badezimmer design preis

badezimmer design preis

how to make a bathroom today i will build a modern looking bathroom with all sorts of interactive bathroom stuff. as always sit back, relax and enjoy! the room is going to be so big, we'll need to get rid of one of my beloved trees, for now. we begin by making the room. i'll be doing the floor first.. *ticking noise* i'll show you the dimensions in a minute! now fill the hole you have made with whatever material you want your bathroom floor to be. it's simply a 12x12 square.

now for the walls.. i'll make a room divider to create some more concealed areas of the bathroom. i'm also making room for an entrance. now add a second layer, i'll fast forward! finish it off with a layer of quartz. this will make your walls a bit more interesting and will also harmonize with all the details we'll be adding later. now for the fun part! i'll start off with the sink. now for a simple toilet!

i'll be building this in the cutoff area to make it a bit more private. you can even lift up the seat.. ;) now for the bathtub! the chiseled quartz looks like it has the anti-slip pattern that's often used.. :) it works! to dry your feet..

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