wohnzimmer im obergeschoss

wohnzimmer im obergeschoss

hi everybody, joey here again and welcomeback. so over the next couple of weeks, i'm wanted to give you guys an inside look intomy own personal aquarium hobby. in today's video, i'm going to share withyou guys how i moved 540 gallon aquarium. some of you might remember that tank thati build from built over a year ago. next week, we are going to take a look atmy personal fish. finally, 2 weeks from now, we're going to take a look at the detailsof my aquariums and how they work and how i manage them.last summer, i came to the conclusion that i have ignored for a while now; i am out ofroom. so up until recently, i took up my entirebasement, i used the main space in the basement,

known as our second living room to film myvideos as well as build projects in. i then used my only bedroom in the basement to housemy 540 gallon aquarium and it took up the entire room. i used my utility room for therest of my aquariums. so essentially, i took up the entire basement just for my hobby.now that accounts for 50% of my house. i then used the upstairs living room as my office.so i decided to rent a large dumpster and clean out my entire garage and then turn thatinto a fish room. so i started with doing just that. i completelycleaned out my entire garage so i could start with a clean slate. however, once the garagewas ready, i ended up changing my mind. the initial costs of turning it into a fish room,not to mention the monthly running costs became

extremely prohibitive. so instead i forcedto come back to the house and simply use the space that i do have more efficiently.i calculated that if i simply rearranged all my aquariums, i could fit them all into myutility room. that would mean moving the540 gallon aquarium out of the bedroom. that wouldleave me that bedroom to film my videos, as well as do my projects and use as my office.committing to that change means i would go from using over 60% of the house to less than20%. the plan was to build the 540 gallon intothe wall, and then line all the rest of my aquariums around it long the perimeter ofthe walls. i figured all i would have to do is rip down the wall, move the aquariums outof the utility room, move the 540 gallon aquarium

into it and then build the wall around it.there was only one obstacle with that wall. in the center of it there was a supportingbeam that supported the floor above me. instead of removing it and looking into other waysof supporting the floor i simply worked around it. what i did was just placed the tank besideit. so all i had to do was rip one side of thewall out. i started with taking the door off, then rippingthe wall out. obviously, i first turned the power off to that wall before i started. withthe wall now gone, i removed all of my aquariums out of my utility room.now i was ready to move the big tank. however, i needed a new stand. i needed itfor two reasons. the current stand i had was

only half the height that i really wantedto go with to place it in the wall. the second reason was, it would also be much easier topick the tank up and move it onto a preexisting stand, than to pick it up, put it on the floor,move the stand, pick it up again and place the tank on that stand. so that's what i did,i built an entirely new stand. i built that stand out of 6 by 2 lumbers. now you guyswill remember that i have built previous stands out of 2 by 4 and i actually used the exactsame design as those stands, just with a bigger lumber and i added some center supports. thisstand only cost me about $150. now i could actually get the tank ready tomove. i started out by setting up a temporary aquarium for my freshwater stingrays. i didhave a 50 gallon drum full of biological media

that would have to sit for 1 or 2 weeks. iwasn't sure how long it would take for me to get help to move it's i made sure i keptthe filter alive by keeping it running on its self and i kept feeding it pure ammonia.the next part was easy. drain the tank and remove all of the plumbing. moving the tankwas not as simple. luckily i have some great friends that were willing to coordinate theirschedules to a time and date that we could all move the tank.on the count of three, we all lifted. it much easier than we had thought it would be. seeingas how this tank weighs 500 pounds while empty, i was certainly expecting it to be far moredifficult. we positioned it in place and that was that. with the tank now in place, i simplyset it back exactly the way i had it before.

i could now move onto putting the new wallup. i built a new wall frame around the tank using 2 by 4. i then i screwed on the drywalland then added in a door. building up the wall was relatively cheap.since i only needed a small section of the wall, it cost me less than $100 to do. mainlybecause i already had the door. now you will notice that the door is actually upside down,and this is due to the reason on me needing the door to open a specific way. it was eitherinstall it upside down, or buy a new door. obviously i chose to use what i had. afterthat, i painted the entire wall, and while i was at it, i painted the whole room.with the wall now up and painted, i could see just how bad of a dry waller i actuallywas. i will probably end up doing a bit more

sanding, painting, and add in some trim aroundthe aquarium. but i'm in no rush to do that. the next thing i wanted to do in the roomwas to make filming videos to be a much easier process. to be honest, i don't even want toadmit how long it takes me to make these videos. so if i can save any amount of time by cuttingout simple processes, i most certainly will. instead of constantly needing to mess withlarge stands and backdrops, i decided to paint the entire back wall behind me, chroma green.which means i can still do green screen videos but only now, i don't have to worry aboutsetting up any equipment, and i can just jump in front of the camera start filming. whichmakes the videos process a lot easier for me and i can produce a lot more videos.i also wanted to add in some personal touches

to the room. i know a local artist that doesamazing charcoal drawings. i asked if she could draw my stingrays and frame it. needlessto say, she did! i am beyond impressed. i chose to have this done for one specific reason,i thought it would be really cool to have some of my personal favorite fish that i own,turned into art. i'm going to leave a link in the description to her fan page for anyoneinterested in having her do something for them.now i prefer a very clean and simple environment obviously, but if you think there is somethingi should add, or something you would have done differently to this room, let me knowin the comment section below. so that's about as far as we'll go with thisupdate. join me next week when we take a look

at my personal collection of fish. i'm alsogoing to share with you a personal story on my journey to get those fish that took me7 years to do it. i think you will find that video to be both interesting as well as inspiring.anyways, i hope you guys enjoyed the video. i definitely want to thank you for watching,and we'll see you next time.

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