hello my creative weirdos, welcome we are doing another on a budget video and i'm so excited. we're doing a glam room i have been wanting to do a glam room for so long and it's perfect because ge is sponsoring today's video and we are going to be using some of their hd lighting items in this room because lighting is so important in a glam room. hello you gotta get snatched and contoured and blended to perfection. so we were working with michelle. she's a creative weirdo she sent in a video to us and then we went to go meet her. so let's cut to that footage hey guys, my name's michelle and i would love for you guys to come over and help me with my beauty room i decided to turn my old room into a beauty room after my sister moved out i get hired to do makeup on people i also always wanted to start a youtube channel, but i've never done it so, i hope i get the chance to get a makeover in my room. thank you

this use to be my old bedroom, my sister moved out so i was just like let me make it into a beauty room what do you use this ring light for? i bought it to make videos and then i never made videos because you want to do like a youtube channel or something? yeah, so i have bought everything i needed for the youtube channel. because i was so excited to start it and then i was like, i'm too nervous to start it i think that's a lot of people's story so you have a very classic thing i feel like the alex drawers are just a staple everybody has it yeah, in an ideal world. this would be a space where you would come in every morning, do your own glam you can also film some videos. just maybe you can start that youtube channel

are you confident that we can glam this place up? i am so confident, you guys can do whatever you guys want she gave you a glam handshake get it in here you're a creative weirdo, you know, we like to do this glam hands on three one two three glam hands! oh my gosh i love michelle she's so sweet and i really want to give her an inspiring space let's get her feeling like a real beauty guru and inspired and motivated to make videos in there, right?

okay challenge accepted but you guys know the drill three hundred dollars diys thrift stores here i come. where's joey? knock knock i'm mr.kate. hey, you don't even need the introduction. you already know who this is i'm mr.kate, i'm here i'll take a look at your place i'll stop by for a while and help you find your style we'll laugh and we'll paint mr.kate i'm mr.kate all right guys, we have to get going on these projects but obviously we still have to go shopping - we've so much to do. i want to talk about what's in here first so i can just have it in mind as i'm shopping

the great thing about this room is that we already have stuff in here we have the big alex 9 drawer over there. we've got the two smaller ones here already supporting a tabletop they're in good shape meaning they function but they're like smudged with makeup and stuff i really think we could like update these and make them not look like the typical alex drawer situation so i'm gonna talk to joey about potentially doing a project with these drawer units also in this room her parents room there's another tall alex drawer, which she said we could use so i'm thinking we could bring that in here and maybe do like a dresser type situation with the two together over there the mirror i'm thinking maybe we put over here because we have this offset window. we need to do a cooler vanity mirror

so joey and i have already brainstormed something bigger and better with lots of bulbs this thing, you know it's not the cutest but we probably don't have it in the budget to get something new so i'm thinking maybe we mount this up on the wall just to kind of like change it up make it look more like a bookshelf and then in terms of design in here i really want to make this a fun glam room something that she can like be proud of to put in videos right. she has the camera equipment, but she just hasn't done it yet so let's make this a really unique glam room and i think i want to go full-on glam and

do black and white stripes on the wall, because in my opinion there's nothing more glam than black and white stripes. so that's the plan for now maybe i'll do something with that little furry rug over there. that's a little bit too small kinda looks like a doormat yeah, let's go find joey and go shopping okay guys okay, so let's talk about the plan we are doing a glam room on a budget, now obviously michelle's lucky she has a whole room since her sister moved out to make into her glam room

she shares it with her mom. the great thing is she already has the alex drawers and the table top and everything. so joey is going to be very busy this episode what?? after you're finished with these alex doors they're gonna be called the joey drawers so she has two small alex drawers and two five drawers and then she has one of the alex nine that's in the room and then also her mom has another alex nine in their bedroom, which she's willing to donate to the glam room which i think will be great because we can then put the two nines together and make them look kind of like a highboy dresser

but we don't want them to look like alex drawers anymore. so what about refacing like the actual drawer? make it look like a more expensive drawer unit? yeah, exactly what do you think? that's easy. and then we can add knobs i already ordered the knobs online and then obviously we're gonna make a vanity mirror so we're going to thrift store. yeah, let's hit up goodwill to see what we can find by ways of you know decor and organizational stuff, maybe some cool like containers let's go joey, i can't take you anywhere that's not a sit down scooter

okay, so let me bond with these tank tops i really want to find her a new chair. i mean look. her chair is a folding chair so no no, oh this cream one is not bad, but it's pretty ripped right here you can do more like a bench thing a little stool. oh my gosh, you know what i could do? this is actually really cute. look how cute it is she has that gray fuzzy rug that's just like the size like a doormat we can use that to reupholster the top of this reupholster the chair with the doormat i do want to do a frame above the two alex drawers put together

this is a nice big one with the mat. although i don't really like the green in it oh my gosh that's perfect, this is glam and it has a mat. oh my gosh good find joey yeah, yeah oh, excuse me. look at your glam beautiful and you sir? who does your lash extensions? okay, so the goal is going to be to find items here that can act as like makeup display and storage but obviously don't cost nearly as much as

what they normally do. hello right three dollars $1.99 yes, a glam glam tray oh my gosh, you've been watching way too much drag race glam a frame with stones on it. like our only real surface area is her the two alex tall drawers that we're gonna put together and make like a high boy so maybe we put a lamp on top of that. i feel like this is white sculptural all right, so let's check out. yeah

joey first needs to ride the bike. i'm right behind you watch my glass stuff. why does it not drive? well i don't know it's like a thrift store look, curtain rods it's my nightmare, okay. well, it is my dream because we can bring like the kind of brass gold of the vanity over to the window side and it is $3.99 all right i'm so happy with those things that we got at goodwill those were some good its gonna really make the styling of the room so much easier and also saved us so much money then trying to buy like the pre-made acrylic things. so studio hardware store

michelle's, our battery's gonna die we're gonna turn this off. all right. i hope our stuff that we ordered got to the studio all right all right so at the studio thankfully everything we ordered online came which are these beautiful i'll just show you a little sampling these beautiful brass vanity bold rows which these are we've got two small ones like this and then a longer one right? so there's gonna be one longer one at the top two side pieces the mirror in between because we're diying this epic vanity mirror on a budget and of course what what are we missing guys no vanity

well lit light bulbs! so thankfully ge has given us these bulbs and this isn't part of the budget cuz thank you ge okay, so hardware store hardware store for paint and additional wood and supplies for the vanity mirror maybe stop at a big box store for a curtain panel that i can find for cheap okay, great and maybe a couple more styling items plant, plant. can i do a plant maybe a plant at the hardware store

i don't think we have the budget, but you can go pick one on someone's front yard nice so this color is pretty but i so want to do the black and white stripes. so the black is the stripe. so we're painting a base of white. yeah, she wants to film videos and contrast looks so good on camera all right, so we got to paint this let this dry paint this let this dry then do the stripes. yeah all right. so in the meantime we also have to build the vanity refinish the drawers

yeah, we gotta mount the shelf on that wall. i gotta do the stool. i gotta do this maybe i can get started on the wood stuff while you get this first white coat out. sure. gimme gimme gimme give me the squeaky roller. i hate that squeaky roller oh my gosh. alright god speed stop squeaking i thought i'd talk to you about this. i see you in a little bit you need to stop squeaking. no, i thought i talked to you about this hey do not alright guys, so you guys know the classic vanity mirror setup

lightbulbs surrounding the mirror. that's what we're doing. we're wiring the whole thing so it can be plugged in we're also going to incorporate a switch so she can turn it on and off. so we're gonna make a box for it so i got our half-inch plywood. i got this very inexpensive frameless mirror it's gonna go in the middle. the other project we're working on is she has these four alex drawers. the problem is is they don't look that good like the whole cutout thing there's no drawer pulls it just it doesn't look very luxe very glam. which obviously is the goal today so what we're gonna do is we're going to reface these completely two of them we're gonna paint a darker color two of them we're gonna paint a lighter color. and once we have those new drawer fronts on we're giving these nice new crystal drawer pulls that we got a line, so i got my work cut out for me

let's get working we have this dirty little stool here from the thrift store but i am not worried about this dirt on the top of it because i have this rug here this is one of those really flexible rugs. like it's not one that has like a very, you know thick hard backing to it it's just way too small to be a rug in that room. like it's just kind of a sad size for a rug so my idea is to use this as the new cover to give her a cute little fuzzy stool, which is super glam it's pretty easy. i'm just gonna remove the cushion there screws that attach it to the top i'm going to use my staple gun to a upholster this rug around the bottom of it

i might use some hot glue to tuck in the edges since it is so thick and then i'm gonna screw it back on and la-dee-da a budget-friendly stool makeover upholster is really easy the only annoying part is the corners because you don't want to fold it weird and have a big bunchy corner so my trick is to just think about it like a present actually you can kind of see the way they originally did it see how they did that fold here and they kind of create a nice pleat so i'm essentially gonna mimic that i'm just gonna make sure that i tuck in this corner so that it's really nice and

rounded around here and then just make sure that i'm stapling down that fold so it's a little bit of an origami moment, but totally doable it's an optical illusion because it's a mirror on a table okay, guys, we are doing some more diy now michelle has this simple mirror in her room and i'm like, let's jazz it up a little bit so my thought is using some imitation silver leaf i have some clear drying glue on hand and just some little stippling sponges and a nice dry brush to get off access. my thought is to just kind of silverleaf the border of this mirror just giving it a little bit of some glam

obviously we were playing with mixed metals in there because we have the brass gold tone of the vanity i'm just moving this excess with the sponge brush and i'm really trying to preserve all of these little shards that i'm kind of flaking off because i really want to maximize this one packet of silver leaf around the whole mirror but i'm really happy with how this is looking like the idea is it's sort of a glamorous frost that's kind of encroaching. she wants to be a beauty guru on youtube. this is gonna be her new glamorous selfie mirror i'm excited. can't wait to see those selfies good job kate, thank you, good paint job. well, you know this it does really freshen it up doesn't it in here? yeah, it's way brighter so i'm so excited about our black and white stripes, which are kind of like this isn't totally totally white although it

probably looks white on camera. every time i say that there's comments where they're like, it's white i'm like if you can just see it in real life there's a touch of blue gray and then this is our black which is also technically like kind of like a charcoal almost, right muted black and white. here's my question are we doing this correctly and mathematically or is it just like willy-nilly stripes? math that's just what happens in my brain it just fizzles out

how wide do you want the stripes to be? i think like a foot. the wall is 124 inches so roughly 10 stripes i'm gonna paint over the tape with the white first. we'll get the bleeds into the white with white and then go over with the black so that when we take the tape off it's like perfect stripe! okay walls taped i'm sweaty. i'm going outside and check out stuff. okay? yeah. yeah. yeah, i'm gonna i'm good with this. i'm gonna keep taping and painting. thank you for establishing the math. alright. i'll see a little bit. okay all right guys, so the other big projects we're doing is we are refacing all of those drawer units the way we're going to do that and stay on a budget is we're using just one sheet a 4 foot by 8 foot plywood

so the trick is while we're doing new drawer fronts you really need to make sure you're cutting in straight lines as soon as you start cutting freehand you're screwed because when you put up drawers on top of each other if those lines aren't straight you're gonna notice when your using your table saw you want to make sure you are applying equal pressure to both sides of the wood and then you're going nice and straight so my wood matches the width of the drawer unit so now i'm going to cut my individual drawer planks and this bad boy is going to go from bland to glam pretty quickly oh my gosh, alex drawers, you will not be alex no more when i'm done with you you will be alexis

haha, i don't know wellwe'll name him later but guys so joey obviously has cut all of these drawer fronts for us because we are going to be transforming these into new looking drawer units, so alexis can come through i roughed up the top of these a little bit and the sides with a little bit of sandpaper just so that it doesn't have that slick finish so that the paint will stick better. i have two colors of paint here so these smaller ones are going to be our black color, which is our wall stripe color. it's not a true black it's actually kind of an off black and then because i want to just ampere up

she likes blush pink, but i'm just really going glam i want her to be really amped up in this room to do videos and so we're going to go a step up from blush pink and do bam raspberry pink on here for like a nice pop of color look at that! oh my gosh how good does that look? guys, oh my gosh. we need to take a moment. this is one of my favorite projects. well, you did such a good job guys hello is joey just like the champion of all vanity champions of the world champion

vanity champion jersey shore reference. um, i'm so glad that we got the brass because guys this is a tip for you mirrors often times read as chrome right? like they're kind of silvery in tone so it's okay to mix metals in a glam room and go for that brass gold tone i'm very excited to light this thing up. let's talk about lighting real quick guys. all right. so ge has their hd light line there's different temperatures of light oh, yeah so there's daylight which is obviously the kind of the most white light like the brightest light and then there's tungsten which is on the opposite, right

like a yellow light, the classic light bulb nighttime sort of vibes and then there's in-betweens yeah, what's great about ge's hd light line is they're all led and they're just super pure clean light so we're gonna actually use two of these different lights in this room because basically in a glam room when you're not doing your makeup, you're not trying to like fall asleep in it you're not trying to like be super awake, you know, you're like a medium tone of light you're organizing she's gonna be planning her videos out. whatever brainstorming so the hero here is going to be the reveal led hd plus light which is basically that in between, right? so this is gonna be our main light source in here. it's gonna be the overhead fan we have the

plug-in lamp i want to go over there on our new highboy, so when they come in, they'll just be bathed in this vivid hd plus reveal totally and then for the vanity when you're ready to put on your makeup you need daylight guys because i mean i've experienced this personally and i've put on my makeup in a dim bathroom and then i've gone outside it was like what was she thinking? and by she i mean me because it was just all kinds of wrong colors my blending was all off

did not look snatched or highlighted. so we went to use the daylight temperature around here so that when she's sitting here, she's just like bam. yeah, so we got awesome refresh led hd lights, which are these. oh my gosh, i love and look at them. they're so perfect so so they also have the relaxed led which that goes in like your bedrooms that's that tungsten light bedroom family room dining room. it's like a warmer light warm and inviting okay, we have this glorious thrift store frame oh my gosh, so glam it's from the third store and i'm thinking for a quick artsy moment let's take some of these beautiful

nude and pinky tones of her glosses and her liquid lips and just do a little swatch for art, i mean, obviously she can change it out, but guys we're on a budget. so we're using some of her makeup that one's pretty my gosh so cute instant art, okay i love it so much it is so glamorous, what do you guys think? before oh my gosh, so we did so much in here for $300 let's just revisit this very long day we saved a bunch of money in here by shopping really smart

you know coupons and on sales stuff clearance, etc. thrift stores so, you know that was a way for us to really stay in our budget. i mean these alex drawers updated look so amazing i love how joey cut these long pieces for the two side-by-side nine drawers it looks so much better as like a one drawer looking thing even though secret of course there's two actually in there our thrift store frame above with a print that i actually took that picture of a spilled bottle of nail polish and i use that print in tati's makeover if you guys remember omg we're coming over with tati westbrook glam life guru

i use that same print so you know from one beauty guru to the next it's kind of a little nod to the beauty gurus out there because hopefully michelle will become one soon. it's super classy in here obviously, we're mixing the metals. i love how the silver leaf mirror turned out it's just kind of a more organic glam moment. and then we have this structured gorgeous vanity mirror like one of my favorite projects i think we've ever done and the bulbs the ge bulbs look, so amazing and they're led guys so that means they don't get hot and they also have a very long life

so she'll be able to just not melt in front of these bulbs, which is great the stool is now such a beautiful glam moment very inviting for her butt to sit at her new vanity. i'm thrilled with how it turned out joey worked his booty off in this room so heading outside cutting all this stuff, it looks so good i'm so so proud of how everything came together at the stripes on the wall really makes such an impact. i mean she's gonna be the beauty guru with the stripes on her wall like it's gonna be like her signature thing now and i love the pops of pink, of course we're justifying it with some pink over in the flowers there, but it's just her glam moment and this this is such a great solution because i know so many of you have these cheap

cube shelves. they look so good mounted up on the wall we've given it like a whole new life and the styling in here this is a great example of if you love something so much like makeup which michelle loves let's celebrate it in some styling moments and so obviously all of these things that we got at the thrift store super inexpensive all these jars and vases and things become now pieces of art with the makeup displayed in there are these little pedestals and i just love it she can just change it out. i mean hello guys a vase with eyelashes goals right there. i mean why not? why can't eyelashes be art? they are today oh my gosh i'm so excited!

kate, yes? she's here, you ready for her? yeah remember what your quote on quote glam room looked like before can you picture it? yeah, and we're hoping that this space is inspiring for you that you finally have the courage to film some videos in here because you're proud of the way it looks so thinking of all that on the count of three, ready? one...two...three! oh my god it looks so good! look at your new vanity!

oh my gosh, it looks so good the mirror, right? isn't it epic? yes, oh my gosh everything so those are your two alex drawers the tall ones disguised as one unit and then look remember you're cube shelves? i feel like you haven't even commented on the biggest thing in the room the walls? i know it looks good because this room is very tiny

so it's really making the vertical space have its moment. and also i was thinking about you on camera contrast, like black and white looks so good on camera, you know, does it feel so nice and bright in here? it does like it just mix so well yeah, so it's daylight like you're sitting there with like just daylight on your face so you will not leave here ever looking. how much do you think this cost? well you watch our videos so you could probably guess but can you believe it? i can't believe it. how much do you think? under 300? yes! it was hard it looks so good

these are your old alex drawers that we put new fronts and new knobs on it. do you recognize that was your i know i was looking at that isn't that my rug? so now it's a little elevated, you'll be able to sit on it instead of walk on it and i also have this box because i get stuff sent to me from like makeup brand, you know, like pr stuff and i was like i need to give you so there's a whole bunch of stuff in here and obviously some more of the ge bulbs come on, did we go from bland to glam?

yes you did enjoy it. yeah, enjoy take it. get glam, thanks for having us over thank you for being a creative weirdo thank you enjoy it, we'll see you later. we'll see you on the youtube alright, you better post a video yeah! bye! make us proud oh my gosh the sun is wow, it's setting obviously but we made it the sun's still out. we worked hard on this project. joey worked so hard guys

give joey some love in the comments, give kate some love in the comments you did so many of those construction projects like that vanity mirror is just so amazing i'm so so in love with how that room turned out. oh, i'm so in love with you oh my god, you beat me to it. it's gonna look so good in her video so michelle, you better be posting some beauty guru videos soon. you have no excuses now and yeah, we'll see you guys on the next video. stay creative. stay weird. stay you. we'll see you later subscribe! bye! is it gonna break? it's like our forrest gump moment

did you bring me chocolates? oh cuz we're on a bench? doesn't he sit on a bus stop life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to find at a thrift store

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