im wohnzimmer treppe

im wohnzimmer treppe

15. this aerial footage was taken during somesort of late night raid, though the exact location is currently unknown. a militaryhelicopter tracks a lone russian soldier as he flees from a group of crazed people. occasionallyhe turns around to open fire, but to absolutely no effect. his firepower does not appear toslow them down in the slightest as they relentlessly charge forward in a pack. if you happen to speak russian, then pleaselisten to this next part and tell me what they are saying. more importantly, tell meif they sound legitimately scared or just pretending. soon the soldier finds himself cornered withthe enemy closing in from all sides. he’s

out of ammo and there’s no way out. youcan hear the pilot wretch from the sight and the video ends. 14.a news helicopter is flying over brooklynwhen suddenly it loses control and begins spinning wildly in the air.amazingly, one of the crew emerges from the wreckage a short while later, dazed but stillalive. the other three crew members are pulled out of the helicopter’s broken remains andtaken for treatment. though it might not look like it, everyone mysteriously survived withonly minor damage. 13.a psychic prophet in las vegas claims thathe can summon extraterrestrials at will. he says that he has been doing this for over25 years. the local news picks a place and

time for him to summon a u. f. o. they areextremely skeptical and mostly expect this to be a joke, but imagine their surprise whenthe self-proclaimed prophet says a quick prayer and causes this to happen . . . a white orb flies up into the air and quicklydisappears. then it suddenly comes back and changes color. the orange sphere hovers around them and thendisappears from sight. it doesn’t look like any aircraft they have ever seen before. thenews team contacted a nearby air force base and they could not confirm that it was oneof their planes. i’m not sure what to make of this one, buti will admit that the timing is pretty incredible.

i want to know if you think this was a realu. f. o. summoning or if it was just a coincidence. also, if you don’t think that this is au. f. o., then i’d like to hear your best guess as to what it could possibly be. 12. this video was recorded on a home surveillancecamera in june of 2017. a woman in sylmar, california has a short conversation with someoneshe doesn’t know very well and starts to walk away, but the man she was talking withdecides that their interaction is not over just yet. he stomps over to her and grabsher by the hair from behind, and then he forcefully pushes her into his van. she tries to getout and he pushes her back in even harder and then takes off. there’s also someonein the passengers’ seat who barely moves

while all of this is going on. what’s most suprising is that this occurredin the middle of the day, which goes to show that these kinds of things can happen to youor me at any time. police have no idea who any of these people are – not even the victim– and they are asking for your help. please call the number in the description, if anybodyin these videos looks familiar. 11. a father and son ghost hunting team areat an old grave yard somewhere in the south. they stumble upon a child’s tombstone andget to work. the son attempts to communicate with the passed on child by planting an oldpinwheel in the ground. the father says that there is absolutely nowind on this night, so the pinwheel should

not be able to move. to prove there is nowind, he records a tall blade of grass next to the tombstone and clearly shows that it’snot moving. this child’s gravestone is from the late1800s. pinwheels were probably very popular during this time, so it makes sense that thespirit would be excited and ready to play. 10. a youtuber named matt j is walking aloneone night when he stumbles across something that sounds so mysterious that he simply hasto start recording. some people have pointed out that this couldbe a some sort of alarm, but why would they make an alarm that sounds like something straightout of a horror movie is anyone’s guess. i did a search for sewer alarms and none ofthem sounded like that. it almost sounds like

it could be somebody pulling a rusty leveror opening up an old door over and over again. 9. jake gardiner was walking around the woodsduring his lunch break one day in la crescenta, california when he heard some strange chirpingnoises in the trees above. suddenly the forest grew silent and jake felt as though somethingnearby was observing him, so he took out his cell phone and started recording what he thoughtcould be his last moments alive. he didn’t see anything, but he couldn’t shake thefeeling of impending doom, so he quickly made his way out of the forest. when he went home,he was able to make out this strange figure on camera: the mysterious sighting was interesting enoughto make the local news. wildlife officials

admit that this appears to be some sort ofape-like creature that’s clearly not a part of california’s ecosystem. the only explanationthey have is that someone released an illegal pet into the wild. let me know if you agreewith their assessment, or if you side with the people who say that it could be some kindof rare creature or even a genetic experiment. 8. a youtuber named gemparkzz lost his grandmotherover ten years ago, but her spirit still appears to linger in her old empty property, whichhis family has maintained ever since her passing. gemparkzz timidly enters the house and crossesthe living room, walking by her wooden rocking chair. doors keep slamming shut wherever he goes.

it’s almost as if his grandmother wantsher privacy, or maybe she is trying to keep him away from something she doesn’t wanthim to see. then, as gemparkzz turns a corner, he records this . . . a pale figure peers at him from the darkeneddoorway on the right. here it is again if you missed it. the obvious explanation isspecial effects, but the answer no one – not even gemparkzz – wants to accept is thatthis could be the twisted incarnation of his grandmother, or maybe even some sort of paranormalbeast that claimed her life over a decade ago. 7. this footage was taken at the chapelfieldmall in norwhich, uk. the mall is closed when

a mysterious red balloon makes an appearanceout of nowhere. as you watch this balloon float around on its own, keep in mind thatthe air conditioning was off, the escalator was off, and there is supposedly no wind blowingin from the outside. if all of this is true, then how exactly didthe balloon move without any air currents? even more bizarre is how the balloon stayslow to the ground the entire time, almost at the height of a child. could this balloonsimply be half-deflated, or is it being held by a youthful spirit? 6. a woman is walking outside of a targetstore when a van pulls up and a strange man gets out. another woman joins him and togetherthey pick her up and pull her towards the

vehicle against her will. a third accomplicehelps them shove her inside the van and they drive off. meanwhile, a concerned crowd gathersaround. someone in the comments section said thatthis may have happened in florida, and that the people taking her away were her family.i couldn’t find any news articles though, and this explanation, if true, only solvesthe mystery halfway. if this is the true reason, then where were they going, why were theyin such a hurry, and why she didn’t want to go with her own family? 5. there’s a grave yard in the communityof poetry that is famous for a very strange phenomenon: flashlight-controlling ghosts.apparently spirits will sometimes take control

of flashlights in this area, apparently usingthem to communicate with the living and answer basic questions. what’s really weird to me is how the lightslowly fades away instead of turning straight off like normal. and this isn’t the only video i’ve foundwhere this happens: can somebody explain how this is happeningif it’s not being caused by the paranormal? you can’t see the bottom of the flashlightin the second video, so maybe their hand is still on it, but nobody is touching the flashlightin the first video, so that one looks especially real.

and if you have ever tried this at dry creekgrave yard, then we would definitely like to read what happened to you next, so pleaselet us know in the comments section. 4. a british youtuber named scousemouse onlystayed in his home for three more days after recording all of these objects in his kitchenmoving on their own. i find the 2 liter of coke to be interestingbecause the liquid appears to move before the bottle does. watch what i mean here . . . play it in slow motion and you’ll see thatthe contents inside moves shortly before the bottle is launched. i don’t think that thecontents inside would move like that if it was being pulled by a piece of string.

3. a youtuber named nicole alexander is hangingout with two of her friends when they start snapchatting to waste time. soon they realizethat snapchat is picking up faces all over the house and they start to feel like theyare no longer alone. they decide to use the app to further investigate. at times they are able to track the ghost’smovements as it appears to walk around their house and go up the stairs. at one point nicole gets an idea to go downstairsinto the basement, and that’s where things really start to get out of hand. look at whatthe ghost does upon the mention of heading into the basement.

they are just too way many coincidences inthis video for me personally, so i think it could definitely be real. 2. this video comes from a youtuber namedmike robins and his team of paranormal investigators. they are using a modified kinect camera andspecial software to hunt ghosts while wandering around the basement of an old abandoned asylumwhen suddenly their equipment detects a major hit. mike asks the ghost for its name, how longits lived here, if it likes living here, and other questions, but gets no response. thespirit does not seem to want to cooperate. it's hard to tell if the ghost is waving atthem or shooing them away. if this is an insane

asylum, then maybe this ghost just wants tobe left alone. then again, there's no real way to verify if the equipment really doeswork, so we'll never know for sure. before we get to number 1, my name is chillsand i hope you’re enjoying my narration. if you’re curious about what i look likein real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. i’mcurrently doing a super poll on my instagram, if you believe ghosts are real, then go tomy most recent photo, and tap the like button. if you don’t, dm me saying why. when you’redone come right back to this video to find out the number 1 entry. also follow me ontwitter @yt_chills because that’s where i post video updates. it's a proven fact thatgenerosity makes you a happier person, so

if you're generous enough to hit that subscribebutton and the bell beside it then thank you. this way you'll be notified of the new videoswe upload every tuesday and saturday. 1. two friends are livestreaming in a sanfrancisco subway tunnel for no reason in particular when they randomly run across something theywere never meant to see. a trail of red leads them around a dumpster where they find a distressedwoman who is either a victim of her own madness or else something far more sinister. the woman herself is covered in red as shetwists and screams on the subway floor. the two friends are talking about how they canhelp this poor creature, or if she can even be helped, when suddenly she lets out a shriekand comes flying towards them.

it’s hard to tell whether she is a possessedcreature or just delusional, or simply participating in a very realistic prank. i’m not surewhat happened to them next, or if the two friends made it out alive.

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