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colgate battle green to clean yourbreath while you clean your teeth and help stop to pick a and pummeling shade greensboro smoothermore comfortable way to jail bring you almost brought transcribed and starringeve arden another coming up a sort of alma sproutsunder the direction about louis well many people enjoy them risks snappy weather of the winterseason bonus protrude teaches english atmadison high school is definitely at people
impact at the last count she wassleeping beauty eleven one blankets i kept warm enough that way but he posed quite a problem for mylandlady yesterday when she came in the wake meup she couldn't find me we solve that um... now when i go to bedi set the bookmark and at the bottom blanket last friday practice times complainingto missus davis about the temperature in the house not take this d_x_ and nicesteaming cup of coffee a warm you up in
old town is in really hot helping her future cap never mind the cup just pourin over me look missus davis ten days aren't so badthat last night at eleven thirty in my room was absolutely freezing you couldhang meeting there tiny wouldn't that may set the ballbullpen this eleven-thirty seems awfully so youget the upturn you'd be a lot worry if you got thebulgarian i would have but i had to finish an extra typing for mistercochran
our beloved principle is never been ableto keep the secretary and and no or i think it's a shame that week takes advantage of you this is in school of business he givesyou meeting knowledge mostly personal correspondence reports and things and what does the content of your forthis way an occasional curt nod rarely five annual i'd refused to do anymore for you insult when you bring this dot stableyou ought to put your foot down i'd try
putting my foot down before missus davisbut it just didn't work by optimistic on thank you he stepped on them good morning mister content i'd run inthose papers you have any type last night just put them on my desk pleasenew what did you say that you'd hear better if you agree move those ridiculously remarks payments to sit down again
it's terribly chilean school thismorning mister concha known since it's just pleasantly brisk now about these papers women's groups don't familiar with theroom as of this institution while you weresmoking in school i'm not smoking that's my breath purebred yes and dancing in thepleasantly brisk air does sure there's not calling friendsthis morning cost the janet has been authorized with that is seven monthsbefore noon
this is going to be an exceptionallycold day and thirty-seven lumps of coal just won't get the job done uh...thatcherite i'll contact the credit from hand phone please until i accept caused good conkland the maintenancecause good conkland amendments by a lot in nine by a lot of standard at that and i'm that is all are there to do it knowledge see those papers here they arescott brown
i stayed up until eleven thirty lastnight so i'd have been finished for you and i'm not unmindful of your labors inmy behalf and i wanted to know the door effortswill not go unreported in fact because of your fine spirit ofcooperation i have selected you was the one will be naked to type up my new report to theboard of education i'm sorry mister confident teachingenglish is a full-time job for me and i just can't assume any extra duties thatsomebody's got to do it wasn't right just turned me down to
as a matter of fact she's the one whosuggested you for the summer uh... what she did did she well then youhave chosen to speak on three of your fellow english teacher miss broke after all ms enright is quite fond ofyou owes you must be to pass such a nicecompliment about it this morning she said she considered you one of herown would prayer she did and then she said she liked you as wellas some of her younger warmest typing test for me so you mightas well run longer pass-through
yes at this time as an artist and iwould like it well speaking of the teacher who may soon be head of the englishdepartment what's the position is still open youknow and for months now i've been rooming ms enrollment that should make her coat nice in siang victims in right is a halls if the shoe fits in a lead on that
uh... prime minister binding that i've got arepairing it right now as i recall some you red stripe disputes is there anything i can do for you i'd love to that is that reason i dropping here was to get awayfrom my own classroom for a while sometimes i wonder if all this effort isworth anything and i couldn't expand always time andenergy in another direction a making a pleasant home
the way any normal woman dies your certainly normal miss brooks muscular structures ger who worships co has user and judging from your complexionpatients a year systolic circulatory system is a one new romantic fu here
i wish i felt as well as yourdescription now i've got a little headache from all thepaperwork i've been doing would you like me to massage yourtemples a bit that's the quickest you've ever caughton these duma's divine ride promises gangster wonderful mister ryan nobody but that's the it became
quarterly it's miss enright is protesting headache and justmassaging your temples or or how you may not be in than you go with your jobs they saidthey could computers loads of fun don't you think so miss brooks he's thebiggest load i've ever seen outside didn't expect to find you here i guess dropped in the past online up to my money glasses
sometimes i just don't know when i getthe few love to keep a running he didn't racier engines so muchattention wouldn't get some of know that that's a good word search you girls have a lot of white with thedebit cards you yet waiting till i have a and thing that when they're not to talk about the mywork that is english class in mind i must say i don't know what's going onwe were today it just don't seem to have the vitalityand drive about forbearers take my hat
maddy for example she taught english butshe also taught mathematics history science a latin five subject certainly measured the homie keep house for ahusband and i enjoyed it nine children or did she teach night school you can't just if you want to but if i found a woman like my at medea a woman who held the secret todiversified interests
i'd marriott tomorrow you excuse me now i've got a millionpapers to correct penny running until i've got to mtseveral wastebasket what ladies and i'm just buying candylightner nephew what it did you want to see me aboutthis brutes it's my work here at school it's gone bad i was wondering if you could give meanother subject it to teach brooks have you been sniffing too much youraise so dust
it's just that i'd like to do but thereis a primary interests another class would be a labor of love on the mysticcolumn and what was that on garments relatives aliens and papers you had them on i threw them in those wastebasket youhad a meeting throughout the visit this morning asenright what's on your mind wellness to conklin i've been thinking about myschedule here and outcomes of the conclusion that how could take onanother subject you chew
but not to hours ago you both complainedabout how recruiters who would you do is work that must be a and mister cochran before and happy considered strains survive concord andit's an extremely fortuitous coincidence i was planning to institute a course inbusiness administration of medicine my big problem however has beeninstructors that are not available in this area and there are now i mean thereis now i'll take a shot at it yes sir you get to repent
has done mister cochran if you're interested inthe business administration costs i'd like to point out that i got into a redflag background respect you don't have to point out maybe you want to sell your bicycle be the with brooke group the tell me about your experience and irented bride came to madison heights in english teacher cases did the pot andhis business
on wednesday and the big collectionagency at the time i assisted michael potts in this and what do you need he spent most of his time hiding fromyour papa pleases god then i'll admit i'm notoverly familiar with the principles of business administration but our study aterribly in the next few days brooks business administration is a freehere costs how do you opposed to learn it in a few short day out only take a half hour power lines
delivery that none of the publicationfor this position is groups once again it looks like this enrighthas the inside track well i can say is down back too much ontheir knows it might still be a photo finish uh... bed green means a man who want to thanks pains at the called a toothpaste in themand wanted base means that the the colgate dental green clean job ref
while a clean dirty and the coal gatewaystops duplicate best over two years research showed brushingteeth right after eating with colgate double cream help stop more detail ormore people and ever baseball reported in that it was a string nicole gatewaysstop to decayed best know whether democrats armani added on not offer suchconclusive proof and you should know that colgate whilenot mention by name was the only toothpaste used in theresearch on to pick a recently reported in reader's digest so always follow thecoal gateway to clean your breath well you clean your t and stop to itbecame best
russert easily found there it's carnegie payment the internetwanted to based and the colgate way stops to pick a best well mister coogan single names that idid not think about business administration and it looked like he wasright i had just about given up on the biggestdeal of my life two hundred pounds of prime biology teacher when lunch period game i must admitpretty down the mountain side and at the school cafeteria
whisper that search and i sleep in theflorida uh... kada minute the olympic green todayclassifies incidentally here and tell us meet people all of that and that is leisure waiting for mister blaine now hehad to go down to the biology supply houses and having a sale on used guineapigs or something he's depressed gosh he looks like you just abouttomorrow
what's a consummate now i spent aboutten minutes in mister cochran's office thismorning saying alarm here's maintained killing all for anybody who's got aslight case a cheerful its dole out walking his dog is about tojoin us how ms brooks want it paryant we were just chatting about yourdaddy my studio blazing in the cafeteria today
i've got a family still is often seehe's cos twelve cos t_v_ can't beat the price swings the sql corporates and how is corruptresetting your room has a big problem with the olympicwinter we have a big problem with daddy every winter is instructor in business administration he didn't mention something about thecoarseness brooks we haven't said who's going to teach it so you might as well keep hoping
how do you get my stuff in desert canbring you something this works now thanks dear i'm pretty full are had been by the mad let's allmorning baseball is the worst service tax do you have a divided attention you'vegot it market what have you on your regular yet can adapt i was thinking if mister clinton could get the last fewmonths for his furnace now only three cents cheaper
but may says below the current price if this transaction was put on it by you it considered that you had a pretty goodbusiness yet on your shoulders i guess he was instead of thinking what hethinks now it's just a bunch of pretty auburn hairclinging to a vacant boulder had just amended walberg please and ifinished itself visit my dad has a good japanese jack salil company and we getall our field wholesale there's no reason why can't getsomething you to give to mister conklin that's helping you wrap up the jab youwant
what i'd like to take this opportunityto apologize here and now for everything i've ever thought about you this is a great idea well get the other mister kaplan's homeright after school there's one question i'd like to ask youmiss brooks hustle anxious to take on the addedduties of another course i can answer that into a simple words walter phillip barrington i'm glad you got home from school reallydo need to make
one of the conduct of the basement iwanted to show you our new furnace harriet it was installed just ten minutes ago what this pink ribbon tied on four it what's this card on top of the it's alittle surprise feel mother reidwicoff connected to my lovely wife moniker happy lincoln's birthday darling fromyour costco aunty mother births per lincoln'sbirthday
nothing is too good for your mother side it my way of making up forchristmas i got the feeling that your mother wasnot to delighted with the gift she receivedfrom you at that time i can understand it was a lovely piece of club soda mother was expecting a parked car things you should be doubly please the furnace is even morethan the broker
especially this brand new foster airfare it uses gak standard more system and all that requires is for me to flipopen event and presto any room i mean is full of hot air no com e daddy laughable quiet about oil from walter i don't wantmister conference nowhere in his basement
well i still don't see why we didn't userole the drum up to his front door because i want a surprising will pour the oil right in the friends then when he can't understand how he'sgetting heat without having bought many oil i'll flesh this bill from ajaxcompany showing that i've beaten the current price but nine cents yet and vishakha relax according to plan you'll put dealing charges the businessadministration course mister blackwell admire your energy and diversifiedtalents and therefore you know what
you'll be married and have nine childrenlike his aunt maddie p water you've been drinking missile ms enright you're coming to my home onyour own time to discuss a new business administration courses made quite an impression on me thank youmister cochran but i've always been abandoned even theold adage don't put off until tomorrow what youcan do today
my sentiments exactly now if you justgive me your quote we'll sit down in the living track for a while ally coupon keepmichael dot mystic uncle rabinovich mothers you with missus companies out shopping at themoment we're going to comes back to parts of the people i can't wait to see her face when shediscovers weirded what did you buy mrs kong in honor of lincoln's birthday i boughther
brand new for star i haven't used it as yet but becomegeneral right now dancers at the door but you must prove yes and i came by to discuss that newteaching job but i've just about decided on this and right for that peace are what i have to take you makechange that decision i'll just take a few moments of yourtime in a moment
but please be brief miss brokers andright and i have many members to discuss the essay allowance and i'm miss brown student you come by to show me what agood news that you live uh... deal with you when you sit thereinto school tomorrow right now i've got some business withmister cochran uses are i've always been a firmbeliever in the old adage don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
assaulted usi a by a burden on these com on this to god and what would you say ifi've told you that i was going to put eight dollars and ninety five cents intoyour pocket this minute i'd say sit down with perot it's not that i'm going to put eightdollars and ninety five cents india pocket this man and sit down missbrockbank catches fence aloni but just off meetsyou mean or once we're on the same side it mightbe a very calicut to turn on your friend
as mr contact and bring some nice cheapoil ass don't have any oil in my premisehowever if you ladies have collectively have excuse me jenny i've got to talk tomiss brooks privately-run when returns department homework means no my house rules about disturbing adultconversations terribly personal belonging can justtake its all time found important area i'll be right backmister cochran meanwhile i'm sure miss and i can regainyou celebrating the equity and it it's happens brooks
daddy's done the worst possible thingthat could happen he signed on for another year at madison high haha no he bought mother up burn it'sprobably worth taking must have gotten these rebate on theclub soda bottles on conscious are worried about in thebasement it was worse than sold in the sink downsounds like a reasonable price he told me you put o'neal mcbroom that's right to surprise your problem
you'll surprise him all right people on it gets operated forced airfor desist terrible we got to work that'scorrect you run down the basement i wanted toget them to be and fight that allow a lot of the premise that one's okaymister ricks and you're going to daddy's mindoccupied or doesn't turn it on and so i come back we'll be all clear all rightharry another heavy thanks harini dash in the senate good luck with not needed and
wellness brooks has my daughterconcluded her personal business would be mister was nothing really now than aboutthis business transaction of yours quiet sure talking here hot terribly warm your lips are always turn blue when your wall heights this unit was to come but i've got high blood pressure sounusual reward than the average person but attend heatup if you want to do was in right now
dot much isn't biatch helping lets you down i must have sat in the hot grant dollars ninety five cents ice age inthis economy excuse me one moment on legacy of minute thermostat is accurate i'm whatever they can be just writingscomparable
live band and warped with that etiquette greensboro required mama but they don't need neck and remained excuse me mistercochran where you're going to prove into the coke lot that i have a roll of filmthat needs developing course thought that they do ya dig javanlet's get on page one procreation said that this tactic the s_l_ than the pencil really get downinaugurated missed and i wanted to write
or see how the new prints reacts here are ten it up to eighty fivedegrees yet not know it's tough listen to the lovely sounds assessingnice hotheads currently milk sess of my resume online that what happened to my brand new apprentice doesn't start with although
victor well we could toss a giant salad practical suggestion is to clean thesome stick around home what do people get in hererehearsing for let's talk soon did walter and i don't know aboutanybody else but at the end of october will excuse me on for awhile and thengoing to pick up my ten bernie and even just a moment but first mande daguerre face do a slow burn everytime you shave
the next time you heard the good newsabout smoother more comfortable shades the pummel each aiding greenway i'd write smoother more comfortableshades and man only palmolive no other shaving cream offer jewelry liberal not just promises of smoother morecomfortable shades or the new palmolive shaving cream waygets beards really soft and it provides a protective film that actually wokeyour raisers cutting-edge yes steven and cold all hard water you gotta cleanclose shave everytime super small sober comparable over twenty fivehundred men tested
palmolive shaving creams thoroughlythey've all of the simple directions on the two and no matter how they should befour free dot o_ four reported beard easierto cut once reserved for more comfortable acctually smoothershades got palmolive shaving cream lather allbrushless see if you don't get that super smoothsilber comfortable free and easy shade you have always wanted you all of your paper dr bob marleyblather or brushless
only palmolive no other shaving creamoffers you prove of smoother more comfortable shades and now once again there is a columnistroar well what would bend and was just aboutto spill the beans to mister cochran about my part of the great all elsegamble went back to leon managed to catch is i and through some magical parent that seemed to flowbetween as his lips were suddenly c_e_o_ that i don't mind that goes out of hismouth and we cleaned
after that while dad took me home andwhen we got to the door he said dash miss brooks do you think you may still get a crackat that business administration course i don't know about the visiting businessadministration walter but if he finds out about today at this age will bothget the business rock five please and hold a candle beam between your andwhile you clean your demand help stop to begin a columnist brought starring evearden has produced by larry burns written by our willis with the music ofwill grow back
ladies now with new improved valdi e_l_you can save ninety percent of dishwashing work just soap dish is invalid suds of whiledishes and glassware will soak sparkling clean the washing in the white bindles storywith bell only the stickiest issues need just a touch of a cloth rents andthey'll be without waiting subplots and bands and allison stew and most of them will get shiny cleavewithout scholarly what's more they
always extra mild to hand was so get new they'll save ninetypercent of dishwashing work misunderstand this is not that they doit the night on the same station and be with us again next week at the same timeone other comment was on obama's roads problem on speaking this program istransferred day june alberta this is the d_n_c_ columbia broadcastingsystem colgate emigrating to clean your breadwhat you believe that he can help stop to pick a and pamela k train for a small there aremore comfortable way to shave bring your
comment about starring steve martin harmless royals under the direction ofpowerless well and many of these united states weather seems to have settled envelopewith placards day promised brooks who teaches english atmadison high school doesn't seem to mind now indeed i do enjoy doing this eveningthat so many activity to engage and ice skating player i did building mailman across the last number and i dealtmelted after one against that
plywood on that panipat victims now man i was speaking to my landlady just lastfriday morning about one philip born means the bashful biologists had comeout of the fatal neck sweater long enough to invite me to madison bank nomadden a snowball dead that's a wonderful journey and i just feel guiltythat they were the pilot it now big-ticket colorful in threedidn't so you don't have a big fat i haven't but on my facts yet
carried out there today mccarthyite lately about the explicit and if thereis a good time even balcony are updated on leader not peering through thursday thatthey happen to be earmarked all flaring them a little earlier than usual planitnow and medical technologistcoldwell i had nothing to worry about i don'tdon't want my blue feet to get jealous
packages on right now i brought the nameof the information they need to be determined plotted to kill the e-ticketnothing unique some kind of british he told me how youthat is the belief that after you get it done statewide leading missus davis i found in my campaign weeks ago first of all i'd played hard to get thetoday and then and then i did and i kind of a lot of helms-burtonraise i've changed my life a four times in thefifties invented park you may have many
days and i bought two tickets for the band'sname by today he finally defeat the all that's what i am prasad scientific data cannot allow that hearing warranty military conflictsatisfaction you carry it careful while you're putting up thewindshield
catalyst something like that muddying those month long hearings either earmarks cold lol open your door kelly and party irritation steps but you may not be so comfortable onyour way to go on a date uh... helps brought my skis with grandfather to my attention i neverwould have not heard from
rocket naal fortunately this womanthirty thousand splinter easily down dying it would be in the back of the car whilethey're but just how many rack that's not big enough either cannot back them up on the floor betweenthem i don't know that won't work you've gotthe top on the day autistic into the heart attack ho
families come in and i'll show you predicted its metal contraption and attentivefifties walter brodie marion enchanted iconic at black oak lac if you're keen to keep your skis i nomatter what rail if not only that is designed to keep your skis in perfectposition regardless of what you're doing the cure drug refreshing great
don't land manuscripts outfit contraction afternoon and a big deal back but aren't you going to have nobodymajid brochure got a bunch of us get togetherasking for an hour before the game if you'd like to come on mister xhotmail either i've never been on the paris even i'm perfectly contented tokeep it that way you don't know what you're making reps there's nothing like
sailing down the list smelly thompson kicking attracting evenings having a pretty darn i can't fearful sport exercises gratefullyaccuracy those kids after halftime next year and here blowing in their faces caravanjangling that not all day hang out with a red too
a heidi while it might be looking at loading thered nose i'd look like somebody backup hagen now good morning mister buying out that for the day and this afternoonearliest it was worth i see your report that was a veryinteresting our picture where it special reporter that wanted gypsy motif energy
as those marks will in erie but cannot caldwell we got a few minutes and part time at that time if you are in fact it down for a bit ofsacramento be careful where you said i brought oj my skis to school at the very good thing second one i received today
here and at that point sixty airport begets might go over the bigpainful this afternoon donut shape oliveira other projections expert in england and only shading isconsidered most acceptable under the proper conditions that canhappen anywhere runaway experts are you interested inthe sport prided justified except that i would probably and outcrop
he or she and i got a little afterschool would you like to come along with me threatening after hair when i get paid to do it failed on that nellie expand and try out my fifties andany do you have an opportunity and imagine that
i know it'll all come back to me in theflag i like the you've got the full that helpyou keep your balance what yukawa holding buying just holes and what about the metro dade near the bottom line today call they're just called metal disks contact if they don't have that night let me know if you know that you got aflat fee for this afternoon i don't have
a pair of my own i don't have any experience do you thinkyou can borrow semesters belgrade mystifying how do you on that hill with you this afternoon ifi have to get along fine they reach but anything lado that's why i asked you tostay after class you get back to maybe that feeds today left i spent my wholestudy period crushing on that untidy town myself and welfare hypothetically won't work
alhayat con man overthrow you having a baby not a whole beat harriet effort from allfilet inventing the latifi this afternoon intogoing back to give me a refresher course refresher course but you said you never skied in yourlife exit naked on a more effective whitewater land until you mister but he really were drawn after they yelland i still don't disappear walter
neither will predicted perry outlet is marlboro man rate until an account are highly close here on doing the mambojumbo delight tell me how to put the thing dont sellout look like i practically no what i'm doing this afternoon an outstretched
company geico plots relatively simple put your feet judy metal hopefully strike melodies net cable or injury in fifteen you and thank you eerie mathematically vote p_p_l_ mail condi i'll just take a few steps and see if ican remain standing
the likely now help me get them off what i've gotanother plant in a few minutes out here it and the crack thank harriet weakestthat the banking here called the cable that's great india began to attack and presto do it okay unique take on the binding here give the cabling hearing presto
find hang on dah i had a cat uh... it'd be you know i remember at the whole thing worked out as samplei remembered leading myself a notation of how twenty ever have to be perfectedlike that palladium do kind and everybody don't get anneke
cannot buy in by and god look what i while we're waitingfor a by inviting get here it something you get got to do it so i want to beridiculous in this classroom what's at least perhaps at all in the room forlatin now in graduate deeply involved a called apenalty and it means i have read quite a few great quietly incorrectly colgate toothpaste internet one of twothey that needed to be colgate dental green clean your breath while it inturkey and the cold gateway stopped duplicatethat yes the colgate way is the most
thoroughly pulled an acceptable methodof all hygiene known today double cream helps stop more decayed formore people than ever people reported and out of his history the colgate waystop to pick a bass no other democrats alimony added or not offered such conclusive proof and you should know that colgate whilenot mentioned by name was the only toothpaste use in the research on toobig a recently reported in reader's digest so always follow the cold gatewayto clean your breath well you clean your t and stop through dictate that
rationality will get pro-gay andre-enactment of that water to face magnanimity and the call gateway stopsto think that that the american people have been brought upon the face many a crisis and i refuse to let the fact that myankles were not prepared feedback again plot anyone there when it came time for me to conduct myclass i merely smiled wrote for my desk and with my customary dignity and quietthat likely to the blackboard but
patient all of you but now that you've made that now after they get cold not in this roomfifty doubted blackboard please n_r_a_ behind and duck say in effect onthe board ice a break it down into its componentparts now where that car i have been on my death one moment flat edit missteps packet permitting at nellie
you pick up the about flat yet had you want to do it are blatant iwant you to pledge and i wouldn't be in them he allowed pentium reminded expect so slide right for you saint bernard with the cato varshney no ikkada operations jack articles you got the email account
i think he's reading project site andyour guests carried the present time chile layout any kind of any idea but be careful that are walter remember my ankle bone is connected tothe standoff packet whether on or there even tougher than the wire cable architect right now
i need to make it happen the catholicblack now that the charming thought especially when i recall what about thatthough that the principle is on the personal apparent that the faculty all i have to happen now rather usewrote path doing don't bother to get up thisprofound wiring pride uh... nightly mining might be that the contrary every time i fear it might make the
hi anytime that bit of a headache usaid you know but road if i may have cost you make ithappen they're intended to stifle anytime you wish way out and i in nyc develop all you dropped or talking to a definitewrote let me get a voyeur no no he lacked i've already got eight amazing it fell to the floor and you've got itwithout even bending over what cut and
doing hit had got it this morning the book that i came into acrucial class and with your permission i would have for making that they're very connected erratically anything and now that most of you are aware ofthe fact that by dint of much argument and persuasion i've recently prevailedupon the board of education to appropriate one thousand dollars forthe purpose of re-sending and completely
replenishing the floor throughout thisbuilding and in our gymnasium whose work has been done and done wellyet only moments ago in the hallway in flagrant violation of my post-it note topreserve the school cause i discovered this soggy friends of thepedophilia do your really rope death my heart virulent i don't like uh... thoughtmethod but at that point lingo because of the aisle one pic i think that group cap right side
whatever you do don paulk legendary shark give-and-take startbiking won't work kiddo the ball book doesn't seem to be in this burdenof proof ad that you looked in the cloakroombelieve me that he died in the cloak rooms there which they wear but they're not netted if you have to go back to youroffice now have another class coming
forth in the profile wait for them meanwhile carry on with this one butit's pretty barring that integrated acton he cannot get my class at we keep the advent prayed on theblackboard i don't know the pilgrimage brookdale retain it much better if yougo to the blackboard and check it out go to the black box david broder and that one ministro
you out very well today that they have checked up but that's more like it animus they walked very gracefully inthose stuart but now the complextype beheaded braidedbroke it seems to me the jordan discussed allthe component parts of the sentence such as prepositions acted but at
it all and d hate ed like the i waiting this brooks break both walked by upon the fact thatthe other great air cannot out iraq and that i'm writing this book very welfare they are not wearing heat no you're not but would you mind telling me nature tohwide in this class then your bad state
daylight kept trying to prevent deployedwith the content fifty thank you dot and again i justhave a look under that this but there's nothing down there that you have my wayout of the without brushes right kill me defected waterbed act thought and birth date if they are only trail triangle eat while they have to do with you bothin my office at the school annulment
broke and those people to me a lot of the program you're seem to have broken my glasseswith root you know i didn't mean it better todoing wrote for most people skis are synonymous with helpful invigoratingexercise but in your position somehow they becomea lethal weapon never wanted to get their own on near uagain made that clear yet there but i got your back tonight knowing that imight make contact with you today i'd brought my prepare alone
step back a patient to outstrip them on uh... they're now if you'll be goodenough to reach back and had me the other he nevermind how it came back toyou the on are intact and act that nothing happenedyou must be lonely broken window that kind not very good and we do right there on that night that intan and i feel like this to you at orirritated with the fact that held
third shop but man filipinos here late yesterday had highways because started earlier get apretty good p_r_ be delighted unavoidable that divine right that it'sgoing to happen some involvement and the need to a meeting in his office not fifty-eight about parliamentaryprocedure do you have said they were we had the bar program our
doing water yet he waktu nya pilot power behind it now case let's forgetabout school and discipline bad basis we felt it would take off fromhere you will take off from here i get backnigger i don't even have any feed leno but we'll share mine ladies first district except the monthlyall help lead i wouldn't think of it from there and said to be a right footversus no mystifying to just laying down later had close to where to put yourarms around my shoulders well if you're going to brag nina
and as one and that the other asset they caughtgraduate kid looks much different from the topten again from but i'll give you know i have america's because i know i've got towork there jaaye mastercard what you're coveringissues with robert requesting later mr bling pretty well hit me now avoid andone of the like what we did a helmet to katherine then pretty rolled into the
do it now if you've been behavingyourself since i saw you last to their blasted ago but nine not find out if you don't have his kids atrisk of america going to take advantage of the snow today me get out of theirskis with my blood pressure new thank you hi-def inapplicable scenery and geta breath of fresh air before plunging into the festive atmosphere of thatdad's in the gym you make it that like time for the viewers lovely purveyor right
but you'll have to step it closer to theedge of it it was to come but if you really want to get a bird's eye viewuh... that moves the ball in the news for the but then here behind this broken take peteover their shoulder you have it looks like a terrifyingdescent on it and i think there were a tornado watch comics brooks sales down identity applying started looks like it here you go already that we have
relented k god akgnair wat bypass play vietnam payment what mimics area and
mind if i get off na with i did volleyball family walk patent that backed up by a intentional ad knowing you were in the capital there if you want to know that i didn'tknow that what something it back at me
dead tonight lamictal fell back on it deepok thomas brought three times injust a moment but first knew who gets moved our mock comparablecomparable to entice heading up haha risers waving death through the morecomfortable comparable pent-up armada riva lego pacman you can get whether yes morecomfortable change the probably replicating green white just rub elbows smooth palmolivebrushless in your beard you'll find it will put topless twisters actuallyprotect your skin
by providing a soft selma float yourrate is cutting it remember over twelve hundred men test atthe farm olive brushless shaving cream way following directions on the packageand no matter how they shave before three out of four reported beards easierto cut last razor full smoother more comfortable yes more comfortable j bowman try the palmolive brushless wayyourself even in cold or hot water you get aclose clean shave and a smoother more comfortable yet some are comfortabletoday yet smooth marcom remote comparable camedot com manav playing
next on newsday private about late butlooking green white and now once again there is a columnistwrote well mister conkland film followed hisgradually defending blood pressure down the side of the hill and shortly after witnessed abidin iapproached the gate you did very well in this case i loaded with bricks i'm still alive if that's what you meani was not a perfect friday didn't slip up when i get the tree what you've gotto give water credit that invention of israeli does the job what uni but theydidn't line your eat too
certainly well receive advance getting ready toplay a member may i have read that's my script i wouldn't be without it cut file on the pope's tiny bartlett does but itry to written by allison joke well in with the music of well brother that divided led by dept and in thedepartment by gail both others in the
night cap within what independentemployer mcmillan and let them do that with marv albert belle de c l_ you canplay it ninety percent of dishwashing work a quick so can build site getsdishes and glassware shiny cream even if a bit of food to clean attached withthis plot gets rid of it fast yet bells activated sludge left often carry awayfood and great belong to the to the quick grants and they drive sparklingwithout walking or biking all plots and plans need is a soaking with bells upthen you can watch them shiny clean without hard scouring what's markedbella is a miracle of my own that soviet
nouveau save ninety percent of thiswatching work on enrolled comes to radio tomorrow you're looking for all of the novelcanada's a motion picture you're approaching role in defining mobileradio drama involvement in a remote area along theentire web radio station tomorrow every monday body of the fifteen p_m_ easternstandard time and even in connection with meantime one other family membersare alumni from wild woman aldayt green clean your bread like youplead guilty of stock decay and public aid dreams for a smoothermore comfortable way to shave renewal
are in this book starring ke barton ghosts on traction about looks well when you're living in working awayfrom home a good friend and confidante comes andmight be handy almost broke suited his english atmadison high school is fortunate in having just such a friend in herlandlady last writing about this miss brooksconfided in missus davis about her thursday evening
i was out with mister buying last nightwas stable here don't have to get me i could tell that needed to be give up powell u_s_ policing appeal still hiding past the feathers dropped out that that i was captured by indians we had quite an exciting time withartistic going to be home like if you do rally said he'd like to go to a movie alli berry exactly steered into this dayandreas showing valentino
oh ease dot the one about without power and the great love theirisn't a bad day tomorrow very good movie i was hoping mister biden would take us he ins and getting to the moon he gets team it'd work right halfway through the most i'd loveto see to lashes had to ask mister pointing to leave
really tiny what did he do eagles already dropped his popcorn don't let me you may find sydney at least if you take advantage of thearticle i've been in this morning's eight-day what article he says that misty chapel me of thefrench public school system he's here in america to import teachers difference you know idid not just seems to be and he's interested in any american inspectors
who can help st french educational making good for him lion american teacher should gotraipsing off to france to teach is beyond me at least about the same prisons salary would be just w present plan well-balanced and they're packed my bag uh... online salary
and i presume they pay all travelingexpenses indefinitely then all i have to do is to sell myselfto miss your moving quincy st lies in town missus davisabsent i am hopeful the article saying how long a teacherwould be expected to stay in france at least one key etc and i've got to forget about it isn't just mister barton needs i_d_ line simply you missus davis harriet modern day and all this mailkids at school on you know
and that your principles to conquer it bounced and they're packed my bag even though we don't need you i'd like to remind you of the old city absence makes the heart don't funding dougall week per year you don't like youre you again will be right yes i can picture it i tripped likely down the gangplank and they're on the dock stands as divine
as our eyes meet cassini's charged withromance the money speaks it takes a long moment enquiriespassionate words can take my consciousness passionately scanning long time no see his words what did you get your car walter looksdifferent this morning that's the case aaron it lovely one
campus would be jap early this morningso he could take advantage of the bullet hangout for each ludden yes ma'am atmidnight on the paper that says efficiently the french public schoolsystem is in town looking for teachers a mr jack please dothey that's shock moved a walter in mister x missus davis introduced meto the article this morning apache sided he's offering teachers and all expensetripti a parody
that soccer fans harriet that's why i've got to get tomister cochran's office why mister guy comes up so i can getpermission to take a little time off this morning i'd like to see mister blue baby fortiesmobbed by the other teachers atmospherics even old marmalade in mister kathleen is when it comes togetting people to hang on how does have to think of somelegitimate sounding alibi ends
galaxy what sounds like a truthfultissue of lies you should never have brought this papertomorrow barrett article about that bridge when they radio schools the teachers as upsetthe attendant well media because i know schoolteachersthat's why his offer of traveling expenses and moremoney plotting to his wallet like months to aplane their pollen deprive cycled dim-wittedchildren all of the pied piper of hamlin disabled
not only looking for teaching is everylast paragraph please also offering high school principals double salary culture weeknights uh... patterson's for users versioning blossoms in the water below than ever that they've agreed food for the details and later additions ofrun down to the new standards for the
latest one area just letting doing leading sandwich of yourself my dear i have no forbescoming to the siren song of building too good moreover i've been to see to it that there is noexodus from my staff by-catch in a member of medicines backwill be making a big line with the empire hotel while seated
comment or you're in milan patel all right i guess perhaps i had finest wrapped upby harriet and what brings you into my office soelements broom any marriage incidents contact i've gotto make a b line to the empire hotel do you mind telling me wider report you doze off well i just got to get over there sir
bc i've heard that someone holds you're relative of whom you're exceedingly fundrise killed in the empire hotel might said that's exactly he took the words right out of my mouth well don't worry about that and set themback in a minute that which one of your relatives is it it's my grandmother's competenciesterribly l russo
patsy feel better equipped ball playerof the rather startling fact namely the empire hotel is a recentlyerected annex of the empire antique and its strict leaf on them so is that i'm not daddy popular ec says she works at the entire latinocheese at uh... she's a telephone operator there and yesterday she had a terribleaccident
an accident yes sir it seems one of theother girls didn't show up and many had to stay at the switchboardon hearing her lunch hour well finally the manager broderick plateof spaghetti well sir between her being so hungry inthe switchboard being so busy then you got all excited and eight up three longdistance call as group but ms brooks i have a suggestion tomake supposing i accompany you to the empirehotel it'll be a nice surprise purebred mybusiness to contact us best into the
room and say ranma well the big mess that you had dot and grandpa on the big fat bankrolled be offering double salariesto teachers to blow them out of the country and granny dear why on earth are youregistered here as yak boulevard password is the take-up prison
the jugak jost m therapy for twelve days it's payment the incident red blooded it's but means that the through vivian jumped up on the truth it black means that the colgate double cream clean bill brett while it clean jerky and the clothingqua stops to became best
yes the colgate way is the most earlyprogram accepted on that one of our hygiene on the day over two years research jawad brushing teeth right after eatingwith colgate double cream help stop morty cable more people and ever be poor reported and that itwas history the colgate waste upto decay that's no other democrats armani addedor not and you should know that colgate whilenot mention by name was the only
toothpaste used in the research on topick a recently reported in reader's digest salawah is father colgate way tocreate your breath while you clean your t and stop to decayed best there varsity football today market that being a engine wanted is black means that the and the called it would to became that
well i didn't dare leave school during the morning session but at lunch time i joined mister boniorcafeteria antonia moller madness you a good day when he heard that i was contemplating atrip abroad mister boeing was grief-stricken and with young concealed panicky finallymanaged to say here in france via world of good yes i guess it was
but mister baden year is a long time i sort of expected you to say you know all that goes without saying uh... often think of how much we meantto each other and or you might not believe this disproveswith in the four or five years we've known each other for years seven monthsthree weeks in two days well in all that time i i've never once
well i i guess this divine you never once upon a you're the only girl i've ever taken tothe zoo had no idea what appealing of securitythat gives an end it may not seem like a very romanticlocale many sick time as we stood outside thosecages are got some pretty bold fonts you wished you were inside had that times mister buying unified ill go abroad i'll miss you morethan just a little
it goes both ways it is a silver lining in every cloudchannel remembered absence makes the heart grow fonder when you returned i'd be the first oneto meet you at the boat yes ma'am idea right there on a dark isa trip down the gangplank what would you say mister barone say well i don't know off hand but it wouldn't beanything teary or sentimental i'd probably just take your hand and getoff some witty remark or other
mike watt long time no see all that is that when doodle of attack backpacks and edit dot the septicmystifying after all my darling defenses here wecan get your own we shouldn't they may not even pay any attention to themessage on the warren yes since women are part of the empirehotel neglect my name and address at the is to build a ways out so i just leftworried that if you want to be good
english teacher probably sees duty he did in the army at my place thisevening well everything happens for the best isuppose and still resp obey has a lot of nerveto expect american teachers to go traipsing off to france to teach he'soffering all travel expenses and double salary or if you'd be interested in biologyteacher you know it might be quite a rewardingexperience effected teach abroad for a while
i think you're mine that that important message from hispress hugo go right ahead water area just at the popcorn in the principal'soffice miss preps powell who has a misstatements she called to say that we sure will they find any city the overture house eighto'clock tonight all that's wonderful light in a way to the paper
it says he's only accepting teachers whohave a first-hand knowledge of friends and its people and speak language likely fluently i haven't spoken many french since highschool nine majored in spanish at college that most of the french i ever learn onshore i guess room the same boat miss brooksbrown start paddling mr bohren where at the same greek to and
almost eight o'clock missus davis yousee a move and should be here any minute that candy you said yourself you don't know enoughabout princeton beat a person battle how do you expect a land a job teachingnobody if i get the job is unpaid as i'll have time to take a refreshercourse before i commenced teaching i don't worry about me are i'll get bythe same to do something piece but you want any i can only besure that appleby canteen all right missus
or that's him i amid talk of movie uh... here this i mean we eat and pregnancy and it's you who at the gym unabated books i'm not anybody else lab at and let me take your coyote and beat meaberration right here miss you do that nothing funny in the living room
cars at least at every year and someprofitable netware unique if you will something a littlebit to acquainted with billy paris i'd always think of it is my second wool you've been there i've never really half their mental exam
glove if u_s_ so much of it that he's unitaf iwould read your that most of all you miss the were i cry when i think of it woman may be the best actor i am proud that peter we're going to see keith r well that's what i like about parisparking at the same name is a melon there
hinges on the table he'll be ready very soon our or wouldyou rather have popcorn as you know things that i'd just like to get how yousay uh... at great debate but the westerdam's triggered so we'd bein english you will be financial i have a little yes critique lender except that that that the uh...
that uh... the civil taipei it looks like the gut the civil clemente we have all she take off height domain walk i'll witnesses davis this is an issue inthe day mathangi advocates not repeat excuse ahmad i'd like to speak but newsprint mightneed to bundling
our exhibits excuses not to miss you at the mall music mrs would save the date that i remember oneof my high school printing you make a terrible mistake minister will be pleaded today betweenthese two country he office if he was your father interests the no daily point to get used to buttonspicture enough to keep the job has been
he said yes it did mystifying my life oh laughing and impact damaged with the trim what it meant i didn't know i don'tunderstand french sardines davis but i've got about thisthing through until i land that job he he was driving and going into my roomand i got this operations too
you're breaking i'll let you know how i come out missusdavis aliya looking at my photographs you seea regret that but who have been a technical the you shouldfeel it would be nice interviews with other than that it could you spell all pop up these determined but one thing they donot understand what do you call your seat beast bookswe decided to beat bruce you're going to it
we'll here in america we garrison teach school are allowed touse our maiden name but i do hope you have the opportunityto meet mister barton charming person so devoted thoughtful and sell affectionate so come in on track ain't
good evening whispers mystifying to meblow my mind you have property mister bush do know and i'll need to contacted you you added a shopping right i have where game in spain sense of hewlett packard your haswitnessed but
funniest thing since murders monroemargin give me your hat here extremely testimony just smile denial about mister budzyn gave him afair uh... and your wife has told me outaffection that you were affectionate down just a and their takes me a full
pleases brooks plays listen doing day called packages let's have it alarm antique that that depict themakita duction i have a suicide that movie worse your book redwood of cross district race why here's one swallowthat eight spot you see it miserable they hired always wanted toteach biology dave barry
you alone can make my fondest dream cometrue when the actress replied teachers already some out there he seems to mindy civ vice versa dictates sector where that would beashamed to separate q especially if you were a agree a diesel madly in love withit in love with her does my life and my wife amount
icebergs we pucker up again monastery like he can't buy nsn all the way dates they would be time for that later this guy has got to go out what is it you want to tell us this year that the beauty queen
fusion that many campers at this from apurpose single teachers might get lonesome operational plan and said back to america the gun levy needclutching a veggie clutching a police holding the bag you won't have to worry about that withus we'll stay in the book handled the difficult it is only fairparticu i had interviewed as it happens some value and you've got to get and we'd begravity he priority we go if cost who are now deeply don't you step or wecan married a very long time are not the
real dog maria realigned himself inside just against inspection that's all right bobthe extra credit look mrs to present our youngest son the adoption appalachian teaching andfeed your fat little face this just hurt your mother said wediscuss is squires space walk sites but by mister birthday at thatspeed not that little things
right decide all old company was broke the mind of many expand and is you from your photograph mister the laptop uh... selected lovely talked with mister such is sweetis just gave up on the gaze up on the our daughters at home with passes into home has been talkingwith over the last evening
either you have an extremely low bowlers polio was black is a dildo the just received a little bit it's it's just a colloquial is uncertain that here's a great weekend was daddy d i get grandpa
what's going on here just like the spartan see in the bay aided the dollar as your queen bed orthop almost many desert stalking add that to get myself a taxi popped up right to the point request irefuse to be tempted but as one of the nation's more efficient high schoolprincipals i feel i owe it to your country tovolunteer my services under your
educational system is once again bugs that he's on both standard because i'llbe frank with his i'm also interested in the back door offering double side orthat i'm afraid mister the american press itmay be slightly while he was the just putting what did they misquoting toughening w a prison cell they producednothing going on speakeasies plans in frank's work that'smuch less that will receiving no all we
do think of the experience no we don't want to send out they would getthe paper i just moments ago that i'd like to hold a little caucus with on in sunny with a test scripts leno i think yes sir subject shit past thanks t
the first words machine extinction this is the heavy asian netcom translation it dodgeball case at the close great between childdeals and department store by here's what mister nielsen told uslesson here's exactly what happened
jadi with just one postscript afteranother permeate and then i discovered palmolive lathershave cream and the new different way to shame my my legs portions of grips pickedlather ended my worries about scrapes burns and nixon leibman cold or hotwater that probably by the way a super small super comfortable take charles nielsen's advice man thenew palmolive lather way gets beards really saw
and it provides a protective film thatactually float your rate is cutting it mclean plunkett everytime without worryabout scraping and making even and call door hard water charles milton and twelve hundred othermen tested palmolive lather cream following package directions and three out of four reported smoothermore comfortable jade the pummel age eight greenway no matter how they should be poor betterget palmolive lather shave cream the number even in cold or hot water thepalmolive either way in the smoother
more comfortable chit now once again here is columnist brookslaugh activity on main mister condon and wilder said goodnight and that left just mystifying manylegacy will be going to paris this year but maybe we'll get another chance enormous brooks i've often said thatbeing a good review you have mister bryant well yes indeed
we were there i'd take you to the mostromantic spot on the continent a missile design imma what is that mister barton that's one of the biggest susan theworld take a ladder airlock raa only are we not there but we ain'tcomin' coming up right like you clean yourteeth and helps not duplicate are miss brooks starring a barn hasproduced by larry burns written by
allison joke well in with the music ofwilbur patch listen to this with marbella spelled b_ e_ l_ you cansave ninety percent of dishwashing work are quick so can build substratestissues and glassware shiny clean even if a pitiful attach with a dish cloth gets rid of thepast yes val's activated suds left often carry away pooled in greece so all dishes needed equipments and theytry sparkling without washing or wiping all participants need is a soakingwithheld subs then you can watch them
shiny clean without parts gallery what'smore bell is a miracle of milder still get new bel save ninety percent of dishwashing work blackness prisoners full of truckloadsof skills we should've listened to mister and missus not particulars theevening although most of these same stations and be with us again next weekat the same time for another comedy episodic alarmist ropes problem on speed