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it's just that i needa vacation with helle. i feel i haven'tseen her all year. i feel so good when i'm with you. you are a perfect girlfriend. some times i wish - - that you would go out more. so i was just wonderingif you would marry me? i'm going to leave you. i'll fill out the papers tonightand declare the place bankrupt.

the faroe islands will be great. mattias! calm down, mattias! buzz aldrin, what happenedto you in all the confusion? buzz aldrin wasthe second man on the moon. always number two. he completeda job he was passionate about. clearly, he had ambitions, hejust didn't need all the attention. like him, i too just wantedto find an available spot. and stay there.

hello. how is it going here? what? you want to try to get up? where are you going? are you staying at oneof the hotels in tã³rshavn? no. - you can't stay here in this weather.- i'll manage just fine. doesn't look like it.

havstein.my name is havstein eriksson. mattias. yeah... where are we going? this is where i live.i live here with three others. - in a commune?- not totally. it's a former fish processing plant.i run an institution here. - i am a psychiatrist.- an institution? a post care facility. the others areprevious psychiatric patients.

this is the living room. the kitchen. this is ennen. - mattias.- hi. - are you going to stay here?- maybe. - do you like cardigans?- the cardigans. - there is a the in front.- yes. good stuff. good, because the cardigansis the only thing ennen plays. what's wrong with me justlistening to the cardigans -

- when everything i need is there? she never gets tired of listeningto the same songs - - over and over again. i love the cardigans.i never get tired of them. introduce yourself. palli. - coffee?- please. i'm not going to... thank you.

- i'm anna.- hi. yes. okay? okay. do you have a phone number? - whose?- anybody's. that's fine. hi. come in.

i just want to ask you something. - go on.- that thing about... i just want to saythat i don't have - - any psychiatric problems.i don't. no, i wouldn't bring you hereif i thought that you - - needed treatment.- no. then i'd have driven youto the airport, sent you home. of course. if you need a bandage,you'll find one in the bathroom.

- for your hand.- thanks. this is havstein eriksson.am i talking to jã¸rn? i got your number from - - a certain mattias. just a moment. i'm going to tã³rshavn now. you won't go anyplace? no, why should i go anyplace? no, right.

okay. bye. who are you? - i don't understand you.- who are you? who knows? - where do you come from?- from norway. hi, mattias. - you're wet.- yes, it started pouring down. the weather changes quicklyon the faroe islands. come into my office,let's have a talk.

no, you don't have to. i have to ask you: what really happened to you?what is the story here? what did jã¸rn say? i had a good talk with jã¸rn. about this and that. but i'd like to hearyour side of the story too. well, there's quite a lot... i don't quite knowwhere to start.

it was...it's quite a while ago. closed i see... you better stay here a while. - i think it will do you good.- you think so? the way i see it,nobody is waiting for you - - at home? you have no employment,nothing's holding you back? i could call your mother tomorrow.

if it's alright with you,i'll call your mother. - yeah, why not.- fine. hi. how's it going? - hi.- we've got a new resident. have you heard?a new resident. yes, i heard. the house will be full again,just like in the beginning. those were different times. we helped you with money thenbecause you needed it.

you were starting up at the factory.but that was almost 20 years ago. it's not quite the same now. we're in a growth periodand you want to shut us down? - that's not what i said.- with a new resident and all. the problem is... - it's a bit difficult to explain.- couldn't you at least try? - i don't have the time now.- what? bergur? good morning.

how are you doing here? - what day is it?- it's tuesday. maybe you'd like to get up - - and meet the others again. what do you do when you'vestopped working, are out of order? i though about aldrin.how did he manage it? he pushed the right buttons. he adjusted the trajectory,calculated, did it all by the book. wasn't he ever afraidof ruining something, -

- tipping the world out of itsbalance by being in the way? didn't he ever have problems?became devastated, fell apart? the pressuremust have been inhumane. imagine being a cog in a wheelthat was turning so perfectly. - good morning, mattias.- good morning. - hungry?- yes, i am, actually. - may i sit there?- yes. - did you sleep well?- yes. - i did.- you slept long.

- i didn't sleep all the time.- oh? what did you do, then? i relaxed. thinking about your sweetheartwho isn't you sweetheart anymore? a little. what did she look like?was she very pretty? - i think i'll eat in my room.- no, that's against the rules. ennen. we haveto take things gradually here. mattias,when anna comes back, -

- we could show youaround the islands. five persons and one car. five and one car. when's the last ferryto tã³rshavn tonight? the last onedeparts in an hour. wow, palli.you need some fresh air, palli. ever heard of a playerwho needs some fresh air - - before the last holein a tournament? - nice.- yes.

they do not seem to be... - insane?- well... sick. for the mostthey are all improving. these people have comealong a bit, moving forward. they have lived much too long, - - maybe for years, in institutions,and they have gotten used to it. good for them to live in a halfwayhouse and be looked after. how long can one stayin that kind of place? everyone can stay at the factoryas long as they like, -

- as long as they need to. and fortunately, - - we have room for more. so welcome. we have no time to lose.only have one hour. come on. - why don't we take our own car?- we need to hold a place in line. no, damn it! what kind of relationshipdo you have to sheep, mattias? completely natural, -

- i think. or... we have a workshophere at the factory. where we make these. earnings go to daily operationsat the factory. together with state support,of course. one can actually sell pretty muchanything anywhere. it's just a question of convincingthe world that they need it. in norway,you were all convinced - - that you neededto buy water in a bottle.

want to try? there. and then... you need to wear these glasses. you got to keep working at it. - can i ask you something?- okay. are you the type whokeeps in touch with your ex? - no.- you think that's okay? - that it's easier?- yeah, it's best like this. it's locked.the door to my room is locked.

isn't that very strange?is that normal? - please sit down.- no, i think i... - sit down.- i'll have a talk with havstein. you may kiss me. - think we will get together?- the two of us? i haven't really...i don't know. - i haven't thought about it.- i don't really believe that. the first thing you think aboutwhen you meet a new person is - - do i think i could fall in lovewith him. or her.

that's how it is for everyone. so... what do you think? would you ratemy odds as good - - or catastrophic?- i have no idea. is it because you haven't gottenover that girl back in norway? i guess i haven't.of course. is that the cardigansyou're playing? it's important to me that the cd'sare put in the order i bought them.

excuse me, palli... do you think that i could... would it be okayif i slept in here? - sleep in the bed.- no, no. my mother always said thatthe guests should get the best. would you mind meputting on the light? this isn't good enough. you have to concentrate moreif you are going to work here. it doesn't help if you're ina daze, thinking of the past.

- good morning.- good morning, mattias. come with me. come. why were you in my bedroom? - what do you mean?- do you like living here? - yes.- why were you in my nightstand? - i was bored.- that's breaking and entering. come! what the hellis going on with you?

oh, my god, is it possible? what is it about hellethat is so great? i'm not sure. everything. it's okay to grieve over lost love.we shouldn't deny our feelings. and it can be good to cry. that can maybe help a little. but don't take it to extremeswhere it could harm yourself. - no, that's not it.- don't let helle mess you up. you have to...life is full of opportunities.

you just have to open up more.get past it, move on. just come to me next time.then we'll talk about it. - you promise?- yes. - cross your heart?- yes. - 100%?- yes. 200%? no wonder we can't sell much. look at yourdeformed monstrosities. damaged sheep 5 kroner

they are warm. genuine faroe islands. you could use somenew clothes, couldn't you? why buy anything?i mean... anna knits a sweater a day. no wonder the world is falling apartwhen all must be bought brand new. if people don't buy all the time,the world will go under. - i've found you a new job, mattias.- i thought i had a job. i've found onethat fits you better.

it's time for you to becomea gardener again. really? i've talked to the county,got the paper work going. you can stay here as long asyou are doing better here - - than you would be doingin norway. - you have a basis for saying that?- yes. i'm going to take it. i told them you were insane. nuts.

i think maybe you needthis book more than i do. it's therapeutic. it helped me a lot. i bought it when i was workingat a hospital in copenhagen. i had a girlfriend there. we were living together. we weren't doing so wellfor a time. hardly talked to each other,though we had a lot on our minds. then i found this book.

it helped me throughsome bad times. it was a guide to paradise. thanks. how... how did you know it was mewho had looked in your book? all the others had alreadybeen there before you, - - one by one, and taken it. - what is it?- an emergency flare. - new year's eve preparations.- what do you mean?

- people often shoot them off...- did you see it? an emergency flare. there is someone out there. more to the right! come on, mattias.faster! come on, mattias - row! come on!we're almost there! come on!we are close by! what's your name?

sprechen sie deutsch? carl. someone who'd cross the atlanticin november in a rubber raft - - is not in his right mind. maybe he fits right in here. hi, bergur. - what are you doing here?- visiting on behalf of the county. it's not a very good time. i'vebeen at one meeting, have another... and after that...

when are you going to havea meeting about the factory? - you don't need the factory now.- there's more and more of us there. the patients out there have beenstaying there for a long time. let me tell you like it is. there are cut backsacross the board. prepare the residents that thefactory might be closed down. - what the hell..?- i'm saying it might be. as i've said,nothing is decided yet. - hattestad.- hi, dad, it's me.

mattias!i have been so worried... sissel, it's mattias. - we've been so worried about you.- i'm doing fine. - are you coming home soon?- yes. that's definitely the plan. to stay? maybe for christmas. if that would be okay. of course you can come home.whenever you want.

- we have missed you so much.- everyone is asking. - everyone is asking about you.- everyone? your aunts, uncle tobben,your grandmother. jã¸rn and helle... have you talked to her, too? she's been over here a few times.we've talked a little... after you left.when you didn't come back. what did you talk about? well, about you.

only good things, i hope. it hasn't been easyfor her either. you just left, you know. she didn't have any ideawhat happened. you just left. it was actually her that left.but that's... - would you like to talk to mum?- you just say hello. we'll be seeing each other soon. see you at christmas.we'll talk more then. yes, of course.

see you, mattias.take care of yourself. i will. of course.bye, then. "clinical ward, tã³rshavn,8 weeks. the patient is admitted for thesecond time on july 2, 1988 - - after interrupted treatment." your treatments are going well,but then again, - - things can always be better. "...dead sailors who tramp aroundin the kitchen during the day, - - stand beside my bed at nightand whisper, -

- water dripping from them..." i can't find your journal. have you stolen your journal? we had better increase - - your dosage of haloperidol. - what do you think?- great. i'm very pleased. for you. it's just a little thing.couldn't you open it now? - shouldn't i wait?- no, i'm so excited to see.

this is really nice,i got to admit... it is very nice. very nice. but you can't justcome in here with a present - - without us havingagreed about it before. you could have put mein an awkward position, but... here. it's not really for me, is it?you don't have to... - it's fine. it's for you.- you're sure?

right foot- - green. will you look at this... i just want to be sure...you come back - - on the fourth of january?- yeah. - you know which bus to take?- yes, i know all that. remember to say merrychristmas through carl's door. i'll write you a note or... merry christmas.

- i think i've got to leave.- yeah, me too. yes, merry christmas. buzz aldrin is in almost everypicture from the moon landing. and he hated every single one. neil armstrong snapped away, - - but for aldrin, it was as ifthe flash made him smaller - - for every picturethat was taken. i guess it crossed aldrin's mindthat if he stayed on the moon, - - let the other two astronautsgo out into the dark without him, -

- he would escape all thatattention that awaited him. for no doubt it had its price. hi. i'll take the next bus. - you'll have to wait four hours.- yeah, that's... thanks. hey, stop! mum told me to ask if you'd liketo come to our house for dinner. - now?- yes. - okay... no thanks.- don't you want to eat? just come, then,and get something to eat.

i don't have the time. - come on.- i would like to, but i'm busy. come on. hello. hi. good evening. welcome. bjartur. - mattias.- ranva ã­ ã“lastovu. - are you from norway?- yes, i am. we know fleksnes from tv.

right... can i have my ice cream now? yes, you can. - eyddis here.- mattias. and sofus you already know. that's right. we saw you through the window - - and thought you might be hungry.- yeah, that's... one does have to eat.

everybody's entitled toa nice, hot cup of coffee. sea parrot. very good. do you live with havsteinand his sheep? yes. or actually... times are not the bestfor gardeners in norway. i came here with some friendsand then i met - - havstein, who offered me a job. and that's it.

what do you do? hair dresser.

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