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( book " czech girls et contact" ) . contactee- ivana is telepathic ,spiritism medium with humanoid ebe olie from 12 dimension and ilonapodhrazska write. from czech republic a humanoid ebe olie: ourbook is web adress amazon. com find name book czech girls et contact. and is still in czech language amazon and good write there name ilona podhrazska , therewill gradually next new books ... article: (in the us you book. usually, that will be released first in aforeign country and then at home. why is it that came out in the us? -) it started to get me to put friends onfacebook one well known astronaut ken johnston

from new mexico and the other day you gaveme to friends his great friend bret colin sheppard, who is also from the same city ofbelen, new mexico. i am a self taught english for about one year,and the information that we collect by using the spiritism method of the humanoid ebe-olie,i started to write in the english language and i thought that it should be sometimessome scientists. and it also intrigued bret colin sheppardoffered us that would like to help us create a book in america. and so we are sending him texts, until itwas recently a book in english, and now even in the english language.

yet by itself, i wrote one researcher stuartspencer from brazil that is willing to our book translated into portuguese. so it should be a book in three languages. . . (the book is a description of your contactwith alien civilizations – humanoid ebe olie. when you first met him? )- with humanoid ebe we first met in 1992,when we return home from an evening stroll. we opened the door from the street and somethingstrange, we have encountered. the door was closed very quickly.

of course we are worried about. we thought that it is behind the door of athief. then i tried to open the door again. my sister ivana was standing right behindme. i opened the door and a small beige characterwith thin , slim body is raised and fit for our low wall in our backyard. you could hear a special effervescence. it was shocking for us, and we were afraidif something happened in our home to our parents, but we should not pass by the place.

we stood for a moment in front of our houseand suddenly, as if from above, there was a 3 x my name "ilona! ilona! it was a very deep as a man's voice. we really forget our parents if somethinghappened to them. the tinkle of a bell and we quickly ran tothe police. then we arrived by car with them in frontof our house and our mom was in the window and said: ' what's going on here? " police searched our backyard.

it was only a couple of broken pots at a lowwall ... then they left and they thought that we do seem fun. as soon as they left, so our mom rememberedthat about an hour and a half before she heard strange noises in the kitchen, from our backyard. mom of levee and first thought it was, andthat we want our mom to scare. it was strange that still we're not goinghome. she got scared and went into the living room. and then she heard our rings ...slowly shewent to the window, and a few already saw a police car in front of our house.

. . . . (you can describe your ability tocommunicate with him?-) then in 1993 i tried with one lady called. spiritism . method on a hard paper circleis inscribed with the alphabet and a small glass. you hold lightly with a finger on a glassupside down and the glass goes to each of the letters. you can link to different entities. very intrigued me and i said to my sisterivana, it also didn't want to try. and so we tried it.

.. we both have a finger on the glass. glass is a very fast slide it began to communicate:"i am not a ghost, i'm humanoid from the planet elieljã­. my name is olie. in america they call us "ebe" is short for"energical biological entity" we are happy to believe in our existence. ivana is endowed with special force, and isa kind of mediator between the planet elieljã­ and countries. is a kind of navigator over the computer transmitterremotely to people.

... then i can, at the ebe i drink, that willbe better if only ivana will hold your finger on the glass and i got it zapisovatdo theworkbook. since then we kept in touch. from the beginning he wrote with errors andused the words in the infinitive. sometimes also used some sort of damage, andother words that we don't understand. also enough scientific information tells aboutthe physics, chemistry, biology ... uses both latin words, and words similar to hebrew andold india . . . (an alien to be interposed between theplanet earth and the planet elieljã­. in which constellation is intended to reside?

)-ebe olie told us that he is from anothergalaxy from planet elieljã­, which is 39 light years ... and is from the 12 dimensions. for us humans is that such incomprehensible. there are more dimensions that are also interdependent. there are many people who are starting toperceive these dimensions and are also in conjunction with various beings from outerspace. really we're not alone in the universe! . . . . . (each would surely like to see ebeolie. is it possible?

)-what i know so few people have with "them". in 1994, we were invited to a oblekovic nearznojmo, we demonstrated the communication about 30 people. also present was mr. parson. when communicating to us told us the ebe eveningdemonstrate the celebratory year people would need to communicate with a spirit that isfor mimozemå¡tana only. around 23 hours really are showcased in alltheir glory! plate-shaped object bright color flew clumpof right and left there and back, and back and forth a few times.

manoeuvre a wonderfully and even at timesflashed from the red and green lights and the object he held, as if behind the scenes. some people started to cry, and the joy andsaid: they really exist! "we are very sorry that we did not have athand the camera or the camera. since then, we have seen many times by variousunidentified objects in the sky even in daylight again, and with more people. it's too much, what we saw and what we haveexperienced. and i hope that we will have ... yet. . . . (have you ever tried to his knowledgethat the "c:", forward – scientists, politicians,

etc? with what result? first we) have to know only a few people,ufologå¯m in the czech republic and slovakia. we were even a few times on tv but we neversaid specifically what we exactly ebe-olie says. up to now thanks to facebook we have transmittedbetween researchers and scientists from all over the world. now they started to wonder about us aboutus what ebe says. even give questions and answers them olie.

in turn are between researchers and thosewho believe do not believe us. and you, what we believe and know that youand even us and confirm that this is true and that in any case we can't invent. they are also very professional informationabout physics, chemistry, biology, space, etc. from theczech government about us a few people knows, too. even us even one politician arrived in personseveral times to visit. for obvious reasons i prefer to mention hisname.

. . . (people your skills as well as the existenceof ebe olie certainly perceive some confusion. someone can seem like people who want to makevisible, others may see you fools. this is the case? )-this is the case. but there's nothing we can do about it. it's not our problem. we just don't want that information for somany years have been hidden somewhere in the closet. i can't yet speak english, only i write ... buteven so, this year we were given even to radio

radio to kgra in pennsylvania. i've issued a radio announcer, and michaelaustin melton told it there for us. it was even a success and people still callthem back on the radio and wanted to continue. i would like the latest news from olie. so this year the radio kgra in pennsylvaniathat can go over the internet, it was more times . i think that it is not over. . . (how would you convince people of thetruth? )-in any case, we do not convince people. it's up to them whether we believe or don'tbelieve.

it's their thing and their knowledge. . (as there was an edition of the book?) -bret colin sheppard has helped us createa book that you can get on www.amazon.com and in the viewfinder at the top when youput our name's ilona podhrã¡zskã¡ or ivan podhrã¡zskã¡, you should see it there. it was not easy. fill in the various papers. the book is printed up in south carolina incharleston. it is therefore the english and czech, andbook i should be in portuguese, which are

still working. . . . (you will not hold the baptism?) – the book should be baptized, but firstwe will have to order a few books ... . . . (as in one of the interviews you sayebe olie you "took" a number of friends, since they consider you crazy people. what gave?) -it is true that a lot of people we have tolaugh, that's their problem. ebe gave us great knowledge of multiple dimensionaluniverse. always look forward to every communication,always something new soon.

we are very grateful to him for it, that wecan be in contact with him. we have a lot of new, thanks to ebe friends. it's good to have a friend from outer space! thank you journal , that we were able to breakdown more of our contact with humanoid beings ebe-olie. thank you ilona and ivana podhrã¡zskã¡ interviewfrom czech republic town telä. http://www.suenee.cz/kontakterky-ivana-a-ilona-a-humanoid-ebe-olie/

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