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the european union currently faces its biggest challenge so far. although the union is strong and has the necessary funds, there is no common solution for the refugee crisis. migration has always shaped europe's landscape and has made it into what it is today, a multinational melting pot under it's blue flags with golden stars. the european union is the symbol of a common future, in which the europeans will return to the political stage stronger than ever. the european union needs to grow. every additional consumer helps the economy, creates jobs and facilitates growth. since birth rates are on the decrease the union has to react by steering consumer demand through migration. the current wave of immigration presents a unique opportunity, however, large scale immigration can only be managed together and centralized.
the french republic and the federal republic of germany as the economically most significant eu countries, each provide an even border area with drinking water supply for the symbolic amount of eur 1,--. the result will be an area of 2 square kilometers which will be fenced by a concrete wall that is 6 meters high and 1.4 kilometers long on each side, with access points on both the german and the french side respectively. to ensure a fair supply from both sides, germany and france will each supply one half of the area with water and energy as well as take care of waste and sewage disposal. despite the land loss germany and france win, because utilities, the accommodation industry and logistics companies will settle in the surrounding area and create jobs. furthermore the construction work will tie a large number of workers to the location, from which the area will benefit
significantly in the short to medium term. the question is: how can sufficient living space be created on 2 sq km without over-exerting the system? how can such a complex be kept running? how does every member state of the european union profit from this? the structure and design of the living space in the euro center is thought through down to the smallest detail and offers to different room categories: the single room and the family room, which are identical in every residential tower. the single room measures 5 sqm and is furnished with a desk with a computer and stool, a tv set with international channels, a full-length mirror, a shelf and four wall cupboards.
there is also a 1m x 2m folding bed for the nights. both the main window and the inside window have blinds. one space unit consists of 4 single rooms, as well as a kitchen with stove, extractor hood, sink, cupboards, refrigerator, combination microwave wall oven; a bar counter with seating furniture and a bathroom with shower, bidet, toilet,
sink, and storage surfaces. the common rooms measure 27 sqm. the family rooms are furnished with the same facilities, however, there are only 2 family rooms in each space unit, measuring 11 sqm each. just like the single rooms, the family room offers a working space with a computer and stool, a tv set, a full-length mirror, a shelf and wall cupboards. the windows are concealable and the 2m by 2m bed can be folded away.
on each floor of these residential towers there are 8 single room space units and 8 family room space units, all of which have direct access to the hallway, except for the 4 outermost rooms. in the basement there are laundry and restrooms. the towers vary between 40 and 55 floors, offer room for 80 people on each floor and provide a home to a total of 1.3 million people. while the european union is responsible for the construction of the building shells, including wiring, ventilation, fire protection, supply lines and elevators, the member states provide windows and furniture. differences are avoided by the use of uniform construction plans, but the disparate choice of materials, colors and
manufacturers secures the preservation and representation of european diversity. how is the distribution of the towers arranged? by means of a calculation key figures of economy, area, gdp and unemployment rates were compared. it was assessed that there are eu countries that are currently not in the position to cope with this task financially. the 400 buildings are distributed among the remaining member states according to their results, whereas 4 buildings are reserved for general purposes and 28 for training purposes. the training towers are structurally identical to the residential towers, but they do not follow the same space concept, as the floors are not divided to leave the member states freedom of design. there are different utilization levels of the euro center
which makes it possible for it to increase its capacity beyond the standard occupancy of 1.3 million people. on the level "normal maximum" the capacity of single and family rooms is raised by 1 child, which leads to a total of 2 million people. if the rooms are fully occupied, however, the limit is still not reached, because the hallways are designed to be converted to house 44 more people if needed, and then reach level "emergency" which means there is room for 2.8 million people. the absolute limit is represented by level "emergency maximum". here especially designed street lamps and street space are used. in addition to their lighting function, the street lamps also offer access to warm and cold water,
drain and power and can therefore ensure emergency supply with mobile equipment. the height of the street lamps allows tents to be build above them, in order to create more emergency accommodations for 80 people in each tent and thereby reach the center's maximal capacity of 2.9 million people. these tents are not necessarily used as emergency accommodations as they also offer room for events and parties outside of the towers. the street lamps are also integrated in the center health program, as a city of this' scale requires a significant number of doctors and clinics, even at normal capacity. the center addresses this problem with an easy solution. there are mobile clinics located in e-trucks that drive around the center following a schedule. since the street lamps serve as supply access points the mobile clinics have
840 possible stops that can be converted into a bigger clinic by means of a tent, if needed. this decentralized mobile system ensures extensive health care without the need for long walks. for more intensive care or inpatient treatment there is also a central, multi-european hospital that also houses international aid organizations. as a balance to their work lives, modern cities offer their residents a wide range of parks and meadows often combined with lakes, rivers or access to the sea. a center whose space is restricted to 2 sq km cannot possibly offer that. however the euro center adopts an approach to create as much space-saving open air environment and common space as possible. every floor of the towers is surrounded by a loggia with 2 m wide and
304 sqm space providing room for 80 floor residents. the loggia can be accessed directly from the rooms and allows for a 360â° walking tour outside. if the weather is bad the inside hallway offers an alternative walking space of 305 sqm. on top of that, every tower provides a two-storied open-air terrace measuring 1683 sqm that allows for multifunctional use. the height and spatial arrangement of the towers is planned in a way that residents can look into the distance from every terrace and see the horizon from any point on the street or the loggias. furthermore the center offers a fortified outside area of 659,000 sqm as well as
677,000 sqm meadow area, that can be used by all residents. this means the euro center is able to create 13.3 million sqm of common room despite the spacial limitations, which means 10.3 sqm for every person. the lighting concept provides for led neon lights, 160 of which are in the rooms and common rooms and are controlled individually. an additional 58 lamps are in the hallways. the entire interior lighting will comprise 3.8 million lamps with a total consumption of 65.6 mw. 40 led neon lights on the loggia and 102 on the terrace provide exterior lighting, this means a total of 779,000 lamps illuminate the
surrounding of the center. in addition, there are 4 lamps per street lamp of which there are 7,288 in total. in order to save energy the interior lighting is halved at 10 p.m. and at midnight only a quarter of the lights remain switched on. lighting on the loggias is automatically turned off at 10 p.m. and terrace lights go out at midnight, so that the outside surroundings are only lit by the street lamps and the lamps on the ground floor. power consumption of the exterior and hallway lighting is therefore reduced from 22 mw to 8 mw at 10 p.m. and to 4 mw after midnight.
like every other city the euro center needs businesses like hairdressing saloons, commercial enterprises, restaurants or leisure facilities. the ground floors of the 400 buildings offer room for 4800 stores measuring 98 sqm and 800 stores with 51 sqm. european businesses can settle down in the centre, but they may only employ and train center residents. as every member state distributes the sales area of their assigned buildings itself, european business variety is recreated in the smallest of spaces. additionally, sponsored model businesses settle down in the training towers for jobs that are not required in the center but might be at the destination country.
trade in the centre is subject to certain requirements. all tax money has to be reinvested in the euro centre, all prizes have to be significantly below eu average and all goods have to be packed in a resource-saving way. moreover, all employees have to be paid according to a uniform salary scale. in the course of the first interview upon their arrival in europe every immigrant is asked about their preferred country and their skills are tested. then they are offered a selection of different training possibilities in their desired part of the centre. at the same time different language, history and law classes are offered in the training towers and regular health check-ups are performed. until the immigrant has found a job or training place the respective country of destination bears the costs for board and lodging and in return receives financial support by the eu. as soon as a salary is earned, rent has to be paid
proportionally and food has to be bought and prepared individually. training remains free of charge. national military is responsible for transportation into the euro center. if an immigrant is caught on national territory or the external border of eu, he or she is asked for their desired country of destination and then transfer to the requested area of the centre. in the countries of origin points of contact will be set up that will ensure transportation to the center after successful asylum application. that way, entry into the eu through smugglers becomes obsolete. should the target country have no more capacity, an alternative can be named or a distribution key is used. freedom of settlement in the european union might sound appealing, however, the language barrier prevents the actual merging of the european population, which the euro center intends to confront.
the european work program is available for all eu citizens in the center. it offers eu sponsored job training and other necessary preparation for the move to their target country. transportation is free of charge and handled by national points of contact. a part of the monthly training allowance is kept in for lodging. the target country receives financial funding for job training in the centre and legal admission to the country. free training positions are advertised eu wide and also include the model businesses in the centre. europeans seeking training positions and immigrants therefore share one job market in the euro center. in order to ensure medical care as well as job training for the center residents, european universities are requested to set up departments for law, medicine,
language and history in the national training towers. these departments, which are financially supported by the eu, are then responsible for medical care and training in languages, law and history, as students act as teachers. at the same time the students are offered enough lectures and classes to be able to continue their studies simultaneously to their practical education. while the european union bears the costs for lodging, the students can secure an additional income by doing practical work. additionally, they can also do other jobs in the center and their education is free of charge. what would a social europe be without a program for the socially
disadvantaged people? the european restart program! in our highly developed europe there is no excuse for letting people suffer from hunger and homelessness. this program offers poor and homeless europeans the possibility to start a new life in their own or any other european country. there are national points of contact that organize free transportation to the euro center. there they receive free board and lodging, as well as health care, education and job training. furthermore sufficient care provided by aid organizations and employment agencies. if no employment can be found, there is the option to earn a living by doing social work in the center, board and lodging are still free. this program is financially supported by the european union. the european emergency shelter program provides for temporary shelter for eu citizens who have lost everything in a natural disaster
or due to terror. there they receive medical and psychological care in the center until they can return safely to their homeland or move to another eu country. board and lodging are included. thanks to this program, eu citizens whose residential area was temporarily evacuated find shelter and care. the national training towers largely consist of training rooms for the university departments, but employment agencies, administrative departments, cafeterias, prayer rooms and model businesses are also located in these towers. the 4 tallest buildings in the center are in the middle of the area. one tower is reserved for the multi-european hospital and international aid organizations, another one is reserved for the united nations. the 2 remaining towers accommodate european administrative departments, as well as the center control room and the center administration.
several floors are reserved for eu countries that cannot run their own towers due to their lack of economic power. the possibilities in the euro center are limitless. the european border protection could set up their headquarters here. it is also conceivable to transfer european long term detainees that are to be released soon to the center in order to accomplish easier social rehabilitation through job training. furthermore european research teams could be joined in the center or a common european quarantine station could be created. it is also feasible to transfer inpatients whose treatment requires expensive devices to the center hospital in order to relieve national hospitals and health insurance funds. conceivably, there could also be an annual charity event to financially support the center. cities comparable in size have numerous police stations and fire departments available,
but the euro center has something up its sleeve, to handle everyday problems in a staff and cost effective way: the center alert system. this alarm system consists of numerous sensors, cameras and employees that are monitored and controlled centrally from the centre control room. the most important part is the center card, the only necessary id within the center. in addition to personal data, it shows the person's picture and nationality and indicates all the languages the person speaks. similar to a credit card, the center card has a stamped-in center number. this number indicates the person's assigned location in the center, as the first 3 digits stand for the number of the tower, the next 3 digits refer to the floor, followed by the 2-digit room-unit number and the one-digit room number.
the last 3 digits clearly identify the person within a room, which means that each card and each card holder is assigned a unique number. the address on a letter would only have to include the center number and the center's zip code in order to reliably reach the resident. in order to keep such a huge number of people safe and under control, it's important to include the residents in the security system. while the room manager is responsible for security, order and cleanliness in the room unit, the floor manager and his or her assistant take care of the entire floor. the tower manager and his or her assistant on the other hand, are responsible for the outside areas and the ground floor, while at the same time they are also contact persons for problems within the tower, which are then addressed and solved in coordination with the room and floor managers. the highest managerial position is the one of center manager and their assistant, both of which are responsible for security and
tidiness in the entire training tower. all managers also get basic training and appropriate equipment to take care of mail distribution, first aid and treatment of minor injuries. depending on occupancy, the number of managers is raised. as identification, their rank is indicated on the centre card as well as on their uniforms, which are provided free of charge. furthermore the managers are paid for their services. there are 23 cameras on each floor, as well as 12,800 in the outside areas, this makes a total of 591,000 cameras that can identify every person via face recognition software. the system
differentiates between legal and illegal persons in advance and thereby facilitates the work of the center control room staff. this so-called center visual alert system is supported by the center audio alert system, which uses 821,000 microphones that are installed in the streets, on the floors and the common rooms. these microphones "listen" permanently and are programmed to react to loud screams and words like "fire", "help", "police", and "ambulance" in all languages. as soon as a cry for help is detected, the audio module automatically alarms the center control room. this measure reduces patrols within the center and increases security. security measures are generally very important and are therefore carefully planned. the hallways are designed without any corners that cannot be viewed
and the common rooms can be looked into from the hallways in order to be able to immediately detect turmoil. every room has an emergency exit to the loggia, as well as a window to the common rooms. this window does not only let light into the room, but also allows inside into the room. fire is a skyscrapers biggest enemy, which is why the center is protected by the center fire alert system. it's 2.6 million fire detectors, 3.8 million water sprinklers, 115,000 hydrants and 111,000 fire extinguishers are coordinated from the center control room. furthermore all doors in the euro center are sliding doors that close automatically in order to eliminate safety hazards caused by open doors and create fire compartments.
the exception are the emergency exits in the hallways. fire extinguishers and defibrillators are placed in neuralgic locations. detecting a fire is easy, but fighting it can be a major challenge. however, the center has a simple solution for that, facilitated by the small distance between the towers that are only 25 m apart. this allows for comprehensive yet simple firefighting system without the need for fire engines. every loggia has 4 hydrants to which 8 fire hoses can be attached which created 360â° operating radius. room, floor and tower managers, who were trained for this by european specialists, are responsible for this operation. the center control room gives them the order on which floor a fire has to be extinguished from which position. the street lamps have additional hydrants and fire hoses, which can help to extinguish fires on the ground and low-level floors. if the hydrants are viewed as fire trucks and the managers as firefighters, the center has
115,000 fire engines and 294,000 people to fight fires at its disposal, at normal capacity at least. the center also tries new ways when it comes to maintenance and supply, because the street lamps are at the same time access points to the supply network of the center. these tunnels are 5 m wide and 2.5 m high, go below the entire centre and give room to the supply lines. this concept makes sewage and water pipes as well as power and it cables accessible at any time without the need for construction work. all of towers' fuses, main valves and counting devices are also concentrated in these tunnels. the connections for surface supply can be found there as well. in the case of
capacity level "emergency maximum" the tunnels can be used as additional storage room. as the euro centre is located in equal parts on french and german soil, both of these countries are responsible for securing their external border, the surrounding area and the airspace. they furthermore control the center control room and coordinate the tasks of the national military. the military is responsible for keeping order in their assigned areas and for getting involved whenever a conflict cannot be solved by the respective managers. the centre control room is the junction between the managers, national military and the center alert system and therefore guarantees security on the site. to eliminate the risk of potentially devastating incidents, the airspace around the center is closed except for rescue or centre aircrafts as well as french and german military planes. within the centre
most modern technology ensures security. every centre card has an integrated rfid chip with the centre number. this chip only allows authorized elevator access to one's own floor and room. the common rooms cannot be locked for security reasons. the card is also the means of payment in the entirely cashless centre. every new resident is assigned a room and a center number which is also connected to the resident's biometrical data and a virtual cash account. in addition to the rfid chip, a fingerprint sensor ensures secure payment in the euro center. as the centre residents are immigrants, students and trainees another system is employed as well. while the main access points to center can only be entered after successful rfid chip and fingerprint scanning, the center card also has an optical feature which indicates the authorities of the
respective residents. the backside of immigrants' center card is red, which means they may accept any job but must not leave the centre. the student card has a green background which authorizes them to accept jobs and leave the centre. with the blue card trainees can only leave the centre when they are of age and they must not accept any jobs in addition to their training. government officials have cards with white backgrounds and the yellow card is reserved for visitors and participants in the european restart and european emergency shelter program. the centre card has to be worn visibly at all times. despite all euphoria for the euro center the past must not be forgotten. the centre memorial is not just a memorial but an agreement with the european union that can be signed by any recognized country in the world and that says the following;
the borders of the european union are inviolable. dialogue ends every conflict with the european union, not the military. perpetual peace with and within the european union shall be sealed, on the day of the new formation of europe. as eternal sign, this flame shall never be extinguished. on the day of the opening a signed copy of this agreement is put in a box of bulletproof glass, from the bottom of which gas flows out and fills another bulletproof glass box with gas to eternally commemorate europe's darkest times. on the top there is an outlet where the gas burns with a flame. the paths are lined with 184 poles of 5 m with the national flags of this world's countries and on the memorial site itself there are
28 poles of 7 m with the flags of the eu member countries. on the 4 central poles, which are 10 m high, there are the flags of the european union, the united nations, the center flag and the flag of the current country holding the presidency, whose guard is also protecting the central memorial. the names of the 8,000 highest private donors can be found on the base of the memorial, while the 5,000 trees in the center are labeled with the highest business donors. these trees are planted by the member state and represent the three variety of europe. furthermore the 5,600 m concrete wall surrounding the euro center is divided into parts of 5m x 5m, which may be designed by european artists. the crossroads in the center are also publically tendered for design. this
means that there are 2,000 parts of the wall and 360 mosaic crossroads available for 2,360 european artworks that are chosen by a jury. the street lamps have yet another function, as on each of them the names of up to 4 important europeans can be printed. all lamps combined give room to the names of 56,600 past, current of future european heroes. the euro center was built to give immigrants and eu citizens a future on the basis of education and job training. especially immigrants are often met with hatred nowadays, because they do not speak the language or have different customs and traditions. this is why they often withdraw from society and form family units in their own parts of the city and start to respond to the hate with violence.
if they are educated in a supervised environment and made familiar with our cultures and laws, a more sustainable connection with europe is created. the use of the centre as training center for eu citizens and immigrants alike furthers cultural exchange and promotes integration.