wohnzimmer couch lutz

wohnzimmer couch lutz

hello my friend! my name is adam, it's to sign like my freckles. i'm going to tell something about me and my school. i am deaf. my hair is blond. i've got round glassesand 100 freckles. hug you, adam. my family my dad is called andrew, his name is to sign like this, because of his spiky hair. my mom is called brigitte.her sign name looks like her ponytail.

my little sister is called hannaand her sign name comes from small. and i am adam. our surname is flower. everyone in my family is deaf. we're living in a yellow townhousein raspberryway fife adams class his teacher is called eva andresen. she is very kind. next to her is nesrin topak.her sign name is like her curls.

nesrin has long, black curly hairand she's very sweet. beside her is kai lindner.his sign name is like his spiky hair. he is adam's best friend.he is the strongest in class. bottom left is emma lehmann.signing like this because of her braids. emma has blonde hair and blue eyes. she loves animals,for example, parrots, rats, dogs. peter mã¼ller.peter is the tallest in class. he loves books. lehmann family

everybody of emmas family can hear except emma. they live in a red housein newstreet 67th. they have a garden with a tree. emma's smaller, naughty brother lutz is sitting in the tree. he has the bone from the dogand annoys him with it. the dog ist sitting below and barks.waldi is the dachshund of the family. emma's whole family is very fond of animals. emma also has her own animal. it is a brown rat.her name is otto.

lutz also has his own animal. it's a parrot.his name is lora. the animals of the lehmann family waldi, otto and loraare mostly friends. lora is allowed to drink water from waldi. otto is allowed to taste the bird food of lora. sometimes waldi is allowed to eat some cheese from otto. but waldi doesn't likeif otto lays in his basket. then waldi gets angryand bites in otto's tail.

then otto gets angryand runs into the cage of lora. then lora gets angry andcraps in the butter, but ... ... then the mother gets angry and shouts: "take your hideous animals and leave!" on such a day it's better not to visitthe lehmann family. at nesrin's home today morning the teacher told us, that nesrin got chickenpox. she has lots of red dots in her face. kai thinks, that these red dots come from the wind.

but i know that it's a diseasebecause i already had it. the teacher asked who would like to bringthe maths book to nesrin. "i would like to"i've already had chickenpox. besides, i live close to nesrin. i've never been to nesrins home,but i know where she lives. i'll be there soon. it feels as if i have butterfliesin my stomach and my legs are so weaklike spaghetti. nesrin lives in the right high-rise.she lives on the fifth floor.

i go up with the elevator. nesrins mother opens the door. "hello adam!","hello", "i come with the book from nesrin, which i want to give her. " "ok, come on in.""thank you." the hallway is full of children.in the kitchen, three women are standing and baking. there nesrin comes.she looks cute with her chickenpox. "hello nesrin! you have many brothers and sisters!" nesrin laughs. "no, i only have four siblings.the others are my cousins. "

together we go into the livingroom. there is a sofa, two armchairs and a television. there are no photos on the walls,only on the ground is a thick, soft carpet. an old woman is sitting on the ground. "who is she?" i ask. "that's my grandma.oh, i love her so much!" nesrin is hugging her grandmother. nesrins grandma says something to nesrin. i don't understand, she's speaking turkish.

"what does she say?" i ask. "that you're cute.""my grandmother only speaks turkish." "do you want see pictures of me,when i was little?" "yes, i'd like to",she brings a photo album. we watch it and she tells from turkey. oh, it's late!i have to go home quickly. bye. the food at school the food at school is almost good. only the fish and the bacon are disgusting.

there are brown beans and the baconis carelessly thrown on the plate. all in class hate bacon. only nesrin mustn't eat bacon, because she mustn't eat pork,for she's a muslim. one of the many cooks is called karin. she is able to sign, because she has a deaf son, he's three years old. i am standing at the food counterin the queue and now it's adam's turn. "how much bacon do you want to have?",asks karin.

"i may not eat bacon." "oh, why not?" "because i am muslim,so i mustn't eat bacon. " "oh, what a pity. so you don't want to eat bacon tomorrow? and what's about the sausage, you love that much?" "ah, this sausage i may eat, because therefore i'm not a muslim. i'm only on mondays a muslim." the black glasses

our teacher wearsalmost always red glasses. but if she's wearing her black-rimmed glasses, that means she's in a bad mood. if she's wearig the red one,she's in a good mood. in mathematics lessons, the teacher helps peter at minus tasks. adam is sitting there and considers:"what are we going to do in the afternoon? let's play ice hockey, kai?", i ask. "i'm sorry, but i already meet with peter.", kai says. in that moment, the teacher rotates,sees them and gets really angry. "i am sick of it.

always you're just signing and signing.roger that? ... clear..." her glasses are coming off in a high arcand everyone is looking at it. she doesn't remove it,puts on the red glasses. all children begin to giggle,because it looks funny. first, the teacher is even angrier,but then she laughs as well. "sorry," she's signing."i'm in a bad mood today." "sorry!" signs adam. "i will not sign any longer.i will calculate now. " the birthday party

it's kai's birthday today. becaus of that weate ice cream at school. peter brings a letter for kai. it says "congratulations, kai!"from peter. kai will celebrate his birthday on saturday. he has invited me, emma, ​​nesrin,his cousin oliver and a boyfrom the second class. we show the invitation to the teacher. "oh, how nice!"

outside peter starts to cry. "but why are you sad?" "nice that you celebrate, but i'm the only one who's not invited." during the break everyone goes out, only the teacher and kai remain in the classroom. i think that they're talking about how itfeels like being not invited. when the break is over,peter gets a letter from kai. emma's hearing aid emma takes her breakfast.she is very tired. suddenly, she sees, that it's already seven o' clock.the bus will immediately.

emma has to hurry up. she takes her bagand packs all her stuff in it. "don't forget the hearing aid!",mom signs. emma runs to her room,to fetch it. she searches it everywhere.but the hearing aid is gone. "certainly lutz has taken it.",emma thinks. when she finds him, she's asking "lutz, did you take my hearing aid?",emma signs. "no i have not",lutz responds.

"so why are you hiding it?" "i play haunting"lutz signs. mom is coming."what are you arguing about?", she asks. "lutz has taken my hearing aid",emma signs. "no, i didn't!" lutz shouts. "calm down!", mom signs. "emma, ​​do you know where you have laid down your hearing aid?", mom asks. "on the study desk like always,"emma replies. "i know that".now mom sees waldi.

"but look! what is he chewing on?", mom signs. "there's my hearing aid!" emma signs. "drop!" mom shouts. waldi spits out the batteries, but he has eaten the hearing aid. waldi is ashamed and hides himself away. at grandma's and grandpa's grandma and grandpa are deaf. they always have a lot of time. we sit together and signfor several hours.

adam tells about kai, nesrinand emma and all their animals. grandfather tells how it used tobe at the school for the deaf. he tells a lot of stories. grandfather told me that it was nice. there were large dormitories with beds,standing in long lines. there were not just one or two beds,but many side by side. they had often made nonsense,played ghosts and such things. once grandfatherand his friend anton, his sign name is a for anton,

had scared the girls. they said that there were ghosts in the attic. but that wasn't true. they just wanted to tease the others. grandfather and anton covered their heads with sheets and crept quietly into the dormitory of the girls and frightened them. they fluttered with their sleeves and the girls were afraid, and cried out in fear. but then the governesscame up the stairs, opened the door and pulledoff the sheets of the ghosts.

"ah, there are you two!", she said. "as a punishment you have to scrub the floor tomorrow." the two obeyed and got up the next day and scrubbed immediately the ground. arf hanna and adam think, it's funto sleep at grandma's and grandpa's. there's an old kitchen bench, which is extendable. often they pull a blanket over their headsto make a cozy cave. then i borrowthe flashlight from grandpa.

hanna and i sit down in the caveand sign. mostly we play with arf. arf is an old, green manfrom the moon. when i flash three times with the flashlight,he comes. arf knows how to sign,but he signs only with me. that's why i have to tell hanna,what he's signing. arf often wants hanna to sneak into the kitchen and to steal biscuits. then arf decides that the boysget three cookies. the girl only two.

then hanna gets angryand doesn't want to play anymore. our crazy teacher. our teacheris very kind yes. but sometimes she's a little bit crazy. one day emma comes after the breakwith a green caterpillar. we think it's disgusting. kai absolutely wants to kill the caterpillar. then the teacher gets angry. she explains,that the little caterpillar eats a leaf,

to growand to become large. then she spins a cocoon around itself. and in the cocoon, the caterpillar turnsinto a beautiful butterfly. nesrin doesn't understand what the teacher means with "to cocoon". so the teacher has an idea. she goes to the toiletand fetchs many rolls of toilet paper. then she asks, who wants to be a caterpillar? "me me me me!"everybody wants to. we crawl all over the floorand eat the leaves.

then the teacher helps us to spin a cocoon out of toilet paper around ourselves. finally, we are five chrysalis. soon we will burstand become beautiful butterflies. suddenly, our director withfour guests comes in. "uh, welcome!"the teacher says embarrassed. "here are my five chrysalis,er, i mean, my students!" we all laugh until we burst. the caretaker our caretaker is andi.he can sign.

he is deaf,just like us. he can fix thingsvery well. once he repairedmy police car. but actually, he should probably onlyrepair cards and benches and stuff like that. everyone likes andi. he always makes fun with usduring the breaks. we used to thought that andi lives in the school, because he is always there,when we come or go home. one daykai goes to andi and asks:

"do you live in the school?" "yes of course!",andi answers. "but where do you sleep? there is no bedin your room", kai signes. "i don't need a bed",andi answers. "a caretaker sleeps preferablyon his workbench." kai doesn't believe that. the next morning we dash directly inandis room. but what do we see?it's true! there, directly on the benchandi is sleeping.

he wears a pyjama and his alarm clockstill stands next to the bench. then he wakes up. "oh hello! you are already here?"signs andy sleepy. "i must have overslept." we are shocked, so werun as fast as possible to the teacher. we tell how sorry we feel for andi,who always lives in the room of the caretaker and sleeps on the hard bench. the teacher laughs."oh no, andi is crazy!", she signs. "now he has really spoofed you."

then she explains, that andilives in a normal apartment in the city and is only dressed like this to spoof us. emma's favorite animal tomorrow we have to tellabout our favorite animals. emma tells, that she hasa rat at home, otto! in the class, no one believes itand they think rats are disgusting. but emma says,that otto is kind and sweet. no one believes it. emma considers to take otto with her tomorrow.

the next day, emma awakes. "hooray! today i can take him with me." "you shall come with me today," she signs to otto and puts him in her school bag. emma sneaks into the classroomand hides otto in the bench. "shhh, be quiet!" the others arrive, it's ringing. "who wants to start telling about his favorite animal?",the teacher asks. "i want to". but then the hearing aid acoustician comes in.

"emma, ​​would you please fetch your hearing aid?" "no, i don't want to, i like to talk about my favorite animal now. " "emma, ​​get them now!" "we are waiting for you. meanwhile we can correct the homework in maths. " emma and the hearing aid acoustician go. the teacher goes to the bench ofemma and opens it. then otto jumps outand over them. the teacher is afraidand jumps on a chair. kai thinks he's stronger.

he takes a wastebasket. he urges otto in the corner and the rat gets scared and jumps directly to kai. then kai also gets scared and jumps to the teacher and clings to her. emma comes back. "calm down! what happened?what happened?", she asks. otto jumps on emmas breastand emma strokes him soothingly. probably otto never wants to go to school again. the bus ride every thursday we play theater.

the rehearsal makes a lot of fun,is nice and we get a good mood. but today there is something special. peter is expected to sleep at my house,i'm looking forward to it! after the theater rehearsal we're waiting for the bus. then, the bus no. 12 comes. we get in and he takes off. kai doesn't go with us. he waits. his mom will pick him up. we see a lot of cars.

bmws and fast, expensive cars. kai's mom is sitting in anexpensive, red, insanely great car. we wave to her. kai turns away sore. we drive on,but suddenly we stop. we wonder why the bus doesn't continue. then the bus driver comes to us.he talks to us. but we don't understand him and we write for him that we are deaf and give him the paper.

now the bus driver understands and writes a long message back to us. you have to change the bus. we write to him:"we live in himbeerweg 5." he reads and writes an answer to us. "you have to get outand go on by bus number 3 ". we thank him,we get out and wait. the bus number 3 is coming and we get in. we go very, very far by bus. we go on and on.

when we arrive, we have to go quite a distance by foot. mom and dad already are very worried. they are scared. i tell them, that we had to change busses and take the bus no. 3 papa says, "i'm relievedand happy. come in." we sit down and eat andhave a nice evening together. the study day yesterday was study day at my school. on study days, all children have free,

but the teachers have to go to school. my teacher has to learn more maths. strange! my teacher knows how to calculate. i didn't know,what to do on the study day. so my mother tookme with her to her working place. she draws huge mapsfor a large publishing house. i helped my mother,to paint the sea in blue. oh no, where are the two islands?! "lalalala", uh, they disappeared because i had painted it. at twelve o'clock we had lunch.

so we went to the canteen. this is a really large dining roomwith many tables. there we wanted to eat. we went to a table,near the window. there i saw bernd,a friend of my dad! i was very surprised! "do you work here as well?",i signed. "hello adam!",he signed. "it's great, that you visit us today!"

there work about two hundred people inthe publisher of my mother. but only six are deaf. during the lunch break all the deafs are meeting and signing. this is cozy. bernd often tells funny storiesand everyone laughs. after the lunch breaki followed bernd curiously. i wanted to know what he exactly works. ahaaaa. bernd works in the print shopand prints the cards, which my mom has finished drawing.

i give the finished drawings to bernd. all who work in the print shopcan hear. except bernd, he is deaf. he communicates with his colleagues,by reading from their mouth. his colleagues can not sign. adam asks: "isn't it hard to read what they say?" "yes, yes," bernd says. "in long conversations you get tired,so we don't talk a lot." i work,so it's not that bad. "

when i come home at night,i tell papa all things about the print shop. "aha!" he signs. "maybe you want to be a printer like bernd,when you grow up?" "no, i want to be a policeman" "it's great to be a policeman. police officers may drive the police car and catch thieves. but dad asks, how i want to talk to the thieves."thieves can't sign." adam replies, "when i've grown up, every hearing person will have learned sign language. " dad doesn't believe it.

adam is signing: "i'll manage it. maybe i'll be a professional truck driver when i'm grown-up and drive to turkey. then nesrin can ride with meand we can visit her grandmother." arf comes back. i sleep, suddenly it flashesin my room. i see a little manon the ground, it flashes. it's small and green. i'm wondering,because it looks funny. arf is signed like this:

he asks:"do you want to come with me up in the sky?" "yes, i would like to." arf takes my hand. we fly in a huge speedout into the universe. we're incredibly fast. the earth gets small and smalleruntil it disappears completely. on the other sidei can see the moon. later everywhere are little arfs. "hello!" i say and look at them.

they watch at me and look wicked. then they bite in my legs, tug everywhere at me. i don't like them. adam calls desperate for arf:"wheeere, where are you arf, where are you?" "here, here," all the little men around me are calling. "i don't want to stay on the moon,i don't like it here." i want to go home! "i want to go home!" one of them says to me:"go on, jump."

i take all my courageand jump. suddenly i fly back through the universewith a vast speed. incredibly fast ...ahhh ... i get dizzy ... my house gets closer. help, ahhh, the moon, gets smaller, that's good! the earth is coming closer. how can i brake? "ahh!" then i fall on the floor. ouch! everything hurts. but where am i?

hã¤ã¤h ... why is there lying the book, the glasses and the car? and why do i wear my pyjama? and why does my butt hurt so much? aaah, that was a dream!i've dreamed. anna is an interpreter my mom has a cousin, her name is anna. when i was very little, i saw hersigning a lot and quite well with my mom. i was amazed when i learnedthat she heard. anna is an interpreter.

she translates for example in hospitals, schools, companies and many other places. the doctor asks adam:"do you have a pain in the neck?" adam said that it hurts insanely when he bites the bread in the morning. i bite it and then i can swallow it only with a huge difficulty. and then everything burnsand it hurts in the throat. the doctor thinks for a moment. then mom, the interpreter and the doctor talked for a long time. when the doctor talked, anna was signing to mom. and when mom was signing, anna talked to the doctor.

when we were done at the doctoranna signed: "i have to hurry up,i need to interpret somewhere else." "where?" i asked curiously. "i can't tell you,i have confidentiality.", replied anna, said "goodbye" and hurried away. "ants in the pants" it's difficult for kai to sit still. he is restless and nervous. he can't sit stilland work reasonable.

he always slips restlesslyand nervously back and forth. the teacher is really angry about him. "please stop, be reasonable!", she urged him. she doesn't tell it once, but a thousand times. until she asks him:"do you have ants in your pants?" adam imagineshow it would look like, if it were true. bumblebees flying around and in the butt! disgusting! ... disgusting! the next day when we sit in a circle on the floor, the teacher is telling the tale

of the three bears and a girlwith very long, golden hair. while the teacher is telling, she discoversthat kai has disappeared. the teacher is desperate:"peter, where's kai? children, where's kai? where is he?" peter answers: "i know it.i know it. he is under the bench. " the teacher spotted him,asks him to come to her and asks: "kai, do you have again ants in the pants?" "now there are little bears.",kai answered. the teacher laughs.then she goes on in telling the story.

the three bears find the girlwith the golden hair. and she gets so scared, that she runs away. the bears want to follow her, but let then from her and eat at home. now the story is over. we children are relieved. kai says:"come on, we play crazy pursuit!" all are excited and rush out. the teacher can't stop them anymore. "kids, we still have time.we've not finished yet!"

kai replies:"sure, we have! look at the time. " when she looks at her watch, she sees that it's time for the break. everyone runs out to play,adam and emma follow them. everyone romps. kai is very happy.now he doesn't need to sit still anymore. he can frolic.we all have a lot of fun. love me,loves me not "loves me!!!" kai, adam and the love

kai is in love with emma. but emma doesn't know. kai is lucky, because he sits next to emma in class. today is thursday,the best day of the week, because we will play theater in the deaf association. we are eight children,now emma shall play too. while we're sitting in the bus on the way to the deaf club, kai signes secretly. "do you think, that she's also in love with me?" "who?""emma, ​​of course."

andi is the theater director.i think he can do anything. we will play sleeping beauty. the girl that slept for a 100 years. "who wants to be the sleeping beauty?",asks andi. emma wants to.you may play it. who may be the prince? kai is happy,he will be allowed to kiss emma. i'm supposed to play the cruel fairy.fine! i'm a really cruel fairy.

kai, as a prince is very nervous. emma is a sweet sleeping beauty. but everything he does,goes wrong. first he falls off the horse. then he loses his sword. and finally, he stumblesand falls directly on emma. emma gets really upset. she doesn't want to play anymore,if she gets no other prince. she's leaving sulkily.

when the theater is over,emma comes to me: "kai is stupid!but i like you", adam. i can't sleep,when i think of you. "but i like nesrin. she's really cute and her hair is so beautiful." emma gets angry again and goes away. kai saw everything. "now i'm no longer in love with emma.""i'm also in love with nesrin now." that's good, because we like the same.but nesrin doesn't know anything. on the farm

today the whole class of kai will drive back home. andi will give us a ride with the school bus. the trip will be exciting. the family of kailives on the farm. they've a horse called bruno,twelve chickens, two cats and fifteen sheep. the father of kai is called axel. he can't sign very well,but he can do all the other things. he can drive a tractor, shear the sheep, do horse riding.

kai's father is asking us,if we'd like to ride. i want to.i may ride first. axel helps me getting up.it's hard to sit calm. the horse rocks that strong,that i almost loose my glasses. then kais mother is driving with the tractor. "do you want a ride?",she asks. yes, we want to. adam and nesrin are climbing together on the tractor. we're driving!i'm so happy.

"you can come and visit me for one week in the summer", kai signs. "mom, may he come?" "yes, of course," kais mother answered. "great! it's so boring in the summerwithout friends who can sign. it's great to have someone to talk with." kai and adam walk together to the lake. there they sit and think,what they will do in the summer. we will drive a tractor and such things. when it's warm, we can go swimming.

oh, i wish, the summer holidays would be tomorrow.

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