vorschläge moderne badezimmer

vorschläge moderne badezimmer

natural medicine the oak, (oak) medicinal dear herbonauts today we will talk about the quercus the oak quercus rubra it is a very valuable natural remedy it is mainly used against psoriasis against eczema, especially against moist eczema

those that take time to dry the remedy made of oak contains many tannins, metabolites that we use to dry dry any part of the body for example when you have diarrhea this is due to the emission of large amounts of liquids in the intestines the application of the remedy made of oak

helps to dry the intestines and stop diarrhea and at the same time, eliminate heavy metals tannins are an important resource to eliminate to heavy metals and pollutants of our body for those who suffer from hemorrhoids the oak is a very important resource it is generally recommended to do seat baths very interesting, but very impractical

first get the oak bark and then prepare the bathroom and then sit on it for half an hour it is something impractical for life daily, modern life this is why it is important to learn how to prepare the mother tincture of the oak we collect few thin branches and we put them in alcohol at 30%

we put white label and we wrote: quercus rubra the date of elaboration we add "tm" in a circle it means, mother tincture this is very important so as not to confuse tincture of oak with other tinctures we mix a little and we wait for a week to extract the metabolites once extracted the tannins and other substances

in alcohol we add 20 drops of the mother tincture to any daily use cream we mix it well, and we can apply it for psoriasis, for moist eczema but also for hemorrhoids problems for gingivitis and inflamed gums we put 20 drops of tintutra in half a glass of water and we rinse very well

the gums and the mouth if you liked the remedy, click on i like it also leave your comments with suggestions for my next videos and if you are not already registered, subscribe to this channel of the comenius institute so you find out about the new videos that arrive daily with different natural remedies bye

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