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but the majority of these children, about 85% of them, do not fit into any diagnostic label. they have a little bit of autism,a bit of adhd, a bit of dyslexia, a bit of oppositional defiant disorder,a bit of something else. none of it fits into any diagnosis. because our diagnostic labelsare purely descriptive boxes; they don't mean anything. the real disorder is gaps.
different children from that disorder develop a different group of symptoms. which might fit into a diagnostic label, or not. and the problem is - with these children, doctors procrastinate. they tell the parents to bring the childfor observation six months later. and six months later... and precious time is being wasted. when the child could have been helped.
remember, the younger the child is, the quicker they will recover. and the more fully they will recover. so i tell the parents- the parents know there is something wrongwith their child. they don't need a doctor to tell them that. if you know something is wrong,start the protocol. don't wait for a diagnosis. in a few weeks time,there will be no need
for a re-diagnosis. the child will take off,and will start developing. when the brain accumulates too much toxicity, and it perceives that these toxins are physically damaging to its structure - in a proportion of these children, the brain develops a cleansing procedure. it sends one electric discharge through, that cleanses, cleans, the whole lot of toxins
and that is an epileptic seizure. epilepsy is a safety valve for the brain. it is a cleansing procedure for the brain. the last thing these children need is another toxin. additional to the equation in the form of anti-epilepsy medication. because in all anti-epilepsy medications, one of their major side effects
are epileptic seizures - they cause seizures,these epilepsy medications. there is a small proportion of children, who have very dangerous forms of epilepsy. when the child can die. they have to go on medication. but the vast majority of childrenare not in that group. more than 90%. they had one seizure,
and then they have none for many months. and yet, these children are put on medication. i have lost count of loving parents, who call their child a zombie, because of anti-epileptic medication. the child's personality goes;it's a different person. they become couch potatoes, and they can't learn. they develop learning disabilities.
as a result of the medication. my dream is that one day our doctors will be putting them on the gaps diet. instead of on medication. these children, first and foremost, and in a large percentage of them,the seizures will never happen again. when these children grow up, unless they were treated properly, they become gaps adults.
and the first thing that happens to theseteenagers is substance abuse. because they have a physical reason for this. i believe that we human beingsare born to be happy. how do we reach the stateof complete happiness? complete joie de vivre, as the french say? by our brain receiving a fountain of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins and other neurotransmitters.
the brain uses these chemicalsfor various functions. the more we study them, the more we realise they are actuallyproduced in the digestive system. almost 100% of serotoninis produced in the gut. about 75% of dopamineis produced in the gut. and then these substances aretransported to the brain to be used. gaps people have an abnormal digestive system. an unhealthy digestive system. it doesn't produce enough serotonin.
it doesn't produce enough dopamine. sometimes, it produces almost none. so these children were depressed. what is depression? clinical depression? not enough serotonin. not enough dopamine. that is what depression is. so these children grew up being depressedmost of their life.
morpheme, heroin, cannabis,sniffing glue, dangerous, reckless behaviour, unsafe sex - and other stressful things like that - they can produce that fountain for a few minutes. for the brain. for the first time in their life,these children realise "that's what life is about!" and they want it again. and who can blame them?
and that's how they become drug addicts. that is where addiction comes from. in order to help these children, we need to heal their gut. that's where we have to start. we need to heal their gut, so it starts producing enough serotonin,enough dopamine, enough of other neurotransmitters. only then this person will be ableto come off these drugs.
so that's a long,long healing period for these people, usually. depression - not enough serotonin,not enough dopamine - every depressed person has to startby healing their gut. the problem is, when we ask them, many of them tell me, "my gut is fine. no diarrhoea,no constipation, no pain, no gas - nothing. i'm alright."
but then, when we do the test of their gut flora, we find that it is abnormal. why is that? we are all born with a different constitution. and some of us have stronger pointsin the constitution, weaker points in the constitution. if your digestive systemis your stronger point in your constitution it can compensate, for a very long time. lots of abnormalities are going on in there.
you'll have no symptoms. a human body can have cancer for 20 years,and not know about it, because there will be no symptoms. the body works around it. it compensates. so, despite the fact that there areno digestive symptoms, these people still have to start fromtheir digestive system. when they start healing, they realise that is indeed where it all began.
eating disorders -i have a chapter on this subject in my book, which covers it very well. anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders,which are becoming very common in our modern world. obsessive-compulsive disorder manic-depressive disorder and the king of them all - schizophrenia. schizophrenia is that waste basket,where psychiatrists put all the patients, who don't fit into any other diagnostic labels.
that's why all schizophrenicsare very different. and these people are extremely ill physically. their tummy hurts;they have headaches, they have migraines,their joints are hurting, they have arthritis. their muscles are all hurting they have fibromyalgia. they have chronic cystitis,they have all sorts of problems, these people.
so you have to treat the whole body, you have to heal the whole person. and they have to stay -these people have to stay on the gaps nutrition protocol for the rest of their lives. epilepsy in adults has the same causeas in children. we have about 15-20% of adults who have a scar on the brain. they had a car accident, they had trauma,
an aneurysm burst, or they a tumour removed, or they had a stroke. and this scar on the braincan produce epileptic seizures. but i find that even in this group of patients, the seizures either stop, or reduce in severity, or reduce in frequency when they go on the gaps nutrition protocol.
because we subtract a huge amount of toxicity. you have to understand thatmore than 90% of all toxins floating in your blood come from the digestive system. make no mistake,that is the center. that is the major source of any toxinin your body. once you've fixed that bit, the body can deal with the rest. gut and physiology syndrome -
that is the rest of the body. all digestive disorders are gaps conditions. all of them. in fact, you cannot develop a digestive disorder without damaging your gut flora first. you can never develop cancerin your digestive system, unless you have damaged your gut flora first. because the healthy gut flora will not allowanything to happen in your digestive system.
unfortunately, the vast majority of peoplein the western world have abnormal gut flora. what happens in irritable bowel syndrome, ibs? it's a very common condition. in fact, about a third of all patients who come into family doctors' in britain, are people with this condition. it's extremely common. it needs to be renamed - gut dysbiosis. that should be the name for it.
inflammatory bowel disorder - that is crohn's disease, and all sorts of colitis, bowelgitis (gastritis)and some other less common disorders. what happens here? toxicity accumulates in the wall of the digestive system. toxins from the abnormal flora. toxins like to attach themselves to proteinsin the human body. they attach themselves to the molecules of proteins. and that changes the three dimensional structureof that protein.
your immune system goes around the bodysurveying it all the time. when it finds that changed protein in the gut wall, it looks at it and says, 'oh! you're not mine! you must be a virus! i don't recognise you. who are you?' and first it will use a non-specific response. a quick, immediate response -
and that is inflammation. first, it will cause inflammationin the gut wall. which hurts. which is painful,can cause abnormal stool, and various other symptoms. if that situation continues for a couple of months, the immune system will have enough timeto develop antibodies against these changed proteins in the gut wall.
an bingo! we have an autoimmune disease. against your own digestive system. crohn's disease, all sorts of colitis,celiac disease - are autoimmune conditions that is the mechanism how they develop. in order to heal them, we need to changethe gut flora. we need to heal and seal the gut wallin the person. i have a large group of peoplewith all sorts of colitis - crohn's disease, celiac disease -who fully recovered.
they are curable. our mainstream medicine is in the businessof controlling symptoms. not in the business of curing anything. that is why they believe that these diseases are incurable. but we have to work with nature,not with drugs. autoimmunity - all autoimmunity is born in the gut. every autoimmune disease is a digestive disorder, whether it is rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus,
or psoriasis, or multiple sclerosis, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or anything else. our major immunologists in the worldare now confirming this fact, in the last few years. any autoimmune disease -if you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease - whether you havedigestive symptoms or not - go to your gut.
focus on healing that. focus on normalising your gut flora. and you will change the very basisof your immune function in the body, and the immune system will start workingproperly in the body. arthritis - of many kinds. what is arthritis? inflammation in the joints. remember i said that toxins from the gutattach themselves to protein molecules? about a third of all protein in your body is collagen.
it is a wonderful, elastic protein,that holds our bodies together. gives us rigidity and gives us structure. the problem is: collagen has many receptors on it,which are popular for many popular toxins from the gut. they come and they attach themselvesto this collagen. and they change their three-dimensional structure. so the immune system finds it, and attacks it. your joints are almost pure collagen.
all the ligaments around it,the capsule, the liquid inside - almost pure collagen. that is the cause of all arthritis. remove toxicity from the body,starting from the gut, your arthritis will disappear. no matter how chronic it is. the human body has the beautifulprocess called self-regeneration, where all cells in the body live a short life,and then they die and get replaced by newly born cells.
every three months you have a new liver. your liver changes itself. every seven years, we have a new skeleton. completely new bonesin our bodies. so, if you stop damaging your joints, all the sick cells will be shed off,removed, replaced with healthy cells. and your arthritis will be gone. me, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome - i haven't got time to stop on this subjectfor a long time.
these people cannot produce enough energy. their mitochondria in the body are shot downbecause of the level of toxicity that accumulates in the body. we have to remove toxins first, then the person will get their energy back. allergies - asthma, eczema, hay fever. our immune system has many arms, but the major two ones that we know of,are th1 and th2. and this arm is responsible for normal reactions.
to pollen, to food,to chemicals, to cats and dogs,to horses, to anything... to dust mites - anything in the environment. the problem is - this arm is kept up to itsjob - so it's strong - by the gut flora. when the gut flora is abnormal,this arm becomes disabled. so the second arm, th2,tries to compensate for its disabled brother and it tries to deal with pollen,and dust mites, and cats and dogs,and food and chemicals - but it uses the wrong tools.
and as a result you become atopic. you start developing hay fever - reacting to pollen, asthma - reacting to dust mites, allergies to your beloved cat, or your beloved dog. to chemicals, to food - the list just grows on. in order to get rid of this situation, we need to focus on the gut flora. heal your gut floraand this arm will get off the floor.
once you have re-balanced them, hay fever stops. asthma disappears. you're not allergic to your cat or dog anymore. i have many people in my clinic,who can switch off and on their allergies to their cat, like this,by eating a particular food. if they don't eat that food, they can sleepwith their cat right there on their face, and they are fine at night.
so, allergies are curable. as long as you focus on the gut flora. endocrine disorders - this is a very complex system of glands,and they are all high-fat tissues. they accumulate fat-soluble toxins -mercury, lead, aluminium, other toxic metals, formaldehyde, and many other smallmolecular weight and fat-soluble things. and that causes a disorder in that area. the majority of that toxicity comesout of the digestive system. so, in order to deal with low thyroid function, adrenal dysfunction,
and any other endocrine conditions,it is the digestive system we have to start from. migraines, neuropathy, other neurologicalconditions - again, our nervous system is a high-fat organ, it accumulates toxins. chronic cystitis, bed wetting, nephropathy - i'd like to stop for a moment on this. this river of toxicity coming into your body goes around,causes its damage,
but then it has to leave the body somehow. and a lot of it is excreted from the body through urine. when this toxic urine -full of chemicals - accumulates in the bladder it strips off the protective layersin the bladder, glycosaminoglycans, and causes chronic inflammation. cystitis. chronic cystitis. interstitial cystitis, it is called.
our mainstream doctors are not familiarwith this condition. the person goes to the doctor,they look at urine - no infection. they say, "well, i can't give you antibiotics,you can't have a cystitis." and people who come to doctors repeatedly,finish up being referred to a psychiatrist. are put on psychiatric medication. this is a chemical cystitis. there is no infection. it is a chemical cystitis,and chemicals are coming out of the digestive system,
out of the person. in order to get rid of this situation,we must heal the gut. then the river of toxicity stops, the urine cleans itself up, and chronic cystitis, bed wetting,and other problems in that area, disappear. food intolerances and fpies - when the gut wall is damaged,porous and leaky, food doesn't get the chanceto be digested properly before it absorbs.
it absorbs undigested. then the immune system finds thisundigested food in the bloodstream, looks at it and says, "you're not food. i don't recognise you as food." and attacks it. it attaches immune-complexes;it becomes a very large molecule. and this attack can cause any symptom in the body you can think of. it can be a migraine,it can be a panic attack,
it can be depression,it can be joint pain, it can be cystitis,it can be nephropathy, it can be anythingin the body. this condition, fpies, is another epidemiccoming onto humanity, and that is happening to little babies, who are breastfed, exclusively breastfed. their gut wall is damaged to such a degree,they are absorbing everything from their mother's milk undigested. vomiting, diarrhoea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
the child is not putting weight on. the doctors do tests,find that the child is allergic to all protein on the planet. so the doctors put them on a soy formula, which is a poison,causes autism - it has too much manganese in it - and they tell the parents,"give them some boiled carrots." that's it. i have a group of these patients,of these babies, who are recovering beautifully.
on meat stock. on bone broth. on a no plant gaps diet. they can recover, these children,but we have to re-build their gut wall. most gaps people have eating problems. the majority of these children and adultsare fussy eaters. it usually is a first sign of gaps,it is a symptom of abnormal gut flora. if your child is fussy with food, your child has abnormal gut flora.
it isn't normal for a child to be fussy with food. why? because these children havesolid, physiological reasons for this. more than 90% of children with learning disabilities have this problem, and they limit their food to sweet and starchy foods. they will eat bread,they will eat breakfast cereals, they will eat chocolates, and sweet yoghurts,and bananas maybe. but all the proper meals are excluded. what is happening in the child?
the child is trapped in a vicious cycle of cravings and dependency for the very foods that harm them. when they eat bread,when they eat chocolates, and biscuits, and other sweet and starchy foods, or potatoes,their pathogenic flora eats all that, and converts it into many toxins. but these microbes are clever. they are very clever. a proportion of this toxicity they makein the form of endorphins, which, when they come to the brain,they give the brain pleasure.
so the brain wants more. these children are drug addicts. there is no other way of putting this. they are drug addicts. their drug is produced in their digestive system by their abnormal gut flora. in order to pull them out of thisvicious cycle of drug addiction, parents have to work together. it is possible to do that -
thousands of children have done that - they have to work together,and i have a chapter in my book, which is called: "it's feeding or 'no',"where i describe how to do that. how to get your child out of that drug addiction. the drug is sugar. the drug is wheat. the drugs are those biscuitsand crackers that they are eating. and the breakfast cereal they are eating. that's a behavioural modification technique.
so, the treatment of gaps. how do we treat it? we treat it with a gaps nutritional protocol,which is a program. the most important part of that programis the diet. because it is a digestive disorderwe are talking about. your digestive system is a loooong tube, what you fill that tube with has a direct effect on its wellbeing. so diet has to be the no. 1 treatment.
it is the most important treatment,but i haven't got time to stop on it in detail. so i'll just flick through this. these are the foods we avoid,because they are very difficult to digest. the human digestive system, in fact,has not been designed to digest them well, and we get virtually no useful nutrition from them. these are the recommended foods; that is what we are actually eating on the program. these are the foods the human digestive systemcan break down well, and they are the basis of building our human bodies.
our heavy brain, if something happens,our heavy liver, our heavy lungs, our heavy bones -these are the building foods for the human body. meat and fish stock provide glycosaminoglycans; provide those sugars lukas was talking about. provides glucosamine, collagen in large amounts,gelatine, and other things. and these substances happen to bewhat the cells in your gut wall are made from. the cells that line your gut wall only livea few days. they get worn out, they die,and they get replaced by newly born cells.
in order for your gut to give birth to all those babies, those baby cells, building materials are required,to make these cells from. these foods provide all the necessarybuilding materials for your gut wall to give birth to trillions of new cells. in that way it rebuilds itself. you are building a new gut wall for yourself,by consuming these things. fermented foods are something human beings ate for all of our existence on the planet.
they are not optional for human beings. you have sauerkraut in germany. wonderful food. make it at home, because commercial sauerkraut is not the same. grow your own cabbages, make it at home. because for most of our existence on the planet,we didn't have refrigeration. and we didn't have supermarkets,where you can buy everything. food was seasonal. so when your cabbages grew, in september,
if you don't do something with them immediately,they will rot, and you will be left without and you will be left without cabbages for the rest of the year. so what did people do? they fermented it. fermented cabbage can last for five yearswithout spoiling. all over the world, in all traditional cultures,people fermented meat, fish, milk, vegetables, fruit,grains, beans, anything can be fermented. and fermentation pre-digests the food for us,
so it's easy for our digestive systemto extract nutrients from that. and it provides large amounts ofpro-biotic, beneficial microbes. that is what you want to livein your digestive system. and they will push out, crowd out,those pathogens. they will kill them,they will attack them. and they will push them out. they will restore your gut flora. if everyone of you goes homeand starts having a tablespoon of sauerkraut with your breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
you won't need to spend money onexpensive probiotics. you will get enough for your gut flora. natural fats. we live in a world of fat-phobia. i'll be talking more about this this afternoon. i am sure lukas will talk about it as well. the only fat suitable for human physiology,is animal fat. vegetable oils, cooking oils, are poisonous. nobody should be eating them,nobody should be cooking with them.
when you roast a good joint of pork,collect the fat from it. pour it into a glass jar,it'll keep in the fridge for 6 months, and do all your cooking on that fat. goose fat, duck fat, beef fat, lamb fat, pork fat are the best fat for human physiology. they are the easiest fats for us to digest,and they are the most nourishing and best fats for us. we will cover heart disease this afternoon. this is the book that i have written aboutheart disease, because every time i was talking
to my patients about fats,they were all asking the same question: "am i going to die from a heart attack on your diet?" so, having explained to a hundred patients that these fats have nothing to do with heart disease, i thought i'd better write a book about this. so this is the result, where i explain all of this. this book is being translated into german, and it will come out, hopefully, in a few months. in german language.
supplementation -we use absolute minimal supplements in the gaps nutritional protocol,because they have many ingredients, which can damage the gut wall. you don't want to invest a lot into the diet,and then spoil the whole thing with a pill you paid a lot of money for. detoxification - is a very important part of thegaps nutritional protocol. we live in a toxic world, and we have been seduced to usea myriad of chemicals in our lives,
without which we can live perfectly well. and which are all very, very toxic. we all have a so-called 'detox system'in our bodies, with the headquarters in the liverand departments in every cell. it's a cleaner in the body. your body cleans itself all the time. and the majority of us in the modern worldis working very hard. paddling very, very hard behind. gut is the main source of toxicity in peoplewith damaged gut flora, in gaps people.
we get rid of that source of toxicitywith the gaps nutritional protocol, the diet will heal and seal the gut wall,and change the gut flora in the person. so that source of toxicity gets removed. while we are working on it,it doesn't make sense to add more toxins for your detox system to deal with. so we need to reduce the general toxic load. no. 1 thing that has to go, for every gaps person, all chemicals in the house. your bathroom needs to be swept clean.
all those colourful bottles need to be thrown away. your laundry detergents,your dishwashing powders, your cleaning chemicals in the house,your lotions and potions, your make-up, your hair dyes,your shampoo, your creams, and so on. the chemical industry is self-regulated, which means it is not regulated. they have produced more than 80,000 chemicalsto date, which do not exist in nature. our bodies are not programmed to deal with these chemicals;
they don't know what to do with them. they absorb in seconds through our skin,through our mouth, everywhere - and they finish up in the blood stream. and they avoid the liver. if you swallow a chemical - before it finished up in your blood,it has to go through the liver. and the liver will neutralise most of it. but if you put it on your skin, it's in your blood in seconds.
and it has avoided the liver. personal care industry is a major cause ofcancer epidemic in this world. number 1 cause, probably. remove all these things. the rule is - if you can't eat it,you can't put it on your skin. only edible things can be put on your skin. olive oil and coconut oil are the best moisturisers for the face. wash your hair with raw egg yolks. that's what we used to do in the soviet union,when we had no shampoo.
all ladies in the soviet union washed theirhair with egg yolks, raw egg yolks. works beautifully. better than any shampoo,and it's natural and detoxifies your scalp. it detoxifies your hair. brush your teeth with olive oil. have a dish of olive oil in your bathroom, dip the brush in it, and brush. that is an ayurvedic procedurefrom the ancient indian medicine.
it detoxifies the mouth,it removes dental materials, removes toxicity stored in your gums,and everywhere else. it will make your mouth healthy. altogether, if you brush your teeth without - instead of tooth paste - with an olive oil. the human body must not be washedwith any chemicals at all, that is an anathema your skin works very hard to produce oilysecretions, to create a habitat for your skin flora. your skin is richly populated by its own flora.
and this flora has to be healthy and balanced, and in order to be healthy and balanced, it needs a habitat. every time you use a shower [gel],or a soap on your skin, you are washing the habitat off. you are damaging your skin flora. and you are leaving your skinopen for invasion - by pathogens - and to drying out. that is the major cause of eczema, and psoriasis,and all other skin conditions that people suffer from.
do not wash your body with any soaps. just plain water is quite enough. that is very, very important. juicing is an important part ofgaps nutritional protocol. juicing has been shown -for the last 100 years - to be one of the most effectivethings for removing all kinds of toxins out of the body. in order to remove 1 moleculeof mercury - safely -
out of your body, without causing damage on the way - shuttles have to be attachedto that molecule. proteins, amino acids, enzymes,minerals, vitamins - only in that form that molecule ofmercury can safely leave your body,without damaging you. juice provides substances,which will wash out mercury, out of your brain, out of your fat tissues - because it is a fat-soluble stuff. and then it'll provide all the shuttles,
to remove that moleculeout of your body safely. a lot of chelation protocolson the planet just redeposit mercurysomewhere else in your body. because they do not provideenough shuttles for mercury to leave your body safely. we do baths - with epsom salts, sea salts,seaweeds and bicarbonate of soda every night. my patients have to take a bathevery single night.
these things pull toxins outinto the water and contribute nutrition through the skin. remember - our skin absorbs everything. it's a sponge. and you in europe, you knowthere are traditional spas, all over europe, where people bathedin mineral waters, and other special waters, and medicinal baths - that is what we are basically copying, with these baths at home. sunbathing is absolutely essential.
we live in a world of sun-phobia. as other speakers will tell you -we are solidified light. every time we sunbathe in the sun,we need the full spectrum of the sun. wether we see it, or not. you are normalising healingon the atomic level. on the molecular levelin your body. on the level of tiny energiesin every molecule, every atom. vitamin d is a sunshine vitamin. the vast majority of western populationis severely deficient in this vitamin,
because people are afraid of the sun. the sun is a major source of this vitamin. we have to sunbathe to get it,because food actually provides very little of vitamin d. it's hard to get enough from food, we must be in the sun to get enough. lots of other things the sunshinedoes for us, but i haven't got time to stop on it. but just take it - the idea, that the suncauses cancer was proposed by some little dermatologist -in america, of course -
and you know who heard that idea? the chemical industry. they started producingtheir lotions and potions, and they educated our western governments,and the whole population, that sun causes skin cancer. there's no proof that sun causes skin cancer. it does not. it prevents it, and it heals it. what causes skin cancer - the same things,that cause all other cancers -
all the chemicals that we've filledour bodies with, electromagnetic pollution, and other pollution. as the detoxification system recoversin the person, toxic metals are removed naturallywithout chelation. i have family after family come in to me with autistic children, and the tests show that the child haslead and mercury and other heavy things in the body. i tell the parents we donothing about it for a year.
we will work on restoring your child'sdetox system. because in all these patients, thedetox system is broken down, because of the sheer level of toxicitycoming from the gut into the liver, the detox system has broken down. it is not working. the person is accumulating toxins. once the detox system recovers,and starts working, it removes these thing out in waysour scientists haven't even discovered yet. it's an extremely powerful system.
in more than 85% of these children,when we retest a year later - the metals are gone! and we did nothing about it. lead is gone, mercury is goneand we didn't have to chelate, we didn't have to do anything about it. this is my book, as i say, it's been translatedinto 15 languages, altogether. the russian translation has just come out, i'm happy to say, and the majority of the european languagesis covered, and there is one here in german. this book hadn't been translated intoother languages - i have been receiving
letter from people from all over the world for years. people, who haven't had any consultations with me, or anybody else. they just bought the book,they followed the book and they got the results. and these letters were so moving,and so powerful, i published them as a book. i got permission from these people,and i published it as a book. and all kinds of conditionsare covered there, where people recovered
from them. if you speak english,please read this book, it will give you inspiration,and it will give you hope. from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia,multiple sclerosis, all the mental illnesses, to narcolepsy, to alcoholism -people recovered with this protocol. because all diseases begin in the gut. once you put your digestive system right,once you put the soil in your digestive system right, your gut flora... all life on our planet begins from soil.
top soil is the beginning of all life. our industrial agriculture is destroying iton enormous scales. the very beginning of life is being destroyed,the very basis of life. our gut flora is the soil inside us. and the roots of your health are sittingin that soil. you are the plant. and your roots are in that soil. so, once you take care of your soil,everything will grow well, and your body will be healthy.
this is my website, and my blog. i have been training health practitionersfor the last several years and we have more than 1,000 certifiedgaps practitioners around the world. so, if you need to work with a practitioner,please go onto my website, you will find somebody local to you. many people work via skype and on the phone,as well as in person, so these people will be able to help youto implement the protocol. thank you very much for listening.