wohnzimmer unterschiedliche sofas

wohnzimmer unterschiedliche sofas

hi guys, how's it going? we are right now in the czech border my husband is buying the vignette. you have to buy for some contries in eu to use the freeway. road charge similar to brazil, i have just seen in italy. but is different to brazil, all works with machines. in switzerland, austria and czech republic they use vignette. the vignette is a sticker, which you have to place visible on the front hield, to use the freeway. vignettes have different valid times from 10 days up to one year. if you do not buy, you have to pay lot penalty fee. it is expensive, but necessary

the weather helped. the auto bahn was full because vacations we bought a vignette, we will arrive pretty late in prague. we guess around 22.00 o'clock. we started late, because my husband lost time in the taffic on the way home from his job. on the way to here, munich was pretty empty. also would be interesting stay in munich, because now the city is empty. wimdu invited me to prague. wimdu is a website to rent short accomodations. i also was a customer of wimdu before this travell, but also i rent homes through this website. i am excited to get to know the apartment.

we jus arrived! i speak quiet, to avoid the renter can here, because she lifes under this apartment. she has other apartments and she is a friendly person. she even has relatives in brazil sometimes a bazilian passport makes the difference. she was enthusiastic, when she saw mine. can happen, that you have ti show your passport when you rent an apartment. can be because of safety, tax of the city or similar reasons.... the apartment is relativ simple. but is really cute and offers all that you need as accomadation to get to know the city. the living is huge.

the furnitures are simple, but the apartment is very clean and i know something about rent clean apartments. coach bed, two chairs we already move in and spread our stuff in the apartment. here is the bedroom with a couple bed. here is a single bed. it looks like a tv is missing. but the internet is good, so we will watch netfix. i am sure the view will be good. we are in a district behind the main station. it is not the touristic district, but still central.

on our way to the here, we saw lot young people, who were in bar and discos. i am interested in the view tomorrow. now we will eat something. or honey? wha we will eat? are you hungry? what is your part? do you want to tell something? i am really tired!!!

thank you! now we will sleep, we are done. tomorrow it goes on! good morning, still tires but happy! already a tripod in the living room. because we arrived late, we just slept. i am waiting my husband, who always goes running, also when we are travelling. our idea is not too cook here, but rather find something outside to eat. i not clear if we manage to visit the local market here.

thank you wimdu! wimdu challenged, to do something local. i decided to visit the the maket for local people. it is a farmer market, you can find several in the town. i chose the one close to the river. you can find fruits, vegetables, street-food, snacks, cheese, ....it is almist midday, it will close soon. when you come earlier, you will find more stands. has lot people from pragure here, just somes are not from here. lot people can speak english. you can comunicare with each other, i enjoy the ambiente, the attitude of the people in rague is awesome. they already close. next video has samba from over there!

i almost give up explore the city and go dance over there.

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