weihnachtsdeko wohnzimmer kaufen

weihnachtsdeko wohnzimmer kaufen

hello and welcome to deko kitchen today i will show you how to make christmas ornaments from paper for those of you who were wondering what that snoring noise was in the background in one of my last videos she was it ;-) she’s one of my two little chihuahuas who sometimes sleeps in the same room while i’m recording a video

first you have to download and cut out one of the shapes which i have prepared for you on my website these shapes i will use as a stencil now i have cut out my shapes you will need about 15-20 sheets of paper for one ornament next step i will need a template which you will also find in the download file on my website

this template will show you where you have to put the glue dots onto your paper shape now i take the first paper shape and put it on the template these points mark the places for the glue dots for the first paper sheet i put a glue dot on the o-points than i fold the paper like this. it’s easier to use pre-foldet paper sheets than i press the paper onto the glue dots together.

for the next paper sheet i put a glue dot on the x-points than i take another pre-folded paper shape and press it onto the first shape and press the paper onto the glue dots together these steps you have to repeat until all the shapes are stuck together when all the shapes are stuck together like this i will put some double-sided tape onto the back of the sheets

you can also use normal glue for this to put glimmer onto the ornament i will apply "art potch" with a brush art potch this is a combination of paste and lacquer onto the edges of the papersheets and than i sprinkle glitter on it you have to wait a little bit until the art potch has dryed and than you can carefully unfold the sheets finally i remove the protective foil of the double-sided tape

and put some glue dots on the last sheet to attach the christmas ornament i put a little string onto the tape and press it together and now you have to wait until the glue has dried that's how the finished chrismas ornaments look like! thank you for watching my video! looking forward to see you :-) bye bye!!!

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