hey! today i'll be talking about the blue-and-red-lighting effect for photos or videos. most of you have probably seen it already all over instagram or in many music videos. i've been wondering how to achieve this look and discovered that you can easily create it for about 10€. so extremely cheap, that's nice. and now i'm going to show you how. enjoy! you've just seen in the intro or even the thumbnail what this is going to look like in the end. and what you'll need for that are these coloured foils which you can simply get on amazon for 10€. they're usually 30x30cm since they're supposed to work with these standardized spotlights. i personally don't own one, i only have softboxes and some cheaper led panels by neewer.
i'll be talking about those in particular in one of my next videos. just a short introduction: they're extremely bright but processed pretty crappily. but more about that in the review! i ordered these softboxes to go with the led panels and to be honest they don't look like much but they double the led panel size and soften out the light. i then just went ahead and taped the coloured foils over the softboxes. i know it's no the most sophisticated solution but hey, it worked, nothing else is important. how do you set up your spots now? you can go the very classic way and set up one softbox on the left and one on the right
but that makes the image look rather flat as you can see here. i wouldn't neccessarily recommend that but rather go for a different setup. what i did was set the two softboxes from across each other and then let the model move and turn along that axis in between the lights. i got some very nice and dramatic shadows and colour effects that way. i was shooting in front of a white background in order to get a smooth gradation. at first you get the blue background with the red face and the blue part of the face with the red backdrop. that works up a nice deep colour effect. you can also go for a black backdrop which pulls focus to the face and the background only frames it.
maybe you wanna go for a blue backdrop and work with the red light or just a red backdrop and blue lighting. just get creative with it! try out some settings and see what you can achieve with different setups. i had a lot of fun just experimenting and like i said it doesn't cost much to get this setup which means you could easily try it out and play around a little with it. music videos for example work very well with it or portraits. now for the camera settings i set the white balance to artificial lighting which worked quite well as you can see. just one special thing for sony cameras: blue sometimes clipps very easily
so try underexposing your image a little with your sony camera to get good results unfortunately that clashes with what i said in my last video but that's an exception for this special case.. just underexpose your image so that blue won't clip. i announced on twitter and facebook that i will do a small raffle where you can win a foil set! not this one, obviously a new one. all you need to do is comment ðÿœˆ underneath this instagram photo and you'll take part in the draw. you'll have time to enter until next week at 4 o'clock. subsequently i will choose one of you via a random comment pick. for my next videos you can win bigger things, i promise.
this is just a trifle but i think a lot of people will like these. but stick around for the next videos and exciting giveaways! that's it for this video and the blue-red-lighting-effect; i really hope you liked it! have fun trying it out and good luck with the raffle! i hope to see you next time, ciao!