babyzimmer wandgestaltung pinterest

babyzimmer wandgestaltung pinterest

hello and hi its me again, mavie! today i'll show you our studio the room where we mostly film our youtube videos and yes there's not much to talk about in the beginning so just let's get started.... here when you come in is the door where you come through

and here you can see our studio wall and so many of you have asked how we made this flurry shelves so we just took a normal ikea shelf we took three of them also some smaller ones and then my mum has clued some flurry fabric on it so that they look like flurry shelves oh that's sooo fluffy and then we have also clued some of that fabric onto the lamp

so that it matches here we have som fairylights i can't remember where we got it from and next to it there's a pictureframe where i have put some funny quotes i really love that one this cactus we have bought from the netherlands also this picture in a frame put on the frame we put some washitape to decorate it and here's a little candle in a jar i find it so pretty

we don't light it here i put my golden letter m i made some time ago and here is the autograph postcard from prince and by the way it was the last autograph with hairs that's why i hang it there and here's a fake plant and here we have my silve play button oh yeah and if you go on here there's a little desk

we just put it overthere when i need it for diy videos or so and here is the unicorn head maybe we'll put it overhere when the star is put away as christmas is already over so maybe it comes away and here it's empty, just for decoration and here i have a cool box with chocolates i don't eat them but i love the package so much so i don't want to eat them

look how cute! and here another chocolate it matches with the box overhere and then here's just a boring lamp we just placed there for decoration and then here ist a drawer with hair stuff for our hair tutorials another fairylights, gift paper and all that stuff

here a little rolling car my mum need when we do hair tutorials she puts all her hair tool in here and here i have my drone because this is the only room where i have enough space to fly with it and here are the studio lamps we have one of this soft box and here's a ring light now overehere in this corner we have a picture we hung up it was in the doorway before

and here's my chair where i sit on during hair tutorials here's my folding beam i use in here sometimes because here i have enough space overhere we have three windows that is really useful because it makes a lot of daylight for filming that's really great and here is my mum's desk the computer and some pens and all that stuff, here she is editing all my videos

and look here guys is the picture of miyuki i put it overthere and next to it is a big planner then we have some craft supplies next to it lots of different boxes for example strings with pearls, ribbons and wool all for diy's, more craft stuff fabric paint i forgot what is in here and here some more stickers

and my box with polymere clay and different kinds of tape look guys here are some feathers and a not finished dream catcher my different pipe cleaners down here is a box of acrylic paint and down here some picture frames and look guys some kind of stuff we still want to try in these boxes are some more craft supplies i can't show you everything

here's more craft paper in different colours and up there is my carneval skirt so now we have made the round and that was all of my studio, i hope that now you had a good look on how it is in here and how we film and things like that so i really hope you enjoyed that video then i would be very happy about a big thumbs up! ok then i'll say bye-bye until next time!

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