badezimmer design modern

badezimmer design modern

are you move to japan? do you know how to set up your apaatomento? watch this easy guide, and i'll tell you how! ugh. stupid foreigner can't even use a f****** bathroom. what? welcome to your new japanese basurumu! your basurumu may look like this. or, if you're poor person your tub, sink, and toiret will be all in same room.

why is there a mirror in here?won't it just get foggy? ha ha gaijin-san buy kumoridome sponji and use on clean miraa. now when miraa is foggy, just splash with water. congraturation :d now you see body while you shawaa! nebaamaindo. do not use sponji. now you're in japan.

when you finish shawaa, you go in tub to relax. i don't need to use the tub. they get really dirty and it's really hard to scrub clean. only barbarian bathe in dirty tub in japan we clean tub eburi. naito. every night?! payattention faasuto. spray the tub with water.

sekando. spray with cleaner! saado. scrub with sponji on stick and rinse offu! you do this every night? yes. here in japan we do this eburi. naito. it take 30 sekando and you willnebaa have to scrub your tub again.

and you can sit in curinu water instead of bathing with dead skin and oiru you white pig. okay... once your tub is clean put the stoppa in, setto your water haito, and temperature and you can fill the tub now.

or wait until reita and use your remote panel in kitchin to start filling the tub. "filling with hot water now!" why are there slits on the side? won't stuff go down it and make it dirty under the tub? don't you think we planned for that? if your tub is designed like this, you can take off the fronto panel to access insidefor kuriningu thank you for asking!

japan is having many asukueiku. you musto prevento your furniture from foru and killing you. we have many producto to make your apaato safe. for your tall furniture we have taishin poru shimpuri stretch them to shiringu and tighten. for heavy objecto that too short for poru, we have beri sticky pado. it's beri, beri sticky. puto under things like refurijeretaa

and your precious terebi now in asukueiku your things be less broken and you have less chance to die. that's too bad. ooh, i love tatami! it's so pretty! stupido forinaa do you even know how mendokusai is tatami?! tatami is made of dry igusa, which is like straw. many apaato still have tatami.we use as beddorumu.

before you lay beddo on tatami, you musto lay moisture shiito to prevent mold growing. it's so deriketo you must never walk on top with shuzu, put heavy furniture, or spiiru, or it become destroy if you spill on tatami like soy sauce or kohii,

you must immediately absorb with flourto prevento stainingu. then, vacuum! it's bery effekutibu. step 2. haido stain by turning tatami upside down. step 3. giibu appu. congraturation you ruin tatami forebaa.

now you know beishikku apaato setto appu. in nexto guido, i wiru teach you herupuru producto for kitchin. where are you going?!bring it back! it's gonna get stuck to your mouth. why are you licking it?!eww! he's licking it! i have to use that! okay. stay.

ow. this is not how the real earthquake goes. you don't fall down like that. how many times do i have to do this? it hurts! watch this easy guido, and i will tell you how. i'll tell you how. i'll tell you how! i'll tell you how? i honestly cannot tell the difference so i don't know.

i'll tell you how. higher. yeah.

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