another amazing episodeof "what the fit" in the can. that's right, in the canmeans you take a can, you throw the episode in it, and you put the lid on itbecause it's almost done. bill hader, thank youfor coming out and showing loveand doing what you do, which is not only being funny,but participating. okay. get tothe point about me, ron "boss" everline,
and just tellthe people who i am. - well, you just told them.- no, no, no. tell them who i am and whatmy job description is. got you. this isronald "the pony" everline! okay. we're not gonnastart it off like that. i'm his trainer, and we came to give you guysa few moves at home, so we're gonna strap up. strap up. see?you can do these at home.
we're gonna do justa basic romanian deadlift. put it on just right here. good morning. - now...- bend at the hips. you can do this at homefor 30 reps. before you go on to the names,are there more of these bands? are there other bands?what are these bands called? there's differenttype of resistance bands. they start at very light,all the way up to extra heavy.
you could do speed work,you could do this type of stuff inthe living room of my house, that we're on set ofright now, um, filming. so you can come to my--you could do it in yourliving room at home, too, but i havea really nice living room. what the ( bleep )is going on? - huh?- what the ( bleep )? - okay.- stop cursing. i'm just gonna domy romanian deadlift.
do your 30. let's go. - yeah. you said here?- yeah, 30. does this go aroundmy neck or my shoulders? - right there, perfect.- and i just do what? - 30. bend. good morning.- is it here? yeah, but hinge atthe hip a little bit. - slight bend in your legs.- here? yeah. turn sothe people can see you. should my legs be spreadshoulder width apart?
- shoulder width apart.- okay. i'm not trying to complicateit for the people at home. first of all,we just want you to move. we wanna challenge you guys to be betterthan you were yesterday. good job, kevin.you're workingyour gluteus maximus. right here,you're workingyour hamstrings. - boy look good, don't he?- okey-dokey. there you go. 30, kid.you got to do 30.
what's next after my 30, boss? all we're gonna do, we'rejust gonna do some shuffle, squat shuffle right hereback and forthin my living room. what's the purposeof the squat shuffles, boss? why do you wannacomplicate everythingwhen we just simply-- i want you to tell the peoplewhat the exercises are doing? i simply just wanna motivatethe people to move at home and not complicate things. so you don't wantthe people to knowwhat they're working on?
- yeah, they're gonna feel it.- let's do squat shuffles, and hopefullywe fix something. are we trying to fix somethingor we trying to burn? i'm doing a hypotheticalshuffle, boss. that's not hypothetical. what's hypotheticalabout you moving? because you won't tell mewhat i'm working. i just told you,you're working your glutes, your hamstrings,you're working legs.
is that simple enough for you? - now it is.- how do you-- okay. thank you.don't ask for much. - i said that in the beginning.- what's next? we're doing squat jumps. kev can't do squat jumpsbecause he hurt his self - trying to play basketball.- that's my personal business. squat jumps.resistance bands squat jumps. you can do these at home.let's try it, kevin.
now are these alsoworking my legs? working your legs. working your gluteus maximus,you're working your legs. now, for those peoplewho may not know - what a gluteus maximus is--- that's your butt. what's funny? this is my timeto tell the people-- say it-- say it again.say "that's your butt." okay. so right now, you'resaying my chest should be up?
- just shut up and do it.- and then jump. there you go.good job, kevin. it looks good. my girl does it better,but it looks good. what? all your girlworks on is her legs. yup. here at "what the fit," we challenge you guysto do this-- - that's it?- you want more? we got the resistance bands.what else could people dowith the bands?
okay. i got another movefor you that's really cool. so, we're gonna dothruster squat press. we're gonna challengeyou guys at home... - there you go!- for 50 squat press with the resistance bandsat home. that's very simple. you wanna tell themwhat this is working? - this here--- you're working legs and shoulders. - keeping your chest up.- oh, yeah. - come on.- can't do that. my groin.
my groin. we challenge you all at home. i don't know why this man makes theseepisodes difficult. that's been another episodeof "what the fit," followed by a very informativemini workout session with ron "the boss" everlineand myself, guys. honestly, take these moves,apply them to your daily life. can i ask you a questionbefore you leave?
- can i ask you question?- yes? is it simple or is itcomplicated to move? why did you--is it simply becauseyou wanted to be better? - why i started moving?- yeah. well, because i'm different.i'm great. no, no, no.he simply wanted to be betterthan he was yesterday. don't let him tell yousomething different. it's all aboutcompound interest, and everyday small sumsof effort make you better.
- all about compound interest?- yeah. - jesus christ.- you save a penny today, you have two tomorrow. you save a penny every day,you got-- you see what i'm saying? - "what the fit."- yeah. did you just usea banking term? this is k. hart. if you like what you saw-- you know you did-- subscribe to my youtube channel,
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