moderne wunder badezimmer

moderne wunder badezimmer

ambition conquers lust murder and the power of a technology incomparable these were the foundations of the foundation of the roman empire moved them in a kind of collective cultural echo the colossal construction projects of roma coliseos palaces walkways and aqueducts extended by three

continents were vehicle of power and the promises of civilization more advanced world nor did these attitudes become symbols of that idea that was rome but although the romans will dominate the landscape with its huge dams architectures would eventually be helpless to avoid their own

self destruction roma the construction of an empire first part march 15 of the year 44 before christ the most powerful man of the world lies lifeless on the floor of the roman senate as a general there was practically doubled the size of the roman empire as a politician he machined an amazing

rise to power but now this warrior marked by the battle has been murdered in rome and at the hands of romans his name was fell july cease and will cease to power was created by his desire to get the highest position within the roman state he xin seemed to want monopolize too much power for yourself not share it with others and this was

what led her to be killed decades before the general cesar young and ambitious had recognized that the road to glory in rome began in the battlefields far away from her eagerness for military conquest would lead to the construction of a of the most engineering tests intimidating rome

year 55 before christ july caesar leads 8 roman legions a total of 40,000 men by the north through the galia a province roman that encompasses the current france belgium and switzerland kim tomorrow to germany and the kingdom because no other general has done it until the moment and wants to be a conqueror

as big as alejandro magno and go beyond the limits of what is known the river rin is in the limit of what has been known for centuries has been a natural border that protected the germanic tribes of expansion roman no army had been able cross it with the necessary forces like to make a conquest but caesar

it was not like the other warriors could have a boat but how was it going to go caesar on a rhythm ship that was going to put eight regions on a ship of oars the remnant did not have to to cross marching they had to get mounted on horse crossing the ring was a new feat of engineering for its reach the river had 300 meters of

â· width: you're probably going and between 7 and 9 meters of depth with currents unpredictable if it is done well and its status and its engineers had to project a bridge that was not only very strong but also very stable and what large enough for

a region could pass through it the bridge would have to have the length of four football fields and endure the weight of 40 thousand soldiers despite the width and depth of ring and its strong july currents caesar was determined to do what it really happens to cross a river of that size building a very happy bridge

it's something that has to look good with your audience in your city but from then it is something that has to give better with the audience that will see the another side of the river and that is going to stay of stone when they see what you're doing with speed and efficiency from a well-oiled machine caesar's soldiers are transforming

methodically the wood of the area in a bridge every hour that passes this miracle of engineering is going approaching more and more difficult north shore of the kingdom is almost as if now i had to lower a ship spatial the size of let's say half from manhattan and was able to lift buildings in the air with some kind

of magnetic device and it would be something that would leave us stunned bibi not what we could assimilate it the foundation of the bridge is they would build with a series of pillars of wood nailed to the river bed each pillar was half a meter thick in the middle of the bridge they should have up to nine meters high so that

they will reach the bottom from the surface the engineers of caesar introduced the pillars diagonally to give more stability to the bridge when driving angled pillars and then join the they did in many ways what they do the carpenters when making an easel the legs in agulo use the forces

to prevent the river current what knock down and create an area in this way stable work the inclination gives them a lot more resistance against the force of river the floods of the river and everything the rest although it is much more difficult to nail them at the bottom of the river that if they were

of vertical pillars had to work very carefully using wooden structures to finish them in the riverbed on the upstream side the pillars were tilted in the direction of the current 12 meters downstream the pillars corresponding were inclined countercurrent

each group of pine forests was subject by a union beam of 60 centimeters thick then pieces of wood were placed one side to the other of the beams and finished the surface with beams of tightly rolled sticks design of the bridge itself was innovative but what most amazing of this feat of

engineering was the speed with which it was built ten days after ordering your construction caesar cross or marching on his bridge towards his destination if we try to do that today we would not be able to build something like this in so few days with this type of technology

we could do something comparable if we counted on thousands of efforts faithful soldiers and totally delivered to caesar if we had the goal of crossing the river rin to terrorize the brothers that there was on the other side caesar had estimated that the size of the forces germanic would be about 430 thousand

soldiers more than ten times the size of his own army but when they saw the legions romans crossing the ring gave immediately to higher ground for the next 37 days. caesar freely explored the territory north of the rhine without finding any resistance.

then he crossed the bridge again and dismantled after getting clearly your goal is something symbolic that rome can reach any part that there is nothing that brake to roma arak between test and there is still more than july cease to be able to go to any father the caesar bridge was one of the

first signs of his great ambition a decade later that ambition of push and up to a position of power unprecedented though it would also be the cause of his downfall when he was declared first dictator of for life at the age of 55 in 44 before christ it was already beginning to speak about his secret murder by the

corridors of the roman senate remakes some of the things he does suggests that you would like to be adored as to a god that his ambition so trespassed the limits of what the romans themselves and above all the senators thought it was acceptable who ended up being killed in life july caesar forever altered the

political landscape of rome in his death would embody both the potential and the danger that holds absolute power they assassinated him to caesar there was no guarantee of nothing except that blunt could end up falling apart completely.hh the reign of caesar was a point of inflection in the political history of

rome his conquest of the broad galia powerfully the reach of the influence of roma his consolidation of power marked the death of the republic roman guided by senators and democratically elected consuls and the birth of an empire in which tyrannical emperors could rule with absolute authority some would use

your power to build amazing vanity architectural wonders the excesses and ignorance of others would take the empire to the edge of destruction in spite of everything rome would become the most powerful civilization and technologically advanced seen the world

t now rome is a century city 21 where the old faces what modern anyone who has visited the city ​​of rome immediately stayed impressed by this intense mixture of stretched periods of time from prehistory to age

modern and the most wonderful thing about rome is that you are living in the middle of the history of one of the civilizations larger ones that have been part of mankind the roman legend says that the city was founded in the year 753 before christ by rã³mulo and rowing two brothers who they were abandoned as girls and servants

for a she-wolf the two brothers they proposed to build their own city to banks of the tiber river but his lack of agreement on who would rule would end in tragedy rowing was killed by a rã³mulo whose name comes from rome would not be the last time a new one would arrive governor to the power shedding blood

wor the truth is that the civil war was something very characteristic in the development of the roman state history and the tradition of rã³mulo and oar has its repercussion and it is repeated throughout of the history of rome in the beginning rome was one of the innumerable small kingdoms that sought power

in central italy but unlike many of his neighbors who were suspicious of outsiders rome was a safe haven for ambitious foreigners rã³mulo she said, given the fact that we have nothing of population create an asylum create a free zone for any slaves united bandits and rats whoever

come and participate in this great idea what is rome that was a very special attitude so so much from the beginning it seems that the romans were very open this opening encourages an exchange free of ideas among them theories of engineering imported from other cultures when borrowing technology from

some neighbors like the etruscans rome expanded its power to the entire region it they have explored and the romans had a extraordinary ability to take advantage the technology of the past and adapt it to your own girls refining the and improving it the etruscan gibs take advantage of building technologies

waterway moments systems huge construction and extraordinary walls and production of things based on technology ed ruscha the first great success of city ​​engineering was the cloaca maximum an extensive system of sewer than an official today 2,500 years after its construction

the maximum cloaca collected the waters that they ran through the streets of rome and the warned on the tiber river the engineers also used the underground conduits of sewer to drain the land marshes between the villages located high in the hills of rome there they built the forum the old

district of the center of rome the construction of the maximum sewer in my opinion is the key to transform roma and what will happen to be a series of tribes that live in hills of their parents around a swamp of harassment to be a centralized culture and unified the new roman forum resulting from

drainage got through the maximum allowed sewer culture a central place will be consolidated while the culture of rome was going consolidating began to grow the influence that the city had on its neighbors in the fourth century before christ roma controlled most of central italy and its engineers

they were commissioned to develop a communications infrastructure that connect the expanding empire and in what anchico elite or in antiquity there were basically modes of transportation you could travel through the countryside well on horseback with more probability walking or in cars or you could travel by boat and the roads just like

we know today they did not really exist before the roman empire all that changed in the year 312 before christ when the appia road was built first national road of rome that it covered 212 kilometers from the capital to the province of campania to the show to draw the most direct route

and fast down the coast the engineers romans used an instrument special topography the romans they used a tool called group which consisted of a vertical bar with a cross on the top that is put on the ground looking through of the cross could be aligned two points in a straight line

p the big difference between the roadways romans and the current roads is that the romans could not trace curves for so the roads were completely magazines up to a point where they rotated in the closed neighborhood and again totally straight in another direction the difficulty of course to build footwear are straight at any

address is that they were with hills and valleys by newspapers cross but when they were with this situation crossed in the mountain to continue carrying the straight line road once the route was cleared ideally, a wide ditch was dug and filled with earth and boulders

to create a solid foundation then it was covered with a layer of gravel compacted with clay or mortar the top surface is composed of a layer of coarse inclined pavers that allowed the water will drain to the sides of the roads would be tremendously threatening when you see the roadways

would you ask time point will they take 10 thousand soldiers in places of my house i think i'll think twice before to do any nonsense other drug in the moment of the murder of july caesar in the year 44 before christ rome controlled most of europe western and north africa had defeated a letter a century before

that made her the only superpower of the mediterranean world the subsequent successor of caesar was his great octavio nephew who was renamed august and crowned first imperator emperor of rome with august the network of roman roadway expanded until reach the most remote corners of empire

once paved the roads was the moment to create new destinations in the august's epoch began to emerge by all parts roman-style cities equipped with a forum on the internet but and a amphitheater a basilica and all the other great characteristics of the hama city for the inhabitants of the newly conquered provinces the

new cities were a strong support for the roman lifestyle these new cities urban centers that were symbols of civilization of a higher standard of living where there were jobs in credible money crowds of people flocked to that today in search of work and with the time the people of these nations

conquered would make these ideas theirs roman i think the roman city itself was the most important instrument that they had the romans to foster the image of rubbing in all those cities yet they survive in london with paris are all testimony to the expansion of the culture of rome

the engineers of rome had a weapon secret that allowed them to build bigger things stronger and in less time than anyone a concrete waterproof mixed with a sand volcanic that was called pot solana at first the orbit was no more than a simple carl fudge a mixture of water that although it settled was not very strong

to lie and in fact the particles of first concrete broke down easily but in roman concrete the pochola sand did not react with the lime resulting in a very similar concrete to the current concrete much stronger they soon realized that using this substance could literally build under water

the nexus at an extraordinary moment that would allow them to create huge pillars that could exist within the andoas revolution and communications now you could build posts permanent instead of bridges wood is during the august era this concrete solidified the suffocating domain of

rome about western europe and its builders changed the landscape with huge monoliths manufactured by the man one in particular would revolutionize life daily in rome over the centuries coming in the first century there had been become the only superpower of

europe but at the same time they will expand their empire outward the romans they were also looking for the interior and they used their superior knowledge of engineering to improve the quality of life within the walls of the capital of all engineering achievements none change so much life in rome

like running water the water distribution system in rome, it was a spectacular leap regarding everything that would have been before in the capital 11 aqueducts they carried a continuous flow of water cool to its citizens in total they transported 750 million liters a day from the mountains to

kilometers away to the city it affected us revolutionized life daily life of roman citizens but not only that of gardens and villas of the rich the palaces of the emperors but that of the average citizen roman was disposed of so much water in the city ​​of rome that could be supply a huge population the

aqueducts favored growth of a new urban culture with the flow constant water could live in the capital up to one million people with all hygiene comfort and water the aqueducts is what cleans everything that messed up the romans and keeps clean the city that's another reason why the

romans believe they are superior because they are cleaner than others no emperor can be attributed the merit alone of the success of aqueducts were built throughout of several centuries but they would be disfigured and stuttering emperor claudio who could be said to have had greater influence on planning

of the water supply of rome before come to power claudio had been the laughing at the family they considered an invalid and sought avoid their appearance in public was stutterer it is also said that he had a bit of lameness and i did not hear well i've done well that the truth is that i did not know very well

what to do with claudio despite his defects claudio was astute enough to take over the power when you presented an unusual opportunity in the year 41 the majority of the family regent was murdered to avenge the bloody regime of the nephew of claudius caligula

but claudio respected life after finding him hiding behind a curtain with his life hanging by a thread he managed to bribe the praetorian guard of rome and that they will proclaim emperor to him this such a timely bribe would change the course of the history of rome and what happens to me when he became the emperor

it seems that he ruled well in many senses at least according to our criteria it's clear that he was not stupid during the reign of claudius the empire progressed surprisingly in several aspects on the border his legions they conquered britania something in what until july caesar had failed

and inside he built two important water aqueducts claudia and the one of year no bush it they increased dramatically the volume of water flow that reached roma with tax the aqueducts in theory they are not so complicated is to say that the water looking for the lower levels and that therefore i can drive the water

on a slope from any area up another way that is a fairly simple premise that anyone could save her but in the practice building an aqueduct is the other? the romans planned their products so that they would approach the city in a slope angle that went down

gradually the slope dropped how many centimeters every hundred meters of the aqueduct will have to be calculated from great distances 40 50 or even more than 60 kilometers from the springs from the mountains to the cities and that had to be maintained not they could deviate from it with independence of the nature of

ground that it was to maintain the angle specified the current of water through the great mountains the roman engineers created some tunnels with the exact inclination when the conduits reached the valleys rose by means of walls of stone if it was necessary to create walls of more than two meters high

the romans or steal material from construction and retaining its resistance perfected a concept architectural of antiquity arc the arch revolutionized architecture in the ancient world allowing distances much older than nothing had it was possible the bream changed

totally the spatial conception of the roman architecture the arches are build on a structure of temporary wood that held each stone in place until it was placed the voussoir or cornerstone in the center the voussoire distributed the weight equally on each side of the arch what allowed place other stones on top of it

the findings represent progress regarding the construction of the wall mahfuz in many ways both in terms of efficiency as in terms of soundness the arch of course and requires a lot less material in its construction but it is very resistant to transport elements as the roofs are the aqueducts or

anything you want above he... a column of 10-kilometer arches it transported the water claudia crossing the valleys in the direction of rome since the aqueducts would have a roof covered but of course if you could remove that roof you would see the water circulating like in a river in direction

to the city once the water came to the city ​​the aqueducts emptied in three different deposits one for the public sources of drinking water a second to the bathrooms public and a third party reserved for emperor and other wealthy romans who they paid for having their own water current a very advanced concept in

your time on the site 12 months to practically every household in any class in a thousand had running water this is surprising because for example throughout the middle ages they could not dispose of it with the construction of the ue claudia and the year not bush the emperor claudius had revitalized

of rome his public mandate was a success but the decisions he made in his private life would eventually lead him to his downfall the story tells of claudio lost the head with women who fall in love lost and in excess of their wives and he behaved like a man serving and the fairs claudio caused a deep

shock throughout the empire when decided to marry his own niece agripina the intriguing sister of agrippina caligula came from a lineage of popular ambitious women and powerful was in a way like the cleopatra of his time was defined was proud and was ambitious before terribly ambitious

after having been surrounded by emperors throughout his life agrippina wanted to savor the power she herself and used all her charms physical and political to get it and once again the already aged claudio fell into their networks he used his only son as a means to perpetuate himself in power

the main intention of agrippina is decide claudio and become alternative was to ensure access to swiss to the throne in the year 50 convinced to claudio to name as heir to the child of the previous marriage of agrippina instead of his own son biological four years later the emperor

claudio would die poisoned by a mushroom and for the ambition of his wife from night to day agrippina had gone from being the wife of an emperor to the mother of another his name was neron a tyrant in budding of 16 years whose machinations would end in disasters year 64 a small fire spread

to cause a hell of a week of duration that reduces to ashes huge swaths of rome and leaves thousands of homeless people roaming the streets the fire of the year 64 was one of the most games devastating that rome has lived fucking said it's been said that of the 14 roma regions at least 10 or were seen

affected some of them were left completely destroyed should have died a huge number of people in the middle of panic suffocated by the smoke though plus as the main suspect in the list of possible responsible is the same emperor neron whom supposedly he was seen playing the lyre in

on top of a nearby tower while the fire spread x fact is said to contemplate the game as if it were a show and who went to the tower of patrons and recited the fall of troy what tells us the tradition is gender was not touching music while it burned rock its elect after the fire they were just as

incriminating neron confiscated a third part of the city razed by the fire to pass her his property private with the land was arranged build the monument the more extravagant self-indulgence empire a palace that covered about 80 hectares of the center of rome swartz phrase began to run the rumor

that would have caused the fire intentionally to be able to destroy the part of the city where i wanted build your operation nerã³n blamed the fire a new group of religious cult to whom they called christians and commanded to kill and burn hundreds of them in the streets from rome

this was the last in a series of chilling acts that evidenced the dysfunctional legacy of neron guide him he served the head of one of his ex wives to his new wife as a gift to your request later i would send it to kicks when she was pregnant in a fit of anger this day and most things by

which neron has such a bad reputation they arrived after the most atrocious act that a human being can commit the murder of his own mother agrippina that had organized the promotion to power of january killing her husband claudio was the most despotic woman in the record age: she expected to share equally

power with your child and with my ex agrippina could not accept a role subordinate neither with claudio nor with his son and that in the end was not what ended with them the control anxiety that agrippina had it was infuriating little by little to nerã³n in the year 59 at 21 five after becoming

emperor when his guards that they will kill their own mother when these they were approaching agrippina ordered the guards in a symbolic way that they will nail the sword in the uterus sycet he dictated peace melani first here father they were very dramatic nero was tormented during the rest of his life with the visions of

ghost of his mother who pushed him even more towards the madness of gift with the time is feeling more and more alone and at the same time by the same reason to also increasingly paranoid and increasingly cruel was in the middle of these delusions every time deeper when january started to build the pleasure palace more

sumptuous empire on land public and with public money we have to imagine something like everything new york central park is they turned private property into bill gates's personal palace was a area in the heart of the city where they had their houses the people some of them rich that belonged to the

city ​​was something outrageous rock i could not neronek joined the provinces until they are dry for get the necessary funds even in rome he demanded money from the rich they had to give it their properties and then they were murdered of god of a era and a terrible place for those who we had to experience it the golden home of

nero was probably built with the suffering and the sweat of the hand of slave work in ancient rome the slavery was a common practice and 0 ≤ 5-acceptable one in three people who lived in the city were slaves the achievements of rome would be unthinkable without the hand of slave labor the slave labor was

partly what generated the benefits necessary to maintain and expand the so there is no doubt that the hand of work was also important for the construction of these great projects that really defined the essence of imperial rome the new palace of nero would reflect your divine concept of yourself

it was designed as if it were a great villa by the sea but in the heart from the city vineyards gardens and pastures for animals savages would cover what once had been crossroads in the rome center in the middle of the enclosure is would build a lake and a pavilion with covered passageways of more than one

kilometer and a half in length one of the halls of that pavilion of 150 rooms still standing currently buried under the rome modern its sunken interior shows us the mastery of the romans in another of your innovations the vaulted ceiling a vault is not more or less than an arch that has been

extended along its 11th axis when they have built that once insular structure as furniture the structure and i repeat is the operation that so santiago has a very efficient construction of the romans when the domus was finished aurea in only four years the emperor nero exclaimed

i can finally start living in a house worthy of a human being the remains that have endured are a dark and wet part of the decadent palace in which he lived these brick and concrete chambers they were in their day adorned with gold and covered with colorful frescoes and precious stones of incalculable value

on the ceiling there were embedded stones precious and semiprecious there were crystal lapis lazuli pink crystal rock they had put there just to catch the light get out of you when building the domus aurea nerã³n is showing that it is not like the good ones emperor is generous with his resources

personal and i think this is one of the reasons that led to his fall his attitude was so disproportionate in relationship with what the senators and the roma people expected from their coach that i think he finally paid this edition in year 68 only a few months after moving to the saurã© dome nero was overthrown by a gigantic

opposition movement in the senate declared public enemy and ordered his own guards to hunt him as a fugitive when he felt himself surrounded neron cut the neck with the help of a faithful slave his last words it was that artist dies with me miner died as the great eloquent actor that

always wanted to be a kind of actor of tragedy in a traffic scenario his last words complete his image as someone saw himself not as an emperor but as a star after the death of neron the romans tried to bury everything memory of him and his oppressive mandate in the year 104 his golden house was

would fill and cover ground and debris would serve as the basis for a complex of bathrooms that i would build on top of she the emperor trajan during the following one thousand 300 years i would stay buried and forgotten together to a city in constant change in the 16th century a sinkhole made the scouts would go back into the

belly of this beast of antiquity inside the artists of the revival were inspired by their strange strangers the grotesque word that we currently use comes from artistic term used to describe these strange creatures that saw down there half human half beast partly architectural element in

part of correcting the domus aurea is a lasting witness to the chilling mandate of nerã³n spoiled by the madness mass murder and the most extreme complacency once this period is over, roman empire faces a future uncertain all the emperors since july caesar

until neron had descended from a unique lineage now for the first time in history the government of the empire was to disposition of anyone nobody was sure of what was going to pass next except that he was going to shed blood and that the days are not going to pass until

would have finished year 69 the nerã³n emperor lies dead after have taken the same life for first time since the july murder cease rome is left without an heir to the throne there is already a power struggle between the main generals of the empire that he confronts his armies with each other in

a bloody attempt to reach the that i could in the end the winner is vespasian a simple and frank general that there was addressed to the legions of rome in their destination station the unstable judea does not have blue blood nor does it it looks nothing like its tyrannical predecessor

vespasian the front was the most different than deron that could be who had been ascending little by little in the ranks and he was a man practical little hardened he had aversion to pretentiousness and also he was proud of them walks the kind of person that he survived watching a football match

at the opera unlike nerã³n who blew the knowledge of their engineers for their own vain colossal projects vespasian would put great minds architectures of rome at the service of town: would start by emptying the huge lake that nerã³n had built in the gardens

from his palace instead he would raise the most famous engineering wonder of roma a place where you could channel all the chaos that had consumed the city would be called the flavio amphitheater although it is known more by the name of coliseum what i wanted directing vespasian with this was i'm taking a space that was only for

private use have the emperor and now i am transforming that area into a public space prefers used so that all the people of rome can enjoy it this was a very propaganda form bold the gladiators had been centuries shedding blood to amuse the

public but the people of rome had hungry for bigger shows and daring the coliseum would provide the gladiators a modern and permanent fight scenario and games would reach a level of butchers never seen in the history of the empire this was the place the most

important here came the fun everything from animals of the corners more remote from the known world up prisoners of distant lands who they were there at your fingertips to see them from his box seat in the center of the city the construction of colosseum began in year 72 was financed with the sale of the valuable

relics obtained from the temples jews during the sacking of vespasian to jerusalem that campaign were brought to 12 thousand jewish prisoners to build the amphitheater would work in a few tremendously harsh conditions and for many hours and performing great efforts until the end

used more than 6,000 tons of concrete and dragged huge blocks of travertine from a quarry more than 30 kilometers away as i was going progressing construction in height they used is limestone material heavy stronger and more expensive and more cheap material that will also be more lightweight

the romans had wooden cranes very sophisticated tools for lift stones and they could do it with quite easily they are from the ground up to great heights in just eight years the imposing structure reached to reach 50 meters high dwarfing everything how much he was surrounded is the most

high built by the ancient romans this is the amphitheater of the capital and that it was roma roma was a city a lot bigger than any other league and much richer that's why the amphitheater was a symbol of color the technology and the wealth of ancient rome the amphitheaters were built with a

surprisingly simple structure joining two greek theaters to form a theater of 360 degrees in a circle the coliseum sets a new standard in the roman amphitheater design contained a complex network of corridors and stairs that allowed entry and output of 70,000 romans in one time record

as in the current stadiums all the spectators who entered in the coliseum they had a ticket with the number corresponding to one of the entrance doors the complex was designed not only for control the public but so that it i felt comfortable i had 110 sources of drinking water and services

the size of a whole house the coliseum even had a roof retractable on hot days it he unfolded an awning called velario on the top tier to see shadow the spectators reacted some sailors of the roman navy who they were located along the upper gallery around the perimeter

of the coliseum that i could could change it according to the sun according to the wind consequently the coliseum had a fantastic air conditioning and shade is put in the upper gallery and with some poles whose holes we can see it's still part outside i got hold this huge canvas that covered all the space the coliseum was finished

in the year 80 but vespasian not would live to see the grand opening of his biggest monument died of causes natural the previous year his son and successor titus led the inaugural celebration the romans went for 100 days followed by filling the coliseum to soak up all kinds of killings

imagined in a single day it sacrificed 5,000 animals and they were left thousands of corpses of gladiators and prisoners outside this amphitheater only they had seen similar carnage in the wars although inside it was pure fun i have faith and spent the whole day

the morning in beautiful men killing or being thrown by animals after at noon they saw the execution prisoners and finally in the afternoon the main event the equivalent to the maximum time television audience leaving gladiators best for the end men against men

the gladiator fights were the great attraction of the coliseum but not always they were the main event several ancient writers describe battles naval recreated live in the same i sew with warships and in water boiling would have been totally possible that diverted water from one of the aqueducts and took her to the coliseum with

the purpose of flooding the waterbody until a small depth we have evidence through studies recent of the coliseum that reveal that there were many canals water channels to eliminate the infrastructure of coliseum therefore if you think possible and if what make

christian ranieri is the first modern archaeologist who explores the labyrinth of water channels that had under the coliseum he thinks he has found evidence conclusive of a plumbing system that was used to flood the arena in order to hold naval battles under the sun or the coliseum we have

found some very old tunnels even older than the coliseum that date from the time of neron so both contemporary to the domus aurea original water channels built under the neroni artificial lake had remained intact when he built the coliseum right above is possible that they will be reconditioned to

be able to flood and empty the space in these never seen images formerly christian directs his team of divers inside the these ancient canals flooded with water contaminated by the debris of two thousand years ago under the coliseum discover a deposit communicated by a conduit to a nearby aqueduct

christian believes that the waters came up there diverted from some aqueduct also finds signs of the drainage pipes that were connected to the sewer system of the city and that would be used to empty the water from the river in the river tiber it was a whole system of pipes in

sometimes the tunnels used to flood the arena of coliseum to create battle scenes daiz all the naval battles of the coliseum were an amazing triumph of engineering but they turned out to be a fleeting fashion in the most famous amphitheater in the world in less than a decade were abandoned

these floods to undertake a renovation that would revolutionize the plays a new infrastructure under the floor called hypogeum inside there was a system of elevators and trapdoors from which they could arise suddenly armed tigers and gladiators and catch their victims by surprise although the real show is

produced here in the coso the thorn dorsal of the central system and true support of the coliseum was down there in he and limped there to lion pits classrooms with wild animals to which they accused gladiators who sharpened their swords and they were preparing to receive criminals convicted in cages when the games started, it opened

a trapdoor in him things and by a pulley system an elevator ascended to carry another lion or a panther until the opening of the trap door we received a common bathroom and today both the cries of the crowd enjoying of the games then it would close again template luis villegas to leave us

and contemplating our own death between screams 6 lamentations and ice cream the blood beasts and men violent and bloody exploiters exciting the coliseum games were the latest in rock shows and everyone who entered there stayed impressed by the extraordinary engineering ability of the

the world's most advanced civilization after a decade of strength and stability with vespasian that civilization was reaching the peak moment of his power and his next generation of rulers would use that power to build miracles manufactured by the man always bigger and more ambition conquest lust murder and

the power of an incomparable technology of the roman empire moved them one kind of collective cultural evo these structures became landscape with its huge proposals architectural in the long run part two. at the end of the first century the roman empire it stretched from england egypt and

from portugal to persia up to 50 millions of people of all kinds of races and languages they were faithful subjects of an emperor is emperor was always italian until the year 98 in which a foreigner took the control of power his name was trajan an ambitious warrior of the province of spain

whose triumphs on the battlefield they had caught the attention of the dge emperor nerva harassment lacking offspring nerva trajano doctor like son and heir broadened the idea of ​​what what it meant to be roman and from whom could help the state and from whom could participate in the state trajan is a good example

trajan is the first of a series of emperors who came from outside of italy when trajan nerva died inherited the roman world immediately set out to demonstrate his loyalty to the citizens of the capital i knew that the best way to do it was appealing to his firm sense of supremacy

robben the romans thought big the size of his empire the size of your buildings and the ambitions of its leaders are some of the things that define what it meant that roman moved them a kind of collective cultural ego trajan started a great campaign of building that would start by the

empire infrastructure did urgent and necessary repairs in causeways ports and public buildings commissioned to build one of the last large aqueducts and made new public toilets on the foundations of the crumbling golden house from nerã³n all these projects required a

large amount of money and for complete your own plans and go to have to get many more funds this for the romans meant having what to make conquests in his third year as trajan emperor he undertook a military offensive to raise funds that would be used in the construction of more monuments

great he set out to conquer the dacia an elusive region located in the current romania and hungary that had managed to reject the romans for several centuries back years of tough battles the dacians surrendered in the year 107 the conquering emperor looting hundreds of tons of gold and of silver of his new province working

is the emperor who expanded the limits of the empire to its maximum extent trajan came the empire until his limit and with it got more money rather it's more loot is that no other emperor that meant he was going to have a lot money at your disposal is fox the emperor spent his new rents

in the expansion of a public space that would alleviate congestion in the overpopulated downtown district from the beginning of the republic the ancient roman forum had been the center of government trade and culture there next to courts of justice and libraries were elevated temples to the gods like saturn and vesta

but when rome grew up become the capital of the world the development of the city began to expand out of its limits form the forum was created was an essential part from life to rome but the success of the city ​​and population pressure it was such that they had to continue building continuously new

addresses each emperor had to build on his moment a new part of the forum for its people and po in the time of trajan rome it was a densely populated metropolis of a million people and that was still growing for this reason he commissioned a new forum bigger than all of

his predecessors together working is not that had so much money but the engineers the masons who put the concrete and all those people were at their best they could get make things better and in less time that at no other time the man they commissioned the design of trajan's forum was another foreigner

apolodoro de damasco apolodoro was a greek architect who had designed military bridges for trajan during his battles with dacia during that war had proven to be a genius of the architecture now apolodoro is faced a new challenge the lack of space where to locate the great ideas of trajan, of course, as in the

current urbanism the location of the buildings is something crucial therefore if an emperor wanted to build a structure in a certain location and lieutenant to rose from that place they would have to do exactly that to be able to create a level ground where to build in the center of rome apolodoro ordered its builders

that a large part of the quirinal hill adjacent to the old forum is an earlier era in thousands of years to dynamite the romans had to perform these great feats shaping the landscape and moving the land based on the hand of work with the force of tens of thousands of slaves working at all times with

picks and shovels imagine an army of ants transporting a piece of bread does not would give everything at once but what would decompose into small pieces and only a little bit army of roman slaves was tearing off a whole hill little by little of rock 38 meters high and

leaving an area of ​​55 thousand meters square of first class land in the heart of rome there from the ground of the capital would begin to rise a city of marble rebuilt by an emperor spanish and a greek architect the final product would be seen in the year 112

trajan's forum was a magnificent marble network of greek libraries and latinas colossal statues a huge central piazza and a basilica of two plants where the laws were made and they processed the lawsuits i have to go to the trajan forum had to be an incredible experience for any rome would not enter the

basilica the largest building built in rome at that time it was riveted marble flooded with light and then i would reach the square where he raised around you would see that the monumental equestrian statue of trajan it must have been an experience amazing the centerpiece of the forum was a

marble column of 38 meters that rose over all the new buildings this column still follows today standing has a relief sculpted in spiral around its entire surface that tells the story of the invasion of trajano towards drawn continuously in it always

involved in all aspects of the campaign from its initial planning until the final conquest and so the column serves as a kind of propaganda movie the exact height of the column has a most useful meaning at the height of the trajan's column 30 meters plus the base and the state on high

marked the height of the quirinal hill that was excavated to create the forum in that same place therefore it becomes a reference not only of battles of trajan but also of the battles of capacity to move the earth and create this monumental urban space trajan's forum remained standing

for 700 years but most of he was reduced to rubble by a earthquake in the 9th century but it has survived a section that does not leave place to doubts about its imposing scale a huge complex known as the market of trajan apolodoro supported the cliff face of 38 meters that had created by placing together in a

six-story roman shopping center with great ingenuity to the first three levels gave them the shape of a hemicycle semicircular structure with large corridors in cuba full of shop windows markets served to strengthen the part of the police that had excavated and probably not out chance will employ that concave shape

that would increase resistance against hill again is the shape of an arch lying on one side what is used to hold the pressure of the hill adjacent to the hemicycle were rising three levels plus communities that they varied from small large stores rooms of three heights trajan's market had more than 150

showcases where it was sold from footwear to art these markets must sell huge quantities of materials of all parts of the roman world and maybe that even from beyond its borders although the elite of the city had a luxury paradise next to the forum trajan

the market was designed to become a main street for all the plebs the market and the forum they represent two sides of culture roman the opulence of the forum the columns the entrance to the ornaments golden ones represented a center formidable and formal for the city and next to this the construction of

brick market very common in the city ​​was designed so that roman citizens and want there their daily life man trajan's engineering feats in the interior and its conquests in the outside they turned him into one of the most popular emperors of the history of rome at the end of his term

in the year 117 the empire had reached its greatest dimension extending through the middle east until the persian gulf but the successor trajan was presented with the problem of having to defend a territory a may to give stability to empire's borders the next emperor of rome would build a

huge barricade that would protect the world roman of the barbarians from outside i at the time of his death in the year 117 the trajan emperor had led the roman empire to its highest level high both in wealth and in territory but soon they would start seeing each other drawbacks of such a broad domain trajan had no biological children so

that at his death the empire passed to his adopted son adriano adriano as a worker was a man military and very competent but adriano of aware that the empire would be unable to maintain the expansion of their borders the more its borders expanded

of course he would need more money to make them protected by this reason he did not worry about doing more conquests but how to conserve i already had today you can find evidence of the new policy of adriaan's defense in a remote place from northern england to 2,400

kilometers of rome when adriano came to power in the year 117 half north of britain continued to be bent and the roman soldiers faced the double threat of the icy winters and raids barbarians for that reason in the year 122 adriano made a personal visit to the line of

front the emperor immediately took out the conclusion that the only way to take britania would be doing the same before with his own roman soldiers they had always believed that those men who were serving roman state had to be made work if these roman soldiers do not

they had discipline they thought they were going to start wasting time and dedicate yourself to the game and not doing what they should adrian put his legions to work in the most ambitious fortification that would have conceived a roman one imposing defensive wall of 117 kilometers from side to side of the country currently the thefts practiced as

throughout history have reduced the adriano's wall to its foundations but in his time he had four meters and average height with parapets that they raised another two meters more over at its base they dug a ditch of almost three meters with what was forced to the possible invaders to climb nine meters before facing the

roman legions that would be at another side and if the invaders got of miracle after passing the wall and save the roman guards still they there was one last obstacle that it would slow its advance the ball a ditch 36 meters wide finished after the wall from coast to coast the wall of adriano supposed so much a

psychological barrier as your physics endless monstrous facade served as a disturbing memory of undisputed roman domain in a certain sense you can compare the adriaan wall to berlin wall this is a wall designed so much for keep people away from outside so as not to let people out

inside and thus avoid a kind of mix that could get out of control the great wall of adriano would be the greater stone fortification built in the roman world even more challenging and effective when rising above the rugged terrain north of the britania the engineers placed the wall in the most places

possible strategic many times runs along the edge of a cliff just above a fall remains on the north side type in principle the natural geology of landscape would help them make their defensive structure prove even greater the main problem with this from the point of view of the average engineers

is the difficulty of carrying materials to the place of construction of the wall needed three legions with a total of between 15,000 and 25,000 men to perform it the task of moving the heavy ones stone blocks to the site of the construction but the wall was only one component of the great design of

the legions would build each kilometer and a half a guard post in the wall that housed up to 60 soldiers at the same time between each post there were two towers of smaller surveillance with sentinels that they would observe the area from there border and all along the wall they were chosen

17 super strong with room for a thousand roman soldiers what was got with this was to create a kind of area military with which the romans could maintain sufficient military power along the wall come out in great patrol number along the in front of performing the maintenance necessary and have a presence

effective military and capable of privacy each one of these super strong they will cover an area of ​​between 12,000 and 20,000 square meters equipped with temple celebrations room with that hospital and a bathhouse all what is necessary to maintain a army around these forts cities arose to meet the

constant demand for food and army supplies these roman soldiers wanted shoes romans wanted roman pins they wanted all the things they could get anywhere within the roman world so commerce usually follow them the bars usually follow them women usually follow them and end

for basically transforming the places in which they settle in just five years it had completed the huge barrier of adriano from side to side in brittany the emperor already had protected the northeastern border of rome had improved the discipline of his troops and left a unmistakable testimony of the immense

reach of roman power adrian returned to rome in the year 126 once there i would commission one of the wonders of engineering more famous rome and would eliminate its most famous engineer in the year 126 the emperor of he went back to rome after a trip of five-year military inspection

duration on the roman frontier while it was outside its builders had been working feverishly to carry out your dreams architectural in the capital adriano certainly wanted to leave his footprint in rome and wanted to recover the constructions of august and demonstrate that i could do better

one hundred and fifty years before the emperor augustus had earned the fame of having transformed a rome made of brick in a city of marble adrian wanted his legacy architectural was equally memorable and the jewel in the crown of that legacy would have a direct relationship with the

reign of his legendary predecessor shortly after becoming emperor set out to rebuild a burned temple that dated from the august time over the rubble of the old ruins he commissioned to build his most famous structure the pantheon a temple majestic in honor of the roman gods

you could say that the pantheon is the most amazing structure that they have built the romans because for their roundabout the roundabout a huge space interior crowned by a splendid dome was the heart inside the design of the pantheon in its center the concrete dome rises to 45 meters high and it extends

exactly the same side length to side without any column support nor buttresses 45 meters is a distance very large to encompass they should have many guts to try to do something with similar width the fact of having built it with a such large width is one of its great achievements:

the cupola of the pantheon series during eighteen centuries the structure of concrete without wider support world before you can cover concrete the roof the engineers of adriano they needed to figure out how to divert the weight of your center otherwise, when they removed the wooden structure that held the

roof the 3,000 tons of concrete they would crumble under their own weight currently when we build with concrete we introduce some cables steel pension that supports half of the load of the concrete the romans could not do this so both the vault of the pantheon made a constant pressure externalization rise 6

the engineers of the pantheon they developed several extreme solutions to make sure that your roof and the reputation of the emperor did not come down! first they built some walls solid six meters thick that they served as a good base for the roof they used the vertical walls of the

sides as a support to support the weight of the pressure dome outwards they used the walls as buttresses of the dome then as the ceiling ascended towards its top mixed materials more light with the cement and they were throwing progressively layers more and more lightweight roman concrete like the

current was made with a mixture usually of stones that joined with the cement in the cupola of the pantheon the romans used a common technique in that era that consisted of enter close the gaps inside the horizon to displace part of the concrete and lighten the load so that the roof were lighter the

builders molded panels in niche form called artesones that they served for two ingenious purposes dif these drivers obviously have an end aesthetic that is to say they allow it to runs through the inner surface of the dome but at the same time they serve to reduce the amount of concrete necessary to believe the guardianship

another modification made to reduce the weight would become the most distinctive feature of i pose the oculus its a hole nine meters in diameter in the center from the roof the cluj releases the dome from have to endure the stress of heavy concrete at its weakest point also illuminates the interior like the sun

to the earth imagine that they were in the seniority and they would never have entered a similar space because i never know he had built an interior space well and if they have the religious aspect of this construction since it had raised in honor of all rivers they strived for perfection

and almost got it there is only one mysterious mistake in the design that still still puzzling everyone today the front porch of the pantheon with the colonnade of access to the interior is approximately three meters shorter does not connect with the roundabout at the point where should the why not be they used columns of 15 meters in

place of the twelve there is still being matter of speculation is they would sink in the mediterranean would the romans be unable to get the stones in time so that adriano will inaugurate the building no we can be sure your the pantheon has been for centuries puzzling puzzle for the

engineers but the way it was built is just part of the puzzle the greatest mystery follows being the one whose designer was not there is no document in which reveal the identity of the architect although it is speculated that it could be the same emperor adriano was a man very versatile

he painted he wrote poetry and he loved it the architecture of the others constructions of adriano for your many they were domes so in my opinion adriano had to intervene in the 3.3 design: another possible candidate is apolodoro of damask the genius behind the forum built by the predecessor of

adriano trajano apolodoro distrusted the architectural knowledge of adriano and showing great value what declared publicly there was a moment in which apolodoro snapped adriano with contempt go design your domes cala bassa adriano would reach a point where would irritate in so much the critics of

apolodoro about his designs that would commit suicide after in the year 138 8 years after order the death of the greatest architect that rome had adriano died of natural causes at the age of 62 years the two decades he was in power they were one of the most prolific construction in the

history of rome at the time of his death there was ports temples bridges and basilicas with his name in every corner of the empire it would be almost a century until another emperor commission to do one of the last great achievements of engineering after which rome would enter a spiral of self-destruction in the

decades after the death of adrian the roman empire is still the dominant force in europe the north from africa and middle east his emperors kept a absolute authority your armies they remained invincible and their architects continued to inspire a reverential fear

its greatest achievement a gigantic complex of roman baths was commissioned in the year 212 by an intriguing emperor and corrupt called face every that came to the old-fashioned power through the murder the late father of kakã¡ the the severe septimian emperor would have wanted your two sons will rule together the roman empire but face

face and his brother jeta hated himself after the death of his father was only matter of time that one will end the another and kakã¡ lass was anticipated for cala made him kill in front of his own mother, which seems horrible to me guetta was erased from memory not only the name of the inscriptions but also it

he discarded his image and erased his name but they left the gap so that knew that the state had ended up with him and so he will remember that choice during the mandate of each gala returned to run the blood for the rooms imperial and the empire was again in the hands of a tyrant who used the

terror as a form of government the gala mandate was characterized for being a man the emperor who stands above of man and in the same sphere of gods caracas wanted to leave a legacy that will assure you a place in history how they had got vespasian with

the trajan coliseum with the forum and adriano with the pantheon it had to be demonstrated likewise he was worthy of the power imperial had to prove that it was even better than his father the new emperor would try to atone his sins of the past building a bathroom complex the bathrooms had centuries being part of life

roma's daily life were concentrated around a pool of water hot and cold but the bathrooms were something more than the place to bathe large public club open to people of all kinds after finishing your work you were leaving to the bathrooms for a couple of hours to relax talking about politics that

they gave themselves a few years ago did the manicure or they will cut your hair there were areas where you can do gymnastics practice the fight and also for supposed to bathe go to the rooms steam help in any case i will be surrounded by great structures covered in marble and decorated with statues and this i could enjoy

anyone were not made to the rich but for the average citizen roman baths had always been a very construction project usual among the roman emperors previous rulers such as nerã³n tito and trajan had raised their own extravagant bathrooms each one of them with his name and face to face he was

willing to overcome all of them with the largest bathroom complex that the imposing ones have been built remains that still remain today are testimony of their success as you can see in everything that remains today to our around there were a series of gigantic rooms in those that had pools of size

olympic there were swimming pools with water at different temperatures rooms private bathrooms and areas where the people could armengou the building central was bigger than the basilica of san pedro and was adorned with gold and marble side by side the floors were covered with rich mosaics of which are still preserved

some fragments around the building main there were open spaces for athletic and perimeter tests libraries shops e restaurants even brothels the complex could comfortably accommodate 2,000 romans this little city would be full of people every day these huge rooms are a testimony of

the engineering knowledge of people who built it exceeded more than all the other cloths that had been done previously the cacaolat workers had to work hard to finish the bathrooms quickly to build a bathroom facilities so great in just five years should

have between five and ten thousand people working daily during the five years in a row built it over of the soil was not more than half of the story below the complex there was a tunnel with a water channel brought from a nearby aqueduct and that they unloaded the toilets almost 20 million of liters of fresh water every day the

intended for water pools hot was diverted previously towards the 50 wood-burning ovens built directly under the ground this soil would literally live on world of rich roman citizens from the hell of workers and slaves that were in the ovens fueling the games and drowning with the

smoke of gases and everything else here up in these cameras so elegantly decorated with marbles and mosaics and tile ceilings would be be like in a paradise the baths of caracalla opened in the year 216 were one of the last great achievements of rome engineering that combined all the knowledge that the romans

had perfected throughout the centuries in a bath complex like the cala creek off meet many of the great roman conquests in engineering brick making the masonry the import of marble the long tradition of the romans in system building of water for products too

drainage and sewerage systems on the other hand, the long experience in the use of concrete that allows them create large spaces and cover them with huge domes and domes the caracalla baths were a success amazing but you can not say what of his mandate despite the fact that his favorite project was forcing the

limit the romanian economy caracas followed it causing a hemorrhaging funds with the expensive ones investments of departure and armenian eastern regions that carried a century without being under the control of rome since the time of trajan just like trajan creek cala expected cement your legacy through conquest

but a different destination would wait for you in the year 217 after six years of mandate characterized by cruelty and intimidation for cala was passed to knife by their own guards during a military campaign in the east that same year a devastating fire left in the skeleton the coliseum the soul from the capital

the amphitheater would be rebuilt twenty years later but the empire never would recover the glorious days of august vespasian and trajan had already gone long ago and i would never go back in the next three centuries the empire how much he had shone in his day was little by little the theories fade about their cause they have filled volumes

{0}*{/0} {1}â â â â â â  {/1} {2}wholes{/2} hollywood there are those who say that the metallurgy poisoned them others say it was the decline of the inbreeding of the superior class to others that was the lack of an army well trained and subsequently the lack of verza i think the roman empire or simply

it was too big to be able to govern what in an efficient way and power manage it and create a true community identity in the 5th and 5th centuries 6 the germanic warrior tribes they plundered rome several times demanding land and money in the year 537 an invading tribe was straight to the jugular destroying the

most vital and essential arteries of the city the aqueducts in the running water of which already defended its citizens for that was great capital ended collapsing without water people do not i could live in the center of the city the gardens and the farms do not could water the population of a

million 200 thousand inhabitants quickly decreased to only 12 mm that means a decrease of 99 per one hundred but one thousand five hundred years after the fall of rome the legacy of their constructions continue inspiring and bewildering current engineers many of the things that the romans were able to do

in their time they could not go back to do until we get to develop new technologies we certainly have not could do any dome like that of the pantheon until the computer is available we could have removed a hill until you have mechanical equipment with the tools that they had never we could have done what

they got maybe the lesson most important that they taught us the romans was one in july cesar ni they saw neither creek creek came never understand that the same ambition blind that drives our progress can provoke also our own disappearance skip this people got satisfy your ambitions and your appetites

in such a way that on the one hand they we admire and on the other hand at the same time we hate the ancient romans were often violent vengeful greedy and egocentric but the imposing structures that they left in their wake they remain as proof not only the power of a civilization

but of limited potential that the humanity a

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