kleines bad verschönern

kleines bad verschönern

hey guys! today, we're here with a package that our moms sent us for christmas. because my mom is, like, a huge mom. she loves being a mom, and so every year for christmas, it doesn't matter how old we are, she gives us christmas presents and puts them under the tree and then we have to go spend the night at her house and open them in the morning. so we're having our christmas morning here and, uh, when i got the package, she wrote a note on the inside that said, "step 1: remove contents."

"step 2: set up tree." "step 3: decorate tree." "step 4: place presents under tree." and then, "step 5: merry christmas!" so she sent us a little christmas tree! so i can have my own christmas here. and-- can i set it up? yeah. so we're gonna-- we're gonna open this and set up our christmas tree.

and i wanted to open it on camera so my mom can watch us open her presents like we do every year. so this is-- this is our christmas morning. thanks to my mom. we have a letter. onegaishimasu! (please do it!) i'm gonna get our christmas tree out. the presents in here, i'm so excited, oh my god! there are cats on this. cats, yeah.

ahhh! [laughter] it's in cursive! it's okay, it's hard for me to read too. cursive can be really hard to read. "i miss you both but i hope you have a wonderful holiday season..." something, something. where? where? where is it? "i know they don't..." "i know they don't celebrate christmas but we always have to..." have? have? what? "so"?

"but"... "we always have to"... "but we always have" comma oh, have. "so i know you will be missing friends"... your friends... "so we sent a little"... fa-families. oh, family. your family. "so we sent a little bit of your home to you."

"your family love you." "happy holidays." j-john? that's-- that's a message from john? so this is my mom, she sent a message, and then john said, "happy holidays". oh. okay. merry christmas. [laughter] do you wanna primp our tree?

this is actually the first time for me seeing one. i haven't seen a christmas tree. how am i supposed to do this? you-- it's all, uh-- they come, like, all, like, [whoosh] like, with the branches, like, bent upwards so you have to, like, uh, bend them down, like, fluff out the tree. let it spread its branches. where should i start? the bottom? uh, yeah. that's probably easiest. so, sometimes you would, um, use actual, like, real trees? uh, yeah, my grandma--

what's the name of the tree again? it's a pine tree. pine tree? oh. you use a pine tree? this is a pine tree, right? uh, it's different from, like, your japanese, like, fancy, like, poofy circle-- yeah. -- pine tree. i didn't know they were pine trees. yeah, yeah.

we got our star for the top of our tree. wow... what? those are our ornaments. you should put on, um... our ribbon first. our garland. oh, so there are some steps. well, otherwise it'll be harder to hang it on because that'll be knocking into the other ornaments and they'll fall off the tree. too long for our christmas tree. just... place it?

yeah, it circles around our tree, like, drape it. drape it on the tree. spin the tree? i'll spin it for you. okay. great. okay. sure. and we have to put the hooks on our ornaments hooks? ahh, okay. yeah, and then you can hang it on the tree. ornament means specifically this?

like, a thing you put on a christmas tree? uh, an ornament is just something that decorates something else. what? this whole side of the tree was neglected! okay, this is not okay. you have to think about the christmas tree balance. it's very important. oh my gosh. we did it! yay! now that we have it set up, we have to put all our presents under the tree.

i thought we were opening them now. no, you have to put them under the tree. that's how it goes, you have to put the christmas presents under the tree. help me. come on. our tree is too little for our presents. how many presents do you get each year? um, like this? this many? for just one person?

yeah. my mom really really likes christmas! she really-- she spends a lot of time getting us a lot of presents. isn't your mom the one having the most fun? yeah, she is. to jun, from mom. a cat figure! aww! a kitty! oh my gosh, it's halloween!

that's so cute! it's got a little pumpkin! thank you, mom! i got ariel wrapping paper. oh, disney. ariel. i think leo likes it. i got-- i got a harry potter keychain. oh my gosh, it's a dragon! it's so cool! harry potter? look at the dragon!

oh, you guys like dragons. we really like dragons in my family. my mom has a dragon room at our house. really? the whiskers are sticking straight up. okay. to jun. are you going to open one? no. it's your turn. how many christmas presents have you had in the past?

jeez, i don't know. i have no idea. we don't really celebrate this here. hardly any, i think. what is this? i don't know. show it to me. food? [???] it's got nuts. oh, pecan nuts? i love them. oh, "russell". it's chocolate.

i think it's chocolate? chocolate nuts? great! i'm hungry. it looks good. thank you very much! have you had this before? probably not that one. ooh, it looks good.

itadakimasu. (i'm eating it/thanks for the food) aw, your one looks so good! it's like chewy caramel chocolate! ahhh. oh my god. this is good american chocolate! ferret? it's a skunk, oh my god, it's so cute! look, it's got-- what's this, uh, hook for?

you can attach it up here. no, no, it's too heavy for our tree. i think it'll be fine. it's got a zipper in the tail. you can put something in the tail. what am i gonna put in here? oh, you know how, like, um, japanese girls, they have, like, those fake fox tails on their hips? i don't think that's a thing here. it was a thing!

you can see 'em, yeah. i can attach this to my-- i can attach this to my buckle. aw, it's so cute. it's not gonna balance. and... to jun. it's heavy. i feel bad tearing the wrapping. is it okay if i tear it? yeah, that's completely part of it.

american kids absolutely tear these apart. well, it's funny. it's adorable. aaaargh! it's fine. aaargh! sorry for going crazy. what's this? a shirt? oh, yes! what is it? oh, bengals?

yes! bengals! ah, it's your-- it's your team, honey. yes, you can root for our team now. the cincinnati bengals? aw! that's awesome. why don't i have a bengals shirt? i'll wear this and go see a game. we'll have to go back to cincinnati. that's right.

what do you think it is? uh, i'm not sure. oh! oh, it's my nuts. and i was not being very careful at all, i know i just crushed this. that's really really awesome. oh, it's dark chocolate marshmallow. the same brand? yeah, but mine has marshmallow. is that santa on it? oh, it is. they have the same face.

russell stover santa marshmallow. oh, it's marshmallow? mine's marshmallow. oh, it's a-- it's a marshmallow santa claus. it's upside-down. i know. oh, it's so good. marshmallow. oh, this is really good.

this is for you. oh my god, it's so heavy. it isn't that bad. is this a bird? uh... yeah! cardinals! that's-- i think that's ohio's state bird. do you-- were you in cincinnati when it snowed? did you get to see where they are? were you at my grandparents' house before?

when we looked out the back window, and it was snowing, and you could see all the cardinals because they're red and they, like, pop out against the snow. i remember seeing all those birds, but not this one. they've taken pictures, they can show you pictures. they're really pretty. there's a box inside! ohoho! uwah! this is the best so far!

oh, what is it? show me! are they cookies? handmade cookies. oh, they're my grandma's cookies! are they? no, are those grandma's cookies? i don't know. this is from my grandma and papa. they make christmas cookies every year.

they're super delicious. oh my god! don't say it! this is for me, right? i want some too... can i have one too? i remember this taste. i wanna open my second one too. it has to be this.

american grandma's handmade cookies! they're the best. they're really good. i knew they wouldn't just send you cookies. they know i love chocolate chips cookies too. urrrgh! i can't wait! yes! i got my cookies! so good! you can have mine too, if you want.

i feel like i'm back in cincinnati. this is to us. can you open this to us? is this...? ha, i knew it! yes! m&ms! it's an american standard. they're peanut. oh, well, my grandma knows i like the thing-- they all know i like the peanut m&ms.

these are my favourite. they have peanuts in them. oh really? that's nice. they look good. yeah. they're really good. they're the last box. oh. it's an article of clothing. clothing? i think. oh my god, it's teenage-- i see teenage mutant ninja turtles. love it.

oh my god, it's a heart! that's so cute! oh my gosh, this is adorable! i love it! i wanna wear it right now. okay, this one-- this one's to you from my grandparents, it says grandma? and papa? from grandma and papa. what are these? oh! oh, it's-- it's oven-- it's oven stuff.

there's oven mits, and-- i've been wanting these forever. yay! isn't this great? i love this! with the cats. isn't it nice? aww. what does it say? "meow meow meow meow"

from mom. meow meow meow meow meow it's great, thank you! i'll use this with hot pot meals. oh, yeah! that'd be really good! it's really convenient. this one's to me, from my mom. oh my god, i could smell it! it's nail polish! yes!

i love these colours! it's-- ooh, marble effect. what colour? this. they're big. i love nail polish. i'm a little obsessed with nail polish. not "a little bit". jun bought me-- jun bought me a rack just so i could put my nail polish on it. a really pretty nice, like, little brass rack.

it's so pretty. this is to us, from grandma and papa. i'm honoured to receive this box. it's a little heavy, yeah. is it food? actually, grandpa made these. grandpa made them? he's really skilled! wow.

bath & body works. oh! it's my favourite lotion set. it's japanese cherry blossom. it's good. they actually, um,-- when i shipped my stuff before, like, all of my stuff, like, a huge shipment, they decided to call it a "commercial shipment" because they messed up, and it didn't get here on time the same time that i was in the country.

so they took all of my lotions! like, hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of lotions! every single lotion i had from bath & body works and victoria's secret. i was so upset. some of them, like, most of them i hadn't even used. here's a card. you should read it this time. you should try to read it. what's the first word? "dear"?

"dear". "dear rachel plus jun," and jun. and. uh, "dear rachel and jun," "we will miss you this year." "we hope these presents will give you your own christmas." "we want to give you..." "we wanted to give you 50 bucks but didn't want to send cash so your mom will see [keep] that."

"we love you both." "we wish you [something] happiness." "much". "much happiness." "and..." "and" uh, "union". "merry christmas, jun and rachel." "love"-- "love" uh... grandma and papa.

thank you, grandma and papa! oh! oh, it's an air freshener! sun and sand! oh my god! i would love to be in the sun and sand right now. why don't we use it in the car? "i know you don't have a car, and i'm not sure you can burn candles where you are," "so you can hang this in your room." smiley face. we can use it in the car.

actually-- actually, jun does have a car that he's using right now. so we can put this in his car. and then i'll like the way it smells. so it's perfect. well, i shouldn't open it now. i should wait. i'll open this. for us. ariel?

yeah. more ariel. a stuffed animal? it's a fawn. oh my god, it's a clip-- it-- it, like, clips onto things. this is so cute! it's rudolf! he's a-- he's a-- rudolf the red-nosed reindeer. it's a very very famous, um, christmas story. [singing] rudolf, with your nose so bright,

[singing] won't you be (guide) my sleigh tonight? yeah, i know that one. he can go here. look at him! he's so cute on top of the tree! it's so cute! it's from my mom, and i can tell it's nail polish. just kidding! just kidding, it's not nail polish! it's, um, um, anti-bacterial hand gel.

it smells so good. this is perfect. i needed one to put in my purse. oh, yeah, yeah. when you go out? we can do it. this is from my sister bree. oh, really? she obviously put a lot of time into this.

she wrote, "from bree" on the corner of a note paper. i love you, bree. thank you, bree. we love you. it's really cold in here. this has gotta be... a blanket! oh my god, it's so soft! oh...

[muffled] oh my god, it's so soft. [muffled] ahh... feel it. feel it. can you feel it? feel it. it smells like you. how can it smell like me? we just got it! you put it on your face. okay! okay, i got it! it's really soft.

yeah. softer than leo. thank you, everyone! thank you! thank you so much, mom and grandma-- i'm looking forward to eating this. -- and papa, and thank you, bree. and thank you, not andrew and daniel. if everyone else sent me something, you could have put, like, a note in the box. or something.

i'm sure mom sent you a message like, "we're sending rachel a present!" "you wanna give your sister something?" but no, okay, not even a note. well, thanks a lot. i still love you anyway. they could send you ghost peppers. i still have those peppers. i still have them. well, i miss everyone. i wish i could go home. i'll come home and visit as soon as i can.

anyway, happy christmas. yes. merry christmas! bye!

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