wohnzimmer braun ausmalen

wohnzimmer braun ausmalen

[opening music] i'm cinnamon cooney, your art sherpa, and today i wanna show you how you can make this great lilac painting with just a few cotton swabs! so get your paint, get your brushes, and your cotton swabs, and meet me at the easel right now.

we're gonna art up! let's go! here is a nine by twelve canvas board. this is pre-gessoed and ready to paint. you don't need to do another thing to it. over here i have these really fun materials. i have cotton swabs that are bundled together in different sizes. i have big bundles and little bundles.

i put several together, and some loose ones. i've got a big brush. these are synthetic, for acrylic painting. i have a number thirty bright. a number six bright. a number four round and a small detail. teeny tiny one. this is three over zero. phthalo green, prussian blue, dioxazine purple, quinacridone magenta,

titanium white, and cad yellow medium. i also have burnt sienna. and i have carbon black. for more information about the materials, check the description below, or go to the website, theartsherpa.com. let's get started on this awesome, fun project. to get my bright green, spring green background, i take a little bit of

my phthalo green and quite a lot of my yellow. i'm mixing these together with a tool called a palette knife. you could use just a plastic spoon or anything that you have. it's not super critical to have this exact tool. i want the green to be very very yellow.

when i have a green that i think is very very yellow, i'm gonna take some of it like that much, over to my white, and mix those two together. this gives me a couple colors that i can use right away to paint in the background. i'm gonna wipe off my palette knife. get my big brush. i'm gonna come in to my jar of water.

i'm gonna drag off the extra water. i don't want my brush to be soaked. i just want it to be damp. i'm gonna load it with paint. that's what it looks like. and i'm gonna very quickly paint in the whole background. and when my paint isn't blending anymore i'm gonna get a little more water.

keep... going until the whole background is painted. i can even get a little bit of that darker green on occasion. to add some interest. that is up to you. it's just important that the background be very bright. notice i'm just going any way i want to

on my brush stroke. i'm not worried. you don't be worried either. get some more of this out. see the load? there we go. super easy, super fun! you can do this. if you never thought you could paint this is gonna be your moment, when you discover

you're pretty darn creative. that's kind of my whole goal in life. alright. when i have it where i like it i'm gonna get a little of my white on my brush. and blend in just a little bit of white here. where the paint is all still wet. if your paint's gotten dry you can just do the background over again.

don't even stress about it cause you can paint over acrylic paint with acrylic paint every time it's dry. using a soft brush pressure. that's all it's gonna take for me to get that background in. sketch in a quick guideline using some chalk. come from the upper left

i'm gonna arc down, i'm gonna imagine where my branch and flowers are gonna be. and i'm gonna come down. and i'm gonna come over here just above this branch about the halfway mark and make another little line out that's going to help me to keep in mind where my branches go because branches can be confusing. i've got my round number four.

i'm going to put out some of my brown paint and a little bit of my black paint. i'm gonna load up my brown, right on my brush and get a little of my black on there. see how it's not mixed? and i'm going to come in. start painting in my lilac branch. i want it to be the whitest

up here and then as it comes out it's going to get much more tapered. so you want it wide up here. and narrow as it goes down. as i come to the end i'm going to make this line very fine and end it right about here because i'm going to have lilac there. keep your branches tiny small and delicate as they come out from the main branch.

now i like to have three leaves cause i think it gives balance. so i'm going to come up here in the midway point. press hard, then release. making it a very soft line. come over here, get another soft line. come right below this branch, don't line them up, because you don't want antlers, come down and make another soft line.

that's gonna give me a place for three leaves. rinse out your brushes. i put out my quinacridone. my prussian blue, my dioxazine purple, and my titanium white. i'm going to take my number six bright. i'm going to get it a little bit wet. and drag off the extra paint.

and i'm going to take a smidge, just a smidge, of my quinacridone to my purple. i'm gonna get some white on here and i'm going to do a very interesting thing. i'm going to very lightly brush in starting about an inch back from my lilac, soft little on the edge

curving brush strokes with this light purple. i want it to be wide at the bottom. and then as i'm coming out i'm going to taper it so it makes a cone shape. this is going to keep my q-tips from looking like little dots. and it's going to help me be successful with my acrylic paint. it's different to do these in different media

so this is what you have to do to make the q-tip technique work for acrylic on these lilacs. i'm doing the same thing. wide at the base. as i'm coming out, just getting more of my paint, as i'm coming out. you'll see me reload often and that's cause i just want to make sure of color. right. i'm going to get my brush wet.

just make sure that i have that nice cone shape. and rinse rinse rinse rinse rinse my brush and while i'm letting that dry, i'm going to get a little of my dark green, a little of my light green on my brush. i'm not really mixing them together. and i'm gonna come and i'm gonna make i'm gonna curve on the edge of my brush. curving around.

and then curving out. did you see that? to that little flick. do that on the other side matching up. i'll paint... my little leaf shape. get a little more of my green here. i don't want it to disappear into the background. so not too much. get some more of your dark green.

see, it's all mixed up. make another little leaf. just a little leaf shape. they're not hard. maybe this time i'll get a little white on it. wipe that off. see, i'm just trying to get a mix of paint for my green. come here. and also flick that. so they all have

kind of a curve to them. if your leaves get a color or don't- you like, let them dry. i'm going to start with my biggest bunch of q-tips and i'm going to make a very dark color. i'm going to take a little of my prussian blue. see i'm wiping those around, coating those up, and a little of my dioxazine.

quite dark, these two together. i have nice coating on all my little q-tips. i'm going to come at the base and i'm going to neatly dab. using that shape i painted in as a guide, i'm going to let some of it be lighter and some of it be darker. i'm squeezing down the bundle. when i come to the edge i might

just go on the edge of it. so i've got that. let's do the other one. not hard. super fun stuff. just pressing down these dots. this is going to make a great gift for somebody that you love. this is going to be really pretty on your wall. you can make these in a ton of colors. it doesn't just have to be these colors.

art is for everyone. every single person who wants to do it. i'm just making sure that it's staying tapered. when i have that, i'm going to get another little bunch. and i think what i'd like to have is some of my magenta. make sure your q-tips are all nice and even and touching canvas. i'm going to get a little my purple

and some of my white. i'm gonna come on this upper side. a little more here. just make sure you're getting the paint you want. dab this at the top. that's where the sunlight's hitting. that's a very enjoyable space. come down here. i can move my q-tips around

to change the shape and the print that i might be getting. then i get a slightly smaller bunch. and i think i'll get a little of my blue, a smidge of my purple and a lot of my white on these. now i'm going to dab that. this lower end.

fun. i'm gonna put that there. i'm enjoying that. when i come to the tip i might squish them together and press a little delicate tip out. get some more of this almost done. really you're just taking it till you're happy with it. now i'm going to get an even smaller cluster of q-tips

and i'm going to do some detail work i'm gonna get maybe some purple and white. more purple because i want to have some dark value in here too. right there, coming around the bottom. this is fun. just have fun. sometimes you'll really hit it. sometimes you'll be like, oh, it

could be a little different. i don't know. lilacs aren't perfect. you don't need to be perfect you just need to paint. have some fun. make something from your heart. i'm pressing that nice pattern around it just makes it really pretty. and then my last ones i might get just a little of my white.

it doesn't matter if some other little colors get on it. maybe at the edge here a little of that for interest. like a lilac has. they get lighter at the tips. and you can take individual q-tips and take colors as you want to make your little lilacs perfect how you like them

how they please you. this is your painting. your garden. i'm using the dark colors. if you like pink you could be like, no. pink is my favorite. you could come then and put some focuses of pink on. there's just no... when i come here to the end maybe i'll make them a little delicate coming out.

a little delicate coming out. isn't that fun! it's just like a beautiful little bush. i hope you'll keep doing it. i hope this was a really fun enjoyable creative experience. i want to see you at the easel really soon. check out the art sherpa dot com and my youtube channel for more great projects like this.

ok. bye bye! [closing credits]

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