest, good man

outside quickly away from here under arrest? me? hey there, stop! frozen and immobilelike a statue... ...i can hardly draw a breath ...he can hardly draw a breath look at don bartolo! he resembles a statue!

i shall split my sides laughing! - but, sir...- be quiet! - but a doctor...- no more! - but if she...- don't talk! - i wish...- don't shout! - but if we...- be quiet! - but if then...- we'll judge - but if then...- be quiet! - but if we...- don't talk!

everyone go about his own business stop quarrelling - but hear me, listen to me- quiet here! quiet there! my head seems to bein a frightful forge... ...where the persistent dinof the ringing anvils... ...grows louder and never ceases alternately this and thatgigantic hammer... ...with barbaric harmony,makes the walls and arches resound and the brain, poor little thing,already stunned, stupefied...

...cannot reason, is confounded,is reduced to madness just behold my fate! no one seems to know that soldierin the whole regiment i have my doubts.heavens! what doubts? i bet that count almaviva... the one who sent this manto reconnoitre rosina's heart no one can be safe,even in one's own house! but i... who's knocking?hey, there! don't you hear?

i'm at home.don't be afraid, open the door peace and joy be with you a thousand thanks don't trouble yourself joy and peace for a thousand years much obliged, i'm sure that face looks familiar i don't recognise it but that face, who can it be?

this new disguisewill favour me more joy and peace, peace and joy! i understood heaven! what a bore! joy and peace, with all my heart enough, for pity's sake - what a perfidious fate!- the old man doesn't recognise me! my loved one, in a few momentswe shall be talking in freedom everybody is against me!what a cruel mischance!

my good sir, who are you,if i may ask? don alonso, teacher of musicand student of don basilio well, then? don basilio is illand in his place... i'll run and see him gently, gently he is not so seriously ill i don't trust that fellow let's go

- but sir...- what is it? - i wanted to say...- speak up, i tell you as you wish, but you'll discoverwho don alonso really is - i'll go to count almaviva- gently. tell me, i'm listening - the count...- quiet, for goodness' sake this morning he lodgedin the same inn as me this letter addressed to him fromyour ward ended up in my hands it is her handwriting! don basilio knows nothing about it

coming for himto give the girl a lesson... ...i wished to earn your favour - with this letter one could...- what? i'll tell you.if i could talk to the girl... ...i could make her believe... ...that another of the count'slovers gave it to me... ...proof that the countis making a fool of rosina not so fast slander!

splendid! worthy pupilof don basilio! i shall know how to rewardso fine a suggestion i'll go and call the girl as you concern yourself so muchin my interest, i put my trust in you have no doubts i didn't mean to mention the letter but without this expedient i wouldhave had to leave like a simpleton i shall now reveal my plan to her if she approves,my happiness will be complete

here she comes.i feel my heart leap in my breast come, young lady don alonso, whom you see,will give you a lesson what's the matter? it's a cramp in my foot that's nothing!come near me, pretty maid if you don't mind, i'll give youa lesson instead of don basilio i shall accept it with pleasure - what are you singing?- if you agree, i'll sing...

...the rondo from the“useless precaution” that's a good girl, let's begin against a heart where love burns... ...with true, unquenchable fire... ...a tyrant arms himself in vain... ...with sternness, with cruelty from every assault the conqueror,love, will always prevail lindoro, my treasure,if you knew, if you could see! this brute of a guardian,how furious he makes me!

my dear, i put my trust in you,save me, for pity's sake do not fear, i reassure you fortune will be friendly to us - should i hope?- trust me - and my heart?- it will rejoice dear smiling image sweet notion of a joyful love you set my heart aflame... my breast

you transport me with delight a lovely voice!excellent! a thousand thanks! a lovely voice, certainly,but that aria is very boring in my time musicwas another matter when, for example, caffariellosang that wonderful aria listen, don alonso, here it is when you are near me,adorable rosina... the aria said giannina,but i say rosina heart glows in my breastand dances the minuet well done, signor barber! it was nothing, excuse me,i am at fault - why have you come, rogue?- to shave you - it's you today- i'm not in the mood tomorrow i won't be able to come i have to shave and cut the hairof the new regiment's officers... ...dress the blond wigfor marchioness andronica... ...give count bombã©a “tower” hairdo...

...provide a purgativefor bernardone, the lawyer and then, what's the use?tomorrow i can't come come on, less chatter - today i won't be shaved- no? just look at the clients i have! i come this morning:the house is in uproar i return after lunch:“i'm not in the mood” have you taken mefor some peasant barber? call in another then, i'm going

let him have his way what caprices! go and fetch the towels no, i'll go myself if he had given me those keys,i would have been off isn't the key to open the balconyamong them? yes, it is the newest one i'm a fine one to leave that devilof a barber here! go yourself

everything is on the cupboardat the end of the corridor watch out don't touch anything i'm not mad.cheer up! i'll be right back.the blow is struck that is the rogue who broughtto the count... ...rosina's letter he seems... he seems to me an intriguerof the first order

he won't fix me! - just my luck!- what a noise! what a rogue!i knew it in my heart that figaro is a great man tell me, dear one:will you link your lot with mine? be frank! my lindoro,i wish for nothing else well then? he has broken everything:six plates, eight glasses, a tureen

see here! if i had notcaught myself on a key... that accursed corridorwhich is so dark... ...i would have broken my head he keeps every room in darkness,and then... - no more- let's begin - be careful- come on - don basilio!- what's this i see! what an obstacle! look who's here!

your servant one and all what do these new tidings mean? whatever will become of us? we shall need boldness here don basilio, how are you? how am i? what's the hold-up? are we goingto have this blessed shave or not? i'm coming! hey!

your representative? representative? i told him that everythinghas been arranged is that not so? yes, yes i know everything - don bartolo, explain yourself- hey, doctor, a word with you don basilio, i'll be with you.listen here a moment try to get him outside,i fear he'll expose us

- my heart is quivering- don't despair he still knows nothingabout the letter there's a muddle here for sure,but i can't guess what i fear he'll expose us,he still knows nothing you are right, my dear sir,i'll send him away right now who advised you, don basilio,to go out walking with a fever? - with a fever?- and what do you think? you're as yellow... a corpse

i'm as yellow... a corpse? fancy that!good heavens! see him shaking! this is scarlet fever! scarlet fever! go and take some medicine that will help you to endure it quickly, go to bed you make me alarmed

he is right, go to bed quickly, go and rest a purse! go to bed! but that they should allbe unanimous! quickly, to bed hey, i'm not deaf i don't have to be entreatedany more what a colour!

what a bad complexion! bad complexion! oh, very bad! then i'm going go, go! good night, my dear sir good night, my dear sir.quick, get out of here good night, with all my heart good night, with all my heart.we'll talk tomorrow then

- accursed nuisance!- don't shout good night, my dear sir,peace, sleep, and health come on then, don bartolo here i am tighten it rosina, please, listen to me i am listening to you, here i am precisely at midnightwe'll be here to take you away now that we have the keyyou have nothing to fear

- ouch!- what is the matter? there's something in my eye! have a look, don't touch blow, for pity's sake precisely at midnight,i'll await you, my soul already i wish to hasten the momentwhen i shall be bound to you now i want to warn you,dear one, that your letter... that my disguisewould not have been in vain... his disguise? ah ha!

splendid, excellent!don alonso, very clever! peace, joy! rogues, rascals! all of you have swornto break me! out, you scoundrels.i'd like to murder you your head's in a spin out, you scoundrels be quiet, it's no use shouting you have sworn to break me

hush, you are being ridiculous our friend is raving,on that we're agreed the poor man is crazy,there's no way to reply we're agreed,there's no way to reply be quiet, we're going,it's no use shouting wretched me! listen, ambrogio,go to don basilio right away tell him i have to see him urgently go now

you guard the doorway what a suspicious old man!i wish he'd stay away till he bursts there's always commotion here.they quarrel, cry, threaten yes, there's not an hour of peacewith this stingy old grumbler oh, what a house in turmoil! the old man is looking for a wife,the girl wants a husband the one rages, the other rants.both of them are mad but what is this thing love... ...that makes everyone crazy?

it is a universal sickness,a craze, an itch... ...a tickling, a torment poor me, i feel it also poor me, i feel it alsoand don't know how it will end a curse on old age!i am despised by everyone and so i must needs diea desperate old maid then you have no knowledgeof don alonso? none at all quick, get the notary here

here is the key to the front door:go, quickly, for goodness' sake never fear,i'll be back here in two ticks hey, rosina come here i have news to tell youabout your lover you should know that he ishaving fun with another lover here is the proof heavens! my letter! i will go and call the guard

how cruel is my fate! at last, here we are figaro, give me your hand heaven almighty!what infernal weather! weather for lovers hey, give me some light where can rosina be? now we'll see my treasure!

back, wicked soul! i came only to remedymy stupid credulity... show what a lover you lost,worthless and ungrateful soul i am dumbstruck i don't understand a thing - but for pity's sake...- be quiet you feigned love to sell meto that vile count almaviva to the count? you're mistaken!

oh, happy me! look at me, my treasure i am almaviva, i am not lindoro what an unexpected stroke! he himself! oh heaven! what do i hear! i am nearly deliriouswith surprise and happiness it has taken their breath they are dying of happiness look what a fine coupmy genius has made!

what an unexpected triumph! happy me! oh glad moment! i am nearly deliriouswith love and happiness my lord! but you... ah, no more! no more, my own one! the fair name of my wife,my idol, already awaits you

the fair name of your wife!what joy it brings my heart! - are you content?- ah, my lord! quickly sweet, fortunate bondthat rewards my desires! love, at last you have feltpity for my sufferings let's go quickly if there is any delay,my subterfuges will fail for sure good heavens! what do i see? a lantern at the door

two people! what shall we do? - you saw?- yes, my lord - two people?- yes, my lord - a lantern?- at the door, yes, my lord what shall we do? hush, quietly,let's not cause a disturbance let's get out of hereby the ladder from the balcony we are lost! what shall we do? - what happened?- the ladder

- well then?- the ladder's not there - what's that you say?- who removed it? - what a cruel setback!- unlucky me! hush, i hear someone.what shall we do, my lord? courage, my rosina here they come don bartolo! don basilio and the other one?

it's our notary cheer up.let me handle it signor notary... ...this evening you wereto draw up the contract... ...for the marriage betweencount almaviva and my niece the couple are you have the document with you? - excellent- not so fast where is don bartolo? don basilio, this ring is for you

- but i...- also for you... ...are two bullets in the brainif you resist oh dear! i'll take the ring. who is signing? here we all are. the witnessesare figaro and don basilio she is my bride hurrah! how happy i am! oh, the bliss i have longed for!

stop everyone. here they are take it easy, sir they are thieves, sir.arrest them your name, good sir? my name is that of a man of honour i am count almaviva in short, i got it all wrong! alas, that's so! but you, you rogue,to betray me and act as a witness!

dear don bartolo, that count hascertain reasons in his pocket... ...certain argumentsthat brook no answers and i, complete ass, ensured theirmarriage by taking away the ladder that's what you call a“useless precaution” let us keep the eternal memoryof so happy a union i'll extinguish the lantern,i have nothing more to do here may love and eternal faithbe seen to reign in your hearts one such happy moment has beenworth the sighs and suffering at last this loving soulbegins to breathe again

you have kindled the flamein the humble lindoro a finer fate awaits you,rise up and rejoice

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